"You won’t be fooling us with some skeletons again, are you?" This time the woman in strange equipment is still talking, and now I am 90% sure that she is The real Great Demon King of Hagglos.

Although I do have platinum skulls on my body, these three have such a high level of vision, I have no plans to fool them with skulls. I used skeletons before because almost all the wizards here are hillbillies. They can't recognize things with a little higher level, so they use skeletons. But now it is different. Since the Great Demon King of Haglos and her two subordinates are both knowledgeable and capable, then they must be treated in the same way as normal people. Therefore, skeletons will definitely not work. Of course, if I took that black skeleton before, it would be a different matter to rely on the platinum skeletons on hand.

"Of course I know the skeletons are a little lower, but compared to the Great Demon King of Haglos, I also know the situation in your place. You can’t sell even higher-end items. But, I know. Glos Great Demon King is a person with knowledge and financial resources, so I don’t mind making some real transactions."

"Then what do you want to trade?" This time it’s the fake Hagg who is talking. Los Great Demon King, the two women next to him were silent.

I looked towards him and said: "Actually, I don't know what to trade with you, because I have a lot of things in my hands. I hope you can tell me what you lack."

"What a big tone." The fake Demon King said in a threatening tone: "Do we want Divine Spark and you can get it for us?"

"Of course, as long as you can afford it "I didn't let the other party's plan succeed, so I just accepted the deal.

My behavior of playing cards out of order obviously disrupted the opponent's thinking. The fake Demon King froze for a long time without replying. Instead, the possible real Demon King reacted after a long time. Come over and ask aloud: "Aren't you kidding us?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?"

My rhetorical question directly blocked the other party's words. , And then the room fell silent again. After a while, I saw that they couldn’t react to it for a while, so I simply said: "Although you don’t know me, my reputation outside is very good. As long as I promised to do business, I will definitely be able to do business. Yes. However, I am also more concerned about the transaction itself. If you are sure to place an order to acquire Divine Spark, I will help you get it, but if I bring back something and I can’t see a reasonable price, I think it’s not you. I want to see it."

After a long period of froze, the fake Demon King suddenly stood up with a slap on the armrest, and at the same time yelled at me: "Arrogant! Are you threatening us?"


"The entourage is going to be a little entourage, just stay aside, for such a big business, I think it is more appropriate to let the bosses talk about it by themselves." I said and turned to the suspected Great Demon of Hagglos. The King’s woman asked: "What do you mean? Haglos Great Demon King."

The fake Demon King over there and the female mage next to him were all taken aback, but the real Great Demon King didn’t. Too much reaction, after two seconds of hesitation, she stood up decisively, then solemnly bowed to me, and said at the same time: "Re-introduction. I am Great Demon King Hagros Hobbit, you You can call me the Great Demon King of Haglos."

"It's an honor to meet you, my respected Haglos Great Demon King." As I said, I stood up and started paying the courtesy, and after that , Our relationship has obviously become more harmonious, because we just used the courtesy of Dark God Palace. Obviously, the Great Demon King of Hagros is not the aboriginal here, at least she was once a member of the Dark God Palace, and she is proud of it, otherwise she will not use the understanding of the Dark God Palace after leaving the Dark God Palace. Say hello to others. As for my reward, it also shows that the relationship between me and Dark God Palace is not normal. Otherwise, most people will not understand this strange etiquette that is not much to be found with the joint secret code.

"I was sorry before." The fake Demon King also saluted me at this time, and then self-introduced: "I am Roswell Hubble, the guard of Great Demon King."

< p>"Hello, I am Clydia Donovan, the first servant of the Great Demon King." The female mage followed closely followed by self-introduced.

I returned the salute to the two in turn, and then we formally started the negotiation. The previous temptation is obviously unnecessary after everyone has identified their identities, so the speech will also save effort.

"Obviously, your strength is so strong that you may not even be under me." Great Demon King Hagglos asked very seriously: "But, I really want to know what it is. Does a powerhouse like you appear here?"

"Don’t worry, I just came here because I accidentally learned that there is a pastry chef here who can make desserts with magical effects. I think this kind of profession is of great help to my guild, so I hope to invite this pastry chef to join our guild. No matter how bad it is, at least we must establish a stable supply and marketing relationship to ensure that our guild can buy large quantities from The magic dessert of this pastry chef."

"so that's how it is." All three of them seemed to know the existence of this pastry chef, and they were relaxed at the same time.

"Why? You are very familiar with the pastry chef?"

The fake Demon King before, the head of the Roswell guard said, "It's not very familiar either. , It's just..." Speaking of this, the Roswell Guard Chief obviously paused, and his eyes drifted to the two ladies unconsciously.

Clidia's attendant said somewhat sorry: "In fact, Great Demon King and I both like desserts, so... You know, it’s not convenient for us to wander around all day, so They were all bought by Roswell for help. This time they will be cooked."

"Even you all like to eat it, it should taste good. But...you won’t dig because of me. After leaving the pastry chef, there is no candy to eat and stop me from poaching him?"

"no no no, we have not been rogue to that point." Clydia attendant quickly explained.

I smiled and interrupted her explanation and said, "It's just a joke. Besides, people won't necessarily follow me. Maybe I will have to come here often to buy desserts in the future. "After talking about this and laughing with them, I asked casually: "That's right. You used Dark God Palace etiquette when we paid respect before, but I haven't seen you in Dark God Palace before, I don’t know. ......"

Speaking of this, the smiles of the three people suddenly disappeared. After a little silence, the Great Demon King of Hagglos finally said: "Speaking of which we should actually be regarded as subordinates of the Dark God Palace, but now... Maybe we should be regarded as an independent force."

"Huh? Why is this?"

"Have you heard of the name Hoinheim?" Because Hagross Great Demon King did not speak before, the two entourages They didn't dare to say, now that the Great Demon King had spoken first, they didn't have to worry about it. Upon hearing my inquiry, the attendant Clydia asked.

When I first heard this name, I was a little unfamiliar. After calling the electronic brain data and comparing it, I remembered where I heard the name. "I have heard the name Hoinheim several times before, but if it is Hoinheim related to the Dark God Palace, I seem to have only heard of one, and that is the previous Dark Lord God, Titans’s The former Dark Lord God."

The Great Demon King nodded of Haglos said: "It seems that you really understand the affairs of the Dark God Palace very clearly. That’s right, Hoinheim is the Dark God Palace’s The last god, and we are the subordinates of the Honourable Hoinheim. At that time, there were a lot of dark witchcraft on the roads of Europe. This is a spell system that is different from magic but somewhat similar. In this system, On the basis, the profession of wizard gradually appeared. Glenn, the great wizard who was introduced to you before, is a wizard."

I nodded and said: "It seems that most of the canyons are wizards, but Why did the three of you in the Dark God Palace’s high level Divine Race go to such a place to become the Demon King?"

Haglos Great Demon King said: "This is actually Hoinheim Your command. Because the witchcraft system has a certain impact on the dark magic system of the Dark God Palace, in order to ensure the stability of the temple, you launched a war against the wizards at that time. Because the war started suddenly, plus the witchcraft at that time The system is not perfect, and many of them are still in the groping stage, so our wars are very easy to win. However, you know that a war alone cannot completely suppress the rise of a school, so we are assigned here to pretend to sympathize with these wizards. And thus led them to establish many such gathering places."

Although the Great Demon King of Haglos did not finish, I have already guessed Hoinheim's plan. It’s nothing more than grabbing this witchcraft system in your own hands, and then whether you use it, or continue to use the Hagros Great Demon King and two other followers to remotely control the wizard system to keep it from developing for a long time, the final result is actually The Dark God Palace profited. It can be said that this method is somewhat similar to our current method of remotely controlling Japan through Matsumoto Masaga, but it is not as strict as ours, and it feels a little bit full of loopholes.

"What about afterwards?" I asked, "Why did you suddenly become independent? Is it because of Titans?"

Haglos Great Demon King said:" It can be said, but it is not entirely true. After your Excellency Hoinheim pointed out the mission to us at the time, we were also very successful, and finally controlled the wizard system, but just after our side was on the right track, Dark God Palace Instead, something went wrong over there. A stick of dark gods led by the fallen gods attempted to overthrow Hoinheim’s main god, and then there was a century-long battle of gods. The entire Dark God Palace system has collapsed. Now scattered around. The Dark God Palaces in all parts of the world split up at that time. Because of internal disputes, some people who do not like internal fighting and have relatively strong strength went out to do it alone. In addition, in the end, Lord Hoinheim did not keep the position of God. Instead, he fell."

"Could it be that Titans killed him? So you refused to return to the Dark God Palace because you were angry at his behavior and became independent?"

"No." Haglos Great Demon King said: "Dittens' behavior is indeed very abominable, but Lord Hoinheim was not murdered. In fact, Lord Hoinheim and Ditans should be regarded as the same faction. Yes. At that time Ditans was actually the main general of Hoinheim’s side. However, at the critical moment when Hoinheim led the team to fight the opponent, Ditans gave up reinforcements, which eventually led to Hoinheim. Your Excellency fell. After that, Titans led the team and rushed to kill all the opponents and became the main god of the Dark God Palace."

"That is to say because Titans deliberately did not go for reinforcements. , Indirectly killed Hoinheim, and you are unwilling to return to the Dark God Palace?"

The Clydia attendant took the words of the Great Demon King and said: "Dittens’s behavior is too despicable , We don’t want to be the subordinates of such a person."

"Then Titans just let you go?" I asked in surprise, because I don’t think Titans is such a tolerant person. .

Sure enough, Chief Guard Roswell said: "He didn't let us go, but didn't know our existence."

"Ah? How is this possible?"< /p>

Clidia's attendant helped to explain: "Because there was very little left of the wizard system after the first war against the wizard. After that, although we secretly took over the wizard system, it was a secret mission. We Only responsible to the Honourable Hohenheim and his first attendant, and both of them fell in that battle."

"So no one at the Dark God Palace knew you were here at all. "

Clidia's attendant nodded and said: "Not only did they not know that we were here, they even thought that the wizard had been eradicated, so they simply did not expect to come and look for us, because They didn’t even know our existence. Since then, although the wizard series has also developed, under our control, it has always been very low-key and has never appeared in the vision of Dark God Palace. Of course, the more important reason is Light God The existence of Palace has greatly attracted the attention of Dark God Palace. The only few contacts between us and Dark God Palace were regarded as members of Light God Palace, so Dark God Palace still does not know our existence."< /p>

I nodded and said: "But you don't plan to return to Dark God Palace?"

"We really don't have any confidence in a guy like Titans."

"But since you don't want to go back, why do you still use the courtesy of Dark God Palace to pay respect to me? This is clearly why you still want this Dark God Palace."

Clydia The attendant asked back: "It’s not contradictory to love your country and hate the corrupt bureaucracy in the country?"

"I have to say that your statement makes sense." I nodded, and said: "If You don’t want to be known by the Dark God Palace, so I suggest that you don’t use this etiquette to receive outsiders next time. I am a reputable businessman, so I will not betray your information, but if others know about it, it’s hard to protect them Don’t tell the Dark God Palace."

"No, we have our own reasons." Great Demon King of Haglos finished speaking and looked at me and explained: "In fact, we are also very hesitant. We dislike Di Tas, but we really want to return to Dark God Palace, so we decided to use this This kind of understanding comes to welcome the outsider. If we are discovered because of this, then don’t hesitate to go back to the Dark God Palace directly. If we are not found, then keep the status quo. "

I'm really speechless when I hear this answer. These three are really the best, and they can come up with such a solution. However, this is the freedom of others, and I am not good to interfere. That's it. Of course, I will not let go of such a good opportunity. As long as it does not affect my credibility, I am still very active in doing business.

"If this is the case, then it is better for us to trade one Guarantee agreement? "I smiled and suggested to the three people in front of me. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.) < /p>

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