Leaving the dangerous canyon area, the mountains are relatively safer. Just before closing the space door, I sent back the monster that had just come out. Even Xiaoxue and Yeying were stuffed back by me, replaced by a three-headed giant dragon and a small dragon girl, and even the darts were left behind. The slope of the road in the mountains is too big, the mount is really inconvenient to move, or a strong giant dragon is more suitable! As for the small dragon girl, it's purely for the sake of getting close. You want to! Who are we going to meet? Divine Immortal! Divine Dragon can also be regarded as a Chinese Divine Beast, and it should be almost no problem with the old Divine Immortal! The reason why the darts are left is purely because they are too cute, and Sumei wants to be a bad furry toy! Asura purple clothed put Asura into the Mother Earth Temple for convenience. Even the wild boar of the big pot of rice and the vines of Bingbing were put in. This is a complete light-packed advance!

The three-headed dragon carried us slowly in the mountains. Although they could fly, the old man gave us ordinary maps, not aerial maps. Don’t expect to see anything when you fly! Fortunately, giant dragons don’t care about the depth of the snow. Although it is difficult to walk here, dark green cedar and hardy plants covered with snow are everywhere, and the scenery is still very good!

After climbing a few mountains, the white waves beside him suddenly jumped up from the lucky back, and jumped on top of the lucky head in three or two steps!

"White Waves? What's the matter?"

White Waves did not speak, raised his head and sniffed, then turned to face our left side. "Someone is in the vicinity!"

Everyone jumped up with his sentence. I moved Xiaofeng from my shoulder to my arm and threw it upward: "Let’s see!"

Xiaofeng used my strength to bounce Lao Gao, then spread her wings and flew out. . Because it was a reconnaissance, Xiaofeng did not transform, and Phoenix was too big to travel through the forest! The little phoenix in the form of a bird of paradise still maintained a high flying speed, and a few rounds between the trees roughly confirmed the situation.

The information was passed on by Xiaofeng through contact. "There is indeed something in the vicinity, but they don't seem to want to be discovered by us, so they hide it!"

I pulled the dart out of Su Mi's arms next to him and threw it out. "Go and find the people!"

The darts were hugged immediately after being thrown out, so that they could fly farther. When the inertia was about to disappear, he suddenly unfolded, and then immediately disappeared from everyone's sight with the help of his body on the trunk next to it!

Xiaofeng is in the air, the darts are on the ground, and the super sense of smell of the white waves, the target's location is quickly determined. "Over there!" As soon as I received the dart's target confirmation message, I immediately pointed out the hidden bushes of the target. The plague moved fast enough, and a purple dragon flame passed by!

"Ah!" The five people jumped out of the bush together, and the bush where they had just disappeared was immediately turned into a pile of fly ash by the dragon.

Fortunately, he took a sharp breath and prepared to replenish another dragon flame, but the white waves above his head suddenly shouted: "Don't worry, I can't smell them!" Bai Lang shouted, luckily, he took a mouthful. Long Yan suffocated and went back, but the two nostrils he made were smoked!

"Over there, behind the dart!" Bailang confirmed the precise coordinates.

Fortunately, he sprayed Long Yan directly at the place, so naturally, there is no need to worry about the darts. If he can't escape Long Yan at his speed, he should commit suicide! A side bounce of the dart flashed dozens of meters away, and Long Yan arrived afterwards. The powerful dragon flame blew up the entire area behind the original darts, the trees were pulled up by the roots, and the trunks burned. As for the snow, of course it has long since turned into steam!

Just before that area was blown up, we clearly saw a few shadows flying out behind the darts. They jumped out from under Cong Xue's face. No wonder we didn't find it just now!

These people who fly out are all very fast. After landing, they start to hide before they stand firmly. It is a pity that giant dragons never worry about the enemy hiding, because they never make precise strikes!

A silhouette jumped up to the top of the tree next to it, and was about to jump on the tree next to it. The plague went up and swept down the tree with its tail. The guy was about to take off, but there was no place to borrow from his feet. Instead of jumping out, he fell to the ground instead.

"Okamoto?" At a glance, I recognized this guy as the little Japan who was trampled on by me!

"Meet again!" Okamoto got up from the ground. This time I come to Little Japan who can speak Chinese, so that it is not easy to be found among Chinese players!

whiz whiz whiz! Several dark shadows appeared next to Okamoto like lightning, and I recognized a few of them, all of whom were Japanese people I had seen that day. "Oka this Monarch, it was this kid's bad thing last time, shall we kill him?"

"hahahaha! What a joke! I don't know who kills whom!"

Almost Before my words were over, the lucky Long Yan had arrived! Several small Japan spread out in several directions, and the plague slapped one from in midair. The crystal simply made an ice barrier in the air, and the two hapless guys hit the jackpot!

"Thunder Slash! The Dance of Breaking the Sky!" Asura purple clothed suddenly jumped up from the side, and cut off the Japanese mage who had fled to her with a sword. The warm bloody water had frozen into ice in the air, and several shiny red ice cubes fell on the ground. It was a new skill of Asura purple clothed just now, and it was the skill on her Divine Item armor. Although she had heard it before, it was the first time I saw it used! Divine Item is Divine Item, formidable power is extraordinary!

"Over there, I ran one!" Su Mei's combat career is the Holy Word Mage. Although she has a high attack, she has a slow response speed. When encountering such things, she can only rely on others!

"I can't run!" I turned around and chased it, pulling the dragon tendons out with my hands. Throwing the zip line originally wanted to hook the escaping guy, but there are too many trees here, which seriously affects the use of flying weapons, and the dragon tendon actually entangled a big tree! What's more hateful is that the little Japan saw my weapon entangled in the tree and not only didn't run away, but turned around and came back to laugh at me! "Don't be too happy!" I quickly transformed into a werewolf form, roared towards the sky, and pulled my hands to the center while instilling magic power into the zipline! Bang! Two tree trunks broke at the same time, and the dragon tendon zipline flashed with blue rays of light and bounced back with the sound of breaking wind!

I ran over with both hands and feet, and the scared little Japan turned around and ran away! "Yanlang! Flying claws!" This is a special skill in the form of a werewolf, and it is one of the few ranged skills of a werewolf! I grabbed a claw at the little Japan volley, and three wind blades with flames flew out. The little Japan who was running righteously was beaten up behind the scenes and flew up!

I just took the opportunity to rush up and threw him down in the air. When I landed, the weight of both people was concentrated on him. As a result, one guy stepped him in the snow for more than a foot. deep! Without waiting for him to get up, I raised my fist and started working around, making you laugh! Thirty or so punches killed this warrior professional guy alive, and the armor left me with nothing left, and it was worthless and would not be left to Little Japan!


I'm fighting mud here, while Shirano meets Okamoto over there. Okamoto was originally a warrior and he had no fear of Shiraito, but he was dumbfounded when he saw that the Shiraiwa in front of him changed from three to three to nine! He rubbed his eyes in disbelief and confirmed that there were 9 of them. He actually cursed Japanese and rushed up. Of course, Bailang will not fight him stupidly. He brought 8 Avatars and fought him a guerrilla. You must know that 2 of Bailang's 8 Avatars are offensive!

The rest of the little Japan was surrounded by three giant dragons and smashed in a mess, quickly creating a lot of mud!

Seeing that his companion did not have the slightest resistance, Okamoto understood that the people in front of him were of higher level than himself, and he quickly took out a scroll from his arms. Before it had time to unfold, I saw the silhouette flashing, and the poisonous man was standing outside the encirclement. "It's not a good habit to retreat! You still cut your belly? I think you Japanese all like this!"

Okamoto Chi's eyes are green, but Shiraito didn't give him a chance to get angry, and immediately Pounced! Although Okamoto knows that today is bode ill rather than well, but he doesn't want to sit still. With his excellent PK experience, he can even tie with Shiraito! But this was only a delay, Su Mi's long magic preparation was finally over, and a white light fell from the sky and shone on Okamoto's body. Okamoto screamed immediately, and saw that his whole body slowly softened like a puddle of mud, and finally turned into a puddle of blood. Although the preparation time of Su Mi's magic is super long, its attack power is proportional to the preparation time, so it can burn Okamoto all at once!

A glance at all around, Little Japan has been killed, and no one should have escaped.

The poisoner walked back with a Knight sword. "Boss knows that Japanese?"

"Well! I was killed last time, but I ran back!"

The poisonous man smiled and lifted the Knight sword. He got up: "But they lost a lot this time. This sword is of the Holy Spirit level, and it must be worth a lot of money!" Then he handed the sword over.

I looked at him, but did not answer. "What are you doing?"

"Here you are!"

"What are you doing for me?"

"Sold it to join the guild fund!"< /p>

"No, the guild funds have always been the responsibility of my own person. This is what you bought, counted as yours, you can keep it for yourself! Or you can sell it to people in your guild at a low price." Speaking of this, a smirk suddenly appeared on my face: "You don't have a girlfriend yet? Our guild conditions are so good, can you use this sword to hang a girlfriend and come back! If there are still people in our guild who are bachelor , I don’t know what to say!"

"That's it!" The big pot of rice also squeezed up: "The ratio of men to women in our guild is more than one to two hundred. If you can’t find a girlfriend, go directly. Suicide!"

"Hehe! Then I will keep it!" Looking at the expression of the poisonous man, it is probably because I was moved by the girlfriend's plan that I said!

Asura purple clothed brought back some other equipment and said: "What should I do with these things?"

"Let me install it! Go back and sell it for equal shares!" All of his equipment is packed into the bracelet.

Somi picked up a strange thing from the pile of garbage-like equipment. "What is this?"

I took it over and looked at it: "It looks like a necklace!"

"Is there such a thick necklace?" Asura purple clothed asked rhetorically .

Ling leaned over and took a look, then compared it on his neck. "It seems to be a collar? But it doesn't seem to be for someone!" She compared the collar to Bailang's neck: "This is a good fit!"

"Put it on Bailang's neck It looks like a dog ring in this way, but this dog ring is too fancy! Is there such an exaggerated dog ring? Don’t you think it’s too much to install so many gems?"

The poisoner took it. I took a look, and then used what skills against the collar, the effect is exaggerated anyway! I threw the thing to me again: "Look at the attribute!"

I took it and saw that it only showed the pendants, but now there are attributes displayed. The name says it is a Heavenly Dog collar, and there is an explanation behind it. "National warfare equipment, providing national equipment users with the ability to lead the crowd!"

After listening to the explanation I read, everyone didn't understand what was going on. The explanation was too short! I have no choice but to use the help system to inquire. After asking for a long time, I finally figured out the general use! During the national war set by the system, each country will have two sets of national equipment, and the person wearing the national equipment should have the ability to lead the country, and the two special personnel of each country will have corresponding titles. In order to provide these two individuals with the strength in line with their identities, the system has set up enhancement tasks to specifically help users of the national machine to improve their capabilities. The collar in my hand is the trigger item for one of the enhancement tasks that come with Japan's two sets of national instruments!

There are detailed tasks in the collar attributes, I took a look. It turns out that the task of this collar is to find a Japanese Great Demon monster, the name of this monster is Kagelangmaru! The Shadow Wolf Pill originally possessed very strong power, but was later turned into a mount by a Chinese Divine Immortal! But this shadow wolf pill has a treasure in his hand called Contract Bead. The collective effect is...

I jumped up all of a sudden: "What?"

"What's the matter?" Several people in's were taken aback by me.

"Are you okay?" Cauldron asked me.

"Look here!" I handed the collar to Cauldron Rice, but Cauldron Rice also jumped up.

"Tai Keafraid right?"

"What is it?" Su Mei snatched it over and read the attribute!

The contract bead is a Divine Item and can only be used once. Its function is super simple, but super powerful! Its function is to permanently increase the amount of magic familiars carried, and 4 at a time!

"Why do I feel that this name is a bit familiar?" Su Mi said suddenly.

"What's your name?"

"The Divine Immortal who subdued the Kagelangpill."

"Let me see!" I took it again The collar took a look. "Arctic Star Monarch? Arctic Star Monarch! (I made up, there should be no such guy in Chinese mythology) is well-known, as if I have heard of it somewhere!"

The poisoner suddenly clapped his hands and said: "I remember! Isn't the Divine Immortal we're looking for is called the Arctic Star Monarch?"

"hehe! This is good! I really want to thank Little Japan for giving us good things from a thousand miles away. Coming!" The big pot rice is proud!

"We'd better go faster. Little Japan will not let it go if it loses such an important thing! Okamoto is dead and returned home, but maybe they will send another man to chase us! Who knows How many people are here in Little Japan!"

"Then let's go!" Bingbing jumped on the dragon's back and greeted us to go!

In fact, this time we were thinking too much. Little Japan sent a few people over for covert actions, and they won’t be there after we killed them!


The next trip was much smoother, and I wandered all the way to the top of the highest mountain here. I spread out the map and studied it for a while. "En! It's coming soon! According to the signs on this map, from here is the old Divine Immortal Cave Mansion!"

"Finally here! It's very good! Let's go quickly!" Asura The purple clothed urges the crystal underneath to hurry up. As a result, Crystal just took a step, slipped under his feet and slipped off the top of the mountain! Fortunately, I wanted to give it a hand, but I didn't grasp it well and I was dragged down. The plague wanted to get lucky, but was also implicated in the end! The three-headed dragon took the 7 of us (Asura was not there) and turned it over. We rolled down the mountain. As a result, all the snow stuck to us. It became more and more sticky all the way down, and finally turned into three huge snowballs rushing down the mountain with sharp screams! I've heard before that throwing a snowball from the top of a mountain will turn into a huge snowball when it rolls to the bottom of the mountain. Unexpectedly, now it becomes a snowball by itself!

There is a small depression near the foot of the mountain below us. It is said that the area of ​​the small depression is not small, but the surrounding mountains are so high that it is very small! Although the mountain recess is surrounded by snow-covered mountains, there is a green and vibrant scenery here, and there is also a rather small hot spring here! Next to the hot spring is an antique Chinese courtyard. Although it is spectacular, it is not luxurious. It has a sense of extraordinary and refined!

At this time, the gate of the courtyard slowly opened, and an old man with white head and white beard walked out of it. The old man wears an azure daoist robe, although the fade is serious, but it is very clean. He held a whisk in his right hand and placed it on the arm of his left hand. The old man in front of him makes people feel like an expert from outside the world, and he is indeed a worthy Divine Immortal!

The old Divine Immortal walked towards the fruit forest in front of him after he left the house, apparently preparing to take care of the Fruit Tree. But he heard a strange sound from a distance just after he walked more than a dozen steps. He turned his head and saw that a huge white object was rolling towards him, and this thing would make the sound of "ahhh!", as if it were Someone screamed inside!

Don’t think that the old Divine Immortal was smashed. What is Divine Immortal? If such a snowball smashed him down, would it be considered Divine Immortal? Only see the old Divine. Immortal smiled and moved a few steps to the side, and easily moved away from the snow ball. The huge snow ball wiped past him with a gap of a few centimeters, without even touching the old Divine Immortal's clothes!

< p>The old Divine Immortal, who got out of the snowball, smiled and watched the snowball rushing towards the hot spring lake, but he suddenly heard a sound behind him, and when he turned around, he saw a piece of whiteness! The second snowball unbiasedly hit the old Divine Immortal and knocked him out. The old Divine Immortal just got up, the third snowball rushed over again, and then glued him to the snowball. He rushed towards the hot spring lake. as the saying goes Is there a time when the horse stumbles! The old Divine Immortal also makes mistakes!

Plop, plop, and plop hua! Three sounds are the same , Three snowballs rushed into the lake. The hot spring water quickly melted the snowballs. Eight humanoid creatures, three giant dragons, a wolf and a fox floated from the lake. Each of them has a lot of eyes. The spiral is spinning!

"There are so many stars! "The big pot of rice struggling to get up from the lake, but standing there still shaking like it will fall down at any time!

I also climbed up from the lake. "The big pot of rice! Pull... Pull me! "I extended the hand and saw the big pot of rice swaying there. "Why are you spinning?" Give me a hand, don't shake your hand! "

The big pot of rice and I are obviously standing very close, but our two hands are dangling and we can’t catch each other, because we are dangling in each other’s eyes!

I haven't climbed ashore yet, and the Asura purple clothed also came up behind. "Huh! Why are the clouds in the sky turning! "She is worse than us, she just lay on the ground and stared at the sky in a daze!

The legendary giant dragon is a creature with a very powerful body. Now I believe this is absolutely correct! Lucky from the water Li jumped up, and after we landed, we quickly used our tails to catch us one by one. Crystal followed along and came ashore. The plague finally came up, with a person still clutching in his paws. "Why is there one more?" "What he caught was the old Divine Immortal!

I barely crawled to the old Divine Immortal, his eyes were full of circles rotating, and the expression on his face looked like an idiot. There was no divine just now. Poise and sagelike features! "Who is this? "

The plague said: "I don't know, I picked it up in the lake just now!" "

"Damn! What are you doing when you are okay? Think of a way to wake him up! "

The small dragon woman and Xiaofeng only flew down from the mountain at this time. When they rolled down just now, the two of them were not implicated! The small dragon woman recognized the old Divine Immortal at a glance. "This Isn’t it the Arctic Star Monarch? Why is it like this? "

"Huh? This is the Arctic Star Monarch? "I feel my head dizzy even more, and there seems to be a group of little demons dancing around my head!

"Xingxuan Centering Technique! "The small dragon girl used a large-scale spell for all of us, and my dizziness immediately improved! Although it is still spinning, it is acceptable!

The big pot of rice crawled over on all fours from the side. "Boss! Is there any way to ease it a little bit? "

"I don't know! Why don't you stand up? "I asked him as I helped him up, but he pushed him away!

"You should leave me alone, let me lie on my stomach like this! I'm afraid of falling off when I stand up! "

Ling walked over from the other side, she also pressed her forehead with one hand, obviously also dizzy! "Master! Do you bring concentration potion? Give me some! That thing can relieve dizziness! "

"Concentration potion? Seems to be there! "This thing is a potion that the mage often uses. After drinking it, the speed of casting will increase, and it is not easy to be interrupted. It is a must-have for the mage! When cleaning the battlefield during naval battles, I picked up a lot of this thing. Isn't it the potion that explodes the most! "Here! "I took out a bunch and gave everyone a bottle, and by the way, I also filled a bottle for the old Divine Immortal!

"cough cough! "Old Divine Immortal finally woke up! "Which bastard knocked me down just now?" "

"Sorry! It's me..." The poisoner wanted to apologize for being pressed down by the big pot of rice.

"I'm sorry! We only remember that a few Japanese people knocked us out and pushed us down, and then we rolled down the mountain in a coma, and we ended up here without knowing how to do it! I don't know anything in the middle! "

"It turned out to be those thieves again! "Old Divine Immortal's reaction was a little unexpected: "I killed the doctrine of hitting my mount last time, and I actually ran again!" "

Dizzy! After a long time, Little Japan has been here once, but they have been killed! I said why they are a few fewer than last time! "So you are the Arctic Star Monarch? "

"Do you know me?" "Arctic Star Monarch looked at me suspiciously, but soon he said clearly: "Oh! Isn't this a small dragon girl? "He saw the small dragon girl behind me!

"Hello! Arctic Star Monarch grandfather! "The small dragon girl floated over to say hello.

"Well! How are you father? "

"I don't know! It's been a long time since I left the Dragon Palace! But it should be great! "The answer from the small dragon girl is definitely correct. If you are a pervert like the Dragon God, who hurt him! From my observation, neither Al Ni nor the Dragon King are opponents of the Dragon God!

" By the way, follow me into the house! The whole body is wet, so I have to change into dry clothes quickly! Although it is warmer than the mountains, the wind is still quite strong! Go, all come in with me! "

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