"Sorry has kept everyone waiting." After entering the reception room, the first person to speak out was not Susis, but a strange-looking creature of an unknown race . This guy's body is not much different from humans. The only problem is that his head is inverted triangle shape, and his chin is tapered like an awl, but his forehead is extremely wide, and his eyes are not on his face. The center of the forehead, but above the top corners of the forehead.

Although the shape of this strange creature is a little strange, the other party can speak fluent Chinese, which is more surprising. The costume of this creature is also quite distinctive. The clothes on his body is just a robe, this is nothing special, but there are two rigid supports standing there on the shoulders, and then a hood like a pergola is formed on the top of his head to cover the entire head inside, and it is like this pergola. There are actually two gauze curtains in front of the hood, which are like a stick on the bed. They are hung on both sides of the hood with two small hooks. As long as the hooks are released, the falling gauze curtains can completely cover his face.

Because the other party spoke first, of course we have to respond a little bit. As the leader here, I was the first to stand up and shook hands with the other party and said: "In fact, we came too suddenly, and a little misunderstanding occurred. I hope that it will not cause you too much trouble."

The other party didn't seem to be very comfortable with this kind of polite remarks. I simply responded with a few sentences and started to run to the topic, which makes me very strange. Although I actually don't like to speak like this, because the other party is a representative of the Dark Council, I thought he would be more accustomed to this way. Who knew that this guy was actually more direct than me and had no characteristics of a diplomat at all. Of course, I'm happier if he can speak this way, at least it can save some time. I don’t want the meeting with the Dark Council to be the same as those of the United Nations meetings, where any topic can be discussed for a week.

After a simple greeting, of course, we have to introduce people first. The five people of the other party are not ordinary, but to be honest, I can’t remember just after the introduction because of the names of these five guys. The pronunciation is very strange, and what's worse is that the five councillors are from five races. How do you remember such a mixed situation?

Of course, the other party’s personnel are complicated, and our side is not simple. Although Kristina and I are both players, according to the system setting, I chose Heavenly Demon Clan, which was originally a hybrid of angels and demons, and then infected the genes of vampire and werewolves, and later also infected some dragon blood. , So this race is completely messed up. As for Kristina, she originally chose Human Race, but now it has been completely transformed into Elemental Elf, and Polsephone is simply a Divine Race. In this way, the three of us are also three races, not better than each other. How many.

Both sides were probably confused by each other's race and name, and finally had to introduce it again in embarrassment. Fortunately, everyone tried their best to find a memorable title introduction this time.

The guy with the triangular head who spoke to us first turned out to be a very promising existence. This guy is one of the veterans of the Dark Council. According to the rules of the Dark Council, this is the case. The entire dark council has its own council in Underground World around the world, but that is the regional council, and then each regional council needs to elect a member to participate in the central council. Generally, the elected central member is the chairperson of the regional assembly. After all, the central member needs to represent the collective interests of the regional assembly, so only the regional chairperson can achieve this effect.

These regional parliamentarians form a central dark council in the central council, which is the main decision-making organ of the dark council. This decision-making body is roughly equivalent to the National People's Congress of China or the highest parliament of the United States. In the central council of this dark council, there are a total of four classes. The most common are the members of parliament. This is the lowest existence of the Central Council of the Dark Council, and it is also the largest group of people. There are high level councillors on it, and Susis is one of them. There are only more than 200 high-level members in the Central Assembly, which accounts for about one-eighth of the total number of members of the Assembly. The next class is called the senator. The number of veterans is 108, which is the number specified in the text, unlike the number of general parliamentarians and high-level parliamentarians, which will change. The status of the elders in the Dark Council is quite high, and this person will form an organization called Elder's Council, which functions similar to the State Council and is responsible for specific handling of various matters.

In addition to the above Level 3 personnel, there is also a Level 4 personnel, that is, the chief veteran, which is actually the head of state. Of course, the head of state is just a job title of the Elder's Council, and in the dark council, the head of state will automatically become the speaker, that is, the person with the highest position and the greatest strength in the dark council.

The triangular head who greeted me just now is a veteran. Although he exists in the entire Dark Council, there are a total of 108 people, but we must know that the total control of the Dark Council In terms of population, this kind of existence is actually quite high-end.

After the brief introduction, the name is very complicated, but the guy who can be referred to as "Bobssels" began to greet us to sit down, and when everyone was seated, he started to ask: " So, I don’t know why these few people came to our dark council this time? The report I just heard was not comprehensive, so what I knew was not very detailed."

I already had my thoughts on the question of Els, so I directly replied: "In fact, it is not a particularly complicated matter. There is an incidental task to help the white elf solve a problem." I then replied the black elf this time A brief introduction to what the family provokes, and then our purpose.

Bobsells didn’t say anything after listening to this. He just thought about it briefly and then nodded and said: "This thing is not too difficult, we can do it easily, but I I really want to know why our dark council is doing this?"

Although this is such a thing, but Bobosiers asked me so directly that I was a bit taken aback, but I thought of him before. I understand the characteristics of Bobsels. This guy is simply a straight-tempered, speaking and doing things without the slightest concealment. Although this kind of person is a bit suspicion of showing off one's ability, at least he doesn't know who is behind, and it is easier to get along with. Of course, it is better to talk to such a person to cultivate qigong fu, otherwise it is very likely that you will be angered for good or bad. When the interests are the same, there is nothing. If there is a conflict of interest, he will never give you a good face. Fortunately, we don't have any conflicts of interest this time, so Bobsells' attitude just wants to get some rewards.

As for the question raised by Bobsells, I just started to replied for a while: "In fact, we have also considered this matter. Helping the white wizard is just a matter of way, and reporting the problem, I I want to use a cooperation opportunity to cover it completely."

"Cooperation?" Bobsels obviously still didn't understand my intention.

I didn't explain directly, but first let Polsephone come over, then let Bersephones pay attention to her, and then let Polsephone begin to relax the control of his divine force. The divine force of Divine Race will spread naturally without any suppression, which is the same as the energy principle in reality. High-energy objects always transfer energy to low-energy objects in various ways, and finally make their energy level consistent with the surrounding objects. This is the Universe Principle, and all macroscopic objects must abide by this basic rule. This setting is also copied in the game, which means that if Divine Race is not controlled, its divine force will automatically be lost, and even if it is controlled, if some special methods are not used to increase the effect, it will still There is a strong leakage of energy fluctuations, and this kind of fluctuation can make others perceive your strength.

After Polsephone released its divine force, the surging divine force immediately filled the entire room, although Polsephone is just an ordinary Divine Race, and even in ordinary Among Divine Race, she can be regarded as a relatively ordinary common knowledge, and its coercion is far from being compared with High God like the Mother of the Earth, but at least for Bobsels, this kind of fluctuation is quite alarming. .

Although the power fluctuation ratio is equal to absolute strength, some creatures with very low power fluctuations can also deal with some creatures with strong power fluctuations. For example, the stone giant is only a five-hundred-level creature, but waits for a six- to seven-hundred-level creature. Monsters can't do it, so fluctuations are not absolute. But at least one thing is certain, that is, creatures with super fluctuating power, even if they are weak, are definitely not weak. After all, the energy reserve is too scary, even if you can’t use it, just spraying it out can make the enemy out. battered and exhausted.

"This is a Divine Race?" Although Bobsells has heard us introduce Persephone, we only introduced us as members of the Frost Rose League, and then introduced Poll In Sephones, he also introduced Persephone’s name to Bobosiers, but didn’t say what she was doing. So Bobosiers believed that Bolsephone as it should be by rights. It's my follower. Although this understanding is not wrong, but if you understand Polsephone's strength in this way, you can't find the wrong one.

"Of course I am Divine Race, but I am not a local Divine Race."

"Not a local Divine Race?" Bob Sels still did not fully understand.

I helped explain: "Porsephone is a member of our Frost Rose League guild Divine Race Chaos and Order Divine Race, so she said that she is not a local Divine Race."< /p>

"You will have your own Divine Race?" Bob Sels finally reacted.

I nodded and said: "Although it sounds exaggerated, you have already seen that we really own the guild Divine Race. After all, except for this situation, you can find any reasonable explanation. Why did the Divine Race follow someone like me to run around?"

Bobsels really couldn’t find any explanation after thinking about it for a long time. In the end, he could only believe that Polsephone is us. Divine Race of the guild, after all, Persephone looks like my follower. If this is not the Divine Race of the guild, how can the general Divine Race have such an attitude toward mortals? The reverse is almost the same.

"I believe in your identity, but what does this have to do with our cooperation?" Sure enough, Bobsels is a guy who is straightforward and unbearable.

"Tell you that we have a guild Divine Race for the Frost Rose League to make you believe that our Frost Rose League is a very powerful guild, so that our cooperation can be possible. Otherwise, the power will be extremely unequal. , Are you willing to cooperate with us?” Kristina said directly: “According to our guild’s intelligence, although your dark council is not very well organized, and because of its scattered strength, the battle strength is not very strong, but you After all, there is a huge alliance foundation, so the strength is still relatively strong. For organizations like yours, ordinary small guilds will find you to cooperate, will you pay attention to it?"

Although Bob Sairs would like to say No, but in the end it was still nodded, and then went back to the topic again and said: "Okay. Even if you are strong, is there anything we can cooperate with? You are a ground guild, we are the organization of Underground World, neither of them What's the intersection?"

"About this, I think it’s not what you said?" I asked, "Isn’t the Dark Council planning to enter the ground? Or, you don’t need it at all. What about materials from the ground? If you want to come to the ground and need things on the ground, then you must have an intersection with the organizations on the ground. Under this kind of request, choosing a strong organization to become a partner is not very Is it a good thing?"

"What benefits can we get from it?" Bobsels really went straight to the point again.

"What do you need?" I don't go around with each other, this kind of person is simply having trouble with myself.

After thinking about it for a while, Bob Sels did not return to us immediately, but said: "May we leave for a while?"

I nodded and made a request With a handy gesture, the other party immediately greeted the other congressmen around him and left the reception room. Christina and Polsephone and I waited in the room for twenty minutes before Berbers came back, and this time the entourage was changed. Except for Bobosiers, Susis was no longer among the people who came this time. She was just a high-level member. In the eyes of other members of the Dark Council, it might be a high-status existence, but in Bobosel Sis and the others seemed to be just outsiders, so the personnel changed this time, and the other four guys who followed Bobcells did not show up last time, instead they replaced six other people.

The six people who came this time plus Bobsels are seven people. Among them, Bobsels is walking in the second row, but the one next to him is slightly ahead of him. Body, and there is another person in front of them. From this position, it can be ascertained that the person next to Bobsels and the person in front of him are both of a higher status than him.

Bobsels is already the veteran of the Dark Council, so who are these two people? First of all, these two people should be at least a veteran, and the one alongside him should be a high-status veteran. Maybe this person is very powerful, or he is very capable or strong. In short, it should be a very difficult to The guy who deal with. As for the first one, this one is actually a better judge. Because this person has a higher status than the veteran, and even his clothes are different, I am 90% sure that this person is the speaker of the Dark Council.

Sure enough, Bobosales began to introduce it as soon as he came in. "Sorry for keeping you waiting. This is the speaker of our dark council."

"Hello everyone." The speaker politely stood up and shook hands with me, and then said, "I The name is longer. I heard that you are not very used to our name, so you can call my middle name'Sith'."

"Hello Sir Sith." I politely talk to each other Shaking hands, and then introducing himself, of course neither Kristina nor Polsephone could fall behind.

Perhaps Bobosiers reported the situation here, so the Sith Speaker showed extraordinary enthusiasm for Polsephone. After all, this is a Divine Race. Even if it’s not the Divine Race that you believe in, you don’t need to bow down, but if you are received with diplomatic etiquette, you shouldn’t be too enthusiastic.

We can all understand the reaction of Speaker Sith, and Polsephone also responded politely. Of course, the speaker also enthusiastically introduced his subordinates to us. After the exchanges between the two sides, the Sith Speaker began to talk to us about business.

"I heard that you are going to cooperate with our dark council. I don't know what kind of cooperation is it?" Speaker Sith didn't delay time, I don't know if the creatures of Underground World like it. Go straight, anyway, the high level members of the Dark Council I have encountered so far seem to be quite straightforward.

Anyway, we are here to talk about this, so I didn’t go in circles with the other party, but directly said: "About this matter, my assumption is like this. First of all, our Frost Rose League is very powerful. Guild, but we don’t want to stop the pace of development just because we are already strong. Moreover, although we are strong, we are not that absolutely does not have enemies. On the contrary, our enemies were very many in the past, and they still are. Many, I believe that it will be indispensable in the future. Therefore, our development cannot be stopped. Based on this idea, we need to constantly seek new development and strengthen ourselves. The easiest way to strengthen ourselves is to find a group of allies who can form complements. "

Sith Speaker Nodded said: "This theory is very correct, but how do we both need to cooperate?"

"We have no way to proceed on this point. In the final conclusion, what I can think of at the moment is to first understand what the Dark Council needs from us."

Speaker Sith asked in a little surprise: "You haven’t confirmed what we want. Come and talk to us about cooperation?"

I did not deny it, but nodded replied: "Yes, we are not sure what you want, but we know what we want, and the darkness The council has exactly what we want."

Speaker Sith was a little worried when he heard me say that we didn’t know what they wanted, thinking that we were just acting recklessly, but heard behind me After that, he understood that we are not reckless people.

"I want to first hear what you want from us?" Speaker Sith asked.

I quickly replied: "As an ally, mutual support between intelligence and military is the basic content, but when it comes to specific projects... The first and most important thing is that you have a lot of dark councils Of mineral resources. I think this thing is basically a super rich resource for you?"

The Sith Speaker did not deny it, after all, there is no way to deny it. Underground World’s minerals are mostly well-known, and the deeper the place, the richer the minerals. Compared with the minerals on the ground, their Underground World mines not only have a wide distribution of minerals, but also have huge reserves and high quality. Some ores require several processes on the ground for beneficiation and smelting, and in Underground World, natural elemental substances will even appear directly. In contrast, the minerals controlled by our ground forces are simply tragedy!

"Regarding the issue of this mineral, we do produce a large amount, but if we use it to cooperate with you, we will face big problems." Speaker Sith explained: "Our minerals Although there are too many to be used up in the future that we can meet, the minerals will not go to our warehouse by themselves. People still need to mine, which requires labor and time. And, you should also know Because of environmental problems, food production in Underground World has been very low, and the only underground caves where we can grow plants are not daring to open it at will. After all, we still need these places to provide us with oxygen. The limited underground entrance for gas exchange is far from enough. So our food has always been insufficient. Our dark council has been organizing manpower to mine ores, but at the same time we also need these ores to exchange food and daily necessities. If we If the ore is mined and handed over to you for cooperation, there will be problems with our food supply, and our mineral production capacity is certain. If there is no way to expand the production capacity, we can only be hungry. Do you think we will do this? Do it?"

"The Sith Speaker’s understanding is a bit wrong. As I said, we need to know what you need before we start cooperating. It does not mean that minerals are exchanged for a purely cooperative fame. Cooperation. Including military cooperation, political cooperation, and, of course, economic cooperation. The buying and selling relationship itself is a kind of cooperation. You provide ore, we provide food, and the two sides exchange to form a buying and selling relationship, which is also a kind of cooperation."

"If we just change the ore that we previously sold to other forces to sell to you, this will still be the same result for us. May I ask why we have to abandon our trading partners that have been cooperating for a long time and take huge risks to cooperate with you. What?"

"This question of yours is very good to the point. Indeed, you have already done this before, but you are all scattered and shipped out, so your income is actually It’s very low. Haven’t you thought about changing the trading method? If you produce all of your minerals, oh no, this output may be a bit large, and some areas don’t have our power, so it’s not useful. But if we buy out all the production capacity in the area covered by our Frost Rose League, then you can get a one-time overall price. This price determines that you and we can omit many intermediate links, thereby improving both Exchange quantity. This is the first benefit."

"You said this is the first benefit, so there must be a second point?" The Bibb Sels next to Speaker Sith The senior veteran asked. According to the previous introduction, the name of this elder seems to be Wu Xing. To be honest, this name is very strange, and it is a short name. He also introduced the full name before. Although he finally introduced a short name to us in the same way as Speaker of the Sith and Bobles, the full name before was I suddenly thought of a race-giant dragon. The name of this Wu Shining is very similar to the name of Dragon Clan, and according to this name, this may be an ancient giant dragon of Epic Grade, and it is likely to exist on the same level as the Hongyan of our guild.

I was going to continue the introduction, so after the other person asked, I immediately said: "This is as it should be by rights. This second benefit is actually the greatness of our Frost Rose League to you. Help. If you are dealing with individual customers, then your relationship is just a pure buying and selling relationship, and there is no relationship to talk about, but if it is such a large transaction and stabilizes, then both of us can establish a stable interest. Bonds, this is the basis for building relationships. Then, our guild's expertise can help the Dark Council to obtain greater benefits."

"What's the matter with this so-called greater benefit? "Sith Speaker asked.

I nodded to Kristina, and then Kristina immediately took out her staff. The elders on the opposite side thought Kristina was going to do it, and quickly stepped forward and surrounded the west. Speaker Sith, but Speaker Sith pushed all these people away. "What are you so worried about? People are trying to hide things for us to see. All back."

Kristina did not interrupt her actions because of the other party's behavior, but just thrust her wand into the ground. , The stab at the end of the staff was directly inserted into the rocky ground, and then Kristina tapped the tip of the staff. The gem on the staff immediately released a beam of light, and then projected a beam of light in the air. Sub-stereoscopic picture.

I explained to them according to the picture: "What you see now is the large machinery produced by our guild. Of course, this thing in front of you is just a power device, and its function is Use a special magic array to extract the energy in the magic crystal to generate kinetic energy. We call this thing a magic device, and what you see is the magic motive, which is the foundation of the magic industry. The magic motive consumes the magic crystal to generate power, and then pass a certain amount We can drive all kinds of front-end equipment to achieve the purpose we need."

As I describe, the picture in front of us suddenly changed, a huge battleship sailing on the sea Then the screen changed again. An eight-legged walking machine appeared on the screen and moved at high speed. As the screen changed, I continued to introduce: "These things you see are all war machines of our guild. It operates on the basis of the magic motives you have seen before. Even if you don’t understand this information, you should be able to understand when you see these things. Since we can make machines that use magic motives to fight, of course we can also make them. Produce machinery for mining ore. These things are tireless and can work 24 hours a day, and as long as the magic crystal is enough, these things can be strong as an ox, and the mining speed is dozens or hundreds of times that of ordinary creatures."

The Speaker of the Sith is the speaker of the Dark Council after all. Hearing this, I have understood our intentions. "What you mean is that you can provide us with these things, and then use this to increase our ore production capacity, so that we can exchange more materials, right?"

I nodded and said: "Your judgment It’s very accurate, and this is only one of our cooperation."

Speaker Sith thought about it, then turned his head and discussed quietly with several of his men. During this time, Christie Na did not close the video, and Speaker Sith also pointed fingers at those things from time to time, apparently discussing this issue.

Because the benefits are obvious, and the Sith Speaker and Bobsells are both decisive people, Wu Xing doesn't seem to be a slow person, so the discussion soon came to fruition.

Speaker Sith turned to us and said: "I have to admit that you impressed us. This proposal is quite reasonable and attractive. It is just that the details need to be discussed in detail. You said before, you What we want is not all our production capacity, but the production capacity of certain regions. I want to know which regions it is."

"Actually, I don't think this issue is important."

"Why?" Speaker Sith puzzled my answer.

I thought for a while and said: "I know that the area controlled by the Dark Council has always been poor in life, so I have also developed a cautious character. After all, your resources can't afford to lose. Everyone is the Peak existence of the Dark Council. You have extraordinary insights. You can see long-term benefits, while ordinary persons usually don’t see these. Although you have decided to cooperate with us now, some of you should not be able to do it. Decide on the entire cooperation plan alone, and finally the collective resolution of the Dark Council. If you delineate the detailed distribution of minerals, it will be equivalent to leaking your sphere of influence. I think the security risks in this will cause many members to vote against it. "

Before, it was because my proposal was too tempting, so the Sith Speaker and the others forgot about it for a while, but when I said this, they immediately realized that it was indeed a problem.

The war in Underground World is not the same as on the ground. If you use the analogy of war machines on the ocean, ground warfare is like naval warfare in the battleship era. Everyone compares whose armor is thicker and whose artillery is more accurate and ruthless. However, the battle in Underground World is more like a battle between submarines. It is not who has strong offensive power and weaker defensive power. The battle of Underground World is about who finds the first. Being discovered is tantamount to failure, because the other party doesn't need to attack you at all, as long as all the underground passages leading to your gathering place are blown up for you, and then you don't need to fight because you will starve to death if you are hungry.

Because of the different modes of warfare, Underground World pays much attention to the secrecy of survival sites. Generally, they will have backup survival bases and many secret escape channels. However, if the main survival The base is not found, that is the best. Therefore, if you want to leak the distribution of minerals, it is a safety hazard in itself. Because you want to mine, the settlements should not be too far away from the minerals. This is the decision. If you find a mining area, you will almost find a settlement.

"I don't know what President Purple Moon thinks about this question?" Since I raised this question, of course the Sith Speaker knew that we must be prepared.

Of course I immediately replied when I heard the other party’s question: "I've thought about this issue a long time ago. Our Frost Rose Alliance needs minerals, and we don’t want to spy on your information, so it’s better not to notify. In our mineral area, let us tell you where we are, how much of what minerals we need, and then you tell us how much you can provide, and where to receive the goods, and then we will go to the agreed place and the transaction will be over. It will reveal the location of our construction project, but this has no effect on our guild. Anyway, our ground facilities are not afraid of detection. If it can be shot down, it can be shot down. If it is not shot down, even if it is found, it will not be shot down. Saying projects that require secret construction, we ourselves will not be so stupid to let you send things directly to the construction site. We must mobilize materials from nearby and complete the delivery of materials through transshipment, so you and we don’t have to worry about the secrets leaking. , This is a good thing for everyone."

Sith Speaker Nodded said: "If this is the case, then it will really make everyone aside their concerns, but how do you say that the mining equipment should be delivered to us? ?"

"This is of course the same way. You find a safe place to inform us, and then we are responsible for sending things to this place, and then teach you how to assemble and use, and then you need Transport the things to the mining farm yourself. Of course, our equipment will be as small as possible to facilitate your transportation."

Sith Speaker nodded and said: "In addition to the transportation problem, the transaction price of those ore is also How do you calculate the cost of the equipment? You won’t kindly give us away, right? Also, should you always have a rough catalog of which ores you need?"

I nodded and said: "This is Of course. Our Frost Rose League is known for its rigor. For this cooperation, we are well prepared. Regarding the types of ore we need, we have already drawn up a catalogue." I said and passed it directly. A thin book. You should know that Underground World is rich in minerals, and one piece of paper is definitely not enough to write, so the final list we listed contains more than a dozen pieces of paper, nailed together to form a small book.

"So many kinds?" Speaker Sith was shocked when he saw the catalog.

"We are a large guild, and the consumption is terrible."

"What does the number after the name mean?" Bobosels asked.

"The number is the quantity. This list is the limit quantity of materials we need each week. Before your supply reaches this quantity, we will have as much as we want."

" Your consumption is really terrifying!" After the Sith speaker finished speaking, he asked: "Well, how do you calculate the machinery and equipment?"

"The machinery and equipment are like this. First, you need to provide us with some of your The mining environment information of the minerals that need to be mined, such as what kind of rock the ore is buried in, how hard the rock is here, how high the ambient temperature is, whether it is mined in a gas environment, underwater or in lava, and Will you encounter information such as monsters interfering with mining. We will design the structure and function of the equipment based on the information you give. Of course, the more comprehensive and detailed your information, the more comprehensive and detailed our equipment will be when the time comes. The easier it is. Your requirements for these machines can also be recorded together, so that we can design machines according to your usage habits, so

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