"It seems that your wish cannot be realized." Kristina said to me as she watched the light flare up into the sky, and then stepped on the long spear under her feet. The long spear immediately turned into a dive state and flew past the rising light bomb.

Although there are a lot of light bombs flying below, these are just ordinary attack magic, not tracking missiles, that is to say, these all are attack methods of straight flight, it is actually very easy to do dodge. Of course, most of the magic itself can be controlled and can effectively hit the moving target, but the premise is that the magic is not too far away from the mage, otherwise the magic value that the mage needs to control his magic will increase exponentially. . Moreover, even if magicians can ignore the consumption of magic power, they have to keep up with our speed to command their magic to attack us.

The long spear in the dive state has super-high speed and extremely exaggerated flexibility. Since our bank has a long spear guard, no long spear has been hit during the dive. It can be said that long spear is almost invincible at this stage.

Looking at the oncoming magic bullets, Kristina stepped on her guardian long spear and swooped down and constantly pierced left and right among the magic missiles. It seemed to be easy to wear. After all the magic missile network, he directly entered the air defense circle of the battleship group.

Kristina started to dive, of course I can’t watch it, so when Kristina dived down, I also started to dive. It’s just different from Kristina. I did not dodge those magic missiles.

My Asuka is a long spear evolution, and as a genuine familiar occupying a position of a familiar, Asuka's ability is not comparable to that of a long spear. Although we entered the dive process later, with the exaggerated acceleration performance, we were stunned that we directly surpassed Kristina and hit the magic missile first, but in fact those magic missiles did not hit us, but were caught The sound barrier in front of Asuka blasted away.

Flying bird can form a cone-shaped air shield in front of itself in a supersonic assault state. This thing is actually the air barrier that supersonic aircraft can often produce in reality, but this thing is strengthened in the game , And given a magical effect, so it forms a kind of shield and the like. When Asuka rushes forward against this thing, his frontal defensive power will reach an extremely terrifying state. Even if all the attributes like the gun god are almost concentrated in the type of attack power, they cannot be in this state again. Sexually defeats the shield of Asuka. Moreover, in addition to its defensive ability, this shield also has a strong deflection effect. Therefore, if it is a general physical attack, even if it can pass through the shield, it will often be deflected. The defensive effect is surprisingly good.

Because of the previous frontal defense, the bird does not need to perform high-speed maneuvers like a long spear to avoid the magic missile in front. As long as his speed does not drop below the speed of sound, the shield will It has always existed, and as his speed increases, the protection of the shield will continue to increase.

With an eggshell-like shield and forcibly rammed through the barrage of magic missiles, we directly arrived at a huge battleship in the center of the fleet, less than two kilometers above it. the height of. At the current speed of the Asuka, it takes just over two seconds to hit the opponent's battleship from this height, but the Asuka suddenly made a sharp turn at this time, and then suddenly changed to fly against the top mast of the opponent's battleship. In the past, the group of wizards who intercepted the air on the local deck was swayed directly by the air currents raised by the birds, and several people were even thrown directly into the sea by the air waves.

"Damn it!" In the battleship Cambridge that we passed by at low altitude, several players instinctively bowed their heads and avoided, because they all thought I would directly hit the bridge, but in the end they just wiped However, it turns out that it was right for them to lower their heads to avoid, because just after we passed the bridge, the portholes around the entire bridge were suddenly detonated by shock waves, and scattered glass slag hit the operators inside covered head and sneaked away like a rat.

After passing the bridge at high speed, Asuka immediately began to climb, pulling directly to a height of 3,000 meters, and then began to circle around the fleet, Kristina followed me and swooped down. Using her magic missile torrential rain, the upper deck of the battleship that was attacked by me was washed with magic missiles, and the bridge that was taken care of was rewarded with a lava bomb. Looking at the blazing fire bridge and the survivors rushing out of the bridge full of fire, I felt that they died directly and it was more refreshing.

"What do you see clearly?" I asked after Kristina flew up to me.

The blushing face of Christina who was still excited just now was stunned when she heard what I said, and then said embarrassingly: "Oops, I was so excited just now. I was bombarded and there was nothing. See!"

"You know you will forget what is going on. Fortunately, I can see it clearly."

"How can you see clearly so soon?"

"I just want to see the general situation of the other person, not the appearance of the other person. What's so strange."

"That's true." Kristina immediately finished speaking. Excitedly asked: "It seems that the strength of this fleet is very average. There is nothing special except the number of battleships. Why don't we kill them all?"

"Let's keep it. .Your battleship still needs to test the weapon system. Isn’t this a ready-made target?"

Kristina immediately nodded and said when he heard me: "Yes, there are also ours. The battleship is going to be tested. Then let's go back and notify them."

"You can go back and notify them. I'll look at their situation here."

"Okay. "Kristina replied complied and turned and flew away, but I stayed and continued to monitor the fleet.

In the previous round of attacks, neither party did their best. When the opponent's fleet attacked us, it used the magic released by the division instead of the anti-air weapons on the battleship. Although the battleship in the game is actually very weak, there should not be only a few magicians, so I know the opponent There must be no effort. As for our side, it is more obvious. If you really want to kill this fleet, Kristina will directly use her big moves in the air to smash them down one by one. Although battleship this thing defensive power is relatively high, but in terms of Kristina's attack power, one or two magics to solve a ship is not a problem.

Because the two fleets are facing each other, the distance has been getting closer. Kristina quickly returned to the fleet to inform the situation.

When Kristina came back to explain the situation, all the children who had been suspended because of the previous test had run into the bridge. I heard that there is going to be a war. Not only are these children not afraid, but they are extremely excited. In fact, many people don't know that children's resistance to certain things is actually higher than that of adults, because children's thoughts are easier to focus on one thing and ignore other things. To put it nicely is called excellent concentration, but to put it nicely is to ignore the consequences. Although fighting is dangerous, what children think of is to see the powerful battle strength of the Kristina. As for saying that they might die because of this... let's talk about that kind of thing when it happens. Moreover. This is a game. One or two deaths does not seem to be a major event, right?

Because there is no pilot ship, even though the Kristina and surrounding battleships have entered range, they cannot attack. After all, neither party has reached the distance to see each other. There is no satellite positioning, radar, or early warning aircraft in the game, so only the simplest optical observations can be used. Fortunately, our guild’s large battleship has a huge observation tower that looks like an astronomical telescope, so the enemy ship can spot the target in advance. Moreover, because our fleet is equipped with crystal communication technology, we can actually share data. As long as one battleship in the fleet finds the target, other battleships can attack. This is also the significance of the existence of the lead ship, because they can find the target far away from the fleet and guide the subsequent fleet to conduct long-range artillery.

Of course, although this kind of information sharing sounds very similar to the integrated command system on modern battleship, if you enter the communication room on battleship, you will find that the actual situation is completely different. Our information sharing is actually the use of multiple communication devices for simultaneous transmission. Each device must have a communication person, and each communication person is also equipped with an auxiliary record to help him record the data and pass it to the various departments of the ship. member. In addition, in order to speed up the speed of information transmission, there are some special simplified commands in our fleet communication. These commands can quickly and accurately transmit some common tactical commands, which of course also include fire control parameters.

Although we have set up an information room equipped with nearly 100 communication personnel on each large battleship in order to achieve the same function as the integrated command system in reality, the benefits of doing so Vividly and thoroughly can be played in naval battles, such as now. Although I cannot complete the guided attack mission of the pilot ship alone, I can at least tell the fleet whether their shells are too far or too close, so that at least an approximate range of attack can be found.

"Attention to the entire fleet. I am Commander Sophie. Now the fleet is in combat. All running groups are in place, all guns are loaded with live ammunition and ready to go to war."

Sophie ordered all the three main turrets in front of the Kristina to move, and the other battleships were the same. A large group of people rushed out of the turrets and began to remove the gun jackets that protected the barrels and quickly returned to the cabin to close the bulletproof. Hatch. The battle is on the verge.

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