Asuka helped to take me away, even if the speed is fast, the Baqi Orochi will never catch me. However, there was nothing wrong with it at first, but something went wrong later.

Although the world within this so close, yet worlds apart is not small, it is not a complete world after all, and its actual area is actually only equivalent to the area of ​​a super city a little more So a little bit. If you say it is big, it's really not too small, but if you say it's small, it's really not too big.

In the beginning, although the Baqi Orochi sensed my position and quickly rushed to this side, how fast was the bird? Even if the Baqi Orochi does not hesitate to waste the divine force and forcibly accelerate there, it is wishful thinking to catch up with the bird. Because of this huge difference in speed, as it should be by rights, when Baqi Oro rushed to detect my position for the first time, there was no one in that place. However, after discovering that I was not there, Baqi Orochi didn't give up, but immediately used divine force perception again.

Although this divine force perception covers a large area and has certain anti-invisibility capabilities, this skill has other flaws, that is, its detection is not continuous, but Fragmented. In fact, divine force perception is very similar to sonar, except that sonar emits sound waves and then monitors echolocation, while divine force perception is to emit divine force, and then sense the disturbance that occurs when the divine force encounters other energy bodies to locate the target . There are two problems in this process. The first is the diffusion speed of divine force. This divine force perception does not mean that you can know the location of all the surrounding targets as soon as it is activated, but that it needs to have a diffusion time. When the divine force perception is activated, the deity that releases this skill will radiate a divine force shock wave outwards. This is why the eight-headed snake was afraid of being absorbed by the divine force and did not dare to use divine force to perceive it.

After the shock wave is formed, it does not sweep through the limit it can reach instantly, but has a diffusion process. The diffusion speed of this divine force shock wave is about 180 meters to 200 meters per second. It does not sound slow, but it is actually much lower than the speed of sound, which means that this detection method is actually less sensitive than sonar, and there is almost no way to accurately detect high-speed targets. At least if an existence like Asuka uses a supersonic assault, the eight-headed snake can only receive outdated feedback signals, because his divine force can scan us, but when the signal returns, we are already not in there. , And it's the kind that is far away.

In addition to the problem of the diffusion speed of the divine force, the perception of the divine force has another defect that is its instantaneity.

When the divine force shock wave spreads, what it presents in the mind of the god who issued this skill is not a complete picture, but a picture of an expanding ring area. You can imagine a person with superpowers standing in a dark square, he can emit a circle of expanding halo outwards. The halo can illuminate nearby objects, but the range is very small. When the person releases the halo, the halo begins to expand and is illuminated by the area it swept over. At this time, the person in the middle can see the situation in this area. However, the halo is not fixed. As it expands rapidly, more areas around it are illuminated, but the area that has just been swept will re-enter the darkness. If something is moving in the dark area at this time, the person in the center is absolutely invisible.

This divine force perception is also a similar situation. When the divine force shock wave sweeps, it can feed back a signal to the deity that sent the divine force perception, but the problem is that after the shock wave sweeps the target, when the target moves again, the god can't know whether the opponent has moved. When the target's moving speed is faster than the diffusion speed of the divine force shock wave, this detection method will have a big loophole. Although it can be used as a basis for tracking, it is very difficult to accurately grasp the target position. Even the speed of the target does not have to be faster than the speed of the divine force shock wave, as long as it is close to that speed, the detection effect will be very bad.

The tactical adjustments made by the Baqi Orochi after regaining sanity can be said to be very correct, but the problem is that although the divine force perception is very wide, I can't avoid it at all, but I can run. After the divine force of the Baqi Orochi scanned me and waited for the Baqi Orochi to reach this position, I actually ran away long ago.

Because of the existence of this situation, Baqi Orochi has been unable to take me at first. Every time he detects my position and rushes over, he always runs away. However, this situation quickly became a problem.

Although the space within so close, yet worlds apart is very large, it is limited after all, and in such a closed area, we are basically impossible to completely run out of the sensing range of the eight-headed snake. It is to circle around him, the eight-pointed snake can naturally gradually squeeze us into a certain area through the angle with the peripheral zone. Besides, the Eight-Different Snake is not really good at hand-to-hand combat. He is a god at any rate. Although spell is not a specialty, it will always be more or less. With the cooperation of some such as Spider Web Art, dullness and various magic traps, it took more than an hour for Baqi Orochi to finally squeeze us into a small area. In such an environment, the speed of Asuka could not be achieved at all, and the result was that we were finally seen by the eight-pointed snake.

Almost two hours have passed since we were first detected. This is the first time the Eight-Finger Snake has seen our silhouette, although it just flashed past the dark edge of the distance. , But I found it after all.

The original dark environment is very unfavorable for Baqi Orochi, because he has no night vision ability, but after I entered the period of weakness, I discovered a weakness of Asuka, that is, he is not suitable for him. Hide and seek in a dark environment. In fact, if it’s in the vast world outside, the bird is also very suitable for night battles, because the bird’s head grows behind the body, and what he is brave to navigate is not vision, but electromagnetic pulses, so the bird’s requirements for light are almost zero. This is a very suitable ability for night combat. However, this adaptability is also relative. If in a vast world, this kind of night vision ability combined with the incomparable speed of Asuka is definitely a night sky killer, but the problem is that in this narrow area, the speed of Asuka cannot be fully utilized, and there is not enough space for Asuka and the opponent to pull. Open the distance, so one of Asuka's flaws is exposed.

Asuka's defect is concealment. Asuka is a synthetic beast, he is not a simple devil beast, its flying method does not rely on wings to fan the air to fly. In fact, the flying bird uses jet power, and his propulsion method relies on burning a synthetic gas similar to biogas in the combustion chamber on the wings to fly. This kind of propulsion determines the speed at which the bird can break through any flying creature that simply relies on the air to propel its wings, but this method also determines that the back of the bird's wings will spit fire. That's right, it's fire breathing. When a bird is flying in a normal state, a pale-cyan bright flame wake will appear behind the four combustion chambers on its wings, and if it enters a supersonic assault state, the color of the flame will turn from blue to blue, and the brightness Will decrease slightly, but the length of the wake will increase. When the speed reaches the limit, the flame will become a mixed state of white, blue, and red. When the bird moves at a large angle, the flame will completely change. Red.

This jet wake is not very large compared to the bird’s body. If it is high enough, this light is easily overlooked, and even if it is seen, it will probably be regarded as The stars in the sky ignore the past. However, there are simply no stars in this steel hell, and what's worse is that there is no space for us to draw a distance, so trouble comes.

When the Baqi Orochi relied on the divine force to perceive and compressed our range of motion over and over again, when he finally approached a certain distance, he found the tail flame of a flying bird. Then the guy entangled like a shark smelling blood.

"Left." With my roar, the flying bird rolled like lightning, and flew over with a dangerous and dangerous red glow.

Asuka immediately reminded me after the evasion was completed: "Master, stop barking, I can see the situation behind, don’t remind me."

"I’m not nervous. Go! Quickly flash to the right!" I was saying that a beam of light flew by again, and Asuka still flashed past as if playing acrobatics. In fact, it is good for Asuka's head to be on the back, at least he will not be afraid of someone attacking him from behind.

The speed of the Baqi Orochi cannot catch up with us at all, but without considering the consumption of divine force, this guy is completely a turret, and various large-scale and high-damage attacks fly one after another. We can only dodge back and forth like a target in front. Fortunately, Asuka's eyes are behind and the mobility is super high, otherwise we would have been shot down. However, it's not a problem to keep going like this! Although we have successfully flashed dozens of attacks so far, there is an old saying that there is no wet shoes when walking along the river. This is almost inevitable when the frequency of incidents is too high, so we must think Ways to change this situation, or sooner or later they have to be beaten down.

Judging from the damage caused by the few beams shot by the Baqi Orochi just now after hitting a nearby steel pillar, I am sure I will not be killed by this attack, but Asuka will definitely not be able to withstand a single blow. Baqi Osnake is not stupid, he is very shrewd after regaining his sanity. What he needs is to knock me down, not a critical strike, so under the premise that the hit rate cannot be guaranteed, he chose this formidable power attack method that is just right, but consumes relatively little.

"Master, how long will you be able to recover? Sooner or later we will be beaten like this!" Asuka said while avoiding the attack.

I am also anxiously replied: "There are more than ten minutes left, you can hold on for a while. As long as you don't get shot down before the end of the punishment time, we still have a chance."

"Then I will try my best! Baqi Orochi's attack is getting more and more accurate, I don't know if I can hold on for that long!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start ( ) To vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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