The combined force of the four big trees has proven unable to break through our defenses, which gives us a little peace of mind. Originally, according to the previous management, if those big trees confirmed that they could not penetrate our defense before there was no new power increase, they should give up attacking. However, after only 30 seconds on our side, the four trees will be again. There was a four-strike combo, and of course the result did not cause us any harm as before.

Obviously, the intelligence of these big trees exceeds our expectations. They not only know how to distinguish goals, but also know how to count their own numbers and conduct strength evaluations. The few trees found that they could not penetrate our defenses and immediately stopped their attacks because they knew they had backups. As long as the backups were in range, they could make a joint attack, but now they have understood that they have no support for fertility. Strength, so they have entered a desperate state, even if they can't penetrate our defenses, they are still persistently attacking one after another, hoping to make us collapse before approaching them.

Actually at this speed, if we stand here for three or five days, those trees may actually be able to crush our defenses. After all, the power of Divine Race is not endless, attacks at this level. It's not bad to be able to carry it down, and it is definitely impossible to hope that it will never be broken. Of course, we are only less than a hundred kilometers away from the four trees. Of course, we don't need to be here for three days.

After confirming that the opponent could not penetrate the defense, we began to move forward quickly. During this period, we found that the time interval for the trees to use the strongest attack was 30 seconds, and the launch speed could not be faster than this time. Although this interval is quite long, considering that the formidable power of the opponent's attack has exceeded the condition of the full strength attack of the main god, this kind of energy gathering speed should not be called slow, but should be said to be too fast. After all, even if the main god of Divine Race in those places uses his ultimate ultimate, it usually takes 30 to 40 seconds to gather energy. When the formidable power is increased by more than 70%, these trees actually only need 90% of the energy gathering time of the other party, which is already a very abnormal ability.

With this kind of attack, we finally had difficulty advancing to a distance of 50 meters from the nearest one of those big trees, and at this time, those big trees began to launch again. One round of attacks, but this one almost killed us. The reason for the major crisis is not the sudden rise of the formidable power of those trees, but the change in the direction of their attacks.

If the four trees are numbered in the order of distance from us, the nearest tree is number one, and the farthest tree is number four. The previous joint attack method of these trees was that the No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4 trees emitted energy beams to the No. 1 tree at the same time, and then the No. 1 tree executed the attack. Because this mode has been steadily continuing, we have always aimed the divine force shield at the No. 1 tree. However, just now, the attack methods of these trees have changed.

The No. 1 tree that was originally used as a direct attack location suddenly stopped working. As a result, the combo just now turned into the No. 3 and No. 4 trees supplying energy to the No. 2 tree, and then the No. 2 tree attacked us.

Be aware that these four trees are not planted in a straight line, they are angled differently relative to us. This angle was not obvious when the distance was long before, but when we got closer, the angle shift would be larger. The second tree that launched the attack this time is actually located in the direction between the ten o'clock position and the eleven o'clock position on the left front of me. This is almost equivalent to attacking us from the side, but our divine force shield is completely concentrated on the team’s up ahead a little bit higher. After all, as the distance gets closer, the opponent’s angle of attack has gradually changed from flat shot to down. Shoot, so the angle of our shield will move accordingly. However, we were only adjusting the height of the shield gradually, without adjusting the direction. If we let the second tree attack at this angle, our shield would not have any effect, because it was completely outside the attack range.

Although this happened quite suddenly, fortunately, my head did not retire at the time, and fortunately, there were Divine Race in the team without miscellaneous soldiers.

At that time, we counted for a few seconds and thought that the trees were about to launch an attack according to the previous rules, but when the trees started to gather energy, we suddenly discovered that Tree One had no energy response. These big trees only took two seconds from the start of gathering energy to the actual launch, but I realized that Tree No. 1 might be too close to attack because we were too close to attack. Although I haven't seen the attributes of these trees so far, based on general speculation, this kind of long-range attack unit usually has a minimum range, and once the distance is too close, it will not be able to attack. Although there was no basis at the time, time was not and the others, so I made a judgment in only 0.5 seconds, and then turned and yelled: "The queue turns!"

In fact, I finished the four. At this time, it was only about 0.3 to 0.4 seconds before the attack started. Fortunately, the Divine Race followed, so these guys were hesitating for 0.1 second. After that, the remaining time was used to complete the steering of the entire queue. Finally, we can complete the re-arrangement of the queue and support the divine force shield at the moment when the second tree launched the attack.

Although it is a hastily completed shield, because tree No. 1 did not participate in the attack this time, the attack formidable power is equivalent to dropping to three-quarters of the previous state, which makes our pressure drop. Many, even the hastily completed divine force shield has taken the blow.

"Huh, it's almost!" After this blow, we were all relaxed. As long as we turned a little bit slower, there would be casualties. Moreover, if the remaining personnel cannot stop the next attack, that is also a troublesome matter. Fortunately, the misfortune did not happen, and we finally managed to survive.

After taking this attack, we waited for another attack. We confirmed that Tree One had completely stopped the attack and Tree Two took over the launch position, so we started to act. Because I learned from Nuwa before that only the first person who put blood on the trunk can control these trees, we have discussed the specific candidates for control of these trees before entering here. This candidate is neither me nor any of the Divine Races present, but the god of war. In fact, the army god was brought over by us before, but he did not stand in the team, but kept hiding in the gate of the earth. Until now, I have reached the vicinity of those big trees, and I dare not let him out. After all, the military god is too weak compared to us. He has always played the role of a commander in the game. He simply hasn’t practiced a level. The EXPs he has obtained so far are all benefits from guild battles, and these EXPs have only allowed him to rise to more than seven hundred ranks. The level is much lower than most players, and its strength is not as good as ordinary players, let alone our group.

After taking another blow, I immediately opened the door of the earth. The war god who knew the process rushed out the moment the door of the earth opened, and then rushed to the number one tree over there. . The time we can use is only 30 seconds. The God of War needs to complete the control within this time and then come back. Otherwise, we don't know whether Tree Two will attack us or the God of War. After all, he is now out of the team.

Although the time is only thirty seconds, it is actually not very stressful. The real sprint champion in 100 meters takes less than ten seconds. Although the military god is only more than 700 meters, it is better than the real human body. So his 100 meters speed is definitely less than ten seconds, and It's much faster. Besides, the straight-line distance between us and the No. 1 tree is only less than 50 meters, and it's only 100 meters back and forth. Even if the military god only has the real sprint speed of the world champion, there is still a full 20 seconds for him to complete the control work, so there is actually plenty of time.

Sure enough, three seconds after the attack ended, the military advisor had touched the trunk of the tree before the smoke and dust had completely dispersed, and he had already cut his finger during the start. , And when he touched the tree, we found that he suddenly stopped moving there. I know this must be the process of recognizing Master, as long as the process does not exceed twenty seconds, there will be no problem.

The final result was very smooth. The military god completed the control in just over five seconds, then turned his head and ran back, and after we saw that he completed the control, we began to actively move there. Go over and take him close to the second tree. When we approached the second tree fifty meters away, there was still a few seconds before the next attack, but we did not continue forward, because if we move forward, the second tree will stop attacking, and then Changing the attack position to Tree #3. Time Change formation is a bit risky for us. Everyone feels that we would rather have one more attack than take this risk.

Tree No. 1 was controlled, we easily carried the joint attack of the three trees, and then at the end of the attack, we started to move in the direction of Tree No. 3, and the god of war was detached. The team ran to the second tree.

Military god still got the No. 2 tree as quickly as before, and we prepared to rush into the No. 3 tree within 50 meters and aim the shield at the No. 4 tree. direction. Trees No. 1 and No. 2 are now under control. Tree No. 3 cannot attack because it has a minimum range of 50 meters. Only No. 4 is active.

The God of War returned to the queue before the attack on Tree No. 4, and we easily managed to take the attack with only one tree. After that, the God of War quickly took control of Tree No. 3, and then everyone gathered to the fourth. Under the tree, I watched the military god control the tree 4. At this point, the four super trees that are comparable to the railgun have finally been controlled, otherwise our entire new Yama Palace will be within the attack range of these trees. . Although they will not actively attack the Yama Palace, our people dare not approach the Yama Palace. Now that the four trees are under control, this trouble will no longer exist.

Because the tree has been controlled, other Divine Races left the scene one after another, only Ladamantis, Vina and Hades stayed. Of course, the military god did not leave, but he is now standing in the gate of the earth and talking to us. After all, this is the underworld. Apart from me, no one among the players can stay here for a long time.

"Well, military god, show us the attributes of those trees." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to recommend it. Tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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