"Damn, you are okay, what kind of jin?"

"Oh my god...oh my god...is this a Divine Item suit? President , I’m not dreaming, am I?” Blood Crystal Flower didn’t notice what I said at all, but as he said to himself, he pounced on the display stand in the middle of the hall, where there is a very gorgeous Six Pointed Star Array. It is carved on the ground, and the main items that make up this Six Pointed Star Array are not gems, but thirteen sets of equipment. These equipments are all suspended in a combined form at a height of a few centimeters from the ground, and each set of equipment has a unique and unmatched shape. There is no support structure inside all the equipment, although they look like they are worn on a human body. , But in fact, the interior is completely empty, and only some flames of different colors are faintly burning inside the equipment.

Twelve of these thirteen sets of equipment are located at the six corners of a Six Pointed Star Array and the six intersections of the connecting lines between the corners. The twelve sets of equipment are just formed A complete six-pointed star, and the last set of equipment is in a very mighty straddling posture, holding a two-meter long reloaded long spear standing on the center of the entire magic array, and the surrounding twelve sets The equipment compliments it as if it is the guard of this equipment.

The excited Blood Crystal Flower can't see anything else in her eyes. She didn't even hear me calling, so she just rushed forward. After crossing the pure gold etiquette fence on the periphery of the magic array, she just stepped into the magic array without hearing our shouts. She planned to reach out to touch the outermost set of purple-tone equipment, but her hand hadn’t touched it yet. Set of equipment, all the equipment in the entire magic array suddenly lit up, and then in less than a second, an electric arc flashed from all the equipment and gathered and passed down the magic array on the ground to the Blood Crystal Flower. On the equipment that was touched, followed by a crackling electric shock, an electric arc suddenly ejected from the equipment and accurately hit the palm of Blood Crystal Flower's outstretched hand. Everyone in the hall only saw the lightning flashed Blood Crystal Flower, as if being hit by a train, the whole person flew backwards, flew directly through the gate to the road outside, and then rolled along the ground and fell all the way in. Only in the flower bed in the middle of the road can it be considered as a complete stop.

Although people stopped, Blood Crystal Flower did not get up. In fact, she couldn't get up. The Blood Crystal Flower that fell into the flower bed was surrounded by an arc that had not completely dissipated. It gleamed a few times in the flower bed. At the same time, she could be seen smoking all over her body. Two seconds later, a bush that was overwhelmed by her suddenly It burned with a bang, and the flame immediately attracted the city guard. Two NPC guards came up as a water polo and smashed the flame to completely extinguish the flame. Then other talents stepped forward and dragged her out of the flower bed.

At this time, there are still people in the hall discussing whether the Blood Crystal Flower is dead, but I have already covered my face with a headache. I don’t even need to look at the state of Blood Crystal Flower to know that she must have died, because the magic array that attacked her just now was designed by Ling. It’s not purely for showing off, it’s a real attack. array. The thirteen sets of equipment are all Divine Item sets, with a total value of more than 5 billion crystal coins, and the magic array on the ground uses these Divine Items to replace the original gems as the formation eye. When an unauthorized person steps into the range of the magic array, the magic array will gather the energy on the thirteen sets of equipment to launch a fatal blow to the intruder. The formidable power of this blow is equal to the sum of the attack power of these thirteen sets of equipment, with a value of over 100 million. Even me, it is an absolute move. It is basically impossible that someone can survive.

As I predicted, a guard outside touched the neck of Blood Crystal Flower, then raised his head to the Small Captain beside him and shook his head: "It's already dead."

The Small Captain nodded and said: "I smell the smell of meat, I guess I'm already fully cooked! This person just flew out of the equipment warehouse? Could it be that he entered the exhibition area, right?"

I put such a dangerous array of demons in a place where people coming, people going like people coming, people going in the equipment warehouse is not to kill people. In fact, this is a show of strength. Normal guilds can have a few Divine Item town houses, but our guild directly displays 13 sets of Divine Item sets. This is a symbol of strength. People from other guilds only need to take a look. Can understand the gap with us. Of course, considering the value of these things is too exaggerated, so I must set some security measures. Originally, Hong Yue and the others planned to make a powerful crystal cover to seal them all inside, just like the precious artworks displayed in the art gallery, protected by bulletproof glass. But later Rose said that wrapping the exhibits in that way would affect the effect and could not reflect the atmosphere of our guild. After everyone's brainstorming, they thought of setting up a magic array, and then let these equipment stand directly in the center of the hall of the equipment library, with only a symbolic isolation band marking a range around it. At first glance, these things seem to be completely undefended in the middle of the hall. People who don’t know think that they can be reached by crossing a loose chain fence less than one meter high, but in fact they are. But it is protected by a magic array. Anyone who dares to cross the fence to touch these equipment will be ruthlessly hit, and because the magic array itself uses 13 sets of Divine Items as the formation eye, its attack and defensive power are extremely terrifying, after all, the magic array is activated. Then it becomes a whole, unless someone can completely defeat the thirteen sets of Divine Item in an instant, or else don’t even think about breaking the formation. even more how this equipment is not in the wild, they are inside the Isengard of our guild, as long as someone touches the demon array, they will be found immediately, when the time comes, a large group of guards rushed over, even if they stepped on them, they would invade. The person trampled to death.

Of course, we are domineering enough to place these equipment in this way, and the safety of the equipment is indeed guaranteed, but there are still certain safety risks to outsiders. But to be honest, situations like Blood Crystal Flower are really rare. Everyone knows what kind of guild our Frost Rose League is. Those who can come to Isengard must know that our guild is powerful, and we put such good equipment just and honorable in the center of the hall without arranging guards. , This is clearly telling others "we are not afraid of you stealing", so basically everyone will be wise not to touch these equipment, even if someone is fascinated by these things, at most they will stand by the fence and stretch their heads to watch carefully. That's it. Just like Blood Crystal Flower, we just cross the fence and reach out to touch it. So far we have encountered more than 30. Although this number sounds a lot, you have to consider that this place is an important building of Isinger. There are hundreds of thousands of people who come to visit every day. With such a large flow of people and such a long time, only a total of 30 people touched this thing, which is already very small.

Although Blood Crystal Flower's behavior is quite embarrassing, I can't ignore her no matter how embarrassing it is! I went out to greet those guards to deal with the scene, and then I stepped onto Ye Ying and ran to the Resurrection Hall. When I got here, Blood Crystal Flower had completed its resurrection, and was standing in a daze in the hall of the resurrection hall. Seeing me close to her is the recovery from shock and confusion.


"Declare first, it's none of my business. I just called you not to come near, but you just rushed forward as if you were possessed. Now, I don’t know anything!"

"I’m not going to blame you." Blood Crystal Flower said: "I want to ask about the magic array. What kind of equipment is used as a formation eye? "

I nodded, and then asked, "Do you still know magic array?"

Blood Crystal Flower smiled and said: "I have studied before, but I don’t know a lot. Array is the most powerful one I have ever seen. Its attack power is at least one million, right?"

"Direct attack power of 690 million, plus a bunch of attribute damage, even the main Divine Grade The existence of is also a trick. There are no exceptions."

"Close to 700 million attack power? I...this thing is used to guard against theft?"

"Otherwise, what do you think? But having said that, we originally set up this thing to show our strength. Didn't expect you to really dare to touch it, I'm convinced!"

"hehe! A demon for a while! That's it!" Blood Crystal Flower said with a smile embarrassingly. Even if she thinks about it now, the behavior just now is really embarrassing. "Then what...President? Can I choose those equipment?"

"Don't even think about it. Even if I want to give it to you, it's useless. You simply can't wear it."

"Why?" Blood Crystal Flower was hurt. What I heard before was that I was going to arm her with a set of decision equipment. As a result, as soon as I entered the hall of the equipment warehouse, I saw 13 sets of top-quality equipment at a stretch, and she also hung up for it once. According to her idea, she should choose a set of these things, but I didn't expect it. I actually refused.

Seeing the unwilling look of Blood Crystal Flower, I knew that it would be impossible not to explain it, otherwise she would definitely be unhappy in her heart. "Do you know what kind of equipment those thirteen sets are?"

Blood Crystal Flower shook the head agitatedly: "I didn't even touch those things, how could I know what they are? Thing? But I know that they are all good equipment, the best equipment."

"Yes, they are indeed good equipment. The twelve outside are all Divine Item suits, and even in Divine Item is also considered to be at the upper-middle level, so it is definitely considered a good equipment. As for the one in the center, it is the same level as my body, the growth type Divine Item suit. What is this growth type Divine Item suit? You don’t need me to explain it?"

Blood Crystal Flower asked in surprise: "The Divine Item set in the center is a growth equipment?"

I nodded and said: "Yes, that It’s an absolute growth gear, and it’s the same level as the one on me and the one on Masaka Matsumoto, the player leader from Japan."

Blood Crystal Flower just saw us and August The relationship between Kaoru and them, Masaka Matsumoto was not there at the time, so I did not intend to let her know about it. She found out that the relationship between us and August Kaun was already very troublesome. I don't want Matsumoto Masaga's most important hole card to be exposed at the same time. Although if the news that the three of them are from our Frost Rose League is leaked out, it will definitely have a significant impact on Matsumoto Masaka, but after all, it will not necessarily cause Matsumoto Masaka to fall completely, so I still try my best to guarantee it now. Don't let Blood Crystal Flower know too much, anyway, she doesn't need to know so much.

"Why can't I wear such good equipment?" Blood Crystal Flower looked at me and asked, "Didn't you say you want to cultivate me with all your strength?"

"I mean I have passed, but you can’t wear it. I can’t help it. But don’t despair. Although you can’t wear those things now, it doesn’t mean you can’t wear them in the future. As long as you work hard, you will still have a certain chance to get them in the future."

"What do you mean?" Blood Crystal Flower doesn't understand why I can't wear it now and can wear it later.

"Don't understand?" I looked at the Blood Crystal Flower and asked, "Don't you know that the equipment has basic requirements? The requirements for these equipment are all scary, your current attribute I simply can’t equip it.”

The Blood Crystal Flower, who was unconvinced at first, collapsed like a frustrated ball after hearing my explanation. Who can blame you for not wearing good equipment if you don't have an attribute? In this situation, she really can't complain anymore, except that she must work hard to improve the attribute after making up her mind, she can only blame her previous attributes for being too bad!

When we walked into the door of the armory for the second time, the Blood Crystal Flower, who had thought clearly, was still attracted by the equipment. Just like those ordinary persons who suddenly see the treasure of the dragon often go faint and fill in to give the giant dragon a tooth ritual. Even if they know they can’t get it, they still can’t control their emotions and get excited when they see these things Blood Crystal Flower. He rushed to the edge of the fence and watched the equipment inside drooling. Fortunately, this time she finally remembered not to step in, otherwise I would go to the Resurrection Hall to look for her again in a while.

Because the alert state has been lifted, the magic array has restored its previous dim luster, and the surface of the equipment is not arc flashing like before, but a quiet suspension floating there slowly up and down. , It looks like there is no weight.

In fact, it’s not unusual to be attracted by these things. After all, the equipment design purpose in "Zero" is that the stronger the equipment, the more attractive, the thirteen sets of equipment are all top Divine Items , And it's still a suit. How could it be ordinary in shape for such an awesome thing? The thirteen sets of equipment are like thirteen pieces of art. They may look gorgeous and arrogant or calm and majestic, and even some are very ordinary at first glance, but when you look carefully, they feel that they are brilliance and introverted. Anyway, each piece is so special. So conspicuous. Not to mention those players who look forward to the attributes of high level equipment, even pure non-combat players will often love it. Unfortunately, these equipment can only be displayed here now, not because our guild has no blade to wear, but because the guild's contribution is not enough.

Of course I’m impossible to send such awesome things to a certain player. Although it seems that it can increase the total battle strength of the guild in a short time, it actually kills the motivation of the members, so I would never do such stupid things. I put things there so that everyone can see it. Whoever wants it has to trade guild contribution. Of course, if our guild will have a more important large-scale action, these equipment will also be temporarily assigned to a player to wear once, but the guild mission must be recovered immediately after the guild mission is completed. If you want to hold it forever, you can do it. Will contribute point.

In fact, these equipment are bait. Only by hanging them there will everyone work hard to earn contribution points. After all, there is a goal to inspire everyone's potential.

Blood Crystal Flower stared at the equipment around the fence for two full turns to calm down. Looking back at me standing with an NPC who didn’t know when to appear, she suddenly asked "How much do I need to upgrade my attributes to wear these equipment?"

"Which one do you say?"

"The central set." Blood Crystal Flower has a big appetite. Directly focused on the strongest set.

When I heard her, the corners of my mouth turned up slightly, and then said: "I will tell you one day when you reach that goal. It's better not to know now, so as not to discourage your enthusiasm."

What I said was not deliberately to stimulate the Blood Crystal Flower, but it really is. The growth type Divine Item is different from my dragon soul suit. The dragon soul suit was originally called the magic dragon suit. At that time, it was only a primary level growth Divine Item. The requirements were not high. In addition, my basic attributes were actually very high, so it was not surprising to wear it. However, the growing Divine Item will not always stay in Level 1 state waiting for you to accumulate enough attribute points to wear it. These growth-type equipment without a master will also grow, but their growth does not grow with the master, but with the average level of the players. In other words, if your attribute points cannot surpass the attribute points of the current mainstream Wang Family by many, many, even if you upgrade to level 10,000 in the future, you will still not be able to wear it, because when you reach that level, the level of this equipment will also be Super not much soon to that level, when the time comes as the tide rises, the boat floats you still can't wear this thing.

Blood Crystal Flower did not hear my positive answer, but my answer has made her understand that this thing is a real attribute and requires amazing, and most people simply can't wear it. Shaking her head helplessly, she suddenly said to me very seriously: "No matter how much effort I put in, I will definitely wear it."

I said with a smile: "I hope you can have that day. , But I want to remind you that this thing is not reserved for you. There are still thousands of people in our guild staring at it, so if you slow down, it may be who owns it." Blood Crystal Flower didn't speak big words this time, but nodded hard to show that he understood. Seeing that she is not struggling with these thirteen sets of Divine Item anymore, I changed the subject again. "It's too early for you to think about those things. Let's do something practical first. We will give you all your equipment first. Although you can't wear the thirteen sets of Divine Item, the high level equipment of our guild can be used. It’s not just those thirteen pieces. There are also very sharp Divine Item combinations. It’s just that they don’t look as good as these thirteen sets." Divine Item, the previous depression was swept away immediately, pulling me to pick up equipment. "Let's go, let me see what shocking good things our guild has in the end."

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