If you go back on what you have promised in public, the price will be high. Now that Nobunaga Onizu has promised to give the things to Matsumoto, he naturally won’t do anything more. , Otherwise, if there is something about this matter, even if Matsumoto Masaka can bear the overall situation, the group of presidents who follow Matsumoto Masaka may not be able to bear it, and as long as none of them can bear it If he could hold back the leak of today's affairs, then he wouldn't have to hang out in Japan.

Because he is not afraid of Nobunaga Oni's repentance, Masaka Matsumoto also behaved very generously. After Nobunaga agreed, he did not continue to ask questions, but he beckoned and took it with him. Those who came in left the warehouse. Of course, before leaving, Masaga Matsumoto told these people again that today's affairs should be kept secret, and of course everyone followed nodded.

Here, when Masaka Matsumoto and the others left the secret warehouse, the battallion players brought by Masaka Matsumoto outside immediately gathered around everyone talking at once and asked about the reason. Nobunaga Guishou yelled loudly to make everyone around him quiet, but it was a pity that he worked hard for a long time to no avail, and no one listened to him. Contrary to Nobunaga Onitou, Masaka Matsumoto next to him suddenly raised a hand after seeing Nobunaga slumped on the ground and made a country pressure movement. The sound of the surrounding mess disappeared completely in less than five seconds. , Nobunaga on the side of the watch can only sigh. Envy, jealousy and hatred in my heart, I can't say it yet.

After the surroundings finally calmed down, Masaka Matsumoto said, "I have just checked the warehouse of Nobunaga Onitou, with some of the representatives selected by you. Some traces are obviously caused by Purple Moon’s unique skills. Therefore, Purple Moon and Onihand Nobunaga-kun should not be colluding with each other, but fighting. Purple Moon’s previous remarks should be deliberately instigating discord, thinking We need to use our hand to get rid of the Oni Shou Nobunaga-kun." At this point, Masaka Matsumoto paused again, and then continued: "In addition to these battle traces, there are some supplies in the warehouse, some of which are more memorable. It is used to deal with the Chinese. But there are too many people here. I can't guarantee that there are no spies who have mixed in with the Chinese. Therefore, please don't ask any more about what is in the warehouse. I guarantee that those things are all of us. Things that can come in handy in the future battles with the Chinese, so in order to make them play the most effective, everyone must be tight-lipped about today's things. Can you guarantee it?"

"It must be ."

"Song this Monarch explained it must be done."

"Of course."


< p>After a mess of promises, Masaka Matsumoto once again said to the surrounding players: "Today's things will stop here for now. Please return to each other first. I will stay and continue discussing these secret materials with Oni Shou-kun. These things are likely to play a role in the future battles, so you must also hope that we can better use these materials, right?"

There are more clever ones. The player immediately exclaimed: "Matsumoto this Monarch is now our general general. Of course, the important materials that can turn the tide of the battle must be arranged by Matsumoto this Monarch."

Nobunaga Guishou heard this immediately. He furiously went up, but before he could react, Masaka Matsumoto said first: "Although it is in the interests of my Great Japanese Empire, these things can be more effective with me, but you should also think about it. After all, these things were obtained by Onishou Nobunaga-kun’s sufferer untold hardships. We can’t just throw out a national righteousness and let Onishou Nobunaga-kun donate such valuable materials free of charge. But rest assured, I have already and Onishou Nobunaga-kun. After the agreement was reached, he promised to use these materials in accordance with our strategic deployment, so as to maximize the usefulness of these things. Therefore, in order to ensure that this rare material is not wasted, we have to plan specific arrangements. Please go back first. Okay."

Of course, I felt relieved to hear Matsumoto Masakah say this. The players around did not say anything after thinking about it. Instead, they said hello to Matsumoto Masaka. Disperse.

Matsumoto's staying here is of course not really to discuss battle arrangements with Oni Shou Nobunaga. Nobunaga's weapons of mass destruction are indeed to be used in consultation with Masaga Matsumoto. After all, I didn’t know it before, but now that they know it, even if Nobunaga doesn’t hand it over, it’s absolutely impossible. If you use it indiscriminately, at least you have to breathe with Matsumoto Masaga and the others. However, that kind of thing can only be carried out after the start of the battle. After all, the war is very chaotic. It is not that you can fight where you say you can fight. Moreover, Nobunaga and Matsumoto are not unified after all, even now. The relationship between Onitsa Nobunaga and Matsumoto Masaka has been rarer to get closer, and they are still half-hostile and half-united. You have to count on them to formulate a joint battle. To be honest, the probability is really small and they can achieve a limited mutual relationship. It's pretty good to take care of it. Therefore, Masaga Matsumoto did not intend to talk about the application of weapons of mass destruction at all, at least not now. He stayed here to implement the transfer of weapons of mass destruction.

Nobunaga on this matter has already agreed anyway, and there is no need to delay, so it is very refreshing to let people carry out the eight weapons of mass destruction they promised. Of course, Masaga Matsumoto also mobilized some high level players from the guild, and then flew over with a few wyvern heads and feet. The production of biped wyvern in Japan is very large. Before the Black Dragon meeting, Masaka Matsumoto already had a lot of biped wyvern. Now that the new Black Dragon club is established, it will naturally regroup again.

These two-footed wyverns have twelve heads. Although the two-footed wyverns are not as vigorous as giant dragons, they are also top devil beasts. When the twelve heads are together, they are also quite powerful. Even Dragon Clan didn't dare to easily provoke double-digit wyvern when he was single.

In this batch of twelve-headed bipedal wyvern, four of them are equipped with temporarily modified pylons. This kind of pylons that are a bit like the kind on horseback can just be placed on the left and right. A weapon of mass destruction is placed on each side. As for the launcher and supporting protective equipment, it is transported separately from the weapon of mass destruction. One of the eight biped wyverns without pylons is responsible for the transportation. The remaining seven-headed and double-footed wyvern did not carry any weight, but only rode a Knight on his back as an escort formation. The five weight-bearing wyverns don't even have Knight on their backs. This is for them to maneuver in the air. Anyway, the things they transport are fixed on them, even if they play acrobatics in the sky, they can't fall off.

After receiving the things, Masaka Matsumoto left the warehouse city on Nobunaga's side with the things immediately, and then quickly returned to the premises of the new Black Dragon Club. Eight weapons of mass destruction were unloaded from the back of a wyvern, and then they were escorted into the secret warehouse of the guild headquarters by a group of people. As for the future whereabouts, ordinary people have absolutely no way of knowing.

In fact, it’s right for things to enter the warehouse, but only five of them went in. Three of the weapons of mass destruction were secretly sent directly to the backyard of the Intelligence Department of the headquarters of the new Black Dragon. This department is said to be the intelligence agency of the New Black Dragon Association. In fact, they are all members of the Association who know the true identity of Masaka Matsumoto. Of course, their subordinates also control a stick. The real Japanese players are supporting this Intelligence Section, but that one is only used as a branch and subordinate to collect regional intelligence in Japan, and the top level of the intelligence department is ours.

The biggest advantage of this arrangement is that it will not arouse people's suspicion, because the Intelligence Section is mysterious, and the more sneaky you are, the more people will feel normal. This will make it easier for us to guild. Players pretend to steal information in the new Black Dragon Club, and because of the special nature of the intelligence agencies, they can minimize the chance of contact with ordinary Japanese players, so that it is not easy to appear weak spots.

"Chairman, things have arrived." At this time, in a secret room in the compound of the Intelligence Department of the new Black Dragon Society, several players were surrounded by a large crystal with Masaka Matsumoto. The communicator reported the situation to Isengard's headquarters.

"Let me see what it is." The advantage of a large communicator is that it can bring video, so you can see the picture.

Matsumoto and the others quickly dragged one of the weapons of mass destruction into the room and opened the box for me to take a look. After that, Masaga Matsumoto briefly described how this thing works with me.

"I really didn't expect Guishou Nobunaga would have a second move. He didn't arrange your dark game and was almost deceived by him." Looking at this weapon of mass destruction, I was also terrified. In the past, Nobunaga Onihand used the combination of the blocker and the real ninja, Shiraba Morizu, to disguise this real news as a trap, and even though I was a little confused at the time, I didn’t realize I really wanted it, if it wasn’t because of Matsumoto. Zhenghe and the others got the truth, we might have missed this information. As long as the thought of a certain Heavenly Ghost hand nobunner suddenly took a few ships and forcibly assaulted the vicinity of Isengard, and then sent us a few weapons of mass destruction, my heart trembled. If you really let this thing fall, then we can say goodbye to Isinger, even if this thing can’t destroy the entire Isinger, at least it can destroy a few blocks. In terms of Isinger’s cost, that The loss is absolutely staggering.

"Don't worry now, at least we have got the medicine." said a player we sent to Matsumoto Masaka.

"But how do you ship it back?" Another player asked us on the screen.

I also hesitated about this question. After all, the president of mine spends most of his time on the field, and I don’t care much about internal matters, so I’m really not sure about this kind of thing.

Fortunately, the rose is by my side, I looked towards her here, and she immediately understood what I meant and directly opened the mouth and said: "The transnational Transmission Formation in Fulcrum City is crowded with people. It's hard to guarantee that there is no ghost hand Nobunaga or Russian eyeliner. We will send a spaceship to take it in the past. You will first find a way to transport the things out of the city and bring the communicator. We will study the specific meeting place."

< p>"Okay, we will send the things out of the city first, but when will the spaceship that comes to pick them up?" Matsumoto Masaka asked.

Rose pondered for a moment and said: "In two hours."


After closing the communication, Masaga Matsumoto started to be there. The commanding staff got busy. Ten minutes later, the eight transportation teams ran out of the Black Dragon Club either openly or secretly, and then ran away. These transport teams each brought a large vehicle, and they didn't know what was loaded in it. Anyway, looking at the depth of the rut, the weight should not be light.

About half an hour later, Masaka Matsumoto, who was sitting in the headquarters, heard a knock on the door. "Come in."

Matsumoto's office door was pushed open, and a player walked in and quickly closed the door before quickly walking to Matsumoto's side whispered: "Our judgment is indeed correct. , The eight baits that were released were all hung up."

Matsumoto was just nodded after listening, and then he pondered for a while before he said: "Go and inform August Kaun and Chi Fire Dragon Hime. Come here for a while."

"Hi!" The visitor left the office immediately after answering. Not long after, August Yuexun walked in with her two girlfriends.

"What's the matter with Matsumoto this Monarch asking us to come?" Seeing Matsumoto Masaga, August Kazuo asked immediately.

"Do something for the boss." As soon as Masaga Matsumoto said this, the three of Augustsaki and the others immediately became serious. This equivalent to black saying means that this time I do errands, that is, the real work. After all, August Kaoru and the others, like Masaga Matsumoto, are also our secret staff in Japan, so our Frost Rose League matters are right. It's the business for them.

"What's the specific matter?" August Xun asked.

Saka Matsumoto briefly introduced the matter of weapons of mass destruction and then said: "Rosé Chief Manager said he would send a spaceship to pick it up, and it will be there in about an hour and fifteen minutes, but we The eight baits that were thrown out were all bitten. The other party would rather be found and keep the things under their surveillance, so I am also very embarrassed now. We simply can't conceal the things out."

"But we don't know how to do tricks. It's okay if you let us fight, we can't get things out of the city secretly!" Ying Yu Shen Xiao said.

Chi Fire Dragon Ji is also nodded and said: "That's right, we are not smuggling, and we can't help with this kind of thing!"

"Wait. "As the eldest sister of the three, August Xun is obviously smarter than Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji. "Matsumoto Masaka, aren't you planning to let us fly out with this thing?"

Matsumoto just laughed, but didn't answer, but the meaning was already obvious. Looking at Matsumoto Masaka, the three people immediately understood, and then listened to Chi Fire Dragon Ji exclaimed: "Aren't you? This thing is a weapon of mass destruction, what if you lose it?"

"That's right." Yingyu Divine Young also cried: "We have to mount such a dangerous thing, what should we do if it falls if it is not fixed? But if it is fixed, we need to add something, when the Time comes can be seen at a glance!"

"You come with me." Masaka Matsumoto did not directly refute their words, but called a few people to move towards the exclusive courtyard of the Information Department in the backyard. Walked over. After entering the yard over there, I directly entered a small room. The three weapons of mass destruction that need to be transported were placed here, and the boxes and everything were already opened, and the whole picture of the thing could be seen directly.

"This thing is so big? Isn't it more difficult to hide it?" August Xun asked.

"Did I say to hide?" Masaka Matsumoto asked with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Fire Dragon Hime was so quick-tempered that he couldn't bear Matsumoto's going around with her, and said directly: "If you have any plans, just talk about it, I'm almost caught You are in desperation!"

Masaga Matsumoto smiled and replied: "It's actually very simple. The people who monitor us are not afraid of us transporting weapons of mass destruction, nor are they trying to grab this mass destruction. Weapons, they only sent people to stare at them because they were afraid that the weapons of mass destruction would be snatched by Chinese players. Some of them were from Nobunaga oni, and some were sent by the guild that followed us. They don't have any bad thoughts, just worry about it. However, this has caused us trouble in transferring weapons of mass destruction, because we can't blatantly hand over these three weapons of mass destruction to Purple Moon. "

"So what?"

"So I thought of an excuse." Masaka Matsumoto said: "This is not our research institute. Weapons of mass destruction are shipped to This is just a temporary transfer. If you want to study, you have to send it to the research institute."

The impatient Chi Fire Dragon Ji immediately said, "But even though our people control the research institute. , But those who follow will not just give up. When the things arrive there, they still can’t be shipped out?"

"No, no transshipment." Matsumoto said triumphantly: "It just so happens that they send someone to monitor Me, I just beating somebody at their own game, and directly said that the eight tentative transport teams I sent found someone to follow, so I changed the plan and let the three of you join me and the four of you to transport this large-scale batch in person. Lethal weapons."

"What about our escort? You pulled out eight from here. When you turn back to the research institute, only five are left. The fool also knows that the number is wrong, right?"

"No, we pulled out eight boxes, but eight boxes arrived at the institute. As for the weapons of mass destruction in the boxes... Can they send someone to follow up? Could they send someone to check? ?"

August Xun finally reacted and shouted: "You mean we joined the spaceship sent by Huili on the way, and then gave them three weapons of mass destruction. Then take the empty box and continue to fly to the institute?"

"Yes, that's it." Masaga Matsumoto said affirmatively: "The executives at the institute are all our people. If they have received it, they will receive it. As long as they have received eight weapons, that means eight weapons of mass destruction have arrived. As for the researchers in the institute who are not their own, there are still five, whatever the three. Four of them are given to them to study, and the rest is said to be done by a few high-level researchers. Anyway, those little researchers are not qualified to point out their boss’s affairs, when th e time comes, as long as you pass a few of Isinger's research results to them and ask them to write them out as research reports, are there any doubts beyond admiration for those young researchers? "

"This is a good way. "Chi Fire Dragon Ji exclaimed excitedly: "Let's do it now?" "

"Wait a minute. "Matsumoto Masaka said: "Although this plan is good, our transfer process on the road cannot be discovered, so we must fly at the fastest speed as soon as we leave the ground and cannot be caught up in the middle of the road, so that we can get rid of the eyeliner and leave time. Transfer things. But this process needs to cooperate with the spaceship from the guild. There is only one opportunity, and it will be difficult to transfer if you miss it. "

Matsumoto and the others reported the plan to us after they finalized the plan, and when I received the news, I immediately decided to go over and do this in person. Originally, I planned to send a few Individuals can pick them up. Anyway, this time I went to our guild’s newly built high-speed spaceship. In addition to being fast, it also carries the second-generation mirage system. It can be said that performing this task is a matter of stability. But because Matsumoto Masaka wants to use them to cover the transportation, so I still think it’s necessary to follow it. After all, we managed to erect the images of Matsumoto Masaka and Augustsuki. I don’t want to give them just because of this. It's messed up.

It turns out that my worries are not unnecessary at all, because just a few dozen minutes later, Masaka Matsumoto and the others suddenly reported one thing, that is, Nobunaga onitou came to them. Now.

"What the hell are you doing? "As soon as I saw Matsumoto Nobunaga Onitou, he immediately began to question.

Of course, Masaka Matsumoto knew what Onitou Nobunaga was asking, but he pretended not to know, and deliberately showed it. With a very surprised expression, he asked: "What are you talking about? "

Onitou Nobunaga immediately asked Masaka Matsumoto in surprise: "Don't you know?" "

"What should I know? "Masaga Matsumoto continued to pretend to be dumb.

Onitou Nobunaga had no choice but to say to himself: "My people just told me that you suddenly ran out and eight groups of people left with weapons of mass destruction. In the city, aren’t you afraid of things being snatched by Purple Moon? You didn't see it before. When Purple Moon was able to come to our side, it was obvious that he had already focused on these weapons of mass destruction. Although I was deceived by me later, he might not have understood it after he returned. Isn't your blatant shipping out like this tantamount to sending an invitation letter to Purple Moon for him to grab it quickly? If this thing gets into Purple Moon's hands, can you bear the consequences? "

After listening to Nobunaga Onitou, Masaka Matsumoto changed his expression immediately, from the previous doubt to being very serious, and said with an angry look: "Nobunaga Onishou, You pay attention to your words. This is the site of our Black Dragon guild, not your Ghost King hall, and I am the current Japanese player general, and you are just the leader of a small guild alliance. Why are you so proud in front of me? Yelling? "

"You..." Nobunaga oni was so angry with Matsumoto's words, his previous goodwill disappeared, but his follow-up words were interrupted by Matsumoto's first. Now.

"Don't you, me. Even if the previous ones are not counted, can you yell at me? Have you investigated the truth of the matter clearly? Besides, send someone to monitor our Black Dragon meeting, what do you mean? Suspect that we are collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country or what? "

The place where Nobunaga and Masaka Matsumoto are arguing is not the secret Conference Hall, but the guild headquarters lobby of the Black Dragon Association. This is not just the person who knows the true identity of Masaka Matsumoto. There are also many Japanese players who really think that Matsumoto Masaka is the leader of Japan, and these people account for much more than the people we have placed. When they heard Matsumoto Masaka’s words, they immediately began to glaring at the ghost souvenirs. Long, although many of them don’t know about weapons of mass destruction, in any case, their organization is being monitored by others, which in itself is already a provocation.

< p>Nobunaga Onishu also noticed that the people around him have a tendency to run away. Fortunately, Masaka Matsumoto said first: "Don’t think that I forgave you once before that is weak and bullying, although I can ignore some differences in order to resist foreign enemies. , But if I find out that your cancer has affected the rise of our Yamato nation, I will also reluctantly swipe the knife to heal the wound without the slightest hesitation. So, keep me in awe at least. As for your accusation against me...please check it yourself before you come back and talk to me. "

Although Guisou Nobunaga was also angry, he still heard Matsumoto's meaning. What Matsumoto said just now was obviously that he misunderstood Matsumoto's. This news convinced Guisou to believe. The long anger immediately turned into worry. After all, if he really misunderstood Matsumoto Masaka, then not only would he not be angry at what Matsumoto Masaka said before, but he would have to go the other way to make up for it.

< p>"Wait a minute, don't leave this Monarch. So what...what are you going to say? "Looking at Masaka Matsumoto turning around and leaving, Nobunaga hurriedly chased after him and asked in a low voice.

Although Masaka Matsumoto did not stop, he still replied: "You really Do you think I don’t put national interests in my eyes just like you? I know the consequences of getting that thing by Purple Moon 10,000 times better than you, so I don't dare to transfer those things casually. The eight teams sent out before were all decoys, filled with other materials, in order to test whether someone was staring at these weapons of mass destruction. As a result, all eight teams were followed, so we decided to abandon ground transportation. "

Hearing this explanation, of course Nobunaga knew that Masaka Matsumoto had been wronged, and the annoyance with Masaka Matsumoto immediately turned into guilt again, and then he quickly followed Masaka Matsumoto’s nodded explanation: "I'm really sorry, I was too worried before. That, ground transportation should be no problem, your team is being followed by my people. "

"You don't admit that you are stupid. "Masaka Matsumoto looked back at Nobunaga oni, pretending to be angry, and said: "Just your rubbish men, even if I really intend to rob, I still dared to pull things out of the front door with a swagger. The simply I sent out was not eight teams, but sixteen. Eight of them were pulling the disguised goods, and the other eight lightly secretly followed behind the eight teams to observe if anyone was following them. These teams have discovered many other people besides the person who discovered you, and it seems that the stalker is not one faction, but divided into many factions. I can't be sure whether there are people from Purple Moon in it. "

"What? More than my family sent someone to follow? "

"Yes! Now the whole world knows that my fleet is being tracked, and you are probably the one who doesn’t know! "

Guishou Nobunaga rubbed his nose awkwardly, and then said: "Then how are you going to take these things away?" This is just the headquarters of your guild. I heard that the research institute of the Black Dragon guild is not here, right? "

Masaga Matsumoto nodded and said: "It's really not there, so I need to transfer. But don't worry about this, I have already called three of them: August Xuan, Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji. I plan to go to the research base with the three of them, and the four of them personally carry these eight weapons of mass destruction. We are all high-level players, with more powerful mounts, fast flying speeds, and safety. If I was there, even if Purple Moon came to grab it, I would still be able to block him for a while. "

"This is a good way. "Nobunaga Guishou said: "As an apology, let me act with you, right?" "

"No, there is enough for the four of us. "Matsumoto Masaka wanted to transfer weapons of mass destruction on the way. Of course, he couldn't let Onizu Nobunaga follow, so he refused. Unfortunately, Oniite Nobunaga was determined to follow along.

"Please, take it as an apology for my previous misunderstanding, please must let me follow you. "

Onitou Nobunaga insisted on following him. Matsumoto couldn't help but wink at August Kaun. August Kaun was also smart, so he immediately left and ran for communication. I contacted Isengard to ask what to do. This is why I soon learned that something went wrong here.

"Since Nobunaga Oni is going to follow, let him follow. "

"Huh? "Hearing Rose's answer from the communicator, August Xun was taken aback. "Sister Rose, are you right? How can we transfer supplies while letting Nobunaga Guishou follow us halfway? "

"Just want him to follow. Rose explained: "Your President Purple Moon has already joined spaceship, and he will be there in a while. Just let Oni Shou Nobunaga follow you, and then Purple Moon will take the initiative to slay out and pretend to snatch weapons of mass destruction, and then Masaka Matsumoto will take the initiative to stay and intercept Purple Moon and let you run fast, and then Purple Moon will Use the speed advantage of the mount to bypass this Monarch. At this time, Song this Monarch will chase Purple Moon and gradually catch up to you, and then he will ask Nobunaga Guishou to help intercept Purple Moon. At this time, Nobunaga Guishou must stay behind. At that time, Purple Moon will fight against this Monarch and Nobunaga Onishou, so as to hold Nobunaga Onishou, and the three of you can continue to run away from them. At this time our spaceship will approach you, and then complete the transfer work with you, and then the spaceship will leave, you can continue to fly, loose this Monarch and Purple Moon, they will pretend to be run away by Purple Moon again and gradually catch up, and you are now Just arrived at the research base and landed, and there will be a large number of air defense units lifted off below. Onihand Nobunaga and Song this Monarch have also caught up. Purple Moon gave up the robbery and turned away when the situation was not right, and you successfully completed the transfer. Work. In various senses. "

"Sister Rose is still smart. This method is good. Nobunaga oni was with us the whole time, so instead of monitoring us, he became our witness, proving that the eight weapons of mass destruction were safely delivered to the experimental base. "

"That's right. So Nobunaga Guishou wants to follow, let him follow, it's no harm to us. "

"Understood. "Augussuki ran back immediately after finishing talking, and nodded to Masaka Matsumoto behind Nobunaga Onishou. When Matsumoto understood the meaning of Nobunaga, he pretended to be helpless and agreed to Nobunaga's request. On the other hand, Nobunaga is excited to guarantee that they will not cause trouble.

Because Nobunaga is single, our spaceship is almost here now, so Masaga Matsumoto and the others will start immediately. Prepare your mounts and weapons of mass destruction for takeoff. Because this time is a blatant armed escort, rather than a secret smuggling, these weapons of mass destruction are not disguised, and are directly connected to a larger fixing frame. After the mounts are secured, they start to take off.

The three mounts of August Kaoru and Masaka Matsumoto’s mounts are Peak goods. After all, they are top figures supported by the huge financial resources of our guild. Kind of things are not bad. Onizu Nobunaga thought it would be good to be able to fly with him. Didn’t expect to fly with him and he was almost ashamed. His mount was almost caught by Masaga Matsumoto and the others without carrying any cargo. The mount was thrown away. At last, Guishou Nobunaga had to release buff magic to his mount before finally catching up. It still has to be supported by buff magic. As long as the magic is one hour, he will be thrown away immediately. .

Of course, Masaga Matsumoto and the others know that their mounts are faster than Nobunaga's mounts. After all, Nobunaga is their main enemy in Japan. The information has been thoroughly studied. The reason for flying. So fast is to humiliate Onijo Nobunaga. However, this humiliation can't be done too much, otherwise it will be seen by Onijo Nobunaga. So after finding that Oniju Nobunaga was thrown away and started to catch up slowly, Masamoto Matsumoto He immediately lowered his speed and voluntarily dropped to the same level as Guishou Nobunaga and loudly shouted, "Can't your mount be faster?" If it doesn't work, let's slow down and cooperate with you, right? "

When asked like this, Nobunaga Guishou wanted to find a seam to get in. Unfortunately, this is the sky, he is not an earthworm, and he can't get in even if there is a seam in the ground. Can brace oneself replied: "It's okay, you can get there sooner, so it's safer. I just encountered a strong wind, but the airflow was swayed. You can fly, but I followed. "

Masaga Matsumoto almost didn't hold back a smile when he heard Nobunaga's answer, but in the end he held it back, but even if he laughed out, Nobunaga may not have time to pay attention, because Less than a second after they finished speaking, a red sword glow suddenly flashed past Masaka Matsumoto. If it weren’t for Masaka Matsumoto’s words and began to accelerate, this one would definitely hit. Of course, this It’s the judgment of Nobunaga Onitou. Actually, Masaka Matsumoto and I have been communicating and synchronizing with the communicator in our ears from just a moment ago. Just now it was time to type out, in

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