What is the concept of more than a dozen monsters of more than two thousand two hundred levels? Anyway, the average player is definitely not sure. Of course, if this is the case, the problem is not big, because I can handle ten monsters of the same level alone. The monster in "Zero" usually can't beat players of the same level in the state of the same level, and this is still calculated according to the level of ordinary players. In terms of my strength, it shouldn't be a problem to get ten monsters at the same level. Besides, there is Christina here, and the remaining monsters can be handled even if Ashford and the others don't interfere.

However, these things will continue to absorb the power of fusion companions. When there are a dozen of them, it can reach the level of two thousand and two hundred, and when there are only a few left, it may be close to the level of three thousand. When two of them are left dead, they can reach at least level 4,000. And in the end, if there is no accident, it should be at least a five-thousand-level monster. With such a powerful creature, I was almost impossible to get it without the help of the familiar. Of course, we may not necessarily lose, because there is Kristina, at least when I entangle the last monster, she can prepare the strongest blow. With the firepower of her humanoid turret, it is not impossible to deal with 5,000-level monsters. What's more, now is different from before. I still have a time-returning skill in my hand. With this skill, I can actually do a lot of things.

Looking at the spider monsters swarming around, I turned Eternity into two long knives in my hand and opened the bow left and right, cutting melons and vegetables and killing the surrounding monsters. Now the monster level is still relatively low, so it's easier to hack and kill, but that won't be the case after a while.

Because we have to leave magical battles for monsters with higher and higher levels, so now the monster level is low, we all try to avoid using skills, even if we use ordinary attacks, we should try to choose the attack method with the least amount of exercise in order to hope Save energy.

Although we did not exert much effort in order to save magic and physical energy, it is indeed too simple to face a thousand-level monster. In less than five minutes, the number of monsters on the scene will be reduced by one. Qianduo has dropped sharply to less than three hundred, but the problem is that the level of the remaining monsters has also soared from one thousand to one thousand five-six hundred.

My current level is 2222, and a thousand five-six hundred level monsters are still fragile in front of me, but that is not the case for Ashford and others. Of course, it's not that this kind of monster can threaten them, but they are beginning to feel resistance in the battle now. The previous situation was like a person wielding a sword and slashing a pile of moving paper people. Although the other party could move, it was still paper, and it would be broken after passing by, and there was no feeling at all. However, now they feel as if the paper figures they are fighting against have gradually become clay figures. Although the clay figurines are also very soft, they can still feel obvious resistance when slashed up.

In just a few minutes of fighting strength, the number of monsters on the battlefield has fallen below one hundred, but the situation has become less and less optimistic.

The result of our original calculation is that when the monster has less than 20 remaining, its level will probably reach my level, which is about two thousand two hundred. However, now there are eighty or ninety monsters, but the level of these guys has actually exceeded two thousand levels. This level is not as high as mine. I can still easily kill any monster here, and even more than a dozen monsters will besiege me without causing any trouble. But the problem is that apart from me, it still seems to be able to do everything right now, but Kristina is the only one left.

Whether it is Ashford or Nightborne, all their remaining personnel are now in a hard fight. Except for my level above 2,000, only Kristina’s level is closer to 2,000. The other people’s levels are basically concentrated at a level of more than 1,400 and less than 1,5, and here’s The monsters are already level two thousand.

Although the monster in "Zero" can't beat players of the same level, it doesn't say that players can easily single out monsters that are four to five hundred levels higher than themselves, right? Ashford and the others are considered experts. The battle strength is far stronger than the average player, but even so, a monster that can skipping grades to challenge four or five hundred levels higher than himself is already the limit. Although they can still kill monsters and ensure their own safety, the speed of killing has been very slow, and even said that they are mainly protecting themselves, and there is almost no chance of killing monsters. At present, the only people who can really kill the monster are me and Kristina. Fortunately, the number of remaining monsters is also low, otherwise, let alone stick to the end, now this level will not pass!

"Boss, the strength of these monsters has improved much faster than expected, what are we going to do?" Night Son asked with some worry.

"Hold on first, I will be responsible for killing monsters. As long as I can persist until the last of all the monsters is dead, I will be able to deal with these guys."

A Xiufu De shouted over there: "But when the last one is dead, all the power of the monster will be concentrated on that monster. How can we fight it?"

"This you guys Just leave it alone, anyway, I have a solution."

Hearing me say this, Ashford and the others can only choose to believe me. Several people gathered to protect Kristina in the middle, and then Kristina no longer spared her magic power. She fired the map cannon and killed more than 30 monsters in twos or twos, and I took advantage of this opportunity to activate continuously. The cost is relatively low but the formidable power is not a small skill, and more than 30 monsters were brought down in one breath.

With such an effort from both sides, there are only more than 20 remaining monsters, but at this time the level of the monster has reached more than two thousand eight hundred, and this speed definitely exceeds ours. Estimated, and it is greatly exceeded. Now Ashford, let alone killing the monster, even self-preservation is a problem. Kristina didn't dare to use her big move now, and she opened her shield to protect Ashford and the others.

Tank and Ashford looked at Kristina standing in front of them. As the main tank of the team, not only can't stand in front, but they also have to stand in front to protect themselves, which makes their faces feel a hot pain. However, even if they feel uncomfortable, they can only hide behind Kristina, because all the monsters in front of them are close to three thousand level monsters. Their defensive power can only be blocked in front of these monsters, and they can directly demand it in the second time. They died.

Despite the change from being a protected person to a shield, Kristina’s combat performance has not changed significantly. As the third in the world battle strength list, Kristina's battle strength is beyond doubt. Even though the current monster is much higher than her level, she can still continue to fight, and she can still cause some damage to the monster.

Compared with Kristina, the situation on my side is a little easier. On the one hand, I am better than Kristina. On the other hand, it is because Kristina needs to protect Ashuf Because of them, they can’t fight at all, but I’m the only one on my side, so I can let go of the attack, so the combat effect is better on my side.

Because of the sharp decline in the number of monsters, now I no longer use dual blades. I gathered the eternity into a long knife and swung it horizontally. Accompanied by a sharp howl, I cut off the body of one third by a monster that fell from the top of the cave, but even so this thing He didn't die immediately, but struggled in the water for a long time before he died completely.

After successfully killing the monster, I felt the wind pressure coming from behind, and I slid to the side, and then with the help of the power of turning, I cut it horizontally and with a bang, a monster was cut directly by me. Two pieces, then fell into the river like the previous one and struggled violently. Of course, the monster that was cut in half was impossible to survive. However, after killing this monster, I suddenly discovered that the surrounding monsters had stopped attacking. After I turned my head and took a look, I realized that I don’t know when all the monsters in the underground passage have gathered near the altar, and Chris Dina and the others all walked to my side.

There was a short pause in the battle. Ashford and the others took the opportunity to take some medicine to replenish the consumed magic power and health, and more importantly, the replenishment of physical strength. It doesn't matter if the health and magic power are temporarily low during the battle, but the physical strength must be sufficient, because the player will show fatigue after the physical strength drops to a certain level, which will seriously affect the battle strength.

"Why didn't they attack?" Looking at the monsters gathered there, I turned to ask Ashford, after all, they have tried this task N times, although once They haven't finished yet, but they have been to this place many times, so they should know something about it.

Sure enough, Ashford immediately replied: "It should be Insect Queen coming out."

"Insect Queen? Isn’t it the only one?"

"No." Alice replaced Ashford replied: "There is also an Insect Queen here. All these monsters are descendants of Insect Queen. When the number of little monsters here was killed to less than 20, That huge Insect Queen will appear."

"Damn, should we kill these monsters now?" Kristina asked aloud. After all, there are twenty three-thousand-level monsters here, which is enough to make people a headache. If there is one more powerful, it will be deadly!

Unfortunately, Kristina’s suggestion was directly rejected. "Absolutely not." Ashford said: "The level of this Insect Queen is actually not fixed. It will appear when the little monster is killed below 20, and at this time, no matter what the remaining little monsters are. How many levels, its level will be the level of the little monster plus five hundred."

"That means this Insect Queen is now three thousand and five hundred when it comes out?" Night Son asked.

Ashford nodded and said: "It's not just a three-to-five hundred-level problem. In fact, Insect Queen and these bugs are part of this swarm, and it’s not counted when it didn’t appear before. , From the time it appeared, the superimposed strength of the monsters here will also count Insect Queen after their deaths."

When I heard this, Kristina said directly: "I understand. Insect Queen. The battle strength must surpass the bugs. If the last monster dies, the remaining Insect Queen will definitely be more difficult than the little monster. Therefore, the Insect Queen must be killed first."

"Yes. , This is the lesson that we have repeatedly failed to sum up. Insect Queen must not be left to the end, and it must be killed as early as possible. It is best to put Insect Queen first if the remaining twenty insects are not dead. Solve it."

Now that we know the problem, we no longer think about profiting from somebody's misfortune. It’s better to wait for Insect Queen to appear first. According to general practice, this kind of little spider monsters are ordinary monsters, no matter how high the level is, they are also ordinary monsters, with average abilities, but the basic attributes are relatively high. But Insect Queen is at least the boss monster. Not only does the thinking attribute completely surpass the mobs in the same level state, but there will definitely be a series of additional attributes. So, let Insect Queen become the last monster, it will definitely become our nightmare.

We decided to wait for the Insect Queen to come out and kill the Insect Queen first, and the Insect Queen over there didn't let us wait too long. Less than ten seconds after the mobs gathered, the altar that I teleported back suddenly flew upwards. It was not rising, it was really flying, and suddenly it flew, and then installed on the roof of the cave with a boom and fell into hundreds of fragments splashing around, and at the same time, in the huge hole under the altar, A giant spider monster that looks almost indistinguishable from those little spider monsters, but is dozens of times bigger, suddenly emerged from the ground, and after this guy came out, it actually supported the first half of the body. Two huge fangs uttered a harsh scream at us.

In reality, spiders should not be able to call, at least I haven't heard how spiders call. But this spider monster can scream, and the voice is not small, it is particularly unpleasant, and it is even hard to say that it is ear-piercing.

After screaming for a while, this guy put his first half of his body down, and only then did we discover that this guy is actually somewhat different from his descendants.

This huge female spider is not as black as a small spider. Its main color is indeed black, but there are many bright red patterns on the body, which are set off by black. It looks unusually bright on the bottom lining. However, in addition to being beautiful, this bright color means more of warning and deterrence. The bright red color seems to warn others that it is poisonous and very dangerous.

In addition to the slight difference in color and offspring, this mother spider also has a more obvious difference in that the front of the head and chest is located on the outside of the eight eyes, with two rows of stomata arranged.

There are eight stomata, four on each side. The inner diameter of the stomata is slightly thicker than that of a human thumb. They are closely attached to each other in two vertical rows on both sides of the mother's head and chest.

It is said that the stomata of arthropods should grow in the abdomen, but this thing in front of you can be regarded as arthropods from time to time. It is not very sure. After all, there are too many magical creatures in the game. The rules in reality are classified. However, I always feel that the stomata on both sides of the monster's head are not just for breathing.

This idea of ​​mine was quickly confirmed. After fully drilling out of the ground, this guy suddenly pointed his head at us without any hesitation. Then I only heard two muffled noises. The movement was very small, similar to the sound of a silenced pistol firing, but only between these two. At the same time the sound was muffled, I suddenly saw something flying towards us.

My dynamic vision is incomparable. I can see even bullets flying in the air, so this thing is not very fast for me. At the moment when the thing flew, I suddenly stretched out Eternal, and I picked it horizontally, only feeling a strong force coming from my hand, followed by a crisp ding sound, the eternal side fire star splashing, Then I saw that the flying thing turned a turn and flew directly to the top of the cave, and then nailed it into the rock on the top of the cave with a dull sound.

"Damn, why does this thing still carry hidden weapon?" I asked Ashford with a little surprise, because he supposedly told me about such an important thing first.

What happened just now was so fast that Ashford didn’t have time to respond. Hearing my question, Ashford came up to explain: "I don’t know! I played so much before. This time, I’ve never seen this guy launch a hidden weapon!"

"What the hell is that?" The tank looked up at the hidden weapon with only a little tail on the top of the cave and asked in surprise. .

The Son of Night disappeared directly from us. The next second he appeared on the top of the cave and hugged the tail of the hidden weapon, then let his weight hang on the thing. However, the hidden weapon that we thought would be pulled down was actually completely motionless. It seemed that the thing was inserted too deep into the top of the hole and it got stuck quite tightly.

I tried it and didn't move. The Night Son tried to pull it down, but the mother spider over there moved first. This guy suddenly lifted the front part of his body a little bit. As soon as I saw its movement, I knew that this guy was about to launch that thing again. He quickly kicked the ground and jumped up.

Sure enough, I just flew up here and there are a few hidden weapons that flew out. The eternity that has become a hook and sickle gun is stretched forward by my hand, and it flies continuously with a jingle. Two hidden weapons, followed by the gun god, slammed down, and missed another one with a ding sound, but the fourth one was too late to block with Eternity anyway, I could only loosen Eternity and twist and get out of this thing. At the same time As the thing flew by my side, I suddenly grabbed the thing by its tail.

Because I blocked a few of them before, I knew that this thing was very powerful. When I stretched out my hand, I used my full strength. The thing slid in my hand for a while and was finally caught by me. After I landed, everyone could see what this hidden weapon looked like.

This thing is more suitable than a hidden weapon, because the volume of this thing is already larger than the average bow and arrow.

In fact, what I grabbed was a spike that was more than a foot long and slightly thicker than my thumb. The outer layer of the spike is not round, but an arrow-like shape, but not a flat arrow, but a cross-shaped three-dimensional arrow. However, this spike is not the same as a human tip. The bow and arrow only have a winged arrow intermittently, and the arrow structure on this thing extends from the tip to the end, and the sharp extension of the protrusions on the four main axes The object does not extend to the end in a straight line, but is spirally wound on the main axis. This structure is a bit like a thread on a screw, but the rotation range is not as large as that of a turnbuckle. With a long distance from the tip of the spike to the tail section, this kind of thread only rotates by ninety degrees. However, although the rotation amplitude is very small, it is conceivable that this thing will inevitably rotate due to air resistance in high-speed flight. The final effect is equivalent to giving the spikes the same characteristics as bullets, that is, relying on rotating objects. Self-stabilization specific maintenance trajectory will not deviate.

Actually, the four protrusions around this spike are not flat. These four protrusions are more like the dorsal fins on the back of a fish, and they have the structure of shark fins. From head to tail, a real spike is a protrusion composed of four rows of triangular shark fin structures. In addition to allowing the spike to rotate during flight to achieve a stable ballistic trajectory, it can also act as a barb. . It’s no wonder that the Night’s Son was hung on the spike on the top of the cave, and he couldn’t pull it out. It turned out that these barbs were stuck in the stone, and the four protruding ridges were spiral in themselves. , So the resistance is even greater. If you want to pull this thing out of your body, you don't want to rip off a few pounds of meat from your body.

I scanned the spike here and I was about to throw it away. Suddenly, I suddenly noticed that there are some stomata arranged under the four protruding ridges on the spike, and I seem to see something in it. The way it moves inside. Feeling strange in my heart, I directly broke the spike into two pieces with force, but it was fine without breaking. As soon as it broke, I was immediately shocked. I saw a group of densely packed little spiders crawling out of the spikes, following my arms and starting to climb up. The spike was actually hollow inside, and it was filled with a lot of small spiders. If it hits the human body, then these little spiders get into the human body...? Think about it and shiver all over.

I don’t have any fear of those little spiders that climbed up my arms. I urged a little magic power. The flames of hell all over my body flashed out for a while, and those little spiders were instantly cleaned up. It's clean. These miniature spiders that are not even Level 1 are only incidental attributes for spike attacks. Their survivability is very weak, and it is very simple to be clear. Of course, this refers to the situation where they have not entered the organism. If the spikes are shot into the body, and then these small things get into the body, it will be troublesome to clean up. Unless someone like Kristina can switch to an elemental body at any time, this kind of problem can be completely ignored. Of course, it is really not possible. You can use self-masturbation to give yourself a lightning strike or something. After the whole body is electrified, these little things will definitely die out with the defensive power of these little things. Of course, it's not a good thing to power yourself up for no reason.

"Damn, this thing wasn't that great last time?" When they saw the little spiders I found, Ashford and Alice all yelled. I thought that twenty three thousand level monsters were already very troublesome. As a result, not only a three thousand five hundred level boss monster appeared, but also many new skills, especially the spikes that can carry small spiders. , Even if there is no attack power, just the kind of small spiders swarming out can scare many female players.

"I think I know what's going on." Night Son explained: "You guys got here faster than this time, and you said that the level of this mother spider is not fixed, but based on it. When 20 mobs are sounded, the level of the little monster is increased by 500 to get the level of the big monster. That is to say, this big spider is the highest level you have seen before. I think this big guy’s skills are probably based on The level has not only increased. When you encountered it before, its level was very low, so it did not evolve such a powerful skill. This time it is completely because its level has increased, so naturally it has some new abilities."

I nodded and said: "It should be the same, but I hope this is the only new ability that has been added, but don't have any more troublesome ability! We don't necessarily have to be like this now. Can handle it!"

"Boss." Kristina called me suddenly.

I looked towards her doubtfully and asked: "What are you doing?"

"You may have the potential of a crow's mouth."

"Huh?" I heard Klee After Stina's words, the first reaction was not to be angry, but to looked towards the female spider on the opposite side. As Kristina said, I really have the potential of a crow's mouth. That mother spider not only has other new skills, but also seems to be difficult to entangle.

While we were studying the female spider, this guy stretched out his eight long legs and let his body leave the water, then its abdomen sank and contracted directly after A slime ball over 80 centimeters high was dropped into the river. Although this thing is full of slime on the outside, we confirmed at a glance that this thing is definitely an egg, and it must be the spider monster inside. It's just that it's not yet certain whether it will give birth to a low-level spider in its original form, or whether it will give birth to a three-thousand-level spider directly based on the current monster level. If it can produce three thousand-level spider monsters, then we are really in big trouble.

"Offensive, offensive! Don’t let it lay eggs, the more monsters we have, the more difficult it will be for us!" After confirming that this thing is spawning, I have already rushed out, and people have not approached yet. He raised his hand and shot a crossbow arrow at the slime ball.

Unexpectedly, the female spider moved her long, blade-like legs to block the slime ball while I shot the crossbow, but only heard a ding sound, a golden light flashed past and passed directly through. After it penetrated its long legs, it exploded the slime ball into a mess.

The arrow I used just now was the soul chaser that the Avengers came with. Although this thing can be automatically replenished, it takes time to recover, so it can’t be used continuously, but in terms of formidable power, it’s still Very powerful, at least the armor piercing ability of this thing is extremely good, the female spider's knife foot was directly passed through without any left or right, and it could not stop the golden arrow at all.

Because of the star pupil, as long as I have contact with the target, I can read the general attributes of the opponent, and for creatures whose strength does not exceed me, I can read the detailed attributes. The arrow exploded the slime ball just now, and as a result, I immediately saw the attribute of the contents inside.

"Damn it. There is a three-thousand-level monster directly in that egg! Don't let it regenerate!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian. com) Voting referral votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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