Now this metal labyrinth full of steel thorns is so close, yet worlds apart, the terrain I specially prepared for the eight-headed snake. I just remembered the call.

At first, I just thought of the eight-different snake attribute as a dual element of fire and soil, so I designed a look in the depths of the sea. Water can overcome fire, and the deep sea is full of Water Element up and down, so that the Earth Element he relied on will no longer exist. Such an environment is quite tricky for Baqi Orochi, because not only is there nothing he is good at, but there are also disadvantages.

However, my design was finally rejected by Supreme Taoist, and the reason is that for powerhouses like Baqi Orochi, which has reached the Divine Grade, the restraint of attributes is not too much for them. influence. It is for this reason that the water world I designed at the beginning actually had little restriction on the Baqi Orochi, and I was also partially affected. In this case, the Baqi Orochi’s battle strength did not drop much, and I myself slightly. There is a decline. In this comparison, in fact, the impact of that scene on the battle strength of both of us is almost negligible.

Because the water world scene was finally judged to be inferior in effect, under the guidance of Supreme Taoist I reset the world in so close, yet worlds apart, and finally got it This is the hell of steel needles.

The steel needle hell where we are now is a map developed specifically for the characteristics of the eight-pointed snake. As a Divine Race, the Eight-Divine Serpent is also a beast-shaped creature, so he has a significant difference from the general human-shaped Divine Race, that is, he actually has two forms, one is a human form and the other is a beast form. Because the main body is a beast-shaped creature, even if it enters the Divine Race stage, these beast gods cannot fully exert their strength in the human form. Therefore, we can often see those humanoid high-level devil beasts or Great Demons that can't be beaten by others and immediately reappear and fight again. This is because for them, the body form is actually the strongest state.

The role of the steel needle hell I designed is actually to limit the animal-shaped form of the eight-pointed snake, because there are obstacles everywhere, and except for the ground, the surface of all obstacles is more than one meter long. Of steel needles. This kind of environment is not a big problem for creatures of human size. Anyway, the width of the passage in this place is more than ten meters. Be careful not to hit the steel thorns. However, although humanoids can act normally here, for those big guys, this structure is very problematic. The Baqi Great Snake will hit the surrounding steel thorns immediately after restoring its body, and when it is still not moving, once he moves, it will be like drilling through thorn bushes naked, having to scrape all the skin off. . Of course, as long as the movement speed is not fast, and pay attention to lowering the head, and curling up as much as possible to move, the eight-pointed snake can also move here. However, he is not here to travel. Although he still doesn't know where he has been, he at least knows that there are definitely enemies here. So Baqi Orochi also understands that there is no way to use the body to fight here, otherwise the enemy won't have to fight with him, as long as he keeps taking him around in circles, he can hurt himself all over his body.

Originally, if it were just a normal cave, even the spikes on the wall would be nothing at worst for the existence of this magnitude of Baqi Orochi, but the key problem is that the supporting pillars, The floor, ceiling, and those pesky steel thorns are all pure steel, and they seem to be quite hard, otherwise Baqi Orochi would not have felt that obvious tingling just now.

In such a steel environment, the powerful destructive power brought by the Baqi Orochi as Divine Race can be said to have been suppressed to the lowest point. Even in Divine Race, it is actually the same as an ordinary person to destroy steel. Destroy the ground like dirt. You can also dig by hand, but if you damage a large area, it will definitely take a lot of effort. Although the divine force of the Baqi Orochi is not suppressed here, because the surrounding environment is made of steel, in fact, in terms of the destructive effect, his ability has actually fallen to a state similar to that of a normal person, because he has already You can't fight like you're outside, ignoring obstacles. Although the obstacles here can't completely block his actions, they can definitely hinder him greatly.

In fact, the use of such an environment to limit the movement of the Baqi Orochi is only one of them. I still have 2nd move that I haven't used.

This so close, yet worlds apart is the equipment that Celestial Court specially built for me at my request, specifically for this situation. In other words, this thing has actually been adjusted specifically for the characteristics of the eight-headed snake. In addition to the ability of do as one pleases to arrange the surrounding environment, the main ability of so close, yet worlds apart is actually the double speed time.

so close, yet worlds apart is a very rare space-time equipment. The internal time flow is not constant, but can be adjusted continuously according to my will. Of course, this adjustment has a range, the maximum is eight times the normal Time Flow Speed, which means that one second of time flows outside, here is eight seconds.

What can be done in eight seconds? The world sprinter can run 100 meters.

What about one second? Even a cheetah is just a dozen meters away at most, right?

On the surface, the time inside this so close, yet worlds apart is accelerated synchronously, which means that you are faster than others. This is fair to everyone, but in fact, because every The speed of individual thinking reaction is different, and the state of time after this acceleration has a greater impact on everyone's actions.

In fact, so close, yet worlds apart only accelerates the time that everyone’s body is in, and has not made any adjustments to our thinking, so there is a problem here, that is, the body becomes faster However, my thinking cannot keep up, so I call out, and many people will have behaviors out of control. Originally I just wanted to take a step forward, but because my legs and feet responded too quickly, I was waiting for the other foot to land, and my body rushed forward. As a result, I fell because the other foot did not keep up with the rhythm. Somersault.

This is actually only Time Acceleration, so close, yet worlds apart, there is another function called Time Deceleration, whose effect and acceleration are completely reversed. In this mode, it is not that the body reacts too fast and the thinking cannot keep up, but the speed of the body and thinking increases simultaneously. As a result, the thinking speed on the one hand cannot keep up with the external signals received by the brain, and the other causes the body to feel It was like being caught in a quagmire and the response was very slow. In this mode, the player's actions will be severely out of shape, and the spirit strength consumption will be very terrifying. Dealing with those wizard-type players with relatively low spirit strength can make them lose their magic release ability in a short period of time.

Although Baqi Orochi is a Divine Race, this accelerated environment is still unable to adapt to him. Although I have not turned on Time Acceleration now, as long as I move a little bit, this Time Acceleration will be fine. It will start immediately, when the time comes, the Eight-Different Serpent will definitely be in a hurry.

In fact, in addition to the surrounding steel spikes and the too narrow environment compared to the eight-headed snake, there is another thing that restricts the eight-headed snake in this place, that is, darkness.

Baqi Orochi is not a creature of Dark Element, at least he has no dark vision, so in such a completely dark place, he actually has no range of vision. Although divine force can also be used to replace the eyes, it is a high-level use of divine force, which requires concentrated manipulation, which is actually not so practical.

Of course, the Baqi Orochi itself can also create flames to illuminate, but there is a problem in it. After Baqi Orochi used his skills to burn himself, he himself became a huge torch. This torch can indeed play a role in lighting in the dark. But if someone lights a torch in a dark environment, do you think the people standing around in the dark see him first, or does he spot the people in the dark first?

The answer is obvious. The person holding the torch must be the first to be found, because as the person under the torch, the person holding the torch must be the first to be illuminated, and the brightness is the highest. People who stand closer may be found, but if they are a little farther away, they can see the person holding the torch, and the person holding the torch doesn't expect to see others at all.

Baqi Orochi is in the same situation now. His flame ability is indeed able to light up the surroundings, but it makes him a big light bulb in the dark. He wants to see me, at least if I enter this dark range, it is possible, and if I If you want to see him, you just need to be far away.

"Who you are?" After observing the surrounding environment, the eight-headed snake suddenly roared at the surroundings. "Quick answer, cowardly rat. Are you planning to challenge me when you get me into this place? Since you are going to fight, then come out and fight me, so what is it to hide your head and show your tail?"

The words of Baqi Orochi obviously hoped that I would come out. I didn't care about his clamor, but regarded it as the fear of the big snake. There is a saying that the most terrifying thing is the unknown. The thing you don't know is the most fearful existence, and once you see it, this fear is not the most terrifying thing.

Although Baqi Orochi is Divine Race, he has not actually experienced too many complicated things. After being rushed from China to Japan, the Yachi Orochi kept hiding himself and rarely showed up. Although he joined the Takatenhara Divine Race later, he did not actually participate in the various affairs of the Takatenhara Divine Race, so the Yaqi Orochi actually did not It's not as full of life experience as everyone thinks.

Because the life experience of Baqi Orochi is not as exaggerated as imagined, his mental quality is not very good. In this completely dark environment, unless you have bat-like ability and can rely on echo to locate the target, then the best way is to hide and not make a sound, because you make a sound in the dark, except for exposing yourself Besides, there is no benefit at all. In fact, if it were me, I would not even activate the flame skill just now. Because flames are not the same as pure light beams, the range that flames can illuminate is very small, but the distance that they can be found is very large. In other words, the behavior of Baqi Orochi who just ignited himself was actually more likely to expose himself.

Knowing that Baqi Orochi speaks out because of fear, I deliberately refuse to answer. In any case, let the Baqi Orochi be nervous for a while, even if the tension can not cause any substantial damage to the Baqi Orochi, it can at least consume his physical strength.

We often see that many people act swiftly in a crisis, but when these people are out of this sudden crisis, they will immediately feel exhausted and want to sleep. This is because high nervousness is actually a very physical-consuming thing, not to mention having to make various coping strategies, even if you don't do anything, just the nervousness is already quite physical.

I don't speak now, and to keep the silence here, I just want to expend the physical strength of the Baqi Orochi in advance. Once his physical strength can't support it, I have a chance to take advantage of it. To deal with this kind of high-level existence, I must use everything that can be used. Only in this way can my odds of winning be greatly improved.

Regardless of what the situation is like in so close, yet worlds apart, the world outside is completely messed up.

As the Yaqi Orochi climbed out from under Mount Fuji, the ghost Nobunaga behind and his more than one hundred people who had been transformed into Divine Race finally gradually emerged from the tumbling lava. Climbed out.

Although these people have accepted the divine force transformation, their own abilities are not the same as attributes, and due to luck, the proportion of these people who are transformed into Divine Race members is not completely improved. The same, and the final state of strength they stayed in is also uneven.

This strength is different, and when they were attacked, they were in a different state, so the speed at which these players left the lava pit was not exactly the same.

The first one who came out was not the strongest ghost Nobunaga in this group, but a Japanese warrior professional Japanese player that we have never seen before.

This guy crawled out of the tumbling lava like a hell demon wearing a circle of red mask, but it can be seen that the timing of this guy's activation of the shield is not quite complete. It's accurate, because some of the clothing structures, such as streamers, exposed in the gaps in the armor on his body were basically burnt and broken, and the black ash on his face also showed that this guy was burned badly.

Although I had entered so close, yet worlds apart when this guy came out, I had already entered so close, yet worlds apart, but before leaving, I had given a battle order, so I called our guild The players performed my order very well.

As soon as the player appeared, he saw something in front of him suddenly flying towards him. In a panic, he quickly raised a knife and slashed the first liquefied magic crystal steam missile that flew at him. But what made him didn't expect is that the cut liquefied magic crystal steam exploded. Although the liquefied magic crystal steam that has fallen apart is due to the cut of the shell, the pre-installed liquefied magic crystal steam failed to erupt the formidable power in the design, but this player was forced to lift the player from the lava. Flew out, and then plunged into the lava pit again. Thanks to the red thing on his body that did not disappear, so although he fell, it did not cause any terrible damage to the player, but it shook him a little dizzy. However, his nightmare has just begun.

The guy who was thrown off just felt a little confused in his head, but as soon as he got up, he immediately felt a sensation that the hairs all over his body were erected. Although he didn't see anything, this guy felt such a feeling, but he didn't know what it meant.

In fact, if this situation is a veteran Divine Race here, you can teach him, this is actually a kind of foresight, it is Divine Race's divine force's pre-perception of danger. With this ability, Divine Race can detect danger in advance and avoid it, so it is normally difficult to plot against Divine Race.

Unfortunately, although this perception ability is very sharp, the problem is that the guy in front of him was strengthened into a Divine Race by surprise. In addition to the energy attribute on his body turned into a divine force, there is also the total amount of energy. Apart from the promotion, he is still the previous player, there is nothing special at all.

Because I don't know the dao divine force has this side effect, this player is completely unaware that he is about to face danger. So huh, just when he was still stupid and hu hu got up from the lava and wanted to see who had just launched the missile that hit him, but when he looked up, he saw a big hole facing him in the distance, and that The outer circle of the big hole seemed to be a cannon tube. Looking down, there seemed to be a battleship flying in the sky.

"Ba Ga..." When it was clear that it was a battleship, this guy was completely awakened, and his head was a little dizzy because he was hit by a missile. After that, I was completely awake, but it was a pity that it was too late to react at this time. In a hurry, the guy quickly bent over, leaned forward slightly, then folded his hands in front of him, and at the same time propped up a defensive barrier in front of his arms, intending to carry on the opposite attack.

He was just getting ready for a defensive posture. The battleship barrel on the opposite side suddenly lit up, and a thick purple beam of light shot up, and instantly hit the one before his arm. That shield, and then there was a dazzling flash of light. The shield swayed like a candle in the wind in the rays of light, as if it would go out at any time, and what’s more terrible was that a powerful force was coming from him. Passing from his arms to his body, the power felt unbearable even with his current Divine Race body. The horrible thrust just forcibly pushed him from the lava to the ground, and he felt that his arms and chest were hot, and he felt like he was about to be unable to hold on.

Although this feeling is terrible, fortunately the attack did not last long. The beam is over in just over two seconds. Then the guy immediately put down his dysfunctional arms, and at the same time felt that there was no place in his body that didn't hurt.

At first, he thought it was over. Who knew that he just lowered his arm and looked up at the battleship opposite, but he saw that all the dozen cannons on the battleship turned to his side. In the next second he saw a circle of smoke rising around the cannon on the battleship, and within a second he was submerged by a violent explosion.

Speaking of Divine Race, the body is really extraordinary, although it is covered by such a large-scale artillery fire, this guy is stuck. Of course, it is inevitable that the whole body is dark and some armor positions are cracked. However, in any case, at least he carried it down. This is an indisputable fact.

Although he was a little embarrassed, this guy finally survived. However, although he is alive now, this has not changed his overall ending. Before he was grateful for his defensive power increase, this guy immediately felt the hair on his body stand up again.

With the experience of the last time, this guy has finally figured out some doorways this time. Realizing that this was a danger signal, he quickly looked around for the source of the danger, but he was dumbfounded as soon as he looked up.

There is indeed a danger, and I have seen it, but it completely exceeds his upper limit of reaction.

What this guy suddenly saw was not the battleship just now, but the three battleships that have nothing common with each other, facing him in a horizontal and two vertical state, and then in the next second he He saw all the visible barrels on the battleship lit up, and then he felt pain all over his body. As for the specific pain... he couldn't feel it now.

I was attacked by the side cannons of three battleships. If the average player hangs up early, I don’t know how many times, let alone the corpse, maybe even the equipment on the body has been gasified, right? However, he was Divine Race, so he took this attack, but the result was a bit miserable. There were at least 30 fractures in various places of the body. In addition, the divine force on the body was almost consumed. What's more, there was only one third of life left. Such terrible damage is actually nothing for a Divine Race. In addition to its thick skin and durability, the Divine Race also has the characteristic of quick recovery, whether it is the injury on the body, the value of life, or the value of divine force, anyway. The consumed things are restored quickly, and bits and pieces can be restored at once. However, our side has no plans to let him recover slowly.

Just before the smoke and dust around him dispersed, a sudden gust of wind blew the smoke away, and then this guy saw a beautiful, white and lovely beauty Falling from the sky, then... stabbed him hundreds of swords.

It's not just for fun, it's really stabbed hundreds of swords. This guy has been nailed into more than a hundred Flying Swords from head to toe, and he can hardly find a place to insert anything in his body. This kind of horrible attack is more appropriate than killing people as it is dismembering the corpse.

Looking at the player who has completely died, gold coin raised his finger slightly, and the more than one hundred Flying Swords inserted into that guy immediately rose into the sky, but because so many Flying Swords moved back together at the same time , So the guy's body was also taken away. Seeing the corpse floating up, gold coin eyebrows slightly frowned, and then the fingers made a relaxing movement, the next second the more than one hundred Flying Swords instantly scattered away, and at the same time, the fellow’s flesh and blood was scattered. The scene was as if a bomb was stuffed in a person's body. In an instant, minced meat of various sizes was seen splashing around. If it weren't for the gold coin's body with a light film blocking it, it would have to be poured into it.

"Hehe, get one." Gold coin turned around after watching the Flying Sword disperse and said to Zhen Hong who was a step late.

True red panting with rage said: "After you say that you are not allowed to grab it, you still sneak away, is it too shabby?"

"I think this is not a gold coin Question.” Kristina said to help gold coin: “I think the main problem is that Purple Moon’s previous statement is too exaggerated. I think Purple Moon means that we should pay attention to these Divine Race players, not really let us You and I are all in the top five in battle strength anyway. Of course, you can’t get even the same if you hit one of the three. Once the gold coin is shot, the guy will be muddy, and we don’t have a chance to get started. I think Those battleships can fight in groups, but the three of us are still separated, and the Divine Race of our guild, I don’t think there is a need to squat a few. With the strength of the Hades gang, even eight Qi Da Snake came out on his own. If you don’t fight for three days and three nights, you can’t tell the victory or defeat, right? As for such a dozen people squatting? Look at your guy over there. He was dismembered as soon as he came up. Come up and change your breath!"

Of course, Kristina’s words had a certain effect, but the effect was reversed. Afterwards, the battle became a group of people robbing monsters and playing, various expert, Divine Race There he robbed Nobunaga's subordinates who had just come out.

Originally, even if Guishou Nobunaga's subordinates were temporarily strengthened, their strength was unstable, but they were not the same as being killed so badly. But this time we were a surprise attack, and the previous strategy struck Mt. Fuji in one fell swoop and buried all the people under the lava. By the time they climbed out of the lava, they had actually lost half their lives. Now that Nobunaga Guishou and Ochi Orochi are missing, they are surrounded by groups of great gods and experts on our side without organization. It is strange that it is not miserable.

I won’t talk about Kristina and gold coin. Hades and the Peacock Hades, even if they become a guild Divine Race, their strength has declined, but the power of the year is after all It's still there, they are really fierce and ruthless characters in the fight. Normal Divine Race is not easy to deal with any of them. Now these Divine Race newbies of Nobunaga Ghosts have to pick N, and they are still attacked by sneak attacks. There is no way to fight back. Almost everyone was covered and blown up by fire as soon as their heads appeared, and then they were fired for a few reincarnations. The divine force on their bodies was almost consumed. Finally, a group of great gods came up to fight, this Who can stand it?

A group of people on our side were playing "Hammouse" there. Suddenly we heard Vina, who had been sitting on the side and hadn’t moved, opened her eyes and said: "Our divine The force core senses a huge divine force fluctuation, which should be some kind of communication connection. It may be that the opponent's continuous dead have alerted them."

This so-called continuous dead refers of course to those Divine Race players. . It is normal for these people to die after being covered by lava, but it is not normal for such a large-scale one after another to die. Although Guishou Nobunaga still doesn't know where he is, as the president of the Guishou League, he can of course see the list of casualties of his guild. It was just now that Nobunaga Onihand discovered that the list of casualties on his side was gradually expanding, and the time of death was quite dense. This phenomenon clearly shows that their people here are being massacred, rather than natural deaths. So Nobunaga Guishou began to use divine force for communication connections, hoping to organize his own people to resist our attacks. Although Nobunaga had not seen our troops before, Nobunaga Oninote had heard the report of the intruder from the following personnel before, and Yaqi Orochi had also told him that the mobile fortress Isengard had arrived, so Nobunaga Oninote knew that we would just Outside, he didn't expect that he would suffer such heavy casualties.

Here, Nobunaga Onishu did not hesitate to spend divine force to start long-distance command, and those Japanese players who climbed out of the lava one after another suddenly stopped going out. These people are aware of the danger outside, so they choose to hide in the lava temporarily. Although soaking in the lava needs to consume their divine force to resist the high temperature of the lava, it is better than charging ahead one by one and then being killed one by one.

Under the command of Nobunaga Onitou, these people quickly gathered together, and because of the lava cover, and the place was just struck by the radiation cannon on the Isengard Mobile Fortress, so The energy fluctuations are very messy, and we won't know where they are for a while.

Since neither side can take the initiative to attack, the battlefield naturally calms down. Of course, the only ones who are quiet are the two sides of the battle. Mount Fuji doesn't mean to be quiet at all. That guy will be happy.

"It seems that these guys will not come out until they assemble." Seeing this, King Dalun Peacock Ming Wang said next to him.

Hades inserted the black holy gun back behind him, and said: "No matter how many of them come out, we just have to go together. Just now we have killed so many, I don’t believe it. Qi Da Snake has the ability to strengthen thousands of Divine Races. Even if his divine force core has so many divine forces, he may not be willing to use it."

In fact, Hades’s guess is true. That's right. If the Power of Faith in the divine force core of Baqi Orochi is really used up, the Baqi Orochi is actually capable of strengthening a thousand Divine Race players this time. However, Baqi Orochi is planning to counterattack China, and once he sets foot on the land of Central Plains, he will inevitably encounter Celestial Court forces. Because Baqi Orochi knows the power of Celestial Court very well, he left most of the Power of Faith to plan to use it when fighting Celestial Court. This resulted in only more than 200 people in the enhancement. Half of it was raided by us, so only a hundred people actually completed the enhancement.

Just taking advantage of the chance of the ghosts of Nobunaga's subordinates to climb out of their faces one by one in a panic, those of us have already killed more than 20 Divine Race players. So Hades is very convinced that there are definitely not many people left. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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