Worrying about the Kristina, Kristina and I quickly caught up with our special defensive fleet that was in pursuit. Although the battle with Poseidon took a lot of time, the speed of battleship is not fast after all. Even the battleship in the game is generally 20% more maneuverable than the battleship in reality, and it is absolutely impossible to run on the sea. Jet propulsion through the long spear.

A few minutes later, when the fleet came into view, I immediately started counting. "One, two, three... Fortunately, all the battleships are there!" After confirming that there is no problem with the number of fleets, I was finally relieved a lot.

Kristina is different from me. She did not care about the number of fleets there, but directly withstood the Kristina named after her, but what she saw was a Bare slab battleship. This discovery almost surprised Kristina, and then she exclaimed: "Oh my God! What happened to my battleship?"

"Your battleship?" I just started After not reacting, I realized that Kristina was talking about the Kristina, but when I moved my gaze over, I found that I couldn't find the Kristina. When I was counting before, I only saw the outline of a ship, even if it was a battleship. I didn't look at the situation on the battleship carefully. Now I found that the Kristina was missing after looking for it. But if the number is correct, it can only be said that all the battleships of our guild are here. In other words, the Kristina was in the fleet.

Although the support fleet of our bank has arrived, it has not caught up with the defensive fleet ahead, so there must be the Christina in the battleship group here, but Klee The prominent size of the Steina was not recognized by me at first glance. After careful inspection, I finally found the Kristina that had escaped my first round of searching, and understood why this battleship suddenly disappeared from my sight. Not because the shape of the Kristina is not special enough, nor because it started the mirage system, but because—its superstructure is missing.

Yes. The entire deck of the current Kristina looked like an aircraft carrier that had just been bombed. There was simply no such thing as a superstructure except the big hole in the middle of the deck. The entire ship island has completely disappeared at this time, and what is left is a huge battleship hull, and the hull is covered with cuts and bruises, and there are blackened traces and azure-white bullet marks everywhere. These white marks are not paint, but the marks left by the ricochet after the shell hits the steel plate. As for the black parts, it goes without saying that it was smoked out after the shell exploded.

The tragic situation of the Kristina fully explains what kind of attack it has encountered during this period. However, although the upper structure of the entire battleship has completely disappeared, it is due to the Bank’s willingness to hesitate The perverted level protection concept of the workbook, this battleship named after the mage Kristina does not have the slightest characteristics of the mage’s thin skin and crisp flesh, but it shows the survival ability like a meat shield, even though it has been beaten so badly. , It can still maintain the formation speed, which shows that its sailing system simply did not suffer any damage.

Just now I was far away, I probably glanced at the knowledge and felt that the Kristina was beaten badly. After getting closer, I realized that it should be called tragic, because the entire deck of the Kristina was No piece is the original color. The all-black deck shows that there has been a big fire here, and the superstructure has disappeared, the casualties are certainly not small. However, the survivability of the Kristina is really abnormal. Not only can such damage keep up with the chasing formation, it also preserves part of the battle strength.

Yes, the Kristina really has battle strength. Its fourth turret, the turret located forward on the rear deck, was still alive. Although the left barrel on this turret was gone, the right barrel was still usable. Even more exaggerated is that because there is no ship island, the turret originally located on the rear deck can actually fire forward. Originally, because of the obstacle of the ship island, there was no way to fire forward at this position, and in order to prevent accidental strikes, the rotation angle of this turret was actually only 280 degrees, it was impossible to turn forward at all, but now it is Pointing up ahead, directly over the original location of the ship island and fire forward.

Being able to do this means that the command system of the Christina is still there, because only the communication link in the command system can be used, and this fourth turret can pass the data provided by other battleships around it. In an attack, after all, without the ship island, the Kristina's own sighting system has actually been completely paralyzed. Without third-party auxiliary information, it can only carry out close-range direct shooting. In this case, long-range bombardment can only show that the data transmission system is still working, and at least that the personnel in the command room maintain at least the minimum configuration standards, otherwise it is impossible to do this kind of thing.

In addition to the communication system is still intact, the damage management personnel on the Kristina should also be able to work. After all, the fourth turret originally had a limiter, and it could not be directed The front aiming, now that it can be turned to this angle, it means that a maintenance person must have removed the limiter. You must know that this limiter is not a small part of the car. The structure of the thing is quite complicated. The dismantling work not only requires the cooperation of multiple people, but also requires special tools. If this can be done, it can only mean that the maintenance team is not only alive, but also relatively idle. Otherwise, if the battleship is severely damaged, they should first go to repair other places instead of coming to make cannons.

Now that this situation occurs, I guess it may be because the armor of the Kristina is too thick. Although the battleship hull has been hit many times, it has not been penetrated, so the interior of the hull must have not been damaged. There is basically no need to repair any damage. As for the ship island... the whole thing has been thrown off. The maintenance personnel are not magicians, so it's okay to repair them. Now this situation can't make them turn into a ship island and install it, right? Therefore, the damage management personnel must be in a state of idleness and nothing to do, so that there is still time to use the residual heat to create this turret that can fire forward from the rear deck.

Although the Kristina is unusually strong, it is in such a way that it is necessary to return to the factory as a great cultivator. But this time, we tested the overall protection of our battleship from the side, and the result was not bad. The only thing that makes me wonder is how the island of the Kristina is missing. It is said that when we separated before, only the first half of the ship island was knocked out of a big hole. Although Cambridge was severely damaged, most of the back was still intact. Why did the entire ship island disappear after such a short time?

To know this answer, of course, you can only ask the people in the fleet, so I let Kristina take me to land directly on the Kristina. At this time, the middle deck of the Kristina was still smoking, but it was not very serious. Judging from the metal distortion, it did not seem to be caused by an explosion. It seemed that other creatures landed on the battleship island after we left. There was a second destruction.

Although it is very strange where the rare beast came from when Poseidon was dragged by us, I could only ask Christina to help me into the hull.

The location of the backup command module of the Kristina is not difficult to find, and the internal structure of the battleship of our guild is basically the same. We will quickly learn about the command module along the passage. After entering, what I saw was similar to what I thought before. The personnel inside are still complete, at least the normal function managers of the battleship are there.

As soon as Sophie saw me, she immediately raised her head and said in surprise: "President, are you back? Those sea monsters have been resolved?"

I nodded as an answer, and then pointed directly Pointing to the top and asked: "What's the matter with the island of the Christina?"

"It's not the rare beasts yet." Sophie complained: "You led those rare beasts away. Later, we went to chase the combined fleet, but didn’t expect that there was a sea monster hidden in their fleet. Then that guy lurked from under the seabed and jumped onto our deck and attacked the upper structure of the battleship. Thanks to the previous We have moved all the personnel to the lower structure of the battleship, otherwise our seafarers will suffer heavy losses this time."

"What does that sea monster look like? Does it have any characteristics? "I asked to confirm whether this sea monster is Poseidon summon, after all, if there are two such players in the opponent's fleet, we will be careful in the future naval battles.

Fortunately, Sophie's answer is more reassuring. The monster is not as big as before, and the blood spewed out when he was killed was also red. Although the Poseidon summon monster has all kinds of strange things in shape, no matter what the monster is, the blood is blue. The red blood monster should be the summon of another player. It was not made by Poseidon anyway. Moreover, from Sophie’s description, it can be confirmed that the opponent cannot continuously summon like Poseidon, nor can it be plural summons, because after the monster was killed, the second one has not appeared, so this shows that the player’s battery life is not the same. Poseidon is so good.

Now that we know that this new summoner is not a threat, the rest is much simpler.

The combined fleet in the pursuit is currently fleeing frantically, but our support fleet is not far behind. In fact, when Kristina and I were fighting the Poseidon, the support fleet had already surpassed us a little bit, but because we were eager to come over to see the situation here, we did not wait for the support fleet, but flew over. In this case, we left the support fleet far behind, but this distance is not far after all, so it is a matter of time to catch up with the bottom of the rear.

We have back-ups, so we don’t need to chase the flock anymore. What we need now is to intercept the fleet in front, and then enter the regular artillery battle mode with them. After the previous battles, the number of the opponent's fleet has dropped to a very low level. Although the number is still quite large, it no longer constitutes an absolute quantitative advantage. Especially after our reinforcement fleet arrives, this quantitative gap may even be reversed, so in this case conservative tactics are no longer necessary.

"What? Our reinforcements are here?" Sophie immediately laughed and said with a smile after hearing me mention the reinforcements: "Haha, let's see how they died this time. The order goes on, the ships Disperse, surpass the opposing fleet from the two wings at high speed, and stop their battleship in front. We want to send all these guys into the seabed and we can feel at ease."

"Understand." The correspondent quickly asked everyone. The battleship released information, and the battleships immediately began to act according to the order after confirming that they would reinforce them later.

The battleship on our side suddenly accelerated, and the all influence in the front joint fleet immediately began to wonder. Because our battleship is behind their ass, and we are impossible to pass directly through the middle of their fleet. Although our battleship defensive power is quite abnormal, no one wants to be shelled, doesn't it? If it is sailing head-to-head, it's okay to intersperse, after all, the relative speed of the two sides is very fast, and it will pass. But at present we are sailing in the same direction. Even if we are faster, it will definitely take a lot of time to pass through the opponent's fleet, and in this state, our battleship will be very easy to be hit. It used to be a last resort, and had to be surrounded for damage output. Now it is ready to take the head. Why do you want to wear it in the middle of their fleet.

Because we can’t go through the center of other people’s fleet, we can only go roundabout on both sides. Therefore, if the fleet wants to surpass the opponent, it must first move to the position of the opponent's wings, so we can see in a short time. Our battleship made a tilted course.

The people in the United Fleet were very happy at the beginning when they saw our fleet turn, thinking that we were going to give up the pursuit. But soon they discovered the problem, because our battleship did not turn in one direction, but was divided into two parts and separated towards their sides in a V-shaped queue.

"Damn, what are those people from the Frost Rose League doing?" asked a British guild player.

The member next to him shook his head and said: "I only know that there must be nothing good. But... weird! Their battleship seems to be accelerating!"

"Hey, don't you tell me I haven't paid attention yet. Take a closer look...I rely on, what's the situation?"

Just when the players of the United Fleet over there were puzzled watching our fleet actions, our battleship It suddenly ran away. I saw that the originally turning battleship suddenly began to speed up, and the speed rose very fast. Within ten seconds before and after, our battleship has become like a high-speed motorboat, the bow part almost completely left the water surface, and the battleship The tail section is only partially in the water, and a huge splash of water longer than the battleship itself is sprayed behind the battleship. At the same time, the sea water under the hull is split by the structure of the bottom of the battleship and sprayed out to both sides. .

"My God! This is unscientific!" Everyone in the combined fleet was completely frightened by the crazy speed of the battleship in front of them. This is no longer a battleship, because no matter how fast the regular battleship class changes its speed, it is impossible to show this state. This is the water jet, and the speed is still rising.

The fact is that the guesses of the players in the combined fleet are correct, because this speed is really unscientific. No matter how great the power of the battleship's thruster is, as the speed increases, its output damage will increase accordingly, and this increase will form a continuously rising curve structure. According to this situation, it can be known that any thruster actually has a theoretical output limit, that is, when the speed reaches a certain standard, no matter how the power is increased, the speed will not continue to rise.

This theoretical extreme speed of propellers for underwater propellers is actually very low, and our battleship uses supercharged turbo propellers, that is, jet propellers. This kind of propeller sucks in seawater from the front of the hull, and then pressurizes and accelerates and ejects it from the stern to generate thrust. The speed generated by this kind of propulsion must be higher than that of the propeller, but the theoretical limit of this thing is actually not very high, and the current situation of our battleship obviously exceeds the limit of the jet thruster. If this is an airplane and an air turbine is used, then this speed is not surprising, but the problem is that this is a battleship! A battleship of hundreds of thousands of tons can reach this speed using water turbines. Is this God joking with us?

The answer, of course, is not that the god guy is joking, nor that the system has a bug, but because the sun furnace has started.

The fleet that came this time went to Indonesia to change defenses to replace the old-fashioned battleship without flying capability. Therefore, the battleships I went to this time were all equipped with a solar furnace and could fly up. Of course, in order to keep the secret, we have issued a death order before, rather than the entire fleet is wiped out, and no battleship is allowed to fly.

However, in this case, Sophie hit a side ball.

The solar furnace used for flight on the battleship was indeed activated, and it output a considerable amount of propulsion power, but our battleship did not leave the water. Although speaking from a certain perspective, these battleships now can be regarded as flying on the sea, but there is still a gap between flying in the actual sense. Therefore, this situation can be said to be a violation of the regulations, or it can be said that there is no violation, because we only ordered the battleship not to fly, and did not say that the solar furnace is not allowed to start!

Because of this side ball relationship, our battleships are now all in runaway mode. The power of a flying battleship is very powerful. Although the battleship is not completely out of the water and is affected by huge resistance, the speed is nothing but the limit, but our battleship itself has a water propeller to share part of the resistance, so the speed is still fast It's scary. All the players of the combined fleet were stunned looking at our battleship, one by one, like those two-person motorboats on the beach, jumping forward on the sea, the coquettish take-off and the shocking landing. It was like a sledgehammer, hitting the nerves of every united fleet player.

"Who can tell me what the hell is going on?" Looking at the violent battleships, everyone in the combined fleet was completely lost. If they had hoped to run away with the advantage of numbers and retreat, they would be completely desperate in this situation. Damn, compared with them, your own battleship is simply a tortoise! Although in the story of the tortoise and the hare race, the tortoise finally won, but unfortunately, the reality is that the rabbit is always faster than the tortoise. What's more, our battleships are now in the form of a drug-feeding rabbit. This is no longer an ordinary rabbit. . This is a crazy rabbit, a runaway rabbit.

Because I am still in a weak state and cannot move temporarily, I did not go outside, but stayed in the command room with Sophie. For this reason, I simply didn’t know that my battleship had already started to run away, and our Kristina simply did not participate in this runaway. After all, the Kristina was seriously damaged, and now it’s only suitable for flying behind. That's it.

When Kristina saw this situation on the deck and told me, it was actually a long time later. At this time, our battleships had already mentioned the extreme speed state. If you test it now, you will find that the speed of our battleship is basically above 200 knots, let alone a boat, and very few torpedoes can reach this speed. Of course, except for supercavitating torpedoes.

To surpass the opponent's battleship at such a speed is completely abusive. The fastest battleship in the combined fleet, even if it runs extreme speed regardless of fuel consumption and mechanical loss, this speed does not exceed 50 knots, and the slower battleship has a normal cruising speed of only 28 knots, which is less than the limit. Thirty-five quarters. This speed is almost as static as our battleship average speed of 200+. They can only watch our battleship surpass and surpass all the way, and even those blocking artillery have no time to follow our battleship and shoot, because the rotation speed of the turret is a bit too fast to keep up.

Originally, Sophie meant to let our battleship rush all the way to the front, but after Kristina ran down and excitedly told me about it, I immediately called Sophie this The daring little girl scolded. Although she did not violate the rules, and the enemy did not know that our battleship could fly, but at least people now know that our battleship can run at a speed of 200 knots. It is actually very bad to expose this matter. After all, let others know about it, and we will be guarded, and what we dislike the most is being guarded.

"But the order has already been issued, and the other party has seen it, there is nothing to do at this time!" Sophie said while pretending to be pitiful.

I did not pay attention to Sophie’s answer at all, and directly said to Yan: “Notify the ships to turn off the solar furnace in turn according to the activation sequence, and make the explosion end state, and then the speed of the underwater propeller is also Reduced to half the normal speed."

"Huh?" Sophie cried out directly when she heard this: "The speed is reduced so much that no one will speed up. When the time comes, how can we intercept the opponent's fleet? "

"Do you still know that you want to intercept the opponent's fleet?" I said angrily: "Once you show battle strength beyond common sense, the opponent's fleet may take cutting off one's means of retreat at any time. Directly disband the fleet moved towards all directions. How many ships can be stopped by our battleship?"

Sophie became quiet as soon as she heard what I said, and she finally realized that her mistake was Where, but after thinking about it for a moment, he said, "I don’t object to turning off the solar furnace to disguise the illusion that the power burst can only last for a very short time. The result of the final battle!"

I have to say that Sophie’s words also make sense, so I finally changed the order and reduced the final advancing speed to a little bit faster than the opponent’s escape from the battleship. That's it. Although this speed is still faster than the opponent's battleship, in terms of the normal speed of our guild's battleship, this speed is actually lower than the normal speed.

When the order was passed on, our fleet basically ran to the first half of the opponent’s combined fleet. After contacting each other for some downtime, we saw that one of the battleships in our fleet suddenly moved from the hull. A large puff of black smoke exploded from the vent pipe at the rear. Following this battleship's speed suddenly began to drop, and at the same time the front end of the battleship gradually began to fall back to the sea, and the tracks on both sides of the battleship also began to disappear gradually, the hull draft rose, and the battleship quickly returned to its normal state.

Although the black smoke is something I haven't mentioned, our Frost Rose League players are very smart. After all, with such strict joining conditions, the recruits are all elites. Being able to serve as a battleship commander in such a guild is of course the elite of the elite, so these players are all very, very powerful guys. The black smoke that just came out is the arrangement made by the captain of this battleship after understanding my intentions, because if the speed is suddenly reduced, it seems a little strange, but it suddenly smokes like this, and then the speed drops obviously. Much more credible. Normal people see the black smoke, and then find that the ship's speed has plummeted. Of course, they will think that there is a problem with the propeller, and what is the specific problem... Then there is no need to say? The speed has soared for such a long distance just now, and the problem now shows that the mechanical quality is quite exaggerated.

As the speed of the first battleship dropped rapidly, the subsequent battleships started to slow down even though they did not smoke, but their speed did not drop so suddenly. This appearance is to make the opponent think other battleships. It was because one of the battleship ran out of engine, so I didn't dare to continue racing.

In order to further deceive the guys of the combined fleet, our captains have used all their wisdom this time. As the speed of the battleship group slowed down one by one, a battleship that was still continuing to sail at high speed clearly separated from the team, and then rushed directly to the front. Then when the battleship was about to turn to block the combined fleet, suddenly the battleship was behind. A ball of flame suddenly spurted out of his exhaust pipe, and the speed of the battleship immediately began to decrease sharply.

The players in the combined fleet all shouted in excitement: "Look, one more ship, another one!"

Because we want to make the other party think we are This kind of outbreak caused very serious damage to the power system, so the battleship that persisted in running for a long time performed more thoroughly. The previous black-smoky battleship still maintained one-half speed after the solar furnace was closed. Although this speed was significantly slower than that of the European battleship in the combined fleet, it was still sailing, but the last ship spewed flames and thick. Yan’s battleship was completely silent after losing speed. It seemed to have completely lost power. Not only did the speed drop to a dozen knots, but it also continued to decline. Obviously, it was relying on inertia. Rush forward.

Although for the authenticity of the performance, the number of battleships we participated in the blocking was reduced by two at once, but the blocking mission does not actually require that many battleships, and the remaining battleships still remain faster than the combined fleet. The speed of rushed to the front of the combined fleet and began to gradually move up ahead of them.

After seeing this action of our battleship, the people in the joint fleet have actually realized our intentions here, but because they have not discovered our reinforcement fleet yet, they are not too nervous yet, feel These battleships alone cannot destroy them all. Although a few ships can be killed, it is impossible to leave the entire combined fleet behind. As for whether you will become the hapless person... People are lucky, at least now, people in the combined fleet don't think they will be so unlucky.

As the speed of our battleship slows down, the players from the various guilds in the combined fleet have also gathered into small groups to discuss the situation just now. Due to the reason that we were the first to run away from the British battleship, the joint fleet has actually lost its unified command. Those small and medium guilds that thought they had been sold no longer trusted this British guild, so they began to form cliques and gathered in a way that they thought was reliable, forming small groups that could trust each other. Although this situation weakens the overall battle strength of the combined fleet, at least in the current situation, the fleet can retain the minimum battle strength, which is better than running separately for everyone.

On one of the battleships, a group from France was discussing the situation just now. A captain said: "The battleships of the Frost Rose Alliance must be equipped with some kind of explosive function, which can instantly increase the speed of the ship to a very exaggerated speed when necessary."

Another player nodded and said: "Fortunately, this device doesn't seem to work for a long time. It just ran for less than ten minutes and there were actually two battleships."

"There should be only one complete ship. Paralyzed, there is another ship that can still maintain the basic speed. Although it is not as fast as our battleship, it has not been completely left behind."

At this time, another president stood up and said: "I don’t know if you have Note that those battleships that didn't have any problems after seeing their companions fail and actively slow down, they seem to be not as fast as before."

"Of course, the speed is not as fast as before." A guy who reacted too quickly said casually. .

A person next to him patted him and said: "President Jack meant that their speed was faster when they were not hanging directly behind us. It seems that even if it doesn’t break down directly, end this After this outbreak, the opponent’s speed will also drop accordingly, but the speed after the reduction is still a little faster than ours, but this can be used."

"I can’t talk about using it. Right?" A guild leader said: "People are still faster than us. Even if we want to use us, we still can't catch up with them. At most, they only aim at them when they attack."

"Hey. , This Frost Rose League is really too terrifying!" A president said frustratedly, and then there was a sigh in the Conference Hall.

At this time, the content of other small groups meeting is also roughly the same. In short, the analysis and analysis is that our guild’s battleship cannot maintain this rapid burst mode for a long time, and the maximum working time No more than ten minutes, and the probability of getting the propeller scrapped in the end is very high. And they also concluded by themselves that our battleship will have a speed and a period of weakness after the outbreak, but they don't know how long this time is. Of course, they really have no way of knowing this time, because the length of this time is completely under our control. As long as we want to, we can immediately erupt again. Anyway, the previous state indicates the normal sailing state of the solar furnace. The reason why it looks so spectacular is entirely because the battleship did not fly at the time, but was soaring high against the sea. Think of those in the sky fighters. Although their normal cruising speed can reach above the speed of sound, they don’t feel exaggerated from the ground, but if they fly close to the ground at this speed, you will know What is spectacular. Flying at that speed, the wake of the fighter jet is enough to overturn the car on the ground below, and it can shatter all the windows of all houses in the vicinity of several hundred meters. The effect is basically equivalent to the attack state. .

Our battleship was the same just now. If you kept flying in the sky at this speed, even if it was only seven or eight meters away from the sea, it would not have such an exaggerated effect. So, this state is actually not a burden to our battleship, but just a normal sailing mode. Speaking of burden... the bottom armor plate is a bit burdensome. After all, when sailing on the water at such a fast speed, the impact force of the sea water is still very large. If the hull is not strong enough, the huge resistance of the contact part The hull was torn apart alive.

At this point, everyone in the joint fleet can come to such a conclusion that our combat plan has been completely completed. At least they didn't think that we actually had a flying device, and even this high-speed navigation capability was partly concealed. After all, if it is only a short-term outbreak, although it is very exaggerated, it is not long-lasting after all, and there are side effects, so it will not attract too much attention.

As everyone in the joint fleet discussed the results, our battleships that pretended to slow down finally successfully climbed to the front of the opponent's fleet, and these battleships began to gradually reduce their speed.

Of course, everyone in the combined fleet immediately noticed the reaction of the opponent, and then began to guess. Some people think that our guild’s battleship deceleration is due to the repercussions caused by the previous burst of power, while others firmly believe that this is the original fighting intent chart of our guild. Because our battleship is obviously deliberately running in front of them, and as a normal structure of the battleship, the firepower of our Frost Rose League's battleship is also heavy in the front and light in the back, which means that it will actually be a disadvantage if you run to the front. However, we still did. Then, there is only one result, and that is that we came here deliberately to stop them from moving forward.

Actually speaking of which, even if our battleship ran to the front of the team, it sh

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