"You don’t think we’ve worked so hard to scare you away, do you?" Seeing Zeus who was bounced back by the protective cover of the duel space, I ridiculed said with a smile.

Although Zeus was jumped by what was in front of him, the power of the main Divine Grade didn’t make him flustered. He just turned to face me after a little thought and said, “Very good, this is You forced me. Since you won't let me live, I won't let you live better."

For Zeus, I directly taunted: "You want to use the Olympus Divine in your body. Is the divine force core of Race to deal with us? We already knew that. Otherwise, why do you think we use so many people to surround you? Wouldn't you think that your strength is worth using so many people? Let's deal with you together?"

My words are definitely more shocking to Zeus than any previous sentence. The reason why he had no fear before was because he knew that he had hidden the divine force core of the Olympus Divine Race in his stomach. He thought he could rely on this divine force core to turn defeat into victory. We didn’t expect that we knew the existence of this thing a long time ago, and Obviously some tactical adjustments have been made to this. In other words, we will only start when we have done the calculations and are sure to kill him. No matter whether our calculations are accurate or not, at least it has caused considerable psychological pressure on Zeus.

Zeus looked at us with a surprised expression for a while, and then suddenly reacted as if he was mad at us angrily roared: "Even if you know what? The power of the divine force is you Can you understand? Tell you, you underestimated the divine force core of Olympus Divine Race."

"We underestimated the divine force core, or you overestimated it. A divine force core, you and I don’t count, I want to know who is right and who is wrong, and it’s clear after playing.” As I said, I waved my hand to the side and said, “Fighting formation, let’s go together and let this idiot. I know that our Frost Rose League is not easy to provoke."

I don’t know why this action of mine stimulated Zeus again. In short, after I called out the battle formation, that guy suddenly gave up his defense and rushed towards me. Come here. I think he is either because of the rebellion of the relatives and seeing that so many people under me feel unbalanced, or he intends to capture the thieves first. But, am I so easy to catch?

Zeus, who was about to rush to me, raised his hand and threw a thunder lightning. I waved it with one hand and banged thunder out like a fly, and followed the right hand forever. The eternal moment of liquefaction unfolded and turned into a heavy hook and sickle gun that was more than ten feet long, and then flicked his wrist horizontally, and the hook and sickle gun swept across with a whistling, forced Zeus to quickly brake and pull back. However, he did not intend to retreat. He grabbed the hook and scythe and rushed up, but as I approached, the hook and scythe quickly melted the ice in my hand and re-solidified into the form of the whip and sword.

Zeus has long known that my eternity can be transformed, so he didn’t respond much to the changes in my weapon back and forth, but he didn’t expect that after I turned eternity into a sword, Instead of attacking him with a sword, he suddenly threw the whip sword in his hand as a flying knife.

Looking at the flying eternal sword and the terrifying sound of breaking through the air, Zeus knew that this weapon must carry a huge amount of kinetic energy, so he just turned his head and flashed over, but down In a second, he complexion changed, because just when the sword flew past his ear, he suddenly felt a different wave of magic power from the sword. But unfortunately, his reaction was a little slower. Just as Zeus turned his head, the sword that had just flown past him suddenly flashed in the air and became like me, followed by a whirling kick in the middle of Zeus. His back kicked him two steps forward, and almost jumped to the ground.

Zeus, who had just stabilized his figure, immediately turned around and tried to attack me, but he just turned around and felt someone approaching behind him. In desperation, he could only turn back to block the attack. In the end, he didn't turn around. T expect is that the attacker is actually me.

Two Avatars are exactly the same, no matter whether it is magic fluctuation, smell, appearance, or even soul, there is no difference. Zeus can't figure out which is true and which is false, and it doesn't make any sense to figure out this now, because both me obviously have attack power, and the attack power should be the same.

Although I don’t know what abilities I used, Zeus didn’t intend to be defeated. Following him, he slammed the light ball over the ground.

There was no sound. The light ball exploded like fireworks immediately after hitting the ground, but there was no explosion, and there was even no magical fluctuation. However, as this circle of things exploded, we found that there was a significant change in Zeus.

The image of Zeus now is about forty years old, looks like a muscular middle-aged brawny man, and he still wears a beard, and his beard is as white as his hair. Of course, this white is not the kind of gray, but a very pure white, which looks very energetic and does not feel old. However, as the fireworks exploded just now, there was a sudden change in Zeus in the field. A large ball of light composed of countless golden light spots suddenly appeared beside Zeus, and then began to slowly rotate around Zeus, and with the rotation of this light ball, Zeus's appearance was constantly changing.

The original white hair of Zeus was gradually turning yellow, and finally began to turn gold. His beard also completely violated the characteristics of natural growth and began to shrink back, and finally disappeared completely. In addition, the muscles on Zeus were already quite terrifying, but at this time, the muscles were shaking quickly as if they were alive. At the same time, as the muscles tremble, Zeus's body surface gradually appeared a faint layer. It's shiny, it looks like I've touched the olive oil all over my body. Of course, compared to these, the face of Zeus has changed the most. Although the original Zeus looks very strong, the traces of age on his face cannot be erased. Although he does not seem to be old at first glance, a closer look still reveals that he is about forty years old. It's just that the skin and flesh on Zeus's face are gradually regaining firmness. At first glance, it seems that human growth is developing backwards. An old man in his forties is moving towards a young man in his 20s at a speed that naked eye can see.

Although the entire process of change was not completed in an instant, it only took about ten seconds before and after. It’s not that we didn’t think about killing him when he didn’t change completely, but Vina stopped us because she could feel it. The golden rays of light surrounding Zeus were actually part of the core of divine force. Things are almost invincible before they are consumed. Instead of wasting power to attack that kind of thing, it's better to take the opportunity to take a break.

Ten seconds passed quickly. After that layer of golden light disappeared, Zeus in the field had completely turned into a twenty-year-old young man, although Zeus’s facial contour could still be seen, But the gap between before and after is really very big. The original uncle that had expired turned into a really handsome guy in the blink of an eye. This change is still big enough.

"Hey, are you going to betray your hue or do you want to be so young?" I looked at Zeus deliberately taunted. At this time, the best thing is to make Zeus crazy, it is best to make him crazy, so that we can easily start. An irrational enemy is better to deal with an irrational enemy than a calm enemy.

Although I was already trying to irritate him, Zeus seemed to have recovered his self-confidence after he became younger. He looked at us triumphantly and said: "If you have the ability, just go together. Although I dare not say that I can retreat, it is definitely not a problem to make you more than half of the casualties here. How about? Who wants to be the first to die?" /p>

pa pa pa pa ... There was a round of applause. Kristina suddenly said with a smile: "It's really impressive. The silly Zeus has actually learned to play with people. What do you mean by that? Frighten us? That's right. There are indeed a lot of people who only have one life here. Divine Race exists, but...do you know what the Formation is just blocking you?"

In fact, at first Zeus really didn’t know what it was, but he at least knew that the Formation was of very high grade. High, so when he heard Christina say that, he immediately became worried, but his worry was not strong. After all, Zeus, who had begun to absorb the core of divine force, had confident capital, so he was confident about any of our methods. They are not very worried.

Of course we all know that Zeus is now in a state of self-confidence, so we have to suppress his self-confidence. Confident people are difficult to defeat, and a careful enemy will inevitably not be able to exert all of his own battle strength. Therefore, if you want to make the battle easier in the future, it is very important to fight against Zeus's self-confidence.

Kristina continued under the motion of my eyes: "Well, you don’t know what it is that you are stupid. Then I will tell you that this is the arena system, but We have modified it a little bit and can be used in the wild."

Zeus is the Olympus Divine Race, or NPC, and NPC forces have no duel field this thing. Of course, it's not that you can't duel, but that the duel between them can't set the tears of casualties like the players. However, although he did not have it, Zeus knew the existence of this thing. Almost all player cities under the jurisdiction of Olympus Divine Race have this kind of duel system. After all, this thing is a common building for players. Almost cities with a slightly larger scale will inevitably build a battle arena, so Zeus also listens to it. Past this thing. However, although he knew the duel system, Zeus did not understand what we were proud of. That's right, the duel system used in the wild really closed his escape route, but we were also unable to get out, so it is not an exaggeration to say that Zeus felt that what he said before let us cut our staff by half.

However, Zeus was wondering, but Kristina had already begun to explain. "I know you must think that even if we can get the duel system into the wild, it will only block your chance of escape, and it will not help us in any way. But your speculation is because you can't solve the duel system. We use this duel. There is a loophole in the system, that is, people who did not participate in the duel can also be circled into the duel area, and you are circled by us. However, we are not circled in, but after using the system function to apply for a duel I just entered here."

Zeus obviously still didn't understand what Kristina meant, so there was no change in his expression. When Kristina saw the situation, she had to explain more thoroughly: "To put it simply, these talents here are duels, and we are not a group of each other, but multiple opponents, and we applied for The duel mode is a friendly discussion mode. The casualties are invalid. No matter what you are beaten, you will return to the state before the battle if you leave here."

Zeus hasn't turned the corner before, but I heard him here. It finally reacted. Although our group is a group in terms of position, we are divided into several hostile groups under the judgment of the arena system. But this kind of hostility is actually only the hostility recognized by the system, which means that there is an attack judgment between us, but we are our own people after all, and we came in to deal with Zeus, so we will not attack each other at all. Just be careful not to accidentally injure each other. . However, because we applied for non-destructive training, we will not cause any consequences no matter what kind of person we are beaten here, or even kill them directly. After being killed by our own people here, the opponent will not really die, but will be resurrected outside the arena in the state before the battle began. Of course, this function is invalid for Zeus, because he came in through the loopholes, not a participant recognized by the duel system, so if he kills our people in the duel space, then our people will really die. Will not be resurrected outside. But we have so many people here. As long as Zeus can’t do one strike certain kill, then we can rescue each other, and Zeus has also noticed that there are specialized medical auxiliary class personnel behind us, which makes it difficult for our people. die. Moreover, even if someone is unlucky enough to be forced to a dead end by Zeus so that others cannot be rescued, we and himself can also take another rescue method, that is-kill.

This is a non-injury study space, so as long as the damage caused by the combat personnel recognized by the system is cancelled after the personnel dies, the personnel will be resurrected in the foreign domain of the space area. Therefore, in the event of an extreme situation that is too late to save someone, we can zoom in and kill the person before Zeus, so that the opponent will die in the duel area and then be forcibly kicked out of the duel area, but he will not have it. Any damage. Even if we don’t have time to act, the blocked person can commit suicide by himself. Anyway, as long as we are not killed by Zeus, we die here, we are not dead, but we will be kicked out of the arena and lose the opportunity to continue fighting.

When thinking of the above situation, Zeus's good mood immediately turned from sunny to cloudy and began to transform into a thunderstorm. According to the situation Kristina told him, even if he becomes many times stronger, it will be very difficult for those who want to kill us. It is not that he can't beat us, but that he has no chance to kill. If our cooperation is smoother, there should be no mistakes in the middle, he will even be dragged into the wheel by us to fight alive.

In fact, these things that Zeus thought of were our plans, and what he didn't know was that in order to ensure the tacit cooperation with each other, we also let the military gods direct the battle on the spot. Because of the lack of information about the military gods, Zeus was still very frustrated after thinking about it for a while, but he was slightly relieved, because he suddenly thought that the sources of our people are a bit messy, and probably have not cooperated with each other, so he It is concluded that our cooperation will inevitably have big problems. Although Kristina’s method of rescue and rescue by killing is indeed very awkward, everything is based on a relatively tacit understanding of cooperation, and in Zeus’s view, we just can’t do this. .

"hmph, it sounds good. Do you think you can work together perfectly?" Zeus pointed to Hera and said, "You can ask her how many battles have she fought?" He pointed to Poseidon again: "Have your people cooperated with Hades people? And the Purple Moon, have your men and Hades fought together? I'm afraid this is your first time. Let’s fight together? With such a team, you still count on the perfect cooperation. Let’s dream."

"Who is dreaming depends on the result to know." I think Zeus has begun to feel a little emotionally unstable. After that, Dao Heart's tactics are almost used. Despite the psychological flaws, Zeus is the main god of the Divine Race after all. Experienced and knowledgeable are the basic qualities. It is not so simple to want to stumble upon such an existence. In fact, this is the cultural heritage of the Olympus Divine Race. In addition to Zeus's own psychological defects, we dare to do this. Apart from him, I think that among the most numbered Divine Races in the world, it is also the Olympian of the Nordic Divine Race. Ding might let us play this mind-attack tactics again, and the average master god should be absolutely immune to this kind of tricks.

As my voice fell, Zeus and our people knew that it was time to do it, and the command of the military god officially began. In the previous battle, the military god has not issued direct orders, but is observing. Just like Zeus said, almost all of us are fighting together for the first time. We have never cooperated with each other at all, so we don't know the roots of each other, and even the military gods don't know how to command. It's as if to command modern warfare you have to at least figure out what capabilities each weapon and unit has. Otherwise, let an ancient famous general come to command the modern military generation. Maybe he is very resourceful, but he does not understand the ability of the arms. If he puts the tank as a logistics vehicle behind, and then directs a group of infantry to rush into the tank group of others, then Isn't it courting death?

The commanding ability of the military god is definitely not worse than those ancient famous generals. The staff of the regular army that the military general brought in do not know how many military chess deductions have been played with the military god, and the result is every time I lose. It’s a mess, so the commanding ability of the military god is definitely okay. The key is to be familiar with the battle methods and abilities of those of us. Although I have given him some written information before, I don’t look at it with my own eyes, just look at that. Descriptive things will never be able to fully understand them.

It is only a supercomputer in itself, so a big advantage of Military God is its fast response speed. Although everyone didn't do much for a while, the military god had already seen something from it, so he started tentative command now.

I looked at Zeus, who was rushing over again, and wanted to rush up to try the strength of the other party, but the commanding order of the god of war suddenly sounded in the headset that I didn’t expect to contact Zeus. . Because the plan was made by me, these Divine Races are also the masters of proud and arrogant, so I must set an example. As soon as I hear the order, I don’t care what the military god wants to do, and I just stepped back. As a result, Zeus. Seeing that I was about to run, I speeded up and rushed up immediately, but to his surprise, although I ran, no one around came to intercept him, as if everyone was afraid of him. In fact, seeing me retreating, the surrounding Divine Races all wanted to come over and help intercept them, but they all received the same prompt as me, so after a little hesitation, they all retreated. The result was Zeus. Suddenly, his side became a vacuum zone.

Zeus was very happy at first, thinking that it scared us, but his good mood stayed for more than a second and he was completely finished.

Zeus, who is moving towards me at full speed, didn't expect that we would use this kind of weapon that shouldn't appear in this kind of battle, so he was very tragic-he stepped on thunder.

Boom. The sudden explosion shocked us all, because we didn’t know that there were mines in that place, and we saw Zeus being bombed directly into the sky, then chirp and stick it on the top of the isolation barrier, and then fall back to the ground in an embarrassing manner. , This landmine eight achievement is made by liquefied magic crystal steam, and it looks like this formidable power is not small in size.

Of course, although the explosive formidable power is very large, Zeus is originally the main god, and has used the power of the divine force core to forcefully activate its own power. Of course, it will not be dealt with by a single explosion. However, the tragic time of Zeus has completely begun.

The purpose of the explosion just now is not to hurt Zeus, but to give us confidence. Those Divine Races have never received such a command from a military god, so they don’t understand the benefits of such a command, and these gods are usually not someone who is easy to deal with. If they don’t let them see something practical Things, they won't really be obedient. However, this kind of command requires the cooperation of the commanded personnel. No matter how the general's order is correct, it is useless for the soldiers not to act according to the order. The military god wants to show our high level soldiers to see if his command is really effective, and then these people can be completely obedient.

Sure enough, with this explosion, the execution efficiency of the next command of the military god immediately became much higher.

Just when Zeus fell to the ground and was still a little dizzy, the peacock suddenly rushed up first. Of course, she did not act without authorization, but was commanded by the god of war. What surprised Peacock was that as soon as she charged ahead, she saw that there were several silhouettes around and rushed up with her.

In a generally speaking melee, even if it is a many-to-one battle, it is actually just a relatively quick switch of attackers. At the same time, there will not be a situation where many people are attacking one person at the same time. After all, there is such a small position around a person, and sometimes you have to worry about accidental injury, so you can't make full moves. It is best to form a continuous attack of several people, although only one or two people are really outputting damage per unit time. But because others have time to prepare in advance, everyone's moves have increased their hit rate, and the formidable power has also increased a lot. However, in any case, this kind of cooperation still cannot fully exert the battle strength of multiple people. We assume that a person’s battle strength is ten. When three people besie one person, the actual battle strength contrast should be 20 to 10 instead of 30 to 10, because those three people simply cannot exert all the battle strength. . In fact, the three people who can play the battle strength of 20 are all in a tacit understanding. In most cases, the number is only fifteen, or even twelve or thirteen.

The reason why the commanding effect of the military god is strong is that his instant command issuing ability allows several people to attack a target at the same time, which is like a concentrated fire attack in modern warfare, which can instantly increase the damage output speed.

When the peacock received the command to rush towards Zeus, he found that his right was the Star God in the Golden Ox seat, and the left was Poseidon, which is equivalent to three people charging together. If it is normal, the three of them cooperate and find that their companions are starting to charge. What the remaining two people should do is to wait. One side is ready to take over the attack, and on the other hand, it is to prevent the companion from going up to rescue if there is a problem. But at this time, none of the three people stopped, because the military god was repeatedly admonishing them to ignore the other two companions and treat them as if they didn't exist.

Although I think such an order is very strange, the three people still rushed up at the same time, and Zeus on the opposite side was a little dumbfounded, because he was not used to this kind of three people coming forward to fight together. Case. What's more uncomfortable for them than Peacocks is that he has no command, so he feels even more unsure.

The speed of Divine Race is very fast. The three people arrived in front of Zeus almost in the blink of an eye, but they received different orders in the end, so they called the three people to do different actions. The peacock in the sprint stopped suddenly, and then began to prepare for the big move. To be honest, she was really surprised at the time, because in the past, when attacking the enemy, you had to prepare for the big move to hide away. After all, the big move has a large attack range, usually you don’t need to get too close, and the big move has a long preparation time and magical power. The fluctuation is obvious and it is very easy to be interrupted. If you stay away, you can release it safely. If you get closer, as long as the enemy is not stupid, he will first attack the person preparing the big move to organize the opponent's attack to complete. However, now the military god’s command is going the other way around, and the peacock rushes to Zeus to prepare for the ultimate move, and the peacock only takes a moment to understand it.

The peacock is not stupid. As soon as he listened to the command of the military god, he immediately understood why the three of them would rush forward at the same time. Obviously, Poseidon and Golden Ox’s task is to cover her and enlarge her moves, and rely on this. Near, as long as Zeus is entangled, he must bear this big move in full. After all, although the big move is not close, the bayonet-like approaching attack on this cannon can definitely cause several times the damage. If you want to kill her in peacetime, the Peacock wouldn't dare to play this extreme attack method, but the military god is good at it.

Watching the three people rushing up, Zeus was completely confused. He didn't know which one to intercept. According to the usual concept, the enemy did not dare to play like this, because it would be accidentally injured, but now that the other party has played it out, he still has to deal with it. At the last moment, Zeus still didn't know how to counterattack, so he could only give up the attack, gritted his teeth, stepped back and raised the scepter in his hand to prepare to block the attack. However, in the next second he found a huge black figure covering himself. Looking up, it turned out that it was Golden Ox. This guy actually jumped up. At a height of more than two meters, plus the wide body of the door, Zeus felt a bear flying towards him in an instant, and then in the next second he Golden Ox grasped the scepter, and then the heads of the two people slammed into each other. Zeus felt like he was full of Venus at the sound of the sound, but he hadn't waited for him to come back to his senses on his waist. There was another pain, and it was obvious that I was hurt.

The pain caused Zeus to wake up from the dizziness in an instant. First he raised his leg and kicked Poseidon, who was about to pull Trident out of him, but the opponent suddenly let go. The Sea Emperor Trident is of great significance to Poseidon, and it is fine if she doesn't use it. Once she holds the Sea Emperor Trident in her hands, normally she will never give up Trident until the moment of crisis. However, today Poseidon was uncharacteristically, and he let go just to avoid this foot.

Although I don’t know what medicine is sold in Poseidon’s bottle gourd, I don’t have much time for it now. Zeus stepped into the air and immediately grabbed the Golden Ox who knocked him over. As a result, he just turned his attention and before raising his hand, he suddenly felt a strong force coming from his hand, and Golden Ox was caught by a chain. The wrist, and then a dozen Star Gods pulled together and was easily dragged out, and by the way, he ran away with his scepter.

Fighting for a lifetime, this is the first time that Zeus has encountered such a rogue style of play. Golden Ox rushed over not to fight with him. A fat cow came up and threw him down in the sky, then Poseidon’s sneak attack inserted him a Trident, and then eleven Star Gods pulled Golden Ox away together, and robbed him by the way. His scepter, is this a group of Divine Race fighting or a group of gangsters fighting?

In fact, not only Zeus, Poseidon and the Twelve Star Gods, including the Divine Race that did not participate in the battle, also have this idea, but compared to Zeus, they are all vested interests. Zeus, who was originally invincible, was stabbed three holes in a single face, and his weapons were gone. This result made the Divine Races selectively ignore the fact that their tactics were relatively rogue. Anyway, here are my own people, and the only enemy, Zeus, is still destined to die, so I am not afraid of being known. This group of Divine Race maintains their own image just to better deceive the believers to find Power of Faith and to facilitate the establishment of prestige and control their subordinates, so they are actually more hooligans than hooligans without worrying about leaking these secrets.

Just after Zeus was depressed to find that the scepter had been robbed, he suddenly felt a breath of danger, so he turned his attention back to the front, and he saw that he was dragging a huge The peacock with colorful balls is looking at him and smiling. Zeus instantly felt the terrifying formidable power contained in the ball of light. If Zeus is usually caught, he will lose his battle strength even if he does not die. Even if the divine force core directly provides Power of Faith support, this move is definitely not fun for him.

Contrary to Zeus’s mood, the peacock is very happy now. Even she would take more than two seconds to prepare such a big move. Fight against her high level Divine Race at this level. Two seconds are enough to kill ten times, but because Poseidon and Golden Ox messed up, Zeus didn't have the time to stop her. As a result, she stood less than two seconds away from Zeus. A divine light ball of this size gathered in the area of ​​meters. The peacock holding the ball of light saw Zeus's attention turn around, and immediately lost the ball of light in his face without hesitation.

This kind of big move is supposed to be the same as a nuclear weapon, throw it down in an approximate range, and then rely on the range strike to capture and damage the target. As a result, today this kind of big move was thrown directly on Zeus's face by the peacock. This is the same as nuclear weapons instead of falling near the target, but directly on the target's head. Can this destructive power be the same? Anyway, Zeus was directly hit by the ball of light at the time, and then the whole person and the ball of light appeared on the edge of the isolation area as if teleporting, and then the ball of light was pushed on the protective barrier and a big explosion occurred. The flashes and loud noises, even across several hundred meters, made several Divine Race embarrassingly supporting the protective magic, which shows how tragedy Zeus, who has no light ball directly on his face, should be.

"If you don't have this move, you'll get rid of it, right?" Golden Ox asked stupidly, holding the snatched scepter.

The other Divine Races are not as rough as his nerves, and they all put on a fighting posture and got on guard. Aries saw Golden Ox standing there stupidly, and immediately reminded him: "Be careful, you will definitely be one of the priority targets when Zeus comes out."

Aries’ analysis is correct, because otherwise Golden Ox swooped and knocked him down. Zeus was impossible to get him, but even if he did it again, Zeus would still be unable to escape. In terms of other abilities, Golden Ox may be flawed, but he completely crushes most Divine Races in frontal collisions. Even Zeus, who is temporarily strengthened by burning the divine force core, still suffers at this point. However, even if he was thrown down, the strength of Zeus is still undeniable, because under this kind of frontal collision after Golden Ox's approach, Zeus was just thrown down and did not fly out, which already explains the problem. If ordinary people can't fly out because of Golden Ox's flutter, they should slide back far away. How could they just fall down?

Anyway, Zeus suffered a big loss this time. Three consecutive times, Golden Ox caused almost no damage. Poseidon’s blood injury was normal, but the last one was really not light. After all, the peacock But for a fierce person who can give birth to the Tathagata, he has already made a profit without killing him in a single blow.

Just as everyone on our side was careful when Zeus on the other side suddenly rushed out, the flame of the explosion gradua

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