This gloomy passage is divided into left and right sides, so you need to choose the direction slightly, but because there is a map, you don’t need to guess, just follow the white waves. Bailang, who has seen the map before, can never remember the terrain here. You must know that Bailang’s most primordial job is to guard the maze, so he can write it down by looking at the map once, even if there is no map. He can also quickly walk out of the maze-like terrain, because no matter what the road is, he will remember it as long as he walks it once, and he will definitely not go back to the dead end afterwards. It won't happen.

Because there is a live map of Bailang, all I have to do is just follow it. As for the organs in the tunnel... this also belongs to Bailang's expertise. Although it may not be able to crack the map, Bailang's ability to discover organs is incomparable. The main lethality of the organs in the labyrinth map comes from their suddenness. As long as they can be discovered in advance, most organs are actually very easy to deal with.

I didn't hesitate at the fork in the road, Bailang turned left directly, I immediately followed along, and the mixed-race MM at the back watched us turn and had to follow.

The passage on this side began to sink not far forward, from a horizontal passage to a slanted passage, and the slope is quite large, but the length of this passage is not long, and it didn’t go far. Enter the next crypt. The area of ​​this room is about one hundred square meters. There are a large row of coffins on the wall around the tomb. This so-called coffin is actually a coffin placed vertically, but not directly against the wall, but embedded into the wall like a closet. However, these coffins and the walls are not tightly fitted together, but have a certain gap. If you pull it out, you can say that the coffin can be pulled out from the depressions on the wall. This design in the game is mainly designed for hobby expedition players, because behind these coffins are the best hidden spots for organs, so many experienced players will habitually pull the coffins out first when they enter such places. See if there is something hidden in the recess of the wall behind. Of course, there are guards if there are prizes. Some coffins are directly behind the organs, treasure vaults or secret passage entrances, while more coffins are actually monster traps. This kind of coffin will be fine if you don't move it, but if you touch it, the undead creatures inside will rush out. Moreover, these undead are generally linked. In other words, as long as you touch the undead in one of the coffins, the undead in the whole house will be active.

Now that this room is so close to the entrance, the monster must not exist anymore. After all, there are too many players in this place. There are going in and out. As soon as the monster is brushed out, it is estimated that the player will be killed, even if you are lucky enough to run into it. , Probably only one or two, so the coffin here should actually be quite safe. But I didn't plan to move them, because I didn't come to level up, nor did I come to explore, and it didn't make much sense to me to go over these coffins.

In addition to the dozen or so coffins on the surrounding wall in this tomb, there is also a huge sarcophagus in the center of the room. Although the sarcophagus is also made of stone, compared with the central one, it is far worse in terms of size and fineness. This huge sarcophagus not only looks particularly thick, but the patterns on it are also exquisite. What is even more exaggerated is that the necklace on the neckline of the one-to-one frontal portrait carved on the lid of the sarcophagus is actually real. Although the second half of the necklace was inserted into the cover of the sarcophagus, the exposed half was a real silver chain, and the large sapphire hanging at the bottom of the necklace was obviously genuine.

Although this gem is huge and it seems to be easily available, I know that this thing is actually a cheating thing. With so many players passing by, this thing stays here without being taken away. You can imagine how dangerous this thing is.

I didn't care about the huge gem, I left the tomb from another exit on the side of the tomb under the leadership of Bailang, but it was a pity that I forgot the mixed-blood MM behind. We just walked into the side road and heard a terrifying roar right after that. I knew something bad as soon as I heard this voice. It must be the mixed-race MM behind that moved the gemstone necklace. She had never done a task at all, and she didn't know that this kind of inability to move was a cause for trouble. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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