The player is losing one's head out of fear because of the loss of his power. He suddenly heard two dull heavy objects landing, so he turned his head carefully and looked towards It doesn't matter if you don't look at the source of the sound, it doesn't matter if you look at it.

The thing that makes a sound is actually an opponent's foot. The reason why the sound is heavier is because it falls from the air. As for the owner of the opponent's foot... In fact, it is not a monster. It should be said that everyone is quite familiar with this creature, not only in the game, even in reality, there should not be too many people who don't know this thing.

The creature that actually fell behind the player was an orangutan. Of course, it was not a chimpanzee, but a silverback gorilla, and it was the Hegemon of the silverback gorilla. If you compare an ordinary silverback gorilla to an ordinary person with a height of 1.75 meters, then this silverback gorilla is Yao Ming among the silverback gorillas, and it's an oversized one. The silverback gorilla stood on all fours on the ground, and his shoulder height was already close to three meters. Those two sturdy arms look like two pillars. You don't need to try, you can feel the tremendous power in them just by looking at them.

This silverback gorilla is a very famous animal in the real world. There are basically large zoos, and it often appears on programs such as the animal world. As for the game, there are also many silverback gorillas. In fact, the number of silverback gorillas in "Zero" is very large, and compared to the real silverback gorillas in reality, the silverback gorillas in the game are obviously improved. The height of these silver-backed gorillas is much larger than that of real silver-backed gorillas. The one with a height of more than three meters is not an exception, but the silver-backed gorilla in the game is just this big. In addition, the silverback gorilla in the game is slightly stronger in intelligence, at least much smarter than in reality, and may already have the level of intelligence of kindergarten children. Also, this silverback gorilla has been adjusted in the game, not as irritable as it is in reality. The silverback gorilla in the game has a relatively docile personality and is quite easy to get along with. As long as you don't take the initiative to provoke them, there is basically no problem with peaceful coexistence.

Because of the above adjustments, these silverback gorillas are favored by players in the game. In most of the large and medium-sized guilds, there will be a huge population of silverback gorillas being raised. , And small guilds will consider raising three or two if there are conditions.

The reason why we need to raise silverback gorillas is mainly because these guys can work. The enlarged body shape brings horrible power. In a normal two-wheeled carriage, a silver-backed gorilla can be carried and galloped, even if it is a four-wheeled carriage full of cargo, two silver-backed gorillas can easily Carried and ran. Well-developed intelligence means being able to understand commands well, and working hard is more convenient. Coupled with the docile character of these guys who do not take the initiative to hurt others, it is simply perfect workforce. Hired workers also need to pay wages, just to feed a group of silverback gorillas. Which one do you say is the best deal? In addition, these silver-backed gorillas have a collective consciousness because of their advanced intelligence. After being raised in a guild for a long time, they will regard this as their home. If there is a battle, they will also take the initiative to participate in the war. Of course, the general guild will not let the silver-backed gorilla help in the war. After all, these guys have no magic skills or the like except for their power. So in the game world, this kind of high magic world, silver The battle strength of the back gorilla belongs to the bottom of the existence.

As a widely accepted auxiliary creature, of course our guild also raises a lot of silverback gorillas, and the work of the silverback gorillas of our guild is not only to carry supplies, they also participate in the war. Of course, we didn't plan to let the silverback gorilla be cannon fodder. In fact, these silverback gorillas have always been auxiliary units in the army in our guild. Because our guild has more magic machines, the logistics pressure will be a little bit higher. For example, during the artillery battle, should someone move this shell? Ordinary cannons are okay. When encountering those large-caliber cannons, one cannon ball weighs one or two tons, and the speed of the machine is too slow, and people can't lift it, which wastes resources on the player. The silverback gorilla shows its superiority at this time. Those two-ton shells can be easily lifted up and stuffed into the barrel with two silver-backed gorillas. In an emergency, even if only one silver-backed gorilla is left, they can still be loaded, but the speed is a little slower.

In fact, in addition to being an artillery, there are many places where labor such as the silverback gorilla can play a role. After all, you have the strength and you are worried that you can't find anything to do? Human beings will pick and choose from certain jobs. These silver-backed gorillas don't have the tedious intestines. As long as they are full, they will do whatever they want, and they will never sloppy with you.

Usually these silver-backed gorillas are favored by various departments of our guild because of their excellent obedience, sufficient wisdom and great strength, and even these big guys have high finger stability. It’s amazing. Although it seems that their arms are two laps thicker than our waist, these guys can use higher muscle control power than humans to do such high-precision things as needles and wires, and the efficiency is much higher than that of humans. Who do you think you don’t like about this certain cow’s creature?

Because it is easy to use, our guild has raised a lot of such silverback gorillas. Of course, there are also many on Isinger Mobile Fortress. Usually they mainly serve as maintenance personnel for Isengard Mobile Fortress. Of course, their main job is to lay hands on the maintenance personnel, such as moving those extra-large replacement parts. After all, drilling around in the pipeline layer, no matter how good the machine is, it is not as flexible as the body. Therefore, these silverback gorillas are also equipped in large quantities in Isengard Mobile Fortress.

Usually these silver-backed gorillas can only be used as auxiliary units, but now, in the energy forbidden position made by special equipment similar to the forbidden domain, the advantages of these guys are immediately revealed. .

Because all energies including divine force are sealed, all magical powers and so on here are all malfunctioning. The battle method players can use here is only brute force, which is completely hand-to-hand combat, real hand-to-hand combat, without any additional attributes, it depends on whose attack height, defense height, and blood thickness.

The attributes of players and combat NPCs are piled up with magic attributes. Without these attributes, everyone’s basic attributes are very common, and the silverback gorilla is a creature that is not magical at all. , In this kind of place, there will be no decline in power at all. With pure effort, how could the player ever do this group of animals? People eat food with strength. Except for the muscles, the whole body is muscles. It is true that the arms are thicker than your waist and the fists are bigger than your head. Playing power with these guys? That is called courting death.

This Japanese player also saw the silver-backed gorilla in front of him, and as a relatively common creature, this player also knew and knew how powerful this silver-backed gorilla was, and because he knew, So he now feels that he is probably hopeless.

The silver-backed gorilla in front of him is not only strong, but also covered with pure steel armor. This set of things was tailor-made for him just now, using battleship steel. Anyway, these guys have strength and don't have to worry about carrying weight. Three-inch solid steel plate is directly mounted, stamped and formed at one time, and joined by rivets. A high-pressure gas tank is attached to the back, filled with high-pressure steam, and connected to a special air hammer on the front of their arm with a pneumatic pipe. This air hammer allows these silver-backed gorillas to use a knock-off skill, which can be used at the moment of punching. Produces a striking force six times the normal force.

Actually, these things on this silverback gorilla are really lacking in technology, and it only took five minutes to manufacture the design belt of this thing. In fact, this thing was temporarily thought of just before launching the energy ban system. It just happened that Isinger Mobile Fortress had processing equipment, so this set of things came out temporarily. Even because of the rush of time, the paint didn't even come in time, and the whole thing looked like the original color of the steel plate.

When the Japanese player looked back and saw such a thing, he was taken aback at first, and then he almost sat on the ground with a soft butt under his feet. This pile of Roshan is covered with a tortoise shell, how can I fight it?

The thing is still in a daze, but the silverback gorilla has done it first. We had already told him before we came out. Get this enemy back and reward him with 200kg of fruits of any variety plus a female orangutan, so now this silverback gorilla is completely crazy. Not to mention fruits, the silver-backed gorilla felt its blood boil when he thought of the female gorilla.

"ao..." The silver-backed gorilla suddenly stood up while punching his chest muscles with both fists and threw forward at the same time. This is the standard fighting posture of a silver-backed gorilla, usually It is quite oppression force, and now it is even more prestigious. The steel-clad fist hammered on the metal breastplate and immediately made a dense clanging sound. The Japanese player on the opposite side was shocked and dizzy, and then he saw the silverback gorilla coming under pressure like a hill.

Although I was a little confused by the situation in front of me, the Japanese player in front of him did not really wait to be pounded into meat by the opponent, but immediately stood up and leaned forward with his arms. Supported the fist of the silverback gorilla. However, this action of his is obviously somewhat inappropriate, even if the issue of strength is not considered, the height ratio alone cannot be so defensive, but it is a pity that he shot in a hurry, and he had no time to avoid it.

Silver-backed gorilla’s giant fist just hit the guy’s palm up and the guy’s complexion changed immediately. The huge force penetrated his arms instantly, and his support didn’t play any role at all. The arm was directly smashed down, and even his feet were sinking into the ground more than a foot deep, and the ground was obviously to his knees.

After a hit, the silverback gorilla has no habit of chatting with him, raising his fist and pulling it backwards while twisting his body to accumulate energy. The equipment designed according to the fighting habits of the silverback gorilla is automatically activated at this time, because the design of this thing is that when the silverback gorilla performs this action, it will just trigger the mechanism. Then the high-pressure valve was opened, and the heavy hammer on the silverback gorilla's wrist was pushed up to the elbow position and locked, and then the pressure pipeline behind it began to pressurize. When the pressure is equalized, the valve of the high-pressure bottle is automatically closed and waits for the next trigger.

This series of processes speak of which are many, but it is actually only a matter of a few tenths of a second. The raised fist of the silverback gorilla suddenly threw a half arc and hit the guy's head. When the opponent saw the fist, he immediately raised his hand to block it, and then the silverback gorilla’s fist directly hit his arm, and then the fixed mechanism on the heavy hammer that was pushed by the high-pressure steam to the elbow was suddenly released due to inertia. The high-pressure steam in the trough immediately pushed the heavy hammer forward suddenly, and together with the silver-backed gorilla's fist, the huge kinetic energy was instantly released on that guy's arm.

Crack. There was a very crisp sound, and then half of the guy's arm and the whole head flew out together.

The battle ended so quickly that even us were taken aback. I thought that Divine Race player could last for three to five minutes, but didn't expect was killed in only three to five seconds.

"Damn, this armed silverback gorilla and the energy ban system are a perfect match!" Many players in our guild couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw this result.

I found this trick very useful. Of course, the silverback gorilla was immediately pulled back, and then the second Japanese Divine Race player was captured by the ban system, and the silverback gorilla appeared again. This time the Japanese player had a lesson from the past, so he supported two more moves. He was knocked out 11th seconds after the start of the battle, and the silverback gorilla won without injury.

The only remaining Japanese Divine Race player here is being chased by the second armed silverback gorilla that was just driven out, and Nobunaga Ghost finally entered our encirclement. I blocked the ghost hand Nobunaga with more than a dozen Divine Race mobile angels, Hades and Poseidon.

"Hehe, your subordinates are almost finished, now it's your turn."

Guishou Nobunaga’s nervous eyes kept turning back and forth to prevent our surprise attack. He didn't dare to answer what I said, or even think about it, because he was stared at by so many experts, he didn't dare to be distracted at all. Among the battle strengths surrounding him, apart from those who use mobile angels for Divine Race, Poseidon and I have Hades. All of them are able to single-handedly defeat him and win, and now they are three-to-one. , Plus a group of mobile angels to support Divine Race, how could he not be nervous?

Onitou Nobunaga was besieged here, and the last remaining Japanese Divine Race player was also unlucky. Although he tried his best to pay attention, this guy was still unfortunately blocked by the ban system, and then the first armed silverback gorilla that had just withdrawn and the second newly created gorilla had been blocked by his side. One to two. The situation is clearly one-sided.

Although Onitou Nobunaga and the Japanese player were surrounded, we did not start here, but first kept pressing around the other side like this. Our goal is not only to kill these two hapless guys. In fact, our real battlefield is simply not here, but on Matsumoto's side.

We surrounded Guishou Nobunaga and his last subordinates. We were actually fighting a psychological warfare. The object we really fought was the Ochi Orochi, and it has always been the Ochi Orochi. From the very beginning, we didn't treat Nobunaga Onishu as an opponent, our real enemy is only the Eight-Different Orochi. from the very beginning I pulled the Eight-Different Orochi into so close, yet worlds apart. Our tactic is to trap the Eight-Different Orochi first, then cut off the ghosts, Nobunaga, and others who are in the way, and finally release the Eight-Different Orochi. Come out and siege it. This is our combat goal. Nobunaga Onihand has never entered our tactical goal.

Now we are besieging Guishou Nobunaga and they let Baqi Orochi know that he can’t count on Guishou Nobunaga, and although the group of people around him is not what he likes, he no longer has chosen. Either believe that Masaka Matsumoto will strengthen them, or they will be defeated, and the eight-headed snake must choose from them.

With the strength of the Baqi Orochi, if we can't run away, we don't even believe it. However, even if it ran away, it was still possible to peel off the skin. But there is a better option for Yaqi Orochi, which is to strengthen Matsumoto Masaka and Augustsuki. As long as you help them strengthen, there will be a group of Divine Race players to cover him. In this case, Baqi Orochi can be safely evacuated, so that his loss can be minimized.

Although Baqi Orochi is shameless enough that he can ungrateful falling out to become hostile, the more he is a villain, the more he values ​​his own interests. One is a small amount of bleeding and the other is a heavy bleeding. He still knows which one is converted.

After seeing the situation on Nobunaga Onitou, the eight-headed snake who had insisted not to strengthen Matsumoto and the others was finally stunned, and Akatsuki also happened to rush at this time. Said again: "Original God, run away! We will try to help you block the Frost Rose Alliance." I saw another large black spot flying up on the side of Isengard Mobile Fortress. The Baqi Orochi found at a glance that these black spots are all chaos and order Divine Race, which means that this time our guild is also a bloodbath. Moreover, just after these people took off, six white balls of light suddenly flew up on the Isengard Mobile Fortress behind them.

Matsumoto, who had been notified a long time ago, supported his body weakly and said: "Oh, you go quickly, you will be over when you die, and we can still be resurrected. Although we can only be resurrected by our strength. I'll help you block for three or five seconds, but there is always one more point of hope, right?"

Matsumoto said this deliberately. Three to five seconds for a fart? There is no difference between blocking and not blocking, okay? As soon as Baqi Orochi saw the situation, he immediately knew that he would be completely hopeless if he didn't help them.

"I won't leave you behind." The eight-headed snake, who had already figured it out, immediately began to speak scenes and establish his own glorious image. At the same time, he said: "I have some divine force seeds here, you swallow them. , You can get the power of Divine Race right away."

While talking, Baqi Oro snake has already taken out a handful of crystal white particles, which look like white beans, nothing special. .

Masaga Matsumoto looked at this thing and asked doubtfully: "You can become a god after eating it? Doesn't it take a period of adjustment and preparation?"

This can’t help but blush on his face. In fact, he and Guishou Nobunaga said that it takes time to strengthen because he doesn’t want to help Guishou Nobunaga to strengthen too many people to waste Power of Faith, but it doesn’t really take that long. . But at this time, I can't take care of that much. Baqi Oro urged: "Don't delay, there is no time to explain, hurry up and eat."

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