"There are so many guards here, it is of course not simple to go out, but these guards shouldn't be staying in this place all the time?" I said to Ives, "Wang Court’s No matter how many guards there are, it can only be a district screening. It shouldn’t be enough for every inch of land to be filled with people?"

Ives nodded and said: "That’s right, Wang The court’s guards haven’t reached that point yet. They must be just searching. They will change places when they can’t find anyone."

"So we just have to wait here."< /p>

Ives calmed down after I finished speaking, and then we used my phantom Fufeng to start disguising in place. It is still early in the morning, and it is raining again. There is no light in the sky. Everyone can only rely on the light of the windproof magic lamp. But in such a heavy rain, even the light of the magic lamp can only barely Illuminate the space within three meters of the surrounding radius, and nothing will be seen no matter how far away. With this level of visibility, one can imagine what level our arrests can reach.

After waiting patiently for more than ten minutes on the spot, Ives and I, the team searching for the garden completed the search for the garden, and then they began to move along the outer wall of the garden a little bit. Searched inside the palace and left. Obviously, the search method used by the elves starts from the outermost periphery. The advantage of this is that it can ensure that the escaped personnel are blocked in the palace as much as possible, and if you search from the inside out, it is very likely that people will run away.

Looking at the guards gradually searching for it, I quickly pulled Ives and hid it on the shoulder of a statue. This sculpture is not particularly tall, and there are no other obstacles around it, but because of this, this is the most overlooked place. Because this sculpture is almost standing in the middle of the road at the exit of the garden, it has a wide range of sight around it, which in turn means that it is under the surveillance range of many locations. Because of this, the guards would ignore the sculpture. After all, normal people would definitely not want to hide in such an obvious place.

Although no one would think about the sculpture during the birth, I did it. With the help of Phantom Cloak, we quickly ran to sit on the shoulders of the sculpture. If the visibility is relatively high at this time, someone should notice that there are two human-shaped water circles on the shoulders of the sculpture. In fact, this hydrosphere is a water film formed after rain hits us. Although we can be invisible, we can't let ourselves disappear, so we can't do anything about this water film. However, although this thing is very conspicuous under normal circumstances, because it is early morning, the surrounding area is dark, and the rain is too heavy, so our place is very safe. Know that no matter what kind of creature it is, the eyes are very fragile. Now that the heavy rain hits us, we can feel obvious pressure. You can imagine what it feels like when the rain hits our eyes.

Because the rain hits the eyeballs, it hurts very much, so no one will look up at the top of the sculpture in this situation, and even if you look up, your eyes must be swept away. , Impossible Someone is staring here, because that is basically tantamount to self-abuse, and a quick glance makes it impossible to see our silhouette.

Things are just like I thought. The guards who searched all the way from the garden just took a long glance at the sculpture after reaching the road here, and then began to separate into the flowers on both sides of the road. Searched. In any case, there is really no space in the middle of the road, and there is nothing left except this sculpture. But the flower beds on both sides of the road are planted with ornamental plants more than one meter high, which are obviously more suitable places to hide than the bare pavement. When normal people see this environment, of course, they will search the back of the flowers first, and no one would have thought that we would be in the middle of the road.

Because we are actually on this sculpture, the search team can of course not find us in the flowers, so the guards who searched for no result had to continue to search inside the royal court, and reopened all the search teams. They cannot be sure whether we have crossed the search range before we get together. This is the disadvantage of searching from the outside to the inside. Of course, if you search from the inside out, there are more disadvantages. Now we need to traverse the search team at least once, and if we search from the inside and outside, then we can leave the palace without contact with the search team at all as long as we move quickly.

Wait for all the search teams near us to pass, Ivis and I immediately jumped off the statue, and then rushed into the garden. After accurately finding the entrance, Ives and I jumped down together, and when we just entered, the two guards below suddenly screamed.


When I went up from here before, I asked Princess to seductively control the two guards here, which means that the guards here should now be the same as before. The guards we met just turned a blind eye to us. When we entered the royal court, we used this method for all the outposts that could not be bypassed. We first controlled the guards with charm art, and then hypnotized them so that they would ignore us subconsciously. Because just giving such a hint, it does not conflict with the normal habits and spiritual beliefs of the elves, so the effect of this kind of hypnosis is quite good.

Hypnosis Technique actually has many weaknesses. Even the hypnotized person retains some basic thinking ability in a deep sleep state. For example, if you let a person who has been hypnotized pick up a glass of water and drink it, he will without the slightest hesitation execution, because this is not a major event in the first place and will not cause any thought resistance. On the contrary, if you order directly For a suicide that is hypnotized for the first time, the opponent will most likely immediately wake up from the hypnotic state. This is the person's will to resist is in effect.

Because of the existence of resistance will, we use simple thinking rewriting for these guards, rather than changing their own values. Princess just allows these guards to subconsciously block this part of the signal after seeing us, which means that although their eyes see us, we still do not exist in their consciousness, which is basically It is equivalent to making us invisible in the sight of these people, and this is still an invisible way that cannot be counter-reconnaissance.

This simple modification does not conflict with the inherent consciousness of those guards, so there is little resistance, and it is easy to complete hypnosis. Moreover, because we have not touched the other memories of these guards, the thinking of these people is very normal, so that others will not find that their consciousness has been modified.

It is said that since these people have been hypnotized, the guards here have not responded after we got down. However, just now we heard a very clear questioning sound.

This sudden sound also shocked us, because we thought that the guards here couldn't see us. Who knew they still found us.

Although I was taken aback, my reaction speed was still amazing. I rushed out of this vertical well as I scolded someone over there, and as soon as I left the vertical well that leads to the top, I immediately discovered that the people standing opposite were not the previous two guards, but five. personal.

These five people have four elven guards, and one obviously has different costumes, which may seem to be some kind of high level occupation of Elf Race. These five guards are now standing where the two guards stood when we came up, but now those two guards are obviously not here anymore, and these five have not been seen before.

When I saw these five people, I understood that there must be a change of defense here. The guards who were hypnotized by us must have already been transferred at this time, and the remaining people are all newly transferred, and because of the alarm, double posts have been added here, and a high level has been added. Professionals serve as high-end battle strength just in case.

However, although Elf Race's azimuth strategy is still correct, there is obviously something wrong with this level of strength. Only one of the five newly transferred personnel is a high-level occupation, and this person is just a wizard Swordsman, with a maximum level of 1,300, which is too far away from mine.

I immediately squeezed the Swordsman’s neck when I was rushing forward, and then a blue halo flashed. There was a layer of frost on the people around me, and I was pinched by me. This guy from also settled in place. I quickly clicked on each of them with my finger, and then said, "I'm here to participate in the gambling game. You are now dead. Don't run around when it freezes. You must be here obediently and honestly. Pretend to be a corpse."

Those guards wanted to say something, but now they are all frozen, so they can’t open their mouths at all, they can only watch me take Ives through. Disappeared here.

In fact, a large group of people arrived here less than two minutes after we left.

Elf Race is rich in magicians, and because the lifespan is long enough, the research on magic is also very thorough. This knowledge of magic makes Elf Race's magic application ability very powerful. After the alarm was activated, the magic monitor of Spirit King was activated immediately. Although this huge energy-consuming device is not cost-effective, it is perfect for its use alone. This thing can accurately detect whether someone is using magic in the nearby environment, and as long as someone uses it, it can know where the spell occurred and the approximate magic strength.

Because the Spirit King has such a perverted thing, the Frost Nova I just cast immediately attracted a large number of guards. The explosion of this level of magic power is like a beacon in the night, not to mention that Elf Race has special equipment to detect magic fluctuations, even if it doesn’t, those high-level wizards can also detect that someone is using magic by their own induction. It just won't be as accurate and fast as the device positioning.

The time of two minutes is not long, the guards can be said to be relatively fast, but the problem is that we are not slow. I used to hide from the guards in the dark place in the royal court, but there are no such problems in the branches of the Ancient Life Tree here. Even though the alarm bell of the Wang Court awakened many people, it was still early in the morning here, and most of the people hadn't gotten up yet, so the passage still seemed very empty. More importantly, because of the mismatch of intelligence, the elves always thought that we were still in the royal court. Therefore, not only were there no additional manpower in these passages, the only guards that were originally only were strengthened to block the roads in the exit areas of the tunnels. .

Because of the mobilization of the elves, we simply entered the no-man’s land in these passages. How can we make good use of this environment? Of course, we are running at full speed. Therefore, although the large group of chasing troops behind quickly found the tunnel entrance, we were already about to run to the middle of the passage.

Of course, there are professionals who are good at investigating the scene among the guards who chased the tunnel gate. After a brief look at the scene, he stood up and said, "They went inside."

< p> "Chasing." The leader of the team rushed out with a simple word. As for the five guards who were in charge of this place, they were temporarily allowed to go back to rest after being rescued.

Now that the elves who are chasing us already know, this time they are chasing not the real invaders, but the members of the tribe who came to participate in the gambling agreement. Because of this reason, the sense of tension in the team is not very strong. Although those who were "saved" did not actually suffer any harm, they are now regarded as "dead" according to the rules, so they can only be allowed to go back. rest. Moreover, according to the rules, they are not allowed to ask for any information on the "dead" who have fought with us.

When the elves chased into the passage, I already rushed to the exit on the other side with Ives, and then the two of them rushed out of the tunnel exit there.

Actually, the place we came out and the place we entered were not the same. This exit is also a route planned by Ives long ago. The reason for this arrangement is that this exit is relatively close to the previous tunnel entrance, allowing us to quickly escape from the narrow Ancient Life Tree internal pipeline network.

The main reason for quickly breaking away from the pipe network of Ancient Life Tree is that Ancient Life Tree is a living creature, not just a tree. In fact, some features of Ancient Life Tree are more similar to tree people than trees. They are actually active, but their reaction is slower. According to the normal process, the Ancient Life Tree will be awakened at the moment when the magic warning signal sounds, but the Ancient Life Tree will not jump up like a person, but will be like a child lying in bed. It takes a long time. Fully awake.

The passages in the Ancient Life Tree we are running through are actually within the control range of the Ancient Life Tree. In other words, once Ancient Life Tree is fully awakened, he can block the passage by contracting the pipes in two places in the passage, so that we can no longer run.

Although we are only here to participate in the gambling game, even if we are caught by Ancient Life Tree, there will be no mortal danger, but we cannot be caught if we want to complete the task, so this may become a passageway to the cell at any time. The sooner you leave, the better.

When I ran out of the pre-designed passage here, it was neither me nor Elvis, but the frost and snow that I had just released. This passage here is not the one we came from, it is an in-use passage. Even if it is early morning, there are guards here. Fortunately, it was raining heavily outside, so I just let the frost and snow out.

As soon as the frost and snow came out, it was a snapping finger. There was no sequence at all. We felt that the surrounding area suddenly became a vast expanse of white. The guards standing at the door were all iced in an instant. Enclosed in ice cubes, judging by the thickness and temperature of the ice, even if it is the German temperature here, they shouldn't expect it to come out in less than half an hour. Although Shuangxue is my favorite, she specializes in ice spell, so she is obviously much better than me in terms of ice attribute spell.

Although freezing the guards solved the exit problem, it also exposed our position again. The sensing range of the magic detector is actually very light. Not only the royal city, but even a large area outside the canyon outside is actually within the sensing range of this device, which means that even if I run out of the city wall It's useless, even more how, not to mention the city wall here, it can almost be regarded as the city center.

Fixed the guards and retracted Frost and Snow, I directly gave Ye Ying out to Summon, then grabbed Ives and threw it up, followed by myself and jumped up. While urging Ye Ying to run quickly, she informs the small dragon female to increase rainfall and interfere with the chasing soldiers.

Although it was in the open air in the palace before, it was actually covered by the canopy of Ancient Life Tree above the head. The rainwater below was leaking a little bit, not obvious, but now it’s out. In the passage here, we can truly sense the feeling of heavy rain. Although it is still under the canopy of Ancient Life Tree, it is close to the edge after all, and the canopy is too high, so there is actually not much rain below it.

The speed of the night shadow is unquestionable, and the nightmare has a hidden ability that can detect the road with biological waves, which means that even if the night shadow is blindfolded, it can run fast without hitting anything. thing. However, because the speed is so fast, we now feel quite bad. It's not that I don't want to run faster, but because the rain in front of me is really painful. Even when wearing armor, the dense rain drops on the armor still produced a huge impact. The sound of ding ding dong dong doesn't seem to be raining, but it seems that I am being attacked with a shotgun.

Actually, I am considered good. The most unlucky thing is Ives. There is only a fairly simple wing helmet on his head. The protective area of ​​this thing is not as large as the helmet area. So now he not only feels the helmet is numb from the tunnel, but it is even more terrible. The face hurts from the rain.

Because I had exposed the position once when I used Frost Nova before, so when we used spell for the second time, the elves were already gathering here. As a result, our front feet did not go. The back foot is here. After seeing the frozen guards, they immediately understood what was going on, so they immediately started chasing again. However, just like us, they encountered a sudden and intensified rainstorm attack by the small dragon girl as soon as they came out. This torrential rain can no longer be described by a secret book. It is almost like a large waterfall appeared above the Spirit King’s court. The dense rainwater is almost smashed into a whole piece, not to mention raindrops, even rainballs are not enough. The action is now in its current state.

Looking at such a intensive rainstorm, the elf guards leading the team are also frowned, but they can only brace oneself to lead the team to continue chasing. Of course, even if they rushed out in the rain, their speed dropped extremely. You know, when I came here before, even with night vision, I was almost ready to get a walking stick to find the way. Even more how are these elves. They couldn't see the road, they simply didn't dare to let go of their pace to run, they could only fumble forward based on rough guesses. What’s more terrible is because the king’s court is higher than the surrounding area, so there was nothing on the king’s court before, but when they got here, they realized that knee-deep rain had accumulated on the ground. Now they felt that they were not in the city. In the road, it seems to be wading in a certain river.

Although the elves are unable to move a single step because of the terrible rain, our speed hardly drops. Ye Ying has the ability to walk in the void, no matter how deep the water is, it has no effect on him. Anyway, he is running on the surface of the water, and there is no resistance to him. The only thing that affects our speed is that it is difficult to recognize the direction now, so we dare not let go of the top speed. Besides, if we run at full speed at the current rainfall, I am afraid that I will be washed down from the back of the night shadow by the rain.

"Small dragon girl."

"Master." I quickly ran to the place where I was separated from the small dragon girl before, and I called it out directly with my heart contact, the small dragon girl Immediately ran out of a room next to him. Although the rain on the ground is very deep, most of the houses of the elves are tree houses, and the buildings on the ground are functional buildings, such as shops and so on. The people who live in are tree houses, so the small dragon girl hides in the water. No one in the house noticed her either. In fact, at night, these human buildings were basically empty, and the elves all went back to the tree house to sleep. The human buildings outside are naturally empty.

When the small dragon girl came back, I immediately said to her: "Fly with me, we leave here. You control the rain cloud to move with us, I am worried that the chasing soldiers will catch up and let Rain clouds cover us for a while."

"This is a small meaning, but are you sure you need such a large amount of rainfall?" the small dragon woman asked.

"Why? Can't you maintain such a large amount of rain?"

"That's not it." The small dragon female explained: "Although I can call the wind and summon the rain , But the amount of water in the rain cloud is fixed after all. Thanks to the high humidity in this place, I can extract water from the surrounding air to replenish the rain cloud, so I can insist on using such a heavy rainfall for such a long time. But Once we move, I have to control the movement of the clouds to ensure that they are not blown away by the wind, so the work of extracting water vapor must be suspended. If this is the case, the clouds may be drained before long. "

"Don't worry about this. As long as we can leave a certain distance for a little bit. As long as we leave the city for a few kilometers, we can change the birds and evacuate at full speed. When the time comes, the elves will definitely not chase us. Come up."

"Okay, let's go now."


After agreeing to my plan, the small dragon girl Soared directly from the spot, and then flew up into the sky with us by Ye Ying's side. Before, because the small dragon girl was far away from us, we couldn't take care of us, but now we can enjoy her care with the small dragon girl. Although the rainfall around is not small at all, there is a blank area within five meters around us. It is not that there is no rain in this small area, but that it is raining drizzle here, which forms a sharp dividing line with the rainy area like the waterfall outside.

Thanks to the help of this thin rainwater area, our movement speed immediately increased, but before we flew over the sky above the gorge outside the capital, we suddenly felt the center of the capital. There was a burst of extremely strong magical fluctuations at the location.

"Ah..." The small dragon girl suddenly screamed and then started to turn somersaults down. I hurriedly jumped from the back of Ye Ying and hugged the small dragon girl. With one wing, we rose again, but the small dragon woman was rubbing her head and crying for pain, and the rain cloud above our head was disintegrating at a speed visible to naked eye, and the surrounding rainstorm turned into a blink of an eye. The sparse raindrops, and then less than one minute, the rain stopped completely, the clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, and even the stars came out.

"Small dragon girl, what's going on?"

The small dragon girl rubbed her head and said, "Just now there was a strong Spiritual Fluctuation that broke my spell control. , The cloud in the sky has not left much water because of the rain all night. Now without my control, it will disappear immediately."

"Know who interrupted you Spell?"

"I don't know, I feel very strong, and this Spiritual Fluctuation is very mellow. The other party didn't seem to exert all his strength just now, otherwise I might suffer some internal injuries."

When I heard the small dragon woman say this, I also looked back at the direction of Wangdu, but it didn’t matter if I didn’t look at it. I was shocked when I saw it. "Damn, run!"

Because the rain stopped completely and the clouds were gone, the line of sight in the sky was very good now. I saw the Ancient Life Tree on the Wangcheng side at a glance. A large area of ​​densely packed black spots flew out. Although it is not clear what it is because of the long distance, I want to know that it must be the air cavalry of Elf Race. Anyway, the flying devil beasts of Elf Race are only those types. These are either Gemella, Horned Eagle or Griffin. Anyway, they can’t run out of these three.

Ives heard my shouting and asked me a little worriedly what I saw. Although the visibility of the air after the rain is very good, it is the darkest time in the early morning after all. Elvis is not an undead creature. No matter how good his eyesight is, it is impossible to see such a far place.

When I heard Ives’ question, I quickly replied: "A large group of air cavalry flew out from behind. What do I say about your betting agreement? Do they have to chase the target before we steal it? What is the success?"

Ives nodded said: "That's it. We need to get rid of the chasers, and let them find out which tribe we belong to, so we can count as successful theft."

"Damn, it's really troublesome." I said to the small dragon woman: "You go back to the training space to cultivate."

The obedient small dragon woman returned to the training space. , And I picked up Ives from the back of Ye Ying, then let Ye Ying return to the training space, and then threw the Asuka out. It used to be because the rain was too heavy and it was not suitable for the jet-flying unit of Asuka. Now anyway, the rain clouds for cover are gone. Wouldn't it be a waste to leave the bird without it?

"Birds, full speed. Throw away the flying creatures behind."

"Hurry up. I want to speed up." (To be continued. If you like this work, You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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