Originally I thought that Tree of Life would sprout very quickly, but in fact, the seed did not change significantly until five minutes after Elf Race and Polsephone left. During this period of time, the tree of Life’s seed has been continuously squeezing out a large number of green rattans. These rattans are like octopus tentacles desperately piercing underground, but all that can be seen on the ground is The seed itself is not too much.

Five minutes later, this kind of growth that was actually very fast, but it seemed very stable, finally ended. I suddenly felt a strong wave of energy coming from under the ground, and at the same time there was a slight Vibration, and this vibration is gradually strengthening.

Feeling the instability under the ground, I quickly jumped onto Ye Ying's back and let him off the ground. It turns out that my choice is very correct, because less than five seconds after we lifted into the sky, a big hole suddenly burst up in the ground at the location where we were just now, and then we saw a piece that was as thick as a locomotive. The sturdy cane drilled out of the ground, and then continued to reach the sky like monster tentacles.

"Back, back!" With my reminder, Ye Ying began to back up quickly, because the cane below had already caught up to our height, and after Ye Ying avoided that position, that one The cane still did not stop. Obviously, it is not estimated to come out from under us and intend to attack us. After we avoided any change in the cane, it directly crossed the position where we were just now and continued to grow upwards, and soon exceeded our height.

After this cane drilled out of the ground, it was as if there was a riot under the ground. There were big holes that cracked quickly everywhere on the ground, and then the tentacles were drilled out of the ground and extended to the ground. In the sky, and in the center of these tentacles, a huge rattan that is obviously different from other tentacles suddenly drilled out of the ground like a volcanic eruption. The surrounding soil was lifted by the rattan for hundreds of meters before it began to fall. That scene It's like the end of the world.

Although the terrifying main cane came out a bit late, both its growth rate and its volume far surpass those of the surrounding canes. It only took more than ten seconds for this guy to surpass the surrounding canes. The height has reached a terrifying height of two more than a hundred meters, and it continues to grow upward at the previous growth rate, and the surrounding rattans, which are slightly thinner like locomotives, are beginning to attach to the main rattan in the center. The upper starts to wrap around the main cane and grow upwards with it.

As the main vines continue to grow, more and finer vines begin to appear near the position where the lower vines drill out of the ground. These vines are like huge green dragon- like drilled in and out of the ground, and quickly spread to the surrounding area. All the plants growing in the vicinity were swept underground or carried into the air by these rattans, but they were all disturbed without exception. Smashed. If it weren't for the fact that Tree of Life only radiated energy waves during the first five minutes of speaking, and there was no other movement, it is estimated that the dead animals here would also be very impressive. But because the animals were scared away by the energy wave in the previous five minutes, only the plants that couldn't move were swallowed up now.

Although the cane of Tree of Life moves very fast, because of the close distance, I have seen many situations that others cannot see. Those rattans were not simply abandoning all the surrounding plants after they were crushed, but were rapidly fusing these plants. No matter what kind of plants are crushed, as long as they touch the rattan of Tree of Life, they will fuse like two pieces of dough squeezed together. This terrifying fusion ability even has an effect on animals. Although the previous energy fluctuations scared a lot of things away, low-level creatures like Insect don’t seem to respond too much to this fluctuation. In addition, some creatures are naturally slow to move, and there is no time to leave this area in five minutes, so there are still some Creatures are covered by rattan.

The final outcome of the covered creatures is the same as those of the plants. They are absorbed and merged by the cane without being squeezed to death. I even saw a jungle python that was merged and absorbed while it was alive. Its head is connected to a foot-long stretch and is still swinging there desperately trying to escape, but the tail section is completely connected to the cane and cannot be separated from each other. This terrifying fusion ability is simply scarier than the corrosive effect of strong acid. Fortunately, most creatures have already left here, otherwise the scene will definitely be even more shocking.

In fact, I was not the only one who was scared. On Isengard’s side, in front of the space-based observation system in the Babel Tower, all the leaders of the guild were estimated to be in the observation period. Look ahead at this aerial view of the ground taken by Babel Tower. In the picture, a large area of ​​tropical rain forest like a vast ocean suddenly filled with mud, and then it was like exploding a nuclear bomb, followed by an earth-yellow shock wave followed by a creeping green wave. Pushing fast on the ground, in the blink of an eye, a light green area that is obviously different from the surrounding color was created in the tropical rainforest. Moreover, this area is still expanding. As long as the surrounding plants are covered by it, it will be Being eaten away, there is no resistance at all.

Because I have gradually become familiar with the growth method of Tree of Life, I am no longer as cautiously as before, and started to direct Ye Ying to approach some of the growing vines appropriately. These tents are often drilled out of the ground at an angle of forty-five degrees, then climb along a parabola to a height of nearly fifty meters, and then plunge back into the ground to form a raised soil layer and continue to move under the ground. Advance for a certain distance, then drill out of the ground again to repeat the previous action. If you can now cut the ground and let us see the cross-sectional view, you will find that the way these canes grow is like a forward-stretching sine curve, and its regularity is very strong, and it is almost impossible to drill out of the ground and in the The distance traveled underground is the same, as if it had been measured with an instrument.

"Okay, Ye Ying, come closer, let's take a look at the situation below." After figuring out the rules, I started to let Ye Ying go down.

Yeying obediently began to lower her height, and then flew backwards backwards while gradually approaching a cane that had just drilled out of the ground, and finally passed under the cane. Although our actions were dangerous, the cane did not attack us. Instead, it leaped over our heads accurately according to our own rules, and then plunged into the ground again behind us to continue the next cycle.

While the vines continue to spread outward, at the center of the Tree of Life, the huge main vine has grown five more than a hundred meters tall, and the growth momentum does not stop at all. The trend is still rising wildly. In fact, in addition to the increasing height, the diameter of the main rattan and the surrounding auxiliary rattan is also expanding. At this time, even the diameter of the auxiliary rattan attached to the main rattan has exceeded 15 meters, and the main rattan The strips have grown to more than 50 meters in diameter.

With the help of a crystal communicator, Elf Race, who is simultaneously watching the growth of Tree of Life, frowns and looks at the crazily growing vines on the screen and asks: "How fast is this vine now spreading?"


The player who is operating the communicator looked at the scale and said: "About 60 to 70 kilometers per hour."

After listening to this answer, Mr. Elf Race quickly spoke to Hong Yue next to him. Asked: "Hong Yue Vice-President, can you contact other people?"

Hong Yue nodded asked: "Who do you want to contact?"

"Can you contact Persephone?"

"Okay." Hong Yue signaled to the communicator to start, and the voice with Quapersephone appeared in the communication.

"What's the matter? Contact me at this time."

Elf Race asked with some worry: "Master Polsephone, your tree of life seed Did you enter a lot of Life Essence?"

Porsephone asked in confusion: "How can I warm up without entering Life Essence?"

Elf Race just listen to it for a long time. I knew where the problem was, but I still confirmed: "Then do you know that the energy efficiency of Tree of Life is different from that of ordinary plants?"

Porsephone asked in confusion: "Is there a difference?"

Elf Race long helplessly said: "The life energy utilization rate of general plants is only 20%, and the most is only 38%, but Tree of The energy utilization rate of Life is between 97% and 99.9%, which means that Tree of Life can produce more than three times the effect of normal plants by absorbing the same energy. Are you still following normal plants? The growth energy requirement calculated by the absorption rate?"

Porsephone also reacted this time, and he didn’t care about answering, and hurriedly exclaimed: "Hurry up, let the surrounding Elf Race The soldiers evacuated quickly, and the growth range of Tree of Life will be much larger than expected, and their current position will be involved!"

Elf Race, who dare to delay, quickly began to order the elf troops to evacuate . Upon seeing the situation, Hong Yue quickly ordered the guild’s personnel to help Elf Race and evacuate as soon as possible. After all, they are doing things for us. If there are a lot of losses, no matter what is reasonable in every circumstance, we will definitely have to make some compensation. Besides, even if people don’t want to compensate, we can’t watch the soldiers of Elf Race die here in vain, right?

Because of our guild’s communication equipment to help deliver orders, the elves responded quickly. It took only a few minutes to start a large-scale evacuation of the scene, and because our guild’s players had Feng Feng Dragons can help with loading things, so the elves just need to pack light and escape. Those things that are not easy to bring are thrown into the Phoenix Dragon Space, and the people in our guild have long spears that can be used to travel. When everyone comes back You can bring two elves by the way, and run a few more times at the speed of long spear, which can also transport a lot of people.

Thanks to our help and the timely discovery, the elves quickly withdrew and were not covered by the cane of Tree of Life. However, we ran very fast, but some people But it's not so fast.


"What's the matter?" In a huge city in South America, a player pushed the door into an office. Two players were sitting inside. I was looking at a map to discuss something, when I heard this person come in and asked without looking back.

The player who just entered here immediately reported: "Nails just used a magic scroll to send a message that the elves surrounding them had suddenly left, and they looked panicked, as if they were running for their lives."

The two people who were discussing something heard this report and suddenly turned around. They stopped looking at the map and asked seriously, "You said they were running for their lives?"

< p>The player immediately said: "That's what the information says."

Another person who didn't speak before opened the mouth and said: "The nail set by the elves to surround us is understandable, and we are temporarily evacuated. It’s understandable, but why do they seem to run for their lives?"

The person who spoke before said: "The elves don’t need to show us the show. Even if they can destroy our village with their strength, It’s just no effort at all. There is no need to spend a lot of time performing something in front of us."

"Doesn’t that mean that they are really running for their lives? What can make the elves run away? "

"No matter what it is, we will definitely be unable to stop it anyway. Inform the nails and let them leave as soon as possible."


Although the improved communication scroll based on Transmission Scroll also has a certain cost, in general, the general guild communication is still used, so the player in the village that deliberately messed up with us quickly received it and asked them to follow the elves. Notice of our evacuation. However, even though they received such a notice, the result was completely different from the elves.

The elves have our help, there is nothing in your hand, just run by yourself, and our transportation ability also helps the elves to carry away some people with relatively low mobility. So the rest of the elves can be said to be high-mobility troops. Besides, the elves are the darlings of the forest, and the elves move very fast in the woods. However, these players are different in comparison. They don't know exactly what happened, they just roughly know that there is danger, and humans are such creatures. If they can't really feel the threat, most people won't have a strong sense of urgency.

Almost all elves and a group of rather random humans, the speed of escape is naturally impossible. Even more how players found out that the elves took the initiative to evacuate before they reported it. Their There was a delay in giving orders from the superiors. This time, when the players started to prepare to run, it was actually too late. Almost the fastest guy in this group had just left the gate of the village, and there was a faint loud rumbling noise from behind.

"What sound?" Several players who were still sorting their things and preparing to load their cars and left looked up at the village in confusion, but unfortunately, because of the forest block, they couldn't see anything at all, only the sound was heard. It got closer, and the ground actually started to vibrate slightly.

"Look, what is that?" As the distance approached, some players finally noticed the flying debris and dirt behind the forest not far away, and then saw a large group of snakes like giant snakes. The usual sturdy cane flickering towards the village at the top of the canopy.

"Oh my God!" With the shouts of the previous players, more and more people noticed the movement there, and then people began to throw things around and ran away, but at this time It's too late.

The forward speed of 60 kilometers per hour is nothing for modern cars, but the problem is that this is a tropical rain forest and not a highway. Besides, people here don’t have cars, so they can have a devil beast. That's pretty good. Moreover, there are not many devil beasts that can run wild in the woods at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour. It's not that you can't reach the speed, but you can't run. The road conditions in the jungle will be clear after thinking about it. The uneven ground height, the soft and hard ground strength, the sloppy bushes, and the dense towering giant trees are all obstacles to progress. Devil beast can be seen everywhere, which can run more than 100 kilometers per hour on the prairie, but in the jungle, any moving object with a speed of more than 40 kilometers per hour must have a perfect level dynamic capture system and a set of at least hands. Sophisticated obstacle avoidance system can guarantee that you won't hit anything or fall into a big horse.

Compared with the players who need to avoid obstacles in front and choose the road under their feet carefully, the Tree of Life in the back pushes them all the way without any trouble. A player who didn't know whether he was born brave or had a brain problem, he stood in front of the village and faced the oncoming Tree of Life and cut out a sword qi. Of course, the result is very sad. Sword qi was not even close to Tree of Life's vines, but was blocked by the dirt and broken wood that Tree of Life lifted up, and then the guy himself was buried by the pouring wood and mud.

Passing this player without hindrance, Tree of Life is still moving forward. According to normal circumstances, Tree of Life shouldn't grow to this position at all. We have changed the growth location of Tree of Life before, and the new location is actually very far away from this village. According to our re-planned construction site, this village should have been stuck just outside the edge of our city, and the area originally planned for this city It covers a much larger area than Tree of Life. Tree of Life is just the center of the city. It does not mean that the entire city is Tree of Life. But now, Tree of Life has not only spread to areas that should not have been covered by the edge of the city, but it is also growing outward.

With the further advancement of Tree of Life, that small village finally entered the coverage of Tree of Life. The fence made of wood is like a paper model in front of the vines of Tree of Life. The air waves brought up by the vines are directly blown away. Not far from the outside of the village, a vine burrows out of the ground with a bang, and passes through the air. After a certain distance, he fell again, and then plunged into the peripheral zone of the village, smashing the whole small half of the village into the ground, while the remaining part of the village was completely covered by the mud splashed by the vines entering the ground. Immortal, and absolutely impossible to get out in a short time.

The people in the village were buried alive, and the people who ran out of the village were not much better. A small group of players lowered their heads and ran desperately, but the loud noise behind them was getting closer and closer. Suddenly, a loud explosion sound, a prehistoric giant beast-like vine broke out of the ground more than a dozen meters away in front of them. After rushing forward for a certain distance, it suddenly plunged into the ground again, and the complexion was just below them. When pale my legs and feet were weak, I suddenly found that it was getting dark. The panicked people looked up and almost knelt directly on the ground. It's getting dark, it was actually a vine that passed through their heads and was pressing down towards the ground in front of them.

Because the vines have already crossed the top of their heads, the running people had to move to both sides in order to avoid these vines, but their speed was not as fast as the vines. Now they have to move diagonally, which is more natural. Not an opponent, he was soon overtaken by the vines behind.

First, because they don’t know the situation, the reaction of these people after discovering that they have been caught up is also have nothing common with each other. First of all, some people thought of using weapons to attack. The result is of course like swinging a sword and hitting water. The attack on the vines does have some effect, but the problem is that the wounds are compared with the volume of the Tree of Life, which is similar to the human skin. The natural folds are almost the same, not even injuries. Such a little damage has no effect on the vines. On the contrary, the people who were touched by the splashed juice immediately began to dissolve. Within two or three seconds, the whole person was lost in human form, but at this time, he was not dead and still Writhing and struggling there. Such a terrifying state really scared many people, but more people began to realize that the attack was useless, so they began to choose to jump on the vines to escape, but this choice was soon proved to be useless.

The first person who ran to the vines thinks that he only needs to pay attention not to be squeezed to death by the staggered vines, but he suffered the moment he touched the vines. They used to think that only the vine juice can corrode the human body, but now they know that the surface of these vines cannot be touched. Everyone is glued to the vine as soon as they touch the vine, and then the armor on the body is attached to the body. It began to melt, as if nothing could withstand the erosion of those vines.

These people who tried to escape were quickly absorbed into the vines by little by little in front of everyone, and more people were trapped in the isolation zone one by one. Because these vines of Tree of Life grow forward in a leaping manner, there are actually many gaps below them. However, the good fortune of these people ends here. Although the outermost vines of Tree of Life grow forward in leaps and bounds, in its interior, those vines began to gradually grow downwards and a lot of collateral branches began to gradually grow between the ground and the vines. The gap was filled, and the survivors hiding in it all began to merge with the vines at the moment they were touched by the vines, and it didn't make much sense even to wield weapons to resist. Those vines not only moved quickly, but more importantly, they were too numerous to be cut. In the end, those players were not spared, and all became the fertilizer for the growth of Tree of Life.

Porsephone is floating with me over the main area of ​​Tree of Life. The outer tree of Life root system network is still expanding to the surrounding area. At this time, its area has far exceeded our previous expectations. It not only occupied the area that we originally planned to be occupied, but even exceeded the city limits. It's a big one, now the entire area covered by Tree of Life is basically a circular area with a radius of more than 30 kilometers, and this area is still increasing. The only thing that makes us feel at ease is that the growth rate of Tree of Life is declining, at least now it is not as exaggerated as it was at the beginning. Of course, even if the growth rate of more than ten kilometers per hour is not exaggerated, it is definitely a terrifying growth rate for plants.

"Porsephone, do you have a way to control this Tree of Life?" I floated by Polsephone and asked if she could handle it. Now that the Tree of Life grows so big, it can be said that she has to take the main responsibility, because she has calculated the wrong amount of Life Essence usage, so it will cause the Tree of Life to lose control, and it grows so big and is still growing.

Porsephone also wanted to answer my question, but in the end she still sighed helplessly and shook her head: "Although I also hope to have a way to control it, the fact is that Tree of Life is officially Before we grow up, we are all uncontrollable. Probably the only thing we can do now is to stand up to her, right?"

"You mean we can only wait until this Tree of Life It naturally stops growing after it grows up?"

Porsephone's helpless nodded and said: "Otherwise, if you attack her, you can actually reduce her size."

The method described by Polsephone is actually the energy consumption method. Plants need energy to grow, and Tree of Life is no exception. The previous growth was too exaggerated because Polsephone gave Tree of Life too much Life Essence, so that Tree of Life showed a state of overnutrition, so it grew so exaggerated. But, conversely, if we attack Tree of Life, Tree of Life will inevitably be injured. Once Tree of Life is injured, she herself has to spend energy to repair the damage, so her energy storage will drop. As long as we cause a lot of damage to Tree of Life, in order to restore itself, Tree of Life can only consume a large amount of its own energy, so that the internal storage energy of Tree of Life will be exhausted, and at that time, Tree of Life will be exhausted. Will stop growing and enter adulthood.

"I want to attack a few times, but if we do, we will be hated!" I helplessly said: "Tree of Life is not an ordinary city. She has life and intelligence. We If you attack her now, you will definitely be remembered for a lifetime. If this is not our city, at worst it will be completely destroyed and rebuilt, but this is our own city. How do you let me attack?"

"Then I can only wait!" Polsephone said.

I was also quite helpless when I heard Polsephone's words. The growth of Tree of Life at this time has completely exceeded our expectations. On the ground below, a circular area with a radius of more than 30 kilometers has been completely covered by Tree of Life. Any plants and animals in this area have been absorbed by Tree of Life as nutrients, and the underground minerals should be No, if there is, it will be completely sucked up by Tree of Life. This is the powerful ability of Tree of Life.

In fact, Tree of Life exaggerates not only her coverage area, but many of her data are quite exaggerated. Although the coverage radius of the root network has reached more than 30 kilometers, the Tree of Life at this time is not short and thick at all, because at this time its central main cane has grown into a diameter of more than three kilometers, as high as 10,000. A horrible giant tree of two kilometers. The originally soft rattan is now gradually darkening in color, and its skin is also transformed from the smooth and soft before to the rough bark of the normal number.

In addition to this exaggerated backbone, the huge canopy at the top of Tree of Life is actually quite scary. This terrifying canopy began to grow from a height of about three kilometers above the central trunk. On it, densely packed horizontal branches spread out, and these spread out branches actually have a coverage radius of 20. About kilometers.

Can you imagine how big a tree canopy with a radius of 20 kilometers is? That is really covering the heavens, shielding the sun. Stop talking about it. If it rains in this place, as long as the margin does not reach more than moderate rain, I guess you will not even want to see a drop of water below, because the water is absorbed by the leaves on the trunk and simply cannot flow down.

After reading the growth situation here, I quickly linked to the communicator on the guild side. Sure enough, they all watched the growth of our Tree of Life in front of the crystal communicator.

"Can you see the full coverage of Tree of Life over there?" I asked in Crystal Communication.

Hong Yue quickly replied: "You can see satellite pictures of this area from Babel Tower. The area covered by Tree of Life and the surrounding forest are very clear."

"That's good. Now you quickly find the map, oh yes, no, let the military god help to see whether the expanded range of Tree of Life covers the sphere of influence of other NPC forces."

Now the growth of Tree of Life has gradually begun to slow down. It should be that the energy is about to run out, and it will soon stop growing and enter the mature period, but this is not what I worry about. Although Tree of Life doesn’t mean that the bigger the better, the bigger is bigger, and it’s nothing at worst. What I am really worried about is the forces around me.

Originally, we were going to build a city, so we did some public relations treatments on the surrounding NPC forces, and finally those forces moved out under our compensation policy, or simply moved to other places. Some places have gone, and some have directly joined our cities, intending to return to our cities to settle after the establishment of our cities.

Originally, this result is considered to be relatively good, except for the village that was just swallowed by Tree of Life, we basically did not encounter any resistance. However, the situation is different now. The growth range of Tree of Life is obviously beyond the range where she should be. It's like you are a building developer who bought a piece of 100,000 square meters to build a commercial real estate. As a result, you not only took away the aborigines within the 100,000 square meters, but you also took away the properties of residents outside this range. Also flattened. What's more terrible is that I haven't said hello to others before, maybe even...no, it should be that someone must have died in this expansion. This is simply unimaginable.

Before everyone was here in South America to make money, so everyone showed considerable restraint on the local NPC forces. After all, this place is really a paradise for guerrilla warfare. I really want to offend which local power, you It’s fine if you have the ability to clean up the other party. As long as you can't do this, then you will be miserable later, and the other party's harassment will definitely make your business completely ruined.

Although our guild can be said to be the number one guild in the world, we are still operating according to this unwritten rules, that is, we try not to offend the local forces. But now it's troublesome. Not only did we offend others, but we may have offended many families at once. What's more terrible is that this is not a simple violation of interests, but actually killed many people. This is simply a sea of ​​blood and blood. Can you say that people can give up on this matter? These NPC forces in the game are not real people, they don't have the habit of asking others for money when the family is dead. These guys are paying attention to the older rules-murder for life. Therefore, I can almost anticipate our future situation now, which is definitely a state of constant battle with the guerrillas. Of course, it is possible that the situation will get worse. If these forces that attempt to retaliate against us are used by some other people who are interested, then maybe the guerrilla resistance will turn into a terrorist attack. When the time comes, give us a suicide bomb attack or something...think about it. !

I didn't say that no one thought about this problem. Once I asked the military god to look at the map to check the surrounding power distribution, many quick-reacting people in the guild immediately realized the problem.

"Oops, forget this!" Hong Yue exclaimed.

Christina also exclaimed: "What can we do? We were in peace with the local forces here before, and now so many enemies have been created, how will we confuse in the future? This is not a suitable place for protracted warfare!"

They are discussing everyone talking at once, and their voices are getting louder and louder, but when everyone seems extremely anxious, A word of one person calmed us all down.

This is not someone else speaking, but the patriarch of the wizard city. In terms of intelligence, this patriarch may not be much better than us brilliant, but she is different from all of us here. She has a feature that we don't have, that is, she does not belong to the Frost Rose League.

The so-called The person on the spot is baffled, the onlooker sees clear, we are all people from the Frost Rose League, so we simply can’t see this thing ourselves, but as a third-party elves do not exist The problem is. Therefore, when we were all in a misunderstanding, the leader of Elf Race suddenly said: "Isn't this Tree of Life planted in our name? Why did they bother you?"

"Huh?" All of us here seemed to have been poured with cold water, and suddenly all of them turned off. It took a long time before I heard Christina suddenly say: "Yes! This is not a city built in our name. Tree of Life was planted in the name of Elf Race. Even if someone wants revenge, it is. Find Elf Race, right?"

"Yes, why did I forget this?" Hong Yue also patted his chest and said, "It's really a false alarm!"

Elf After seeing our emotions eased, Mr. Race suddenly continued: "However, although this matter is temporarily under our name, we are also working for you Frost Rose League. Now something like this has happened, you guys. Wouldn’t we really let us bear all the consequences?"

Our Frost Rose League has never lacked smart people. We just fell into a misunderstanding of thinking for a while. Now that we understand it, we immediately returned to normal. Intelligence level. What Elf Race said here should really be noted. Although our city was built in the name of elves for the time being, it was already a shame

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