"Now that we have the coordinates, should we force a breakthrough in the next step?" Aphrodite looked at me and asked.

I directly recorded the coordinates, then took the crystal off, and then said: "Of course I have to go and see, but not now."

" Why?"

"Because we have not prepared enough manpower." I said, pointing in the direction of the Russian city and said: "We need to send those Sigma people back to Isengard first, and we We need them to help us interpret the purpose of those mushrooms. Of course, more importantly, we need to transport the giant manufacturing machines we obtained here to Isengard together. They need to be disassembled and studied as soon as possible."

"It's just a run, don't we have so many of us together?" Aphrodite asked a little impatiently. To be honest, this person's character is really indifferent to the title of the god of beauty. I always think that she should be a War God or Vulcan or something to be reliable.

Although Aphrodite was reluctant to go back so soon, because of my persistence, we showed up in Isinger a few hours later.

Dismissed several Divine Race and promised that Aphrodite would call her next time I went out, and then I took those giant manufacturing machines to the new continent experimental base. Because the analysis of the most dangerous element bomb has been completed and there is no foreseeable danger for the remaining part, the experimenters and equipment have been withdrawn from the new continent experiment center. The Giant Maker this time is obviously not a dangerous device, at least it doesn't look like it, so the research work doesn't need to be placed in the gate of the earth.

When they saw Noreen and Woma, they were surrounding a huge machine with a height of at least two stories and a bottom diameter of at least five meters. They were carefully operating something. Several deputies were battling them.

Woma is very careful to jog a huge crystal console from time to time, while Noreen is holding two things like aircraft rudder stocks in both hands and is very slow there. Pushing. As Norin moved her wrist, one could see through the crystal lens on the outside of the huge device that on a small platform inside, two huge mechanical arms were slowly moving. However, I can see that the thing is moving completely because of my extraordinary level of vision, while in the eyes of ordinary people, the two mechanical arms are completely still.

Although I have something to show them now, I didn't say anything when I saw that they were operating the device. I just stood and watched them busy. In fact, although the device that Norin is operating looks very sci-fi, it is actually almost a purely mechanical device. Not only does it lack the slightest electronic technology, but even magic technology. Although the two robotic arms look like robot arms, they are actually only transmission arms. They work through connecting rods and gears, and do not have any electronic or magic control equipment. The power for their work is entirely derived from the other side. A turning handle shook by several assistants.

It is normal that there is no electronic technology in the game, but it is quite rare that there is no magic technology. However, although the device in front of me does not contain the slightest magic technology, it is the basis of all magic technology, because this huge device is called the magic engraving machine.

Listening to the name, most people can actually guess the function of this thing. Yes, it is used to carve magic arrays, and it is different from general magic array carvings. The feature of this thing is that when the operator shakes his arms, the movement range of the two mechanical arms is only the operator's handle movement. One ten thousandth of the distance. That is to say, when the two handles in Norin's hand moved up to ten meters, the two robotic arms actually only moved one millimeter. This method of outputting after the manual operation is reduced can greatly improve the engraving accuracy and yield. With the matching Microscope and some other auxiliary equipment, a skilled formation diagram teacher can easily engrave on a grain of rice. The next set of reincarnation magic arrays shows how useful this device is.

Because this magic engraving machine can make miniature magic arrays and can assist in completing extremely difficult magic arrays, it is generally used to make magic array masters and for the initial dangerous magic array experiments.

Everyone knows that some magic arrays will explode during experiments, so the safest way in the test process is to proportionally reduce the volume of magic arrays. A magic array will not change its function as long as the wiring ratio remains the same, and when the materials used remain the same, its volume will directly affect the energy level of the magic array, and if it is a magic array that may explode, Its low energy level means that the explosive power is reduced. So being able to make a smaller magic array means you can experiment with a larger magic array with formidable power.

Considering the things I gave to Woma and Noreen before, I am now very sure that they are probably experimenting with the element fusion magic array, so I will wait by the side instead of waiting. Speak out, after all, the formidable power of this thing is very large, even if it is reduced in size, it is actually very dangerous.

Sure enough, after I waited for about a few minutes, I suddenly noticed a sudden flash on the mechanical platform over there, followed by a loud explosion sound. I even felt the ground under my feet vibrate. The researchers at the scene all shrank back instinctively, but in fact there was no dangerous situation. In addition to accurately engraving the miniature magic array, the huge equipment in front of you has another use to isolate danger. The specially strengthened shell can withstand the full strength attack of the main Divine Grade creature without being penetrated. Therefore, even if the contents inside explode, as long as the formidable power does not exceed the full strength attack of the main god, it will not hurt people outside. .

Although the formidable power of the explosion just now seems to be not small, the body of the explosive is only a rice-sized magic crystal fragment, so although the element fusion magic array causes it to explode, the formidable power actually does Just equivalent to a shell of the magic crystal cannon. Such a little formidable power for this device is the same as being hit by a police pistol on the armor of a main battle tank.

"Huh, it failed again. It is not so easy to restore the magic array circuit." Norin said while looking inside the machine that had recovered calm.

Woma also walked down from his console and said: "It doesn't matter, at least this time we have completed the elemental guidance. It is better to explode than to have no reaction at all. Hey, when will you come, President That's right?" Woma didn't notice the appearance of the president of mine until this time.

"He's here long ago." Norin said without looking back while controlling the joystick in front of him to move the robotic arm back to the parking position: "Sir President, every time you come, you either ask for something or give it away. Researching the materials, did you find something this time or do you need anything?"

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