Under my inquiry, Jinshan Yinhai said while thinking: "If it is just to experience the life of the primordial tribe, the area of ​​the Amazon jungle is large enough for them to find tens of thousands of such settlements. . But these guys insist on not moving. This is one of the doubts, and there is doubt 2. Although these guys say they want to experience tribal life, they use weapons that players often use. Although they cook devil beast corpses Acting as food and wearing animal skins is more like experiencing life, but using magic weapons with attributes is a bit nondescript. But this can also be explained because the battle strength of the devil beast is too strong. This is a game after all. The surrounding monsters are all combat devil beasts for players with a full set of equipment to level up. If primordial weapons are used according to the actual standards, it is estimated that the devil beast will be eaten by themselves. But this is the case. It always feels weird."

"Listening to your analysis, I also think there is a problem. Then we tentatively treat this as a player group that is hostile to us. Let’s assume that they are just for It interferes with our building city, so we will set up villages here. So, how can we do this?"

"It is not difficult to do this, as long as we know the location of our building in advance. As for this information, there is actually no secret at all. Before building the city, we need to explore and expel surrounding monsters. This process requires a large number of people to work for a long time, so anyone who is interested can know our construction problems. I What I don’t understand is that if they are only hostile to us, they can attack us directly. Why do they have to get a village out and mess with us here."

This question that Jinshan Yinhai doesn’t understand I can figure it out, after all, we are managers at different levels. The height of the station is different, the field of view is naturally different. "Jinshan Yinhai, have you ever thought about the pressure of public opinion?"

"Pressure of public opinion?" Jinshan Yinhai was taken aback for a moment.

Seeing that he still didn’t understand, I had to explain: “You have also said that the guilds of various countries in the world have their own strongholds in South America, and because the jungle environment is very suitable for guerrilla warfare, everyone In order to make a fortune together, I don’t want to make enemies. Isn’t this wrong?"

Jinshan Yinhai nodded and said: "This is what I told you, it should be right."

I nodded and continued: "Okay, since you know the reason, then continue to expand on this basis. If you can't directly conflict with other guilds in South America, you can only use the curve method. South America Although there are a large number of foreign guilds here, it is also South America in any case, and it is the territory of locals. Because these local forces are not very strong, they can only rely on these foreign guilds to work. It seems like Our Frost Rose League also has many local employees and guilds attached to us here. So, if there is a way to make us conflict with the locals?"

Jinshan Yinhai just didn't. In this aspect of t expect, others are not stupid. When I talked about this, he immediately reacted. "They want to use this village as an example to preach to the surrounding locals that our guild is very aggressive, so as to resist us?"

"Correct answer."< /p>

"But...but this village is just a village composed of foreign players, not a local village?"

"Propaganda!" I couldn't help educating Jinshan Yinhaidao: "In a propaganda war, you only need to have a few basic points. The facts and history are unnecessary. The propaganda releases the news and guides the thought. The news does not need to be comprehensive, as long as it can trigger associations and can be Just confirm it, and Lenovo, this can be guided."

Jinshan Yinhai shook his head and still didn't quite understand what I said.

I helplessly said to him: "So you are just the Chief-In-Charge of the regional guild, and I am the president. You don’t need to understand too much about the specifics, as long as you understand the matter this time. Yes. Our Frost Rose League has always advocated overriding everything with absolute strength, so there is no need to pay too much attention to false public opinion propaganda, just pay attention to prevent being framed by the enemy using public opinion propaganda. This time I guess the most likely thing is For this purpose, the players in this village are all laymen. If they want to be disadvantageous to us, they can directly initiate a harassment war. Such deliberate non-cooperation is forcing us to do something against them. This intention is also too great. It's too obvious."

"But now that we know the reason, how do we solve this problem?" Jinshan Yinhai asked.

I looked at the village coldly and said, “It’s hard to say that I didn’t know their intentions, but now that I know it, it’s easy. They want our handle for public opinion propaganda, we just have to It’s fine to dismiss the relationship so that they can’t contact us."

"But how to dispel the relationship?"

I didn’t directly answer Jinshan Yinhai’s question. , But said with a smile: "You don’t have to worry about this, I have me. Now you go and help me inform everyone that the construction of the city has been suspended. It is said to the outside that because the resistance of the construction of the city is too great, we will give up building the city. I plan to buy a ready-made city in the vicinity to use."

"Ah? We have all done this step. If we don't build it, we won't build it? How is the money invested?" Jinshan Yinhai asked in surprise.

"This is a guise for the outside world. Of course, the city still needs to be built. We say this only to clarify the relationship. But it’s good if you know this in your own mind. Don’t mention it to anyone. You have to cheat. The enemy, we must first lie to our own people."

Jinshan Yinhai reluctantly shook his head and said: "Forget it! I'll run errands obediently and honestly for you, and you are the boss of the game. It’s a bit more powerful."

"What is your name, I'm like a villain."

Jinshan Yinhai was driven away by me, and I didn’t. After entering the village, he turned around and went directly to the fairy city where he bought Tree of Life.

I have to say that the news of Jinshan Yinhai spread very quickly, and I received a communication from Kristina as soon as I walked halfway. As soon as the signal was connected, I heard Christina shouting in the channel: "Boss, why didn't you build a city suddenly?"

"Damn, why are you news so fast? I’ve talked to Jinshan Yinhai for a few minutes?"

"It’s not a question of how fast or unpleasant it is, but that we have invested so much. You suddenly said that we don’t want to build it. I can’t accept it!"

"This matter is not what you think. I have my own arrangements. Leave it alone, and then you will understand my intentions."

"Oh, since you said that, then I can only believe you for the time being!" Kristina said, she took the initiative to end the communication.

After closing the communication, I thought about connecting to the military god, and then said: "Military god, regarding the construction of that new city, if anyone asks this again, you can help me tell him that I have According to their own arrangements, let them leave this alone for the time being, and everything will do as usual."


The military god in our guild is equivalent to a telephone exchange, so anyone If you want to contact me, you have to go through the military god first. Now I talk to the military god, and I won't have to explain the reasons to others one by one.

Actually, my approach was not as exaggerated as I imagined. At least someone in the guild had guessed my intention. At least when Hong Yue and the others ran to talk to Rose and So Mi after they heard about it, Rose and So Mi were not as surprised as they were. Rose just asked what I was doing. When she learned that I had gone to a nearby fairy city, she immediately asked Hong Yue, who came to ask about the situation, and said, "You need to be in a hurry, I probably know what Purple Moon is going to do." /p>

Somi is also nodded and said: "Purple Moon big brother's idea is really good, it can save a lot of things."

"How do you know?" They were all very surprised to hear Hong Yue's answer, because they didn't expect this question. However, both Rose and Somi insisted on not telling them why, just let them wait and see the result. Of course Rose said, the ultimate goal of this plan is to build his own elven city, just a different method.

When the guild and the laymen who were concerned about this matter were puzzled, I had already arrived in the elven city before. When the patriarch of this fairy city heard that I was back again, he immediately greeted me with enthusiasm and said that I had welcomed me into her office. Generally speaking, foreign receptionists use a special foreign liaison office to receive. This time the other party can receive me in the office, which is a special treatment in itself.

After entering patriarch's office, the other party first spoke a few words with me, and then began to ask me where I came from.

"In fact, I encountered a little trouble this time, so I want to discuss with you for a simple cooperation."

Because I settled the conflict between the two races for them before. This is equivalent to having a relatively good cooperation experience, this time is equivalent to the second cooperation, and the other party naturally showed quite enthusiasm. "We are very interested in the cooperation between the two parties, but I don't know what the cooperation is specifically about by President Purple Moon?"

"In fact, it is not a big thing." I briefly introduced After a moment of the situation facing our guild, he continued: "So, just like what I said. We are not suitable for eradicating this village by ourselves, and, I guess, since the other party is deliberately making trouble for us, it doesn’t matter. What do we do, they can always find excuses. So I want Elf Race to help represent the construction of this new city."

"What is agency construction?"

< p>"It means that the city uses your name to build our city, but it is announced that you intend to build a city. After the city is completed, we will take over the city from your hands."

" Is this okay?" Elf Race asked in surprise.

I explained: "The other party is just trying to black out our reputation in the local race, so the village has no defense at all. In fact, if it weren't for the pressure of public opinion, I would spend 3 minutes alone. I just blasted the village down. But the current situation is that I can’t do it myself, and I can only do it by you. Of course, if you send an army, I will pay you, just like a mercenary. But I can’t speak directly to the outside world. It was hired by us. If you wanted to build a city, you just happened to take a fancy to the site we cleared out, so after we gave up the construction plan, we took it over. Then you can do it with great fanfare. We are not suitable for doing it. Things like martial power expelling the village. Anyway, your Elf Race’s arrogance is well-known, and you have said that the forest is your territory, even if martial power expels a village now, others can’t say anything about you. "

"Then the environment around the city has been cleaned up?" Chief Elf Race continued to ask.

"After cleaning up, of course you will continue to build the city, but you still build it. Didn’t I get a Tree of Life seed from you before? I’ll take that seed back again. You plant, and then you have to help us buy materials or take out materials to build the city. Of course, we will pay for all these materials, and will pay you some benefits as your reward for helping us build the city. Of course, urban planning What needs to be done in accordance with the blueprint given by our guild. Because this is originally an elven city, it is up to you to establish it, and others will not have any doubts. After the city is completed, you will transfer the ownership of the city to us. Yes, it is said to the outside that our guild paid a large sum of money to buy this city. After going around in this way, we are equivalent to completing the city construction work, and you get a lot of rewards. At the same time, we also avoid Harassment by those hostile forces."

"The method is indeed a good method, but the construction process must consume a lot of manpower. Can you solve this? My clan has just broken out of war and is now recovering. If you follow to help you build the city, we will not be able to sustain this investment for a while!"

"I have already thought about this issue." I explained to Chief Elf Race "The city we built was originally an elves city, so the permanent population in the city must be dominated by elves. So I plan to emigrate some people from your city. Of course, if you don’t have enough population, you can also We will also pay for other elven tribes or urban migrants nearby. In addition, in addition to the basic population, there is also the army. We plan to equip the elven city with a large number of armed personnel, and this also needs to be purchased from you. These personnel can be first Buy it with our money, and then directly invest in the construction of the city, you don’t need to invest too much manpower. Later, when the city is handed over, all will be handed over to us."

In fact, what I call immigration is to buy NPC. Everyone knows that in addition to the free NPCs in the city that can naturally advance part of the NPC troops in the player city, they mainly rely on purchase. Although this purchase is actually a purchase from the system, there is no system shop to sell soldiers in the game, but various NPC forces are used as distribution targets. For example, our guild used to purchase celestial troops and generals in Celestial Court. Moreover, in fact, the place to sell soldiers is not only the Divine Race forces like Celestial Court, some system cities also sell soldiers, but they cannot buy too high level units. The elven city is a special kind of city. The elven troops generated in it are not as low as those generated in ordinary cities, and the battle strength of the elven troops in the elven city is bonus. In fact, not only cities, but Elf Race will have a battle strength bonus in the middle of the forest, but the bonus in the wizard city will be more exaggerated. It's not bragging to say that the soldiers of Elf Race in the elven city, the more the 200-level battle is not let down. So unless you can buy a lot of soldiers beyond the elves, otherwise the Elf City is still the most cost-effective to use refined Spirit Warrior soldiers.

This aspect of free NPC is the same as that of combat soldiers. The city established by the player's guild will initially only give you a basic configuration of free NPCs, and this number is definitely not enough anyway. If you only need such a few free NPCs, then after your city is built, the eight achievements will be similar to that of the ghost town. The several kilometers-long street can be seen at a glance, and there can be three or five people on it, even if it is very lively today.

In order to obtain free NPCs, there are several methods for player guilds to use. The first and most economical way is to allow free NPCs to reproduce naturally. In "Zero", there is no situation in which creatures are spawned. Here, both monsters and free NPCs are produced by natural breeding methods, but the system controls the reproduction rate and growth rate. If the organisms in an area die very quickly, the organisms in this area will reproduce and mature very quickly, so that the density of organisms in an area will be maintained. However, even if the system speeds up the reproduction and growth rate, it is still very slow for a player city to use this method to obtain a sufficient population. At least a few months may not be able to increase the population.

Compared to natural reproduction, there are three other ways to gain population: migration, plunder and purchase.

Migration is the migration of population, which is also divided into migration of merger nature and migration of diaspora nature. The nature of the merger is just like the elf tribe that Jinshan Yinhai helped us to contact before. As long as we have a good talk with patriarch, we can let the other party merge into our city, so that we can increase a lot of population at once. However, overall migration is not a very common situation. Normally, the relatively large proportion of the population in migration is still diaspora. These people are all voluntarily joining your city, usually in the family unit, each group is three to five or single person. This kind of migration will be relatively scattered, but the long flow of water can be used as a long-term stable population growth method. Of course, because it is too stable, it is impossible to quickly accumulate population by this method. Moreover, the population migration speed of this method is directly affected by your urban environment. Just like those set in games such as simulated cities, population migration in "Zero" is also based on city taxes, public security, war conditions, basic welfare, and so on. Moreover, the attributes of the city itself will also affect the attributes of the migrant population. For example, Isinger is particularly easy to recruit ghosts. At least six and a half of the ten free NPCs who come to settle in Isinger are Undead Race. And if this elven city is established, it will be very attractive to elves. This is the impact of the urban environment on the population.

However, the above two methods of increasing population are actually not suitable for rapid population expansion. Although those two methods are the main ways of urban population growth, what the city needs to complete Early-Stage is not such a stable method, but a method that can increase the population explosively.

When it comes to explosively increasing the free population, it needs to involve the remaining two methods: plunder and purchase.

Needless to say, plundering is just robbing people. Of course, it is not to kidnap the NPC on the road directly to your own city, but to attack a certain completed city. After the city is broken, you can use the plunder command to plunder the free NPCs in that city and then forcibly bring them back to your city for placement. Come down.

The advantage of this method is that the results are surprisingly fast, and it does not cost much. As long as you don't look for those super hard to gnaw in Fortress City, ordinary commercial cities are actually very easy to plunder.

Of course, there are many shortcomings of plunder. If you want to plunder, you must attack the city, and because you want to move the population, you can't be too far away from your city. After all, the prisoners will not cooperate with you. It is very troublesome to transfer a large group of prisoners, so the target city must be not too far away from your city. Secondly, after the looted population arrives in their own city, there is a branch to escape, and even if your city's basic welfare is not high enough, there will be situations where free NPCs deliberately destroy city facilities. If the city is attacked in the loyalty of these people, these free NPCs will even form a rebel army to help the outside enemy conquer the city. So the person who snatched it is not very reliable. Moreover, the problem of looted population does not stop there. Because there is no way to determine who will die and who will not die during the war, looting NPCs cannot control the population ratio, and the appearance rate of high level NPCs will be very low. Firstly, high level NPCs have higher intelligence and are not easy to be captured. Secondly, this kind of people are usually more temperamental. Although there are some who are afraid of death, they die more in battle. In contrast, those NPCs with the lowest probability of being captured are more likely to be captured. better. To put it simply, the quality of the looted NPC is low.

Finally, in addition to the above three shortcomings, the biggest problem with plundering people is diplomatic pressure. When you attack other people's cities, you are naturally making enemies for yourself, which is tantamount to finding yourself an opponent outside, so although it does not cost money, the soft loss is actually not low.

The last way to increase the population explosively is to buy. This is the most commonly used Early-Stage method to increase population in cities. Although it costs money, it has many advantages. The first is that the distance limit is very small. The explanation given by the system for this method of buying population is that part of the money you pay is for people who are willing to come to your city, which is equivalent to you giving money, and asking these people to move to your city. According to this explanation, these NPCs come to your city voluntarily, so you can organize them for immigration. Under the premise that the other party is willing to actively cooperate, even if the distance is long, the migration will be relatively easy, so as long as you are not planning to migrate the population across the entire continent, the general distance is not a problem.

In addition to the removal of distance restrictions, there are several advantages to buying population. First of all, in line with the principle that the customer is God, you can choose the right person at will to purchase the population. Although the price of high level NPCs will be a little bit more expensive, you can determine the ratio of NPCs based on your own financial resources. Otherwise, you can specify the other party's basic ability attributes, and even race, innate talent, appearance, and gender ratio can be set. This determines that the NPCs you buy are generally the ones you need most, and there is no chance of getting a bunch of waste back.

The ability to choose NPCs is only one of the advantages. Another advantage of buying NPCs is that their loyalty will be significantly higher than that of the looted population, and these bought populations are more than natural migration. It is easy to adapt to the environment quickly. After all, they have a plan for their own future. They are more confident than those NPCs who come to a new city to try a new life, so they can quickly get through the adaptation period and enter the work mode.

Without considering the problems of NPC itself, another advantage of buying NPC is diplomatic advantage. Contrary to plundering population, you plunder the population from one city, and the two cities will immediately enter the state of mortal enemies. If you buy population from one city, you will increase the positive relationship between the two cities according to the amount of money you spend, that is If you buy a large number of people from a certain city, maybe people will take the initiative to form an alliance with you in the second day. Of course, this is talking about NPC cities. Although the player city can also sell people in the later stage, generally no brain-disabled guild leader will really do that.

The method that Mr. Elf Race and I mentioned to deal with the shortage of population is to use this way of purchasing population to solve it. Although this purchaser was still purchased from Elf Race's city, it seems that it only changed the ownership of these people and did not increase the total population, but this is not the case.

If you use this method of purchasing population to migrate population in reality, the city as the exporter will naturally have a population decline, but the purchase of population in the game is actually just the system using the system city as a point of sale. As long as you have money and the friendliness with the city you plan to purchase has reached the purchase standard, then you can buy millions of people from a small city with a population of only tens of thousands. This is absolutely impossible in reality, but it can be done in games. The population you buy in a city will not affect the population of that city at all. No matter how many people you buy, the population of the other city will not change as a result. The population you bought just came out of thin air. They will walk out of a place called a refugee camp in the other city, and this refugee camp is actually a shantytown surrounded by wooden fences. There are no formal houses here, they are all tents and small broken wood houses, and the number is generally not very large. But if you buy population here, people will go out continuously here until you reach the population you need. Of course, according to the system setting, the refugee camp is a restricted area for players. Any player, no matter how strong your attribute is, you will never enter the refugee camp. The refugee camp is invincible even in the state of war. The broken fence is even higher than the city wall defensive power. Even if you use the forbidden spell, don’t even think about causing any damage to the refugee camps made up of tents and broken wooden piles. harm.

The population of the city of Elf Race is indeed insufficient, but as long as we buy population from their guild, and then let these people stay temporarily to help build the city. Anyway, these people bought from the wizard city can only be elves. A large number of NPC elves appear in an elven city controlled by the system, which is the same as hiding a tree in the forest. Don't even think about finding any abnormalities when you are exhausted. At most, I feel that the city is a bit densely populated during this time.

Elf Race, after listening to my introduction about population and building methods, nodded and said: "This sounds better than business, and... if you guys are willing to help a little Busy, I can even help you get some contraband."

"What is contraband?" Elf Race's long words stunned me.

Elf Race looked towards me with a long smile: "Prohibited items are things that are forbidden to sell. In fact, we don’t have them, but I know where they are, and I know how to get them, but the problem is that we I can't come forward to do this."

I understand after hearing this. "Do you also need an agent?"

Elf Race chief nodded and said: "That's it, I don't know if you are interested?"

"I am a little interested Ah, just what exactly is the contraband you mentioned? And why can’t you come forward? And what are the specific problems that need to be overcome during the mission?"

Long Elf Race thought for a while. : "The specific item is actually a seed, and it is a special seed that you very much need. In fact, the seeds that Tree of Life can produce are not just Tree of Life's own seeds. She can also produce other kinds of plant seeds. . But unfortunately, this Tree of Life seed in our city is only an urban-level seed. Although it can grow many seeds, it cannot produce some special seeds. These special seeds can only be produced by the Ancient Life Tree of the Royal Court. Production."

"Ancient Life Tree?"

"Ancient Life Tree is the mother of all Tree of Life, and our Tree of Life is the seed that grows from the Ancient Life Tree. The other Tree of Life after that can only produce Life Tree races of the same or lower level as you, and Ancient Life Tree is the only Tree of Life that can breed any seed."

"Nah. That is to say, if I help you to get the seeds of the Ancient Life Tree, I can copy the Ancient Life Tree and get those special seeds, right?"

The leader of Elf Race quickly explained: "It's not like that. Yes. The seeds of Ancient Life Tree cannot be spawned, and this is unique. Once the Ancient Life Tree is conceived, the seeds will quickly wither and die. Therefore, except for the Royal Court, other elven cities planted Trees. of Life instead of Ancient Life Tree. What I need you to get are some special seeds. Bring those seeds back and let our Tree of Life absorb them. Although Tree of Life will not be promoted to Ancient Life Tree, but But you can get the ability to produce these seeds. As long as you can bring back those special seeds, after our Tree of Life has absorbed them, I will let Tree of Life produce a batch immediately before you take it back to you. Tree of Life, so you can get these special elven units in the future. "

"Sounds good. And I also know why you didn't take it by yourself. This thing is the treasure of the royal court. You are the elves yourself. You must be too guilty to offend the royal court, so you dare not start it, right? "

Elf Race chief nodded and said: "After all, we are the subordinates of the Royal Court. Although the Spirit King Court does not have direct leadership over us, it is the Royal Court after all, so we dare not offend. But you are okay. And you are not elves, you can easily hide your identities, compared to our identities. "

"I am very interested in this proposal, but I want to know what are the difficulties in the specific task. "

"The specific difficulty is actually various guards, but I can't explain this to you clearly. "

"Then how do I get in?" Is it hard to break? "

Elf Race leader said immediately: "Of course not. Although I can't tell you directly, I can arrange a guide for you. "

"Wizard? Are you afraid of being found out and contacting you? "

Elf Race heard this suddenly slightly smiled, and then said: "This is not simple yet?" Do you have mind control personnel among your staff? In case of being discovered, leave a mind control imprint on the head of my guide, and then stun him. There is an archmage in the palace, and you will definitely find this brand. When the time comes, it must not be counted on me. "

"The first time I found out that elves are not much worse than human beings! "

"I am not hurting anyone, I just want to insure our own city. "

"Okay, I'm not a good person anyway, so let's not discuss this issue. Now go and call your guide first. Take advantage of this time to tell me which seeds you need, and how to get them. Those seeds don’t need to be spawned too, do they? The movement can be big, when the time comes, it will definitely be discovered. "

The Elf Race leader first went out and asked someone to call the guide, and then came back to explain to me: "Don't be so troublesome. The Ancient Life Tree of Wang Ting is different from our Tree of Life. Although she can also produce seeds, she will slowly grow one seed every once in a while, and sometimes more than one. Once these seeds grow out, they will mature quickly, which is about a few days. These mature seeds will fall off naturally, and then the elves of the king's court will temporarily collect the seeds and take them out for planting when needed. Although the speed of the Ancient Life Tree's poorly growing seeds is not that fast, after all, the king's court has existed for so many years, and only a few small-scale dangers have occurred in the middle, so the consumption of these reserve seeds is very small. The remaining seeds are sealed in a special warehouse, and the guide I introduced to you this time used to be a member of the patrol outside this warehouse. "

"Damn, it turned out to be an inner ghost, no wonder you can think of stealing seeds. "

Elf Race just smiled at this, and then introduced: "No surprise, you should see a lot of seeds when you enter the warehouse, most of which are ordinary seeds. Those are of no use to us. Tree of Life itself can produce that kind of seed, but it just needs to be spawned. What you need to pay attention to is the kind of long seeds with special shapes. "

"What is a special shape?" "

Elf Race took out a green seed and said: "This is the seed of the ordinary accessory plant produced by the normal Tree of Life. Most of the seeds produced by the Tree of Life are in this shape. No matter what these seeds will look like in the end, at least they are the same in their seed state. However, Ancient Life Tree can produce many different seeds. T

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