Seeing that I'm about to be hit by the other hand's other hand, I don't dare to be big now. Activating the skill directly, a white aperture suddenly burst from her body, and the woman on the opposite side was knocked out by the aperture before she had a real punch. The whole person turned over in the air and didn’t know how many somersaults, and finally, after landing Rolling on the ground several times in a row before it stopped.

Although she was knocked into the air, the reaction of the other party was obviously beyond my expectation. After landing, she didn't even stop, she just turned over and got up. Obviously, she was really knocked into the air just now, but she adjusted her posture in the air, so when she landed, she was very light and light. Regardless of the rolling distance, the impact was actually removed. In fact, people are not. Did not suffer much damage.

Obviously, the other party has a good body refinement and is very good at controlling the balance of the body. In this regard, women are inherently stronger than men, but this woman is not simply because of her gender. It is obvious that she has received special training and has turned this fighting technique into an instinctive response.

The woman who got up from the ground again didn't stop. She slammed directly on the ground and rushed up to me again. She also shook her hands at me twice while running.

When I saw her movement, I immediately thought of blocking it. Although it may not be blocked every time, it is guaranteed to block part of it. So I still did a defensive movement, but let me What didn’t expect was that just after the woman waved and attacked, very close to us, one of the two fighting monsters suddenly called out pitifully, and at the same time a lot of shots were shot out of her body. Blood.

These two monsters were not far away from us before, but because the fight between me and the woman is only sound, there is not much blood, so there is no scent stimulation, so the two monsters are focused on their own fighting , Did not pay attention to our side at all. It is precisely because they did not pay attention to our side, so we did not care about the two monsters. It's just that monsters are monsters after all. In order to fear that they will suddenly shift their targets, I am still paying attention to the situation of those two monsters in the battle. However, after the woman attacked, I, who should have been the target, was not attacked. On the contrary, the monster was suddenly bloody, which is a bit strange.

Before I had never figured out what the woman’s attack was about. At first I thought it was ice flakes, but then it turned into an attack from behind or from the side. Obviously, the attack method used by this woman was not It's not that simple. However, after seeing that monster was injured, I suddenly felt as if I had discovered something.

From a common sense, the woman is fighting with me now, because she shouldn’t pay attention to the monster, but her attack hit the monster, so it’s definitely not Deliberately, but accidentally. If this is an accident, then why does this happen?

The attack that should have attacked me hit the monster not far from the side. If the shot was missed, then the plane was too ridiculous. With long-range weapons, even novices can at best miss the target. Those who can deflect more than forty-five degrees, that is not a mistake, that is deliberate trouble. Obviously this daughter didn't miss the shot intentionally, she must have missed the monster for a reason. So, combined with the actual situation that I was hit from behind many times, I finally got an answer, that is-she used arc attacks.

If the attack used by this woman is not a straight forward, but an arc, then if you control the start speed and angle, you can attack from the front, but the effect of hitting from the back is not impossible. Things. So, how can we launch an arc attack?

At that moment, I thought of a weapon-boomerang.

The boomerang is also called a boomerang or boomerang, which means a dart that will return by itself when it flies out. This thing was originally a weapon used for hunting, but in modern times it has developed into children's toys and fitness equipment, and there are many different shapes and structures according to the age and needs of the users, anyway, there are many styles. Among them, there are two more common boomerangs. One is herringbone, which is the oldest form. Primordial people use this kind of boomerang for hunting. The other is a circle with several blades on it, a bit like an airplane propeller with a ring added to the outer ring. This second boomerang is mainly a toy, because the boomerang of this structure has a slow flying speed and a long time in the air, so it is very suitable for leisure and entertainment.

Before I found out that every time this woman attacks, the attack may be realized by using a kind of borneol. However, after my observation, this kind of ice flakes were obviously not emitted from her hand, but from the mechanism above her wrist, which was attached to the outside of her forearm.

This kind of external device hanging on the outside of the forearm is very common in games, such as my Avenger sniper crossbow, and the claws. In fact, they all use such a structure. The difference is that my blade claws and sniper crossbows are integrated in the forearm armor, not independent parts, and hers seems to be independent.

Of course, besides me, there are also many other players who have this kind of device tied to the forearm. They are usually hidden arrows, hidden weapon launchers and even magic weapons. Anyway, there are many types and very common.

The one used by this woman doesn’t look special in appearance. It feels like two streamlined devices attached to the arm. It looks pretty and has a magical effect on the surface. Fluctuation should be a magic device. In addition, on the front of this thing, there is a very flat crack similar to the insertion opening of a slot-in CD player. I guess the ice flakes that were launched before flew out of the slit.

However, although this seam is very flat, it is still not without thickness. Its actual thickness difference should be about five millimeters. Although this thickness is not thick, it can actually be changed a lot in this space.

Assuming that the thing on the woman’s hand can condense the water vapor in the air inside it, and then form an ultra-thin ice flake, and then launch it, then it can reach the kind I intercepted before. The effect of a frontal attack. Then, if the machine is more complicated, it can make some special structure fluctuations or hollows appear on the ice sheet, then through these aerodynamic shapes, a boomerang made of ice can be condensed.

This hypothesis is theoretically feasible, and if this hypothesis is true, then the woman's attack can be explained. She can control her weapons at will, so the ice flakes fired sometimes fly in a straight line, and sometimes turn, and if she can precisely control the aerodynamic structure of the boomerang to change slightly, she can even control the ice flakes launched. The angle and speed of the gyration and whether the arc is an ellipse or a perfect circle, and even the curvature of the ellipse arc can be controlled at will.

As soon as I think of this result, I am even more sure that this is her ability. Otherwise, there is really no way to explain why her attack method is so weird, and if this hypothesis is true, then it will be much easier for me to block her attack.

The attack just now was accidentally intercepted by the monster next to her. Apart from eyebrows slightly frowned, the woman had no special reaction. She quickly continued to rush to my side, and then kept coming closer Shaking his hands, it was obvious that he was constantly attacking. However, I did not sit and wait for death, but suddenly retracted the eternal hook and sickle gun in my hand to the ground for a meal, and then the ring of commandment behind me suddenly fell off. The central commandment core flew over my head and hovered, while the two separated moon blades flew directly to my side and rotated around me, and during the rotation, the moon blades suddenly clinked. Random thinking, and then one piece changed into three pieces, two moon blades turned into six moon blades, and then started flying up and down around me.

Speaking of which is slow, but it is actually very fast. The ring of commandment almost turned into a body protection whirlwind knife formation in the blink of an eye, followed by a burst of jingle, the ice flakes shot by the woman were all intercepted by Ban Yue around me.

That woman didn't expect me to have such a defensive method. I heard the impact suddenly, and then slammed my hands down again. With this action, two or two sharp cones of light popped out again, and then the woman immediately rushed towards me again.

Seeing the woman rushing up again, I immediately lifted the eternal hook that had been on the ground before, and after dancing a circle, I swung forward fiercely with the sound of the howling wind and swung the entire eternity forward. The hook spear pointed forward and also launched a charge, actively rushing up to meet the woman.

I originally stood there without moving, but now I suddenly took the initiative to rush up to meet her, and she immediately became a little hesitant. But after only a little slow, she returned to normal again and rushed forward again. However, she did not rush to me as she wished.

The weapon that the woman used was a light cone. Although it was close to 30 centimeters in length, it was still a short- and medium-range attack weapon. To put it bluntly, this thing was not even as large as a sword's attack range. However, what I hold in my hand is not a sword, but an eternal hook.

The hook and sickle gun itself is a long weapon. My eternal hook and sickle gun has a length according to my usage habits. My needs can be longer and shorter at any time. In horse warfare, I generally used to turn it into a state of more than three meters long, so that it can have a larger attack range, but in foot combat, I like to turn it into a gun blade part of the head totaling two meters and six. The length of the left and right. This length is not only longer than mid-range weapons such as swords, but even longer than some long weapons such as short spears. Even among Lance and Broadsword, 2.6 meters is definitely not short.

The so-called one inch long and one inch strong, and it is naturally advantageous to grow longer. If my skills are not good enough to let her rush to the front, it's a different matter, but the problem is that my skills are very good, so the woman is directly saddened. After rushing well, she directly saw a spear head being handed toward her throat. She bent her head and squatted to slide from below, but the tip of the gun began to press down following her movements. If she followed her movements, she would definitely be shot in the shoulder. If I take a big knife or something, I can get a chance to get close if I get injured, but the problem is that I use a hook and sickle gun. This thing not only has a vertical spear head, but also a horizontal one. The hook and sickle blade. Being hooked by this thing is already quite terrifying damage, not to mention that the weapon in my hand is eternal, and the sharpness of this thing is not something that can stop it.

Realizing that this is not reliable at all, the woman can only hurriedly stop her figure with the cone of light on her hand to block my eternity, only to hear a ding sound, the cone of light is eternal The blades of the hook and sickle collided together, and then as my hand dragged back, the head of the gun was retracted, and the hook and sickle slid down to lock her light cone, but at this time the position where the light cone and the eternal hook and sickle touched It's sparks flying in all directions. It doesn't look like two weapons collided together. It's like an electric welding rod hitting a metal surface and doing welding.

This kind of scattered fire star is not the kind of fire star that is emitted at the moment of collision of normal weapons, but it has been sprayed there after the two weapons are in contact, and I can continue to spray I heard the sound of electric current zi zi that seemed to be leaking, and it was accompanied by popping fire stars from time to time.

"Weapons are good." Because our weapons are on top of each other, I also took the opportunity to make a joke. Of course, the purpose is to distract each other's attention, but didn't expect The other party unexpectedly drew the weapon back while I was talking, and then directly raised upwards in an attempt to open my eternal hook and then attacked again.

After playing for so long, to be honest, I have become interested in this woman. Of course it is not the kind of interest that men have in women, but the interest in talents. Her attack style can be said to be very unique, and her battle awareness and response are very good. Even at first I suffered several losses because I was not familiar with it. However, her shortcomings are also obvious. The first one is that the level is too low, and the second is that the attribute is very general, there is no basic attribute point that is too high, and the equipment on the body seems to be very bad. Although it did hit me several times by relying on the strange attack method before, and I had no way of defensive. But because her attack power was too low, her attack failed to disrupt my position. On the contrary, she became impatient because she couldn't cause strong damage to me. It can be said that her current attack is not her best performance. Her advantage lies in the weird arc attack instead of melee combat. This melee method can only be an auxiliary. Even if her light cone is indeed a very good weapon, it still cannot change anything. Her attack method is really not suitable for our current attack mode, so I am now more and more relaxed about intercepting her attacks.

Opening my eternal hook, the woman suddenly rushed forward, holding my eternal hook with the cone of light on her left hand to prevent it from falling down. A right hand poked at my chest with a light cone.

Seeing me who didn't respond at all, the woman's heart was already getting excited at this time, because she felt that she was about to succeed now. The critical attack, plus the light cone itself is much larger than the formidable power of the ice flake attack before, so she can already foresee the effect that will be caused by this one. Thinking of the upcoming victory, she already showed a slight smile, waiting for the arrival of victory. It's just a pity that she thought it was too simple.

Just as the right hand light cone was about to hit, she suddenly felt something flashing in front of her eyes, followed by a sudden pain in her body, and then she felt like a cloud and fog. Flew out.

Without the previous agility, this time it hit the rock sturdily, and then fell to the ground. The woman held up on the ground twice and wanted to get up, but she still worked hard for a long time. It was unsuccessful. She turned her body back and felt the pain in front of her. She tried to lift her head and looked at her chest, only to find that a huge wound extended from the side of the right crotch to her left shoulder. Here, this huge trauma almost cut her entire belly open.

After confirming that her wound was too large and there was no possibility of resisting or running away, the woman finally gave up her efforts. But she still turned her head to my side, not to threaten or do something, but to see what exactly hurt her just now. She was very certain that it was not my hands that attacked her just now. At that time, my right hand was grabbing the eternal hook and scythe and was opened by her. My left hand was on the side of the body in order to maintain body balance. She hadn't moved until she was attacked, and at that angle, it was impossible for me. Kicking her with her foot, besides the foot, is impossible to cause such a cut injury, so she is very puzzled by what happened to her.

With a gaze for verification, she turned her head to my side, and then she saw a scene that surprised her. I saw that on the left side of my body, a piece of unfolded wings was slowly retracting behind it, and it was obvious that the attack just came from there.

In fact, she had seen the wings behind me a long time ago. I flew in before. Of course she knew that I had wings, but she never thought that my wings could be used to attack.

There are many players with wings in the game, because many races are born with wings. Of course, this kind of wings are all decorations, in fact, you can't rely on this kind of wings to fly. Only after reaching a certain level, a winged race can do a kind of racial task, and then the wings can be activated and can fly. Races without wings need to fly through projectiles or other things. In contrast, having wings is indeed an advantage, just because this advantage itself will be balanced by the system from other aspects, so not all players will choose a race with wings.

Because there are so many people with wings, it is not surprising that I have wings. As for my wings to fly, this is of course not surprising. After all, many other players can use their own wings. Flying. However, what really surprised her was that I could launch an attack with my wings. Although the player's wings are said to be able to fly, in fact this kind of flight is similar to a mechanical hang gliding wing tied to a human body. Although the game can create a virtual pair of wings for you, because people in reality do not have wings themselves, there is no nerve circuit that controls wings at all in our brains. In the game, the system has actually been assisting the player to control his own wings. When you fly, the wings are actually just inciting according to the flying posture, and you don’t need to deliberately control every flapping and folding. Therefore, even if the player's wings can fly, they are actually very inflexible. In terms of flight control, system assistance will certainly not cause any problems such as slow movements, but it is impossible to use wings for other things.

In fact, even if everyone’s wings can be used flexibly like hands and feet, it is useless. Because the wings themselves are a relatively fragile thing, generally speaking is impossible to cause any harm. My wings are so flexible and powerful, one is because I am not a human being, and I have the neural circuits that control wings. Don't forget that in the real Dragon Fate base, we, Dragon Clan, have a spare set of biochemical wings that can be installed. Without the corresponding neural circuit, how do we use those wings? So I have the ability to control wings flexibly. As for the attack power, this is entirely due to equipment issues.

My suit includes parts such as wing blades. This wing blade can be used as a weapon after hearing the name. After all, it has a blade, so it is naturally nothing difficult to cut something.

Because there are two different abilities from ordinary players, my wings can be used as a second opponent. Although it is not as flexible as the arm, it is more powerful than the arm, and it is fast and fine. Can't do the job, but the power output is definitely big enough.

"Purple Moon is indeed Purple Moon, kill me. I admit that it is not your opponent." Seeing me walking up to her with the eternal hook and scythe, the woman tilted her head and said .

After the woman finished speaking, I did not do anything, but just looked at her curiously, and then suddenly lifted the eternal hook, and then eternal began to shrink automatically, and finally changed back to The sphere was put back into the groove on the back of my hand. After putting away the eternity, I squatted down in the woman's surprised gaze, then looked at her wound, and then said, "I want to know something."

"What do you want to ask? You have defeated me, and there are some things I will not say."

I nodded and asked: "Your previous attack, did you launch very thin ice flakes?"

The other party just froze for a while, then nodded confessed, and then immediately asked: "How did you know? I have been fighting for so long, and I found out that my attack was a kind of ice flakes. You are the first A."

"Your attack speed is very fast. Not only is it difficult to intercept, but also because the borneol is transparent, it is really not easy to find. But my reaction speed is faster, and I blocked it several times The attack, I felt an obvious impact at the time, so I judged that it should be a physical attack, and some ice crystals fell on my face when the ice flakes shattered. I only felt a cold moment at the time, and then I wanted to understand that it was actually ice. ."

"Your first in this world is really not in vain, at least your observation power is invincible."

"No, my observation power is not invincible, otherwise it will not be invincible. You hit. To tell the truth, your attack took the advantage of the strange attack method. In fact, the strength is very average. If I know your attack method, you will not touch me at all."

The woman's helpless nodded said that it was true, after all, she also knew that she had how many catties and how many taels.

After she admitted, I went on to ask: "I want to know how you attacked me from behind? I guess the thing on the back of your hand may be able to form ice flakes of different structures. , You should have used that thing to create ice flakes with a structure similar to a boomerang, so you attacked me from behind in a circle."

"Can you guess this too?" The woman just admired my observation ability, but this time she was really surprised. Knowing that this is her secret, most people can't guess the reason until death.

Looking at her reaction, even if she didn’t answer, I knew that I guessed it right, so nodded and said: "In this case, all my questions are answered."

" So are you going to kill me now?"

I shook the head directly, and then said: "I won't talk to you directly. I think your attack method and personal combat capability are very good. Yes, train strong fighters who will be able to act on their own in the future."

"So you want to recruit me?" the woman asked in surprise.

I nodded looked towards and she asked: "Are you willing to accept the solicitation?"

I heard that the woman here is busy nodded like pecking rice. "Of course. I heard that the treatment of the Frost Rose League is the best. I have already become a member of a guild like the Frost Rose League. It's a pity that my level is too low, and many guilds don't want me!"

"Don't want you?"

"en. "The woman nodded and said: "I didn't play games very much before, so it was a bit late to get closer to the game. It would be much better when I first entered the game The players are already more than 800 levels. I am a novice. I don’t know anyone and no one takes me. It’s okay to start leveling. After all, everyone’s level is high, and no one goes to the low level leveling area. But Later, as my level increased, I could gradually enter the leveling area of ​​lower-level personnel among regular players. But at this time, my leveling speed was stuck. Those players always squeeze me out. Most of them I used to have friends and gangs. Sometimes they drove me to places with few monsters. Sometimes they didn’t let me level up in the vicinity, and even killed me to explode equipment."

Of course I know what this woman said. In fact, what she said is not a case, but a common phenomenon. The reason why everyone likes to enter the leveling first when the game is just starting, is actually afraid of encountering this situation. The first is that the players are all crowded in a level section, and then they scramble for each other to interfere with the upgrade, and the second is the formation of gangs. The friction between the various players leads to continuous battles, which further interferes with the speed of the upgrade. I was able to upgrade so fast at the beginning. In addition to the accident of picking up luck, the main reason was actually that I strayed into the red name area of ​​the Lost City. Although Hongming District is not a good place, the most important thing is to avoid the flow of people. On one side, one person monopolizes a large area of ​​resource development, and on the other side is a large group of people grabbing a piece of resource development. It goes without saying which is faster.

This woman’s situation is the most common way for a late player to upgrade, but she may be because she didn’t play the game before, and she didn’t have any friends to help in the game, which led to her current level of failure. Go, always being crushed. However, I think with her battle method, it is a matter of time that she surpasses the level of most players. As long as the breakthrough passes this hurdle, her advantage is to show. It can be said that she is actually the lotus buried in the mud. Don't look at the darkness now, but as long as you stick your head out of the mud, beautiful flowers will soon bloom.

Since I know she is a beautiful lotus, I certainly don’t mind helping her before she grows mud. Anyway, this is nothing to me. There will be many more in the future Big gains. Cultivating talents can also be regarded as an investment, and the benefits may be much higher than the investment of some dead objects.

"Since you agree, let me go first. Before joining, I have to do some tests for you. Only if you are qualified can you be admitted to the guild. After all, our guild is not the only one I am, and it cannot be because of me. It’s the president who randomly recruits people, and the necessary assessments are still required. But I think you should be able to pass the test easily."

"Can I?"

"The examination rules are all I made it. I think you can live through it. Of course, it’s not a big problem. As long as you don’t have trouble with yourself, it’s okay to perform normally. Oh, by the way, I haven’t asked what your name is after talking for a long time.”

"My name is Auresia."

"Auresia? A French?"

"No, my father is Irish, but My mother is German. I live in France and go to school here."

"Have you not graduated yet?"

"en. I am an Academician student. "

I nodded, and then asked casually: "What kind of profession?"

Auresia hesitated a little, but finally said: "Quantum mechanics professional "

"quantum mechanics?" I looked up and down the beauty in front of me again in surprise.

After agreeing to join our guild, I helped her up from the ground and helped her heal her injuries. She also removed the mask she wore for fighting. Although I heard that she was a woman from her voice before, she realized that she was a beautiful woman after seeing her face, and it was a rare type of beauty. You know, this kind of woman is rare in the West. Most of the white people have thick skeletons and rougher lengths. There are few delicate beauties, but this one has some oriental characteristics. However, from her self-introduction, we can know that she is actually a pure white man and does not have an oriental bloodline.

After I exclaimed, Auresia also said with some pride: "I have only three girls in my major, including me, which is relatively rare."

I nodded said: "It's really rare. The first time I heard that there are girls who study this, but it doesn't matter, our guild is not engaged in scientific research, it doesn't matter. You go up with me to meet your comrades now. There is still a task that is not finished."

"This is fine. But what about these creatures?"

"They are playing lively, don't worry about them. But I will go back. Do you know the way?"

Auresia forcefully nodded to show that she knows. I think she can safely follow her to find the way. Not to mention, the middle passages on the walls of this place don’t seem to be 800 or 1,000. Didn’t expect Orecía can actually find the passage that can return to our previous fighting position. And she can tell me in advance where there are any monsters in this passage.

Along the way, Oresia and I walked and talked, and finally understood something about her. In fact, the group of people who just clashed with us were not in the same group with Oresia, in fact, Oresia was there at the time with the intention of taking advantage.

She saw the two gangs fighting over there, and then thought that there might be a bargain, so she lurked on the side and waited quietly. In the end, don’t say it, really let her Wait till now. In the end, when Ashford was about to end the battle, Auresia suddenly killed him. First, he sneak attacked Ashford, and then snatched a few pieces of equipment on the ground. It was a pity that she found me when she was about to run. When it's there, I know all the rest. As for recognizing me, it was not at first, but in the follow-up chase. After I entered the cave and spread my wings, she only remembered that it was me, because my appearance at the time and she saw it on the forum A screenshot of my battle was very similar, but she recognized it immediately.

I have to say that this girl is very courageous, even if I find out that I can finally rush to fight me. However, when I said she was courageous, she immediately argued: "Who said that? I wanted to run after recognizing you at the time. Who knew you were so powerful and in such a dark environment, I also hid in advance. When you get up, you can find it, so I can only run away. It’s a pity that I didn’t run away and was blocked by you, so I had to fight."

"It was my fault after a long time. ?" After I finished speaking, I suddenly thought of something, and then asked: "Are you here often?"

Auresia nodded said: "Didn't I say it before? I will practice again. The level point is often bullied, and then I discovered this place. You have also seen that the various passages here extend in all directions, and there are many corners, which are very suitable for my profession and combat characteristics, so I specialize in leveling here. After a long time, I have been able to figure out all the nearby terrain, and it will be more convenient to fight. I run when encountering an uncertain monster. If I can’t get rid of it, I will lead the monster to the players. After the monster meets the players Then I will fight, and I can run away."

"So you are a bad guy too!"

"I didn't mean to hurt people, I just couldn't run away. It will lead to blame. Besides, every time I try to bring monsters to such a huge group of players, they should be grateful to me for getting a single monster."

" Okay, I'm not here to settle the accounts with you, you don't need to explain to me."

"Then you ask me what this is for?"

"That's it." I said aloud: "You know that I came here with a friend to do the task. Since you are so familiar with the terrain and environment here, you can help us."

"Lead the way, right? "Auresia immediately said excitedly: "I'm good at this."

"What are you doing so happy?" I asked with some doubts looking at Auresia who was obviously over-excited.

Auresia said sorry: "Sorry, I'm used to it. Everything is good in this place, but it's not good at all. The monster here doesn't pay for it. I often practice leveling here. I can’t get it. I have no choice but to occasionally help those players who don’t know the way to show some guide fees."

"So this is your main business?"

< p>"This is a side job." Oresia said with a smile: "Actually, my main job is to pick up corpses. Some teams will have a lot of equipment left here after the entire army is annihilated. I will put all these things. Pick it up and sell it, this is the one that comes with the most money."

"I understand now, you are simply a native of here!"

I just finished talking about Austria. Lecia pointed to the front and said: "This hole is where we have just been fighting, but it's better to go out and talk to them first, lest I go out and fight again."

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