The leveling area on both sides of the road where we are located, but now our place is a triangle area, on the right is a small triangle forest, only the left side is the real leveling area . We weren't here to level up anyway, so there was no need to choose anything and just got in.

The leveling area here is different from the general leveling area. This is a relatively high level leveling area, or a difficult leveling area, and its level has exceeded The difficulty level that most players can handle at present, so the number of players here is almost zero. It's not that everyone doesn't want to come, but that they can't come.

Because there are almost no one in the leveling area, this monster refreshes more. Although the system also has a self-balancing system, when the number of monsters reaches a certain peak, it will not increase, but anyway, the current number of monsters definitely exceeds the normal number of monsters here. If there are more monsters in the low-level zone, there will be more monsters, nothing at worst, but this is a high-level zone, and with such a high-density monster, most people come in simply because of courting death. Fortunately, there are no ordinary people here, otherwise I would really not dare to lead people in this place.

"Do you feel anything?" After entering the forest, I turned my head and asked Christina. I saw that she had already developed a large-area detection technique. With her magic level, it shouldn't cover the area. 't be is less than one kilometer in radius, which is actually quite large in the jungle.

Christina waited for a while before she said: "There is no big problem in the sensing range. There is Unknown Creature 70 meters away from the front left, but the energy intensity is very low, so it should not be dangerous. Creatures."

"Then continue to monitor. Let's go a little deeper and pay attention to detecting the guys behind. We must avoid them."

"Would you like to take them into the mountains? "Ladamantis bull head asked us: "Our self-protection ability is very strong, take them into the high level BOSS area, when the time comes when they meet the BOSS, we will take the opportunity to withdraw, so it should be. There is no problem, right?"

"At present, we can only do this, but please note that our purpose is to let them fight with the boss, so that we can evacuate, but don't trap ourselves. We are not here to push the BOSS!"

"Don't worry about this, we are not an adventurer, no hobby like yours." Aphrodite turned to ask Christina after speaking: " Have you sensed the location of those people now?"

"Three targets were found at five o’clock on the back right, but they weren’t coming from our side. I guess they didn’t know that we were in the woods yet. They are looking for us outside."

"They won’t be looking for too long. Let’s go inside and step on a little bit before talking."

Christina said with some entanglement: "But it’s mine. The maximum sensing range is only 1,200 meters. If we enter the depths of the forest, I won’t be able to see the people outside."

"You don’t need to stare at it, let my ghost go. . Your specialty is reconnaissance, not surveillance."

"That's okay." Christina also felt very reasonable to hear my reason.

After unifying our opinions, we began to move towards the core area of ​​the leveling area, which is generally where the boss stays. As long as we lead the guys who don’t know how to keep up with our news, I believe they can’t pose any threat to us anymore. After all, BOSS are territorial consciousness, and most people will definitely go in. Will be attacked.

Like I said, BOSS are all territorially aware, so when we entered the core area of ​​this forest, we were immediately targeted by the BOSS here.

"Attention, eleven o'clock direction." Kristina suddenly reminded us to pay attention. Although she also sensed a lot of monsters before, because we have several Divine Races driving their own divine might, most of the monsters automatically bypassed after sensing this aura. Therefore, even in the high level monster area, we were not blocked at all. However, this time is different. Although it was obvious that it had entered the divine might area, the creature did not stop. Instead, it rushed forward as if it had found the target, so Kristina would remind us.

"Do you know what kind of monster it is?" Although Kristina's induction technique does not display the specific data of the monster, it is like infrared induction, which can know the approximate size of the target and feel Of course, I think the most important thing is to be able to sense the energy intensity of the opponent. Regardless of whether the creatures in the game are magic or physics, their battle strength usually has a certain relationship with their own energy strength. High energy intensity may not necessarily be very difficult to deal with, but low energy intensity is definitely more rubbish.

Kristina felt a bit more seriously, and then began to say: "The opponent has a high energy intensity, is larger than a human, and has a moderate speed. It should be a very powerful creature."

< p>"Is it in human form?"

"No, it should be in animal form." After speaking, Kristina frowned again, and then followed: "No, there is more than one target. We are. Behind, more than a dozen targets appeared in the direction of six o'clock. Damn, we are surrounded!"

Aphrodite asked suspiciously, "Isn’t the one coming up behind?" Are you chasing soldiers?"

"No. The information in the induction shows that they are devil beasts. They are not small in size and they are fast. They are tightening their encirclement."

"I Just say that high level BOSS is not so easy to deal with." I said to Ladamantes and Pandora: "We are not suitable for fighting these guys, will you two use masking spells?"

< p>Many auxiliary spells are not related to others, such as masking spells, which are available in many departments. However, in general, Dark Element is better at concealment, but I’m not sure if Ladamantes and Pandora will be. Big difference.

"My masking technique is ok. Do you need to hide us now?" Pandora asked.

"No, you just need to modify the breath a little bit."

"Modify?" Pandora obviously didn't understand what I meant.

I smiled and pointed to myself and said: "Erase my breath, and then you will attract attention. I will sneak attack that BOSS."

Pandora thought about it. Thought: "This is also a way."

We are not afraid of these BOSS-Rank creatures, but because we are chasing soldiers behind and we can't be found, so we try not to fight. If we have a contact battle with the opponent, even if our side is super strong, the opponent is not an ordinary character after all. Even if we can achieve one strike certain kill, it is difficult to guarantee that the opponent will not take action before being killed. In order to hide our whereabouts, we naturally don't use those sounds or magic that fluctuates greatly, but the other party will not pay attention to these. So, once we fight, the exposure is almost inevitable. However, if I use my strength to do another sneak attack, it is not difficult to stop a high level BOSS first.

As a BOSS, naturally you have a certain degree of intelligence, because BOSS usually has a younger brother, and a brainless creature can't be a leader. Of course, for most players, even if they have a brain, the BOSS will not communicate with you. To communicate with BOSS, at least a few conditions need to be met. The most important first condition is that you and the boss are equal in strength or higher than the opponent. Equality is the only way to talk, and BOSS will not ignore the ants.

Although the number of personnel on our side is not large, the strength is much stronger than those of the BOSS. This is determined. As long as we want to talk, the BOSS will usually talk to us, regardless of whether we talk at the end or not. Agree, but at least they will respond to us, rather than ignore them completely. And as long as I can preemptively control one of the bosses, then we will have a bargaining chip. I believe that if this is the case, the negotiation will become much easier.

After planning, we did not waste time, but started quickly. First I asked Pandora to give me additional concealment techniques, and then I asked Kristina to help me with the Camouflage Technique. Finally, I activated my invisibility ability and squatted on the cross fork of a nearby big tree and squatted quietly there. Up.

Before, Kristina said that it was a beast-shaped creature that it sensed, and in the forest, the speed of beast-shaped creatures is very fast. I just laid ambush here, and the monster over there has appeared in our field of vision.

There are not many BOSSs around, there are six in total, just as many as ours. This time the guy seems not to be of the same race, except for two of them that look alike, the others are of different races, but they are basically beast-shaped creatures with fur, only one looks a bit like a reptile.

Although there are only six creatures that enter our field of vision, through the ghost worms that have spread out, I have discovered more creatures hidden in the vicinity out of our sight. These six should be self-improving BOSS, and the hundreds of targets outside are their little brothers.

"Invaders, tell us what you came from." After successfully surrounding us, the largest creature among the six creatures suddenly spoke. Although this reaction was a bit unexpected, it was reasonable. The intelligence of the bosses is not low, and a group of people on our side are obviously not easy to deal with. It is obviously an unwise decision to rush forward, so it is a normal reaction for them to take the initiative to communicate with us.

"We have no intention of invading your territory. We entered here only to avoid the chasing soldiers." It was Pandora who came forward to answer. Originally, the strongest person here should be the peacock, but although the peacock is a female, it is actually Shang is a rather reckless guy. It's okay to be a thug. For diplomatic negotiations... Unless you want to provoke a war, it's better not to find her.

"Chasing soldiers? Just the rubbish?" The talking BOSS roared angrily: "Lying should also find a decent reason?"

The other party thinks we are lying In fact, it is easy to understand. The strength of our side is so scary that even this gang of BOSS had to run out to negotiate with us in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts as much as possible, but we said that we were chased by chasing soldiers. If they don't know who the chaser we are talking about, that's all. The key question is that this is their territory. Even our gang of cattle have been discovered. How could the two-knife chaser behind him not be discovered? It is precisely because the opponent has already seen the strength of the chasers behind that they will snort disdainfully to us. A group of people who are more like BOSS than their gang of BOSS would actually say that they entered here to avoid a gang of fighting five scums, and they will not believe this.

"It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not. We can’t be seen by the gang for some reason, even if we hide in the dark, so we are forced to hide here. It’s not us who fight However, they cannot be discovered."

This explanation of Pandora is of course reasonable. If it is an ordinary person, the other party may not believe it, but the problem is that the group of BOSS really does not want to offend us, so in the end After thinking about it for a while, I still believed us.

"If we say that we will help you kill all the chasers... will you leave here?" the BOSS asked tentatively.

Pandora immediately nodded and said: "Of course, we would be very grateful if we could."

BOSSnodded, then suddenly looked up towards me and said: "That person on the tree Can my friend come down too?"

I was taken aback for a while by the other's reaction, and then suddenly understood and jumped down from the tree. "Sorry, we are also not at ease, we are afraid that you will rashly expose our whereabouts, so..."

The BOSS shook his head and said nothing, then turned around to instructed the mobs hiding in the vicinity: "Give my order to kill all the invaders behind."

There was no response, but there was a noise in the surrounding jungle, and I could hear a lot of things moving.

Because the other party has agreed to help, the atmosphere on our side can be considered a little relaxed. Aphrodite asked the BOSS over there curiously: "Purple Moon has been equipped with a masking technique to hide mana fluctuations and aura on him, and there is also a layer of Camouflage Technique and invisibility skills. How did you find him? ?"

The boss did not answer, but pointed to his nose. Aphrodite was not an idiot, and he understood the reason almost immediately.

The masking technique is said to be able to cover the breath, but this breath does not refer to the smell, but the energy fluctuation of its own, which is completely different from the smell. If it is a humanoid creature, it can usually be mixed with such a disguise, but the problem is that the group of bosses here are all beast-shaped creatures. Although most of the creatures in the game are fictitious, their characteristics are mostly modeled after reality. For example, humanoid creatures generally have relatively high intelligence, while animaloid creatures generally have very good physical abilities. Although this sense of smell has nothing to do with physical fitness, it is also one of the retained abilities of beast-shaped creatures. It can be said that most beast-shaped creatures have very good noses. I'm such a big living person squatting there, the smell is inevitable. The other party's nose is more Turin than the dog, if you can't smell it, it must be the other party's pretend.

With the help of this group of bosses, the chasing soldiers outside were killed in almost five minutes. Even the few people waiting outside on the road did not run away. Suddenly The monster that ran out of bounds gave seconds. This place was originally a high level monster area, which is not something that ordinary players can handle. These people didn't expect to deal with these monsters before, so they were simply unsuspecting.

Seeing the corpses of those people, we didn't stay here much. After thanking the group of BOSS, we left here. The other party is of course relaxed about us being able to leave. Although they can speak harder, they can also fight either the fish dies or the net splits, but the problem is, if we can get along well, who wants to work hard?

Because the convoy sent by Masaka Matsumoto was attacked, we couldn't use the convoy to cover the journey back this time. It is not yet known how the information leaked out, and of course it is not ruled out that this is just an accidental probability, but no matter what, we can't gamble on luck. Matsumoto's undercover in Japan is really important. The energy and financial resources we have invested in this are unimaginable. Seeing that a large number of results have been received now, it would be a pity if this is exposed.

"What do you do now?" Masaga Matsumoto asked us in the communicator. We got in touch with him as soon as we came out to discuss what to do next.

I replied in the newsletter: "Your people should stop contacting us, so as not to expose our relationship. We have now completed the task, even if we are killed by Yaqi Orochi or Takatenhara Divine Race Nothing is at the worst when people find it. On the contrary, you need to be careful."

Nodded Matsumoto Masaga said: "Okay, I will take care of the team's affairs and minimize the influence."

"No, don't cover up this matter. Instead, you have to publicize it so that everyone in the city knows it."

"Ah? Why?" Matsumoto obviously didn't. Understand why I let him preach this.

"Don't understand?"

"Yeah, indeed." Masaka Matsumoto admitted without the slightest hesitation: "I really don't understand. It is said that this kind of thing should be eliminated as much as possible. Video, so as not to be discovered by the other side. But you let us publicize it like this...?"

"You don't understand this." I didn't explain, but asked instead: "Do you know who did this thing?"

"I'm not sure for the time being, but there is only one person who wants to do this."

Although Matsumoto Masaga did not say, but I knew he must be Nobunaga Onishu, and I was 80% sure that it was him. At present, the leadership of Japan is either Masaka Matsumoto or Nobunaga Onitou. Yaki Osaki and Takatenhara Divine Race are all NPCs after all. The game is played by the player, not the NPC. All, the player, that is, the talent in reality, is the dominant player, and the NPC is always only an auxiliary. Don’t look at the current Baqi Orochi seems to call the wind and summon the rain in Japan, but that’s only for a while. After that, it’s up to the two major player leaders, Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onitou. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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