"Which guild are you from?" The cavalry battallion stopped in front of me, and a leading Knight came out. "Did you hear?"

"It's really lively today!" I smiled and said, "As long as you don't touch my property, I don't think we have anything to do with you, so don't ask!"

"How do you talk?" A man walked out from behind. He didn't look like a European, but he looked like an Asian. I don't know if it's a Chinese!

"Don't bother me anyway!" Turned around and ignored them, took two Avatars to drag the blood stab to the side of the tower, to stop the bleeding first, or wait for Xiaochun to recover him Just hang up!

"Hey! I said you, don't be too arrogant!" The Asian drove over. "Are you Chinese?" The Asian looked at me contemptuously.

Only then did I remember that the mask hadn't been put down, it's no surprise that his eyes didn't look right at me! "What's wrong with me being a Chinese?" This guy also looks like a Chinese, and he is so fierce to me!

"It turned out to be a Chinese pig! Hahahaha...! No wonder it's so rude!" This guy's words immediately made me come over. Just now I didn't want to cause trouble, and now I'm afraid to ignore it!

"You finally take back what you just said, or else...!"

"Chinese pigs! Stop humming there, the warriors of the Dahe nation will not be afraid of a pig !"

"Damn it, you Japanese bastard courting death!" I just finished shouting, before I could do it, I just felt the silhouette flashing around me, and the warrior Avatar had returned to me, and he There is something more on hand. Oh, got it wrong, that's not a thing!

The warrior Avatar in the form of a werewolf is more than two meters tall. Now he is holding the Japanese dwarf in his hand with one hand, and it feels like he is holding a chicken. "Say? Which part do you want me to remove first?" The warrior Avatar is stronger than me!

"This staff is good!" I stretched out my hand and pulled the staff in that guy's hand. This little Japan was frightened by the sudden situation just now, and did not respond for a while. When he noticed, the staff was in my hand.

Dang! With a crisp sound, the staff in his hand flew out suddenly, and the shot was the Knight at first. I flicked it with one hand, and the dragon tendons flew out and wrapped it around the end of the staff. The staff was immediately fixed between the two of us and could not move. Only then did I see that the other party was also using a whip-like thing wrapped around the end of the staff!

The strength in the hand began to increase, but the opponent also began to exert strength in the same way. Seeing the stalemate, Knight suddenly said: "Retreat!" The horse he stepped on automatically began to retreat, and I was immediately pulled over. This guy is so despicable, taking advantage of me with his mount!

"Beastization!" I quickly transformed into the form of a werewolf. With a zip around my hand, Knight's horse neighed and was completely pulled to the ground by me, and the staff returned to mine. Hands.

"It really is expert!" Knight got up from the ground. "This gentleman had better return the staff to him. It is a special staff purchased by our guild for combat staff. If you insist on snatching it, will we let you go!"

"Who do you want to return it to?"

"Of course..." Knight didn't go on, because my warrior Avatar had already started performing live dissects in public.

The warrior Avatar easily turned the little Japan in his hand into a pile of rotten meat, and then said to me: "I seem to have found a staff!"

The staff above was handed over to him. "Is it this?"


"Is there a master who found it?"


"Then there is no owner!"


"Then keep it! Anyway, it is no owner, whoever finds it counts!"


"Okay!" The warrior Avatar and I sang the double reed and smoked Knight's angry Qiqiao next to me.

I took the staff from the warrior Avatar and gave it to the wizard Avatar. "How about it? Keep it!"

The wizard Avatar took a look and said: "Holy Spirit level, the attribute is OK, so let's use it first!"

" You...!" Knight was so angry that he didn't know what to say! "Kill him for me!" In the end, he decided to bully more and less, because when he snatched the staff just now, he basically knew the strength of the opponent, and knew how much he had! He knew that he was not my opponent, so he directly let his subordinates come up!

The opponent has too many people, I have played so many games in a row, and playing with them again is obviously a disadvantage! "Flash people!" I greeted, and the two Avatars next to me moved faster than myself, and ran away immediately!

"Chasing!" Knight rushed up with his hands!

A strange chasing battle was staged on the grassland, but it is a pity that I am the one being chased!

"You guys block it, I want to find a way!" The wizard Avatar suddenly said.

"Give you 30 seconds!" The warrior Avatar and I turned around at the same time and quickly stood still. The infantry and cavalry were at a disadvantage, not to mention the difference in number. Fortunately, our two strengths are different!

Knight became excited when he saw the two of us stop, and directed his own men to rush up to crush both of us.

Suddenly the warrior Avatar jumped up, turned around and landed on Knight’s horse in the air. Knight immediately turned around and attacked. Of course, I couldn’t stand stupidly, and flew the boomerang to the ground for a while. After the blood light, a large group of people fell. Just now, the target was the horse's hoof, and the horse's hoof was injured and fell down, and Knight on his back followed bad luck.

"Okay!" The wizard Avatar suddenly shouted. The warrior Avatar and I hurried to flash people.

Just after we left, a huge tornado appeared in front of everyone. There are also many wizards in the cavalry battallion. Although they can’t use such a large amount of magic, they still know that there are many people and they are powerful. A tornado of about the same size is completed in an instant, and the magic combined by multiple wizards finally successfully integrated my wizard. Avatar used magic, but after everything calmed down, there was no sign of me.

"Where is the person?" Knight looked around, but no one saw me.

It's weird to see it! Just taking advantage of the chaos of the tornado, I retracted the Avatar, and then turned on the invisibility function on the cloak, and now I am not far from Knight's side.


A large group of cavalry were spinning around on the grassland, but they couldn't find me. After a few minutes, Knight lost patience and thought I had to go back to the city and run. After the cavalry team was reorganized, it became a two-man rider. The horses that we just engaged in the battle lost nearly half, and now we have to merge!

The cavalry ran towards the tower, it seems that their goals are the same as those of the girls. I re-released the Avatar and quickly approached the back of the team. These tattered war horses were originally slow to run, but now they are even slower with two people, and we can catch them on foot. The wizard Avatar had no time for him to stop and cast the spell, so he had to use a small wind blade. The advantage of this magic was that it had neither strong light and shadow effects nor sound, and would not let anyone notice it. And I simply jumped up with the warrior Avatar and killed him. The person walking at the end of the line was knocked down by us.

The dead person has two minutes in the soul state, which is different from the array used by the Arctic Star Monarch to force the soul out. The dead person’s soul state is very weak. The functions are all available. These people can't use private chat to notify the people in front before the resurrection, and I just want to use these two minutes. After catching up with the backmost enemy from the back, I and the warrior Avatar took off at the same time. Before and after him, he threw the two people off the horse at the same time, and covered his mouth with his hand, and used a sharp blade to attack the neck!

Our assassination did not last for as long as two minutes. Someone discovered it just less than one minute. But I jumped out of the distance in an instant, closed the Avatar, cloaked a block, and went invisible again.

Knight was going crazy when he came back from the front of the team. There were more than 20 people lying on the ground, and they didn't even know who did it! Maybe they guessed it was me, but no one saw me. Knight wanted to find me but couldn't find anxious Knight around.

After searching the place for a while, I didn’t find me. Knight finally couldn’t help but divided 30 people into a circle back to back, guarding my presence on the spot, while the large army quickly moved higher. The tower ran over.

Now I’m in a difficult situation. If I attack, I’m not sure to solve the 30-odd people at once. If I find a hidden place, I’ll be in trouble. Phantom Cloak can only be completely invisible when it is at rest. Once I move, I may be discovered!

"Purple Moon! Are you still there?" Ashford's voice appeared in the private chat channel.

"Here! What are you doing?"

"We are back again, we have reached the entrance to the grassland. How did there be a pair of cavalry on the grassland?"

"I don't know! It's the enemy anyway! How many people did you bring?"

"Three thousand!"

"It's almost there! Come in!" Hehe! This is called the road to heaven, and didn't expect the people of the Iron Crusade to arrive so soon!

Of course, the guild on the grassland also noticed the entry of the Iron Crusade, and they quickly gathered together. Of course, I immediately withdrew my invisibility and moved closer to the Iron Crusader.

The number of cavalry on the two sides is not much different, and the number of the other side is slightly larger, but it seems that the quality is not as good as ours! After seeing me, Ashford immediately asked me with his eyes, and I said: "I have got the stuff, and I will give it to you when I finish processing here!"


Ashford brought the team and the gang of cavalry close to each other face to face, and stopped when the two sides approached a distance of about 100 meters.

"Why did Sir Siluo come here free?" Ashford actually knew this guy.

"The Eldest Young Master of the Kerry Lan Family can come, why can't I?" The two sides obviously know each other, and this posture still looks like an enmity!

"Do they know?" I asked Messett.

Mesette explained in a low voice next to me: "That guy is Silo Paderek, he is the future heir of the Paderek family, our president is the heir of the Kerry Lan Family, and the two This family is a feud! Originally, the two of them were incompatible as fire and water outside the game, but then both of them entered the game and established their own guilds. The two guilds often fought for various reasons. Now it is basically If you meet, you will fight!"

"Ashford’s family is rich?"

"You are a foreigner, don’t know, the Kerry Lan Family is a stand in Germany by one's word!"

"Then how do you know the president?"

"hehe! I am the daughter of their steward family, and the president is my childhood Yes!" Messett actually showed the shy appearance of a rare girl when she said this just now. I thought she was a complete man!

When I was inquiring about things with Messett below, Ashford and Paderek were already talking about each other, and they were about to fight. "Duel!" I heard such a sentence suddenly!

I look at Messett. "Isn't it? You still have to fight first before gang fights are popular here?"

"Basically, there is no such rule, but every time the president sees Paderek, he has to fight him, and every time It's a tie every time!"

"Understand!" What is a feud? That is the goal set for oneself in life, and the only goal in life is to defeat the other party! These two people are obviously the masters of Knight's excess spirit!

Take advantage of their melee, I first find a place to rest, but I have no strength to consume them. Rose also walked up to me, lay down next to me, put her little mouth close to my ear and began to whisper softly. Others would think we are young couple flirting, but actually Rose is reporting on work. "The news I just inquired about. There is no teleportation point in the mountain range of death. We must teleport to a nearby city and walk there!"

"What's the distance?"

"We only I heard that the city is not far from the entrance of the mountain range of death, but no one knows how deep the mountain range of death is! And at the entrance of the mountain range of death, there is a player city just blocking the entire entrance, unless If you cross this city, there is no way to get in!"

"That's right, don’t you just send it directly to that city?"

"The trouble is here! That city is called Women's Technology The alliance’s guild was built. This guild is all girls, and there is no male player."


"Isn’t that the same as the previous Sakura Club?"

"Although this guild has a teleportation point, it is only open to players in the guild. We can only walk from nearby cities, and the female players in this guild are very strange, they will refuse others to pass their guild The city entered the mountain range of death. Many guilds once thought of forcing a breakthrough, but they all failed!"

"Does it look amazing! But why don't they let people pass?"< /p>

"This is not clear! But at least I know one thing, that is, if we don't want to cross that city, we don't expect to enter the mountain range of death!"

I looked at the sky and said:" Talk to them, maybe they will let us pass! It really doesn't work, we can penetrate from the air!"

"In the air?" Rose didn't expect me to have such a problem. "No one has tried this. I hope that the city's air defense force is not very strong!" Suddenly I thought of a very bad question. "Rose! Do you have any information about that guild? How about screenshots?"

"Yes!" Rose said, "It is said that there are nearly four thousand people in that guild, and they are all beautiful women. So many players like to sneak photos of the beauties in that city around the city. I got the photos of their president and several main leaders by the way!"

"Let me see!" One Seeing the screenshot, my heart thumped! "How could it be them?"

"What's wrong?" Rose didn't know why I reacted so strongly.

I quickly told Rose what happened just now! I actually killed all the leaders of this guild, and the negotiation is no longer expected, or obediently and honestly consider how to force a penetration!

"Is there no way! By the way, is that the tower you are talking about?"

"Yes! That's it, but I have to wait for my pet to recover. It can be transported into the Mother Earth Temple. Without the power of a giant dragon, ordinary people can't move it! I am anxious now that it is not the tower, but the city of the female player. What if I really can’t make it through?"

"Then the mission failed!"

"By the way, I just settled the guild with hundreds of players alone, it doesn’t look great! Three thousand people simply don’t My opponent!"

Rose said: "This guild is dominated by auxiliary occupations. There are only a thousand people in the guild as combat units, and most of them are auxiliary occupation researchers who specialize in research. Various auxiliary professions and various skills. This guild has the best city defense technology in Germany, so every time the attacker is beaten badly, it is said that they have many terrifying weapons of mass destruction, many The guild suffered a big loss. So until now, no guild has entered the mountain range of death!"

"Halo! The god of the mountain range is offended by not dying!" It turns out that these girls are all practicing The auxiliary profession, blame it for being so inexperienced! "Let's talk about these things until later! We don't know how those girls will decide in the end, so we want to break our heads now!" Standing up and walking to the front of the team, we found that the two presidents on both sides were still fighting! I just talked to Rose about a lot of things, and told her about my experience of meeting those girls on the grassland. It was a long time delay, and the two have not finished the fight yet!

I saw that the two people in the field were already wounded, but they were still attacking each other. It was really great! Suddenly, there was a stir behind me, and the crowd parted a gap, and shouted in exclamation. I looked back, haha, the plague appeared! The punishment time has passed, and the familiars appeared around one by one, and everyone watching the duel on the court was attracted by me, and finally even the two dueling people stopped.

Ordinarily, you shouldn’t show your abilities in front of others, but now it’s beyond my control. Familiars and summon creatures appear one after another on the grassland behind. At first everyone was surprised, then surprised, and finally turned into shock. More and more creatures appeared, and the number was astonishing. When they finally arrived, everyone on both sides was frightened.

The Iron Crusaders have never seen my Familiar except for the three leaders. They are all shocked by this astonishing number! The total number of players from the two guilds is more than 6,000 points. I have a similar number of familiars. Isn't that scary enough? Besides, others don't know the level of the Dark Knight, they simply judge the battle strength of this Legion by quantity!

I hurried to the tower and summoned out of Space Gate again. Fortunately, working with the plague and the crystal has a small dragon female assistant, I easily moved the entire tower into the space gate, but it is really thanks to this tower being relatively thin, if it is as thick as the spirit gathering tower, let alone Can't move, even if it can be moved, the gate is not wide enough! What I didn't expect was that after the tower entered, the long spear and stinger in the sky also flew in. The surrounding players thought it was a long spear that was going to attack us, so they fell down immediately, but found that the long spear simply ignored it. They all flew into the gate! It's strange to say that the breath of the mother god of the earth dared not even approach the misty Legion, and the long spear would actually enter the gate in order to follow the tower of Babel!

When the troops moved the tower inside, I took Xiaochun to bleed the blood to recognize the Master. After it was done, I quickly drove the extra summon creatures into the space gate to save everyone staring in a daze! When the transportation is over, the long spear and the stinger have also entered the gate, and I jumped on Yeying's back, and then said to Messett: "Hurry up and bring your guild leader back. There are no good things here, so staying longer is useless!" /p>

Mesette was also very clever. He immediately said something to the other people. While the people on the other side were still in a daze, they set up Ashford and started to roll back to the city. In a large flash of blue light, the entire guild was teleported away, leaving the other party in a daze on the grassland!

Axiu Fu was angry as soon as he returned to the Council of Parliament, but it seemed that Messette was very good at dealing with Ash Fu, and he quieted him down with a few words, but he was still not calm. . I quickly walked over and took out a purple leaf clover. "Look at what this is?"

This trick worked, and Ashford's attention immediately returned. "Did you really get it?" His expression was more than just excitement to describe! "How many did you get? Enough for 30 plants?"

"Absolutely enough!" I paused: "However, I have suffered a great loss to help you get these things this time! People brought from China Almost all of them were killed once, and even my Familiar was almost down to level 0. How do you make up for it?" Hehe! Germans don't like to go around the corners. I just go to the countryside and do what I do, and I just ask for benefits. Anyway, I don't get paid for nothing. What's wrong about getting paid for work! I don't know what Ashford intends to exchange for these 30 purple leaf plants!

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