"Glenn, the great wizard, is here to die." The old witch said helplessly.

"How do I sell my fate?"

"I can't tell you this. Anyway, you can check it out."

Because the old witch herself I don't know exactly how this life is going to be sold, so I can only wait to see the Glenn great wizard.

Glenn’s great wizard shop opened earlier. Although tomorrow is the Magic Festival, it is open now, and surprisingly there are quite a few people coming and going here. At least we saw three or four wizard-dressed people entering and leaving the room at the door for a while. During the period, we also saw a monster-like creature entering the room, and it hasn't come out yet.

With curiosity, I also walked into Glenn's great wizard shop. There is no compressed space that is common in high-level stores. This store is just an ordinary store. The only difference from those outside stores is that it is slightly larger.

Although the area is slightly larger, the shop in front of you is only a hundred or so square meters after all. There are six customers in addition to the shelf counter, and Glenn’s great wizard himself is seven creatures. When the old witch and I came in, there were nine creatures in the room at once. Compared to such an area, the shop is now quite crowded. Fortunately, as soon as we came in, three creatures went out. The most important thing is that the rare beast-like creature that we saw before went out. Although that guy was also a humanoid, he was at least two meters tall, and he was as strong as a brown bear. One monster occupied more than two people's positions.

Although three creatures went out, the area of ​​the remaining six is ​​not large. More than half of the store is occupied by shelves, leaving only a small area for customer activities. There is a table in this area, and Glenn the great wizard sits behind the table. There are counters on both sides of the table, which happens to divide the room into two areas. Glenn great wizard himself and the shelves are blocked by the table and counter, and the customer’s side is basically empty.

Seeing us walk in, Glenn the great wizard behind the table over there didn’t look up, but just reminded me out: “Everything is on the shelf. Just tell me what you see. If it’s going to kill you , Then go to the queue here."

Hearing what Glenn Great Wizard said, the old witch immediately squeezed in front of me and said: "Glenn Great Wizard, we are not here to buy things, but found I want to sell some very valuable things to you."

Glen, the great wizard looked up at the two of us when he heard the old witch. First I saw that the old witch didn’t respond. Afterwards, I was taken aback for a while, and then I stood up immediately, then took a few cards from my body and sent them to the other people present: "I have something to do today, please leave first. You can go next time. With this card, I get a 10% discount."

Although it was a bit uncomfortable to be kicked out suddenly, but when I heard that there was a 10% discount, these guys immediately had nothing to say.

After the room was emptied, Glenn Great Wizard immediately closed the store door, and then turned to me and asked very solemnly: "I think you are not in our circle, right? "

From the look of Glenn’s great wizard before, I knew that this guy definitely found me different. After all, I didn’t do any disguise when I came here. It’s the dragon soul suit, and the armor of this level is an incredible level thing in this place, because the wizard robes from the wizards that I came along all the way were Ordinary Level. It can be said that the level of equipment in this place is like It's the same as a slum. Glenn great wizard has enough insight and eyesight, and he naturally recognizes the difference in my body, no wonder he hurried away all the guests in such a hurry.

At this time, the old witch realized that the other party knew what was special about me, so she quickly explained: "Glenn great wizard, I actually..."

Glenn great wizard Directly reached out to stop the old witch’s explanation, and then said aloud: "No need to explain, the Magic Festival welcomes foreign friends, as long as he is not here to make trouble."

"Of course not, I just liked it. Some things I want to get, so I take the liberty to appear here. If I don’t want to exchange things, I will not bring other things to exchange magic coins. After all, you also know that your magic coins will be out of here. It’s used."

Glenn’s great wizard nodded said: "I don’t care what you want. As long as you follow the rules of the Magic Festival, you are our welcome guest. Then, talk about what you want to use. Exchange magic coins? The outsider’s things must be very special, just so I can see and see."

"I can’t talk about knowledge, just some ordinary things." I didn’t take out the skeleton, but Just took out a silver skull.

Glenn, the great wizard, got excited immediately after seeing the silver skull I put on the counter. He leaned forward quickly, then carefully observed the skeleton in front of him, and finally couldn't help but touched the surface of the skeleton and tried a few flicks with his fingers, then suddenly turned around and moved it from a counter behind him. Come here. Putting the jar on the counter, Glenn the great wizard suddenly looked up towards me and asked: "May I do some tests first? If it is damaged, I will compensate it according to my appraisal value."

This sounds obviously wrong, because if he says that the skeleton is worthless, wouldn't he need to lose it? But because Glenn’s great wizard’s performance and the old witch’s guarantee made me feel that Glenn’s great wizard is still a guy with a good reputation, so I nodded and agreed. Of course, the more important reason is that the silver skeleton is nothing to me. What's the matter, even if he deliberately lowered the price afterwards, it didn't hurt me much. On the contrary, it proved Glenn's great wizard's credibility and untrustworthy.

Seeing my nodded, Glenn the great wizard immediately opened the jar he brought, grabbed half of the white powder from it, and poured it from the skull’s eye socket into the skull’s head. After pouring the powder, Glenn the great wizard immediately took out a short crystal stick from the counter under him and tapped it on the skull's head. Only a bang was heard, just like the sound of a wind chime, but not It's not the kind of crisp sound with very high frequency, but rather thick, and the sound is endless when it rang, and it took more than ten seconds to completely disappear.

"Very good. The hardness is hundreds of times stronger than that of the white skeleton. If it is used to make a skeleton guard, it can definitely kill thousands of white skeleton guards."

" How much do you think the price should be set?" the old witch asked anxiously.

"No hurry, I have to test other attributes."

Glenn’s great wizard immediately took back the previous equipment after finishing talking, and then took the one from the back He took a crystal from the shelf and walked to our side. Then he put the crystal on the skull’s forehead in front of us and began to chant the curse. I quickly pulled the witch next to him back and made the old witch. Thought something happened.

Following the incantation of Glenn’s great wizard, a circle of bright white aperture suddenly burst out from the skeleton body, and then the diffused aperture suddenly began to retract in the reverse direction, and finally just listened to the bang and was pressed on The purple crystal on the skull's forehead burst into crystal powder in the sky, and a group of white flames burst into the skull's eyes, then the flame quickly darkened, and finally turned into purple and returned to the skull's head.

"Sit up." Glenn the great wizard let go and said to the skeleton.

The skeleton's movements were very clean and neat, and he sat up from the counter directly without any sluggishness.

Glenn great wizard said excitedly: "Sure enough, it can be controlled by voice, but I don't know how far it can understand the voice commands."

"Just try it." I Said aloud.

Glenn was great wizard nodded, and then suddenly said to the skeleton: "Go to the back and get a plant leaf. It should be larger."

After the silver skeleton heard the order It didn't move as quickly as before, because this is not a direct physical command, and it requires a certain amount of thinking ability to understand. However, after hesitating for two seconds, the silver skull quickly jumped off the counter, then looked around, then ran to the back of the shelf over there, went around and ran out, and then stood in Glenn. The front of the great wizard doesn't move.

Obviously, the silver skeleton has a certain amount of intelligence, but it cannot be compared with humans. Glenn's great wizard said to get the plant leaves behind, but there was no indication of what was behind it. Normal people will definitely understand according to the entire order, because the plant leaves needed are obviously not in the room, so this back should refer to the back of the house, that is, the outside of the house. However, Silver Skull could not understand the concatenation of the front and back. He didn't know how to think divergently. He could only look for the back of something based on the literal meaning. As a result, he thought he went to the back of the shelf. Of course, he didn't find the blade, so he could only run back. Waiting for further orders. However, this is actually much more powerful than a skeleton. It should be understood that the bone skeleton not only needs to be controlled by a spell, but even after the advanced level, you can understand the language commands, and when you find that the command cannot be completed, it will stop there, instead of running back and waiting for further instructions. This is in terms of subjective initiative. It's an order of magnitude.

For such a silver skeleton Glenn great wizard is so excited to jump up. They are all pitiful wizards in this magic festival, and they are not very mixed. There are not many skeletons, let alone silver ones. Today I suddenly got such a skeleton, Glenn Great Wizard was already excited and didn't know what to say.

"Well, how much do you guys plan to sell for this skeleton?" Glenn the great wizard looked at me expectantly after the test.

I said with a smile: "You are an expert, and I believe in your reputation, as long as you feel reasonable, the price is up to you." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome Come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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