"The last thread of all items is recorded uniformly, and then classified according to value. We can open two-to-eight items with stock prices, and you two and eight. You can pick one item that cannot be valued. Then we pick three, you pick one more, we pick three more, and so on, until there are none."

"Impossible." Hera is obviously more difficult to deal with than I thought. , And it’s not the kind of person who has no opinion. Hearing what I said, he immediately shouted: "What you think is beautiful. After the battle, we also contribute. Although it is not the main force, it is very important. In the end, you pointed us to 20%. , This is too unreasonable, right?"

I stretched out a finger and said: "First, we can still get the Olympus Divine Race without you, and you can't get anything without us. "Looking at Hera frowned, I kept extending a second finger and said: "Second. The main battle force is us, and the loss must be greater on our side, and our investment is more. Just like When doing business in a partnership, you need to remove the cost of input first, and the remaining talents should be distributed as profits. Our guild’s war investment should be compensated, and the remaining talents should be divided, so we should take more. No. Third, this time the main thing is that you are assisting us in completing the plan, rather than us assisting you. As a helper, it is not bad to get some rewards. Proportional distribution is already quite an exaggeration. If you don’t think this Reasonable, it’s too black-hearted. Fourth, we..."

"Okay." Hera interrupted my narration and said: "I admit that your investment is greater, but my Your subordinates will play a very important role in this plan. With our assistance, you will definitely get more than those without our assistance, so even if it is five or five points, you will earn it. And I The request is not so exaggerated. We can get four or six points. I will take four and you will take six."

"Sorry, your idea is too extreme. Although what you say is facts, things can’t Think of it this way. We are the main executors of the task, and you are just assisting. Although cooperation can indeed produce double or even more returns, the final distribution must be divided according to the contributions of both parties, not us Therefore, you can score as much as you get more. Your calculation method itself is already a robber logic. If you plan to cooperate with us with this kind of thinking, then sorry, we would rather not cooperate."

< p>I originally thought Hera would curb a bit when he heard what I said, after all, I have already said quite heavy. But what surprised me was that instead of compromising what I said, Hera said rather angrily, "President Purple Moon, I heard that you are a fair collaborator, but now it seems that the rumors are not. To be true, I did not see your fairness. As a Divine Race, the role we can play in this battle is definitely beyond your imagination, even saying that we can play an equal role with you. Even if we ask Splitting the spoils of war equally is reasonable, but you can't even accept the proposal of four or six points. I really don't know what to say. Do you really think it is better to not need our cooperation?"

I looked at Hera in a little astonishment, completely wondering how she came up with such thoughts. I admit that I am really stingy and I like to scrape the land, but the price I offered this time is definitely not bad for them at all. It's not that I suddenly changed sex, but that I have other considerations in it.

First of all, the division plan for the Olympus Divine Race is actually a sure thing. One of the three divisions of the Olympus Divine Race was split by us last time. This time we got the exact support of the Poseidon family, which means that the Olympus Divine Race is actually only left. It's just one series. Of course, the Heavenly God system is actually much larger than the Poseidon and Poseidon systems. After all, Zeus is the Divine King of the Olympus Divine Race. The Heavenly God system is like the Central Army to him, while the Poseidon and Poseidon systems The Underworld is the local army. The Central Army must be stronger than the local troops, so the Heavenly God system itself is the largest one, and its scale is basically High Level than the sum of the Sea God system and the Underworld God system.

However, even the power of the first half of the Olympus Divine Race that the Heavenly God system can top, it’s useless, because the Poseidon and the Poseidon are on our side, plus Heavenly God is not a whole. Let’s not talk about whether Hera will help here at all. Even if we are out of talk, she will help Zeus, it is nothing more than to let the Heavenly God Department unite a little bit, and even this can’t say how much battle strength can be improved. After all, since Hera has already planned to replace Zeus, how strong can this kind of unity be even if she is allowed to cooperate with Zeus temporarily? Besides, Aphrodite was not sleeping during this time. She came to the Olympus Divine Race for so long. Even if the Divine Races that she pulled over were not all sincere, but some of them are always there, right? Coupled with the fencers who are trying to wait and see for a while before making a decision, it is a question of how many diehards are left in this Heavenly God department.

So, Olympus Divine Race simply is not our opponent. Not to mention that this time our guild brought all the high-end martial power over. Even if we don’t come forward, it’s just the counterattack of the Poseidon and Poseidon, plus the original chaos and order Divine Race members like Vina, theoretically. It has already surpassed the battle strength of Zeus. Of course, if this is the case, even if it wins, it can only be a tragic victory, but now we have the high-end martial power of our guilds, plus my own suppression of Divine Race, this This time we have said that there is almost no probability of failure in our battle. For us, the only thing we have to worry about in this battle is whether the final loss will be too great. Victory is no longer a problem to worry about.

In this case, Hera’s help is actually an icing on the cake. Of course it’s better to have it, and it’s nothing at worst. We don’t care at all. Based on my personality and the judgment that Rose may make, if other factors are not taken into account, this time Hera and their assistance, we should not actually assign spoils of war to them. For such dispensable help, we can completely treat them as mercenaries. The final spoils of war are ours alone, as long as we give them some employment fees. That definitely doesn't even use a tenth of a percent gain, but now we have given a 20% benefit, which has actually exceeded the share they won.

The reason why we give so much is not that we are stupid, nor that we are afraid of Hera, but because of other considerations. However, according to what Hera meant, she seemed to be quite angry, which made us quite puzzled.

"Well, Hera Goddess, I really don't know what you are angry about? Don't you still think we don't give enough?" I'm really a bit angry now, and taking advantage is not so much! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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