Because Rose started to sing a rivalry with Nobunaga Onitou, Nobunaga Onitou soon lost the opportunity to speak out. This is not to say that Rose speaks too fast so that Guishou Nobunaga has no chance to intervene, but because the two people's quarrel level is so different. If Nobunaga and I competed against each other as a battle between an ordinary expert and a super expert, then Nobunaga and Rose quarreled, basically a quadriplegic person was fighting a martial arts expert.

In terms of quarreling, men are not originally women's opponents. What's more terrible is that Nobunaga is just a bit aggressive and reckless. The reason why he was in position at the beginning was because Masaga Matsumoto lost one after another in the war against our country. Japanese players were discouraged and urgently needed a strong character to reverse this depressed celebrity mood.

As a leader born under this social sentiment, Nobunaga Guishou must meet the requirements of this social sentiment. Therefore, Nobunaga Guishou is an impulsive and iron-blooded person. To put it bluntly, he is a reckless man and may have some strength, but he is definitely not the kind of smart person, because he is not a wise leader from the very beginning.

In fact, when I just became the leader of Japanese players, Nobunaga was worse than now. Later I became the leader of Japanese players and dealt with more things. Temperament and intelligence are naturally cultivated. Get up some. However, even if his level has improved, Oni Shou Nobunaga is not a wise man after all. And he is arguing with Rose now. Isn't this purely courting death?

Who is Rose? In reality, the rose is a serious domestic 007. Both parents are spies, and they have received special training from an early age. Temperament and intelligence are not comparable to peers. After entering the game, Rose has always served as the chief financial officer in our guild, and she is also a member of the staff of the guild, which can be said to be a typical all-round military advisor.

You said that Nobunaga Guishou, a reckless man with half muscle in his head, fought with a Zhuge Liang-level wise general like Rose. What is that not courting death? The debate between the two people only lasted less than ten minutes before Nobunaga Guishou was scolded for not knowing how to speak, feeling that everything he said was wrong, and during this period Rose didn't even use a dirty word.

"Damn, Ms. Rose is too sturdy!" Because Rose and Guishou Nobunaga are broadcasting one, and the other uses an amplified array, the debate between the two can be heard. After such a quarrel was over, gold coin stuck his tongue out while listening.

True Red is also nodded and agrees with the opinions of gold coin. "Remember to remind me in the future, don't quarrel with Rose."

Kristina said on the side: "I heard that there was a Chinese ancient Chinese named Zhuge Liang who can directly anger the enemy by quarreling. Death, I think Rose is almost at this level."

gold coin nodded and said: "Yeah, absolutely. I guess Nobunaga Guishou must have an internal injury now, you see that his face is fast. Become a Hulk!"

In fact, when they were guessing at Gold Coin, Nobunaga Guishou was really succumbing. He didn’t take the initiative to stop just now, it’s true. I was so angry that I didn't pick it up and almost passed away. Thanks to this game, the system will shield the nerve signals that exceed the body's endurance limit, so Nobunaga Guishou stayed awake. After all, "Zero" is a game no matter how realistic it is. If the player is killed in the game, this is hard to say.

The outside debate is over. Nobunaga on the other side doesn’t know whether to continue quarreling or rushing to decide the outcome. But our side is waiting for the energy weapon to recharge, and then it’s OK. For the next attack, under such circumstances, both sides naturally entered a brief ceasefire phase. However, although there is a ceasefire outside, but so close, yet worlds apart, the inside has entered a state of combat instead.

Because the acceleration mode inside so close, yet worlds apart is optional, of course I choose the acceleration method that is most beneficial to me. Before Baqi Orochi entered an unfamiliar and dangerous environment, he would be nervous, and nervousness would consume physical strength, so I deliberately didn't show up and let him slowly consume physical strength there. However, just waiting like this is not a problem, so I used a fully accelerated mode of so close, yet worlds apart.

This so-called complete acceleration is to speed up the player's body and mind at the same time. In this mode, the player will not feel any abnormality, because the flow of thought and the flow of time are exactly the same. It is as if two cars are driving side by side at the same speed, and the person on the opposite car seems to be stationary. This is the relativity of thought and time.

I speeded up the Time Flow Speed ​​inside so close, yet worlds apart, and at the same time speeded up our thinking. As a result, Baqi Orochi didn't know that the time was speeding up at all. And until he felt that he had been here for several hours, in fact, Nobunaga Onihand and the people in our guild had just entered the stage of controversy.

At this time, only half an hour has passed for the outside world, and four hours have passed inside the so close, yet worlds apart with eight times the speed. During these four hours, Baqi Orochi's mood has not been very stable. At first, he only knew it was unsafe based on the divine force perception, so he was nervous, but soon he discovered that this place is actually a zero-energy world.

This so-called zero-energy world means that there is no energy that can be absorbed such as magic in this world, and there is not even the most basic form of energy such as light. This kind of environment itself does not constitute harm to most organisms, but the problem is that zero energy means that energy cannot be absorbed, and energy cannot be absorbed, and its own energy cannot be recovered. Fortunately, as long as he is not injured, the life energy of a Divine Race is enough for him to live for millions of years. But life energy is more effective, but magic and divine force are not good! The Baqi Great Snake couldn't absorb any energy here, and in order to fight the darkness here, he was still maintaining the flame on the surface of his body. Although this is an instinct-like ability, it consumes a lot less than those skills learned later, but no matter how small it is, it is also consumed, isn't it? After four hours of continuous maintenance of this ability, Baqi Orochi has clearly felt that the divine force value has dropped.

In fact, at the beginning, Baqi Orochi thought that his skills were consuming mana, and it was about two hours later that he realized that this world is not only zero energy, it is still drawing away the internal energy. But there is no energy in the environment here, so is it obvious where the extracted energy is drawn from?

I found that even if I did nothing in this world, my own divine force would slowly be lost. This result scared the Baqi Orochi half to death. What's more terrible is that I never show up, this place is equivalent to the world of eight different snakes alone. The boundless darkness, the deathly silence, the empty and monotonous metal world, all of these are torturing the weak nerves of the Baqi Great Snake. The Baqi Orochi now seems to be going crazy.

In fact, I am actually very anxious. After all, so close, yet worlds apart cannot specifically adjust time for a person, so it can adjust the internal material time and mental time arbitrarily, but this arbitrary refers to any adjustment process, not that you can designate this person to accelerate That person slows down, that is impossible. Therefore, Baqi Orochi felt as if it had been holding back here for four hours, but I was actually the same.

However, I have at least a few advantages compared with Baqi Dashe. One is that I know this is inside my so close, yet worlds apart, so I am not nervous. The second is because there are ghost worm eyeliners I arranged everywhere here, so I hold the initiative on the battlefield. When you know that you can end the current unfavorable state at any time, you will find that this state is actually not that unbearable, because you will feel that you have a retreat, so you are psychologically stronger.

Although I also feel that this place is very uncomfortable and depressing, it is my own arrangement and I can terminate it at any time. Therefore, compared with the eight-pointed snake, my heart is much more relaxed NS. Besides, the Baqi Orochi now has to guard against sudden attacks that may occur at any time, but I actually hide in a place far away from him and use ghost insects to monitor him, which is naturally not equal in my heart. So Baqi Orochi is going crazy, but I just feel a little uncomfortable.

"It's almost there." Looking at the eight-headed snake who has started to get a little nervous, I also plan to start acting.

Although it was said that I was going to attack Baqi Orochi, this guy was not easy to deal with, so I didn't have to fight him as soon as I got up. After thinking about it for a while, I think I'd better use a more secure method before harassing Baqi Orochi.

With the help of the ghost worm's sight, I quickly determined the location of the Baqi Orochi, and then walked around behind him. Of course, I did not enter his range of perception. In fact, the Baqi Big Snake can use divine force to cover things within a radius of 200 kilometers around it under normal circumstances. Even if it is blocked by obstacles, it can only reduce the detection distance, not that it can be avoided. .

However, although the divine force of the Baqi Orochi can cover such a large area, the Baqi Orochi is a creature and it is not a radar station. This is like assuming that your ears can hear all sounds within a radius of 200 kilometers as long as you concentrate. Is it possible for you to keep this kind of hearing on all the time to eavesdrop on it? When you first get this ability, you may use it more frequently in 3 minutes. After that, at most, there will be something to use. If you keep it on, even if you don’t go crazy, you will probably be annoyed, right?

The situation is the same with the Eight-Different Orochi. Although he can detect such a large range, he usually does not open such a large range of detection distance, and he is even more afraid to use this ability in this environment. As I said before, this is a zero-energy world, and it is still slowly absorbing energy, and the principle of divine force detection is actually similar to that of radar. It is necessary to use divine force to replace electromagnetic waves to radiate outwards. In normal times, this kind of radiation consumes a certain amount of energy, but in terms of the energy recovery speed of Divine Race, this consumption is really minimal. But this is a world that can absorb energy, where the eight-pointed snake can't be replenished at all, so every bit of divine force is extremely precious. Moreover, in this energy-absorbing environment, even if the eight-different snakes try to keep their strength together, they will slowly lose energy. If the divine force is spilled out like a large net, the absorption speed is still Come on? It is 100 points divine force when it is thrown out, but 30 points when it comes back, right? With such a huge consumption, how dare you say that the Baqi Orochi dares to use it in such a place?

Because of the limitation of this energy environment, the Baqi Orochi can only rely on normal senses to detect the surrounding environment, but the problem is that these things are not very useful here.

The eyesight of the eight-pointed snake is pretty good. After all, there are eight heads and sixteen eyes. If others want to see the six directions, they have to raise the spirit of twelve points. But for the eight-pointed snake, it couldn’t be easier. Things up. It's a pity that this place is pitch black, except for the area tens of meters in radius illuminated by his own flame, it is pitch black farther away, and you can't see anything at all.

These eyes are useless, not even the nose. The eight-headed snake is not a creature with a good sense of smell. Although beast-shaped creatures have much better noses than humans, I have a full-covered armor on my body, and I use internal circulation for breathing. The outside smell is really good. There is almost nothing. No matter whether the dog nose can spot me or not, at least Baqi Oro is definitely not.

The eyes and nose are useless, the only thing left is the ears.

Originally, hearing in such a silent place should be able to produce a very good detection effect, but unfortunately, the environment of this place is customized by me. Don't think that this is a confined illusion that will have a lot of echoes. The steel thorns on this wall are not only used to limit the movement of the eight-pointed snake. The thickness, spacing, and direction of the steel thorns are all customized. Together, they will only play a role, and that is resonance. In this whole cave, no matter where you cough, you can hear this cough anywhere in the whole cave, and it feels like it happened to your ears. This is the effect of those steel thorns. Therefore, in such a place, you cannot hear the enemy's voice, but you can hear it, but you cannot determine the distance and direction. Therefore, what you can hear is the same as what you cannot hear.

In fact, although there is dead silence in this cave, it is not really quiet. On the one hand, the big snake makes a lot of movement by itself. On the other hand, I also let my summon creatures from time to time. He came out and shouted with a strange voice, anyway, it was to put continuous mental pressure on the eight-headed snake. Of course, another advantage of doing this is that Baqi Orochi no longer has a strong sense of sound. He wouldn't react even if he heard a sound.

Already prepared so well, it's time to toss the Eight-Different Big Snake. It took a lot of effort for me to design this space. It doesn't make good use of it, but even I am sorry. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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