Volume 20, Chapter 216, Divine Race Catcher

Poor Apollo was completely crushed after being close by my pet beat. Yeyue’s blood-sucking effect of the pupil of blood is completely unstoppable, unless your overall strength is much higher than Yeyue, otherwise you will inevitably continue to lose blood, so Apollo can't avoid this blood-sucking effect anyway. As for the king's side, it would be even worse.

Apollo is very strong because of his strong ability. To put it bluntly, it means that he has excellent physical fitness. The powerful body of Divine Race coupled with super skills and powerful divine force, coupled with a Divine Item equipment, as long as his fighting skills are not bad, it is a very strong existence in the eyes of Biren. However, because of my Godslayer attribute, Apollo's divine force and physical fitness can't exert any formidable power in front of the king, but it seems to be seriously ill. As for the equipment, this is undeniable, otherwise Apollo would have been the king. Hacked to death. The final close combat ability... This king defeated Apollo.

Although Apollo’s fighting ability is not too bad, he is a Divine Race after all. He is too lazy to deal with ordinary people. The rare few shots mostly rely on divine force to crush the opponent, even if it is It doesn’t take much close combat against other Divine Race forces. It’s mainly skill pairing. Therefore, Apollo’s fighting ability has hardly been tested in actual combat. He can have the current strength because he is harder, yes. Forcibly trained fighting skills.

Unfortunately, training is training after all. It's a different matter to fight desperately on the battlefield. If one hundred thousand ordinary persons are thrown into the battlefield and let them survive and eliminate themselves on their own, then a few months later when one hundred thousand people die, and then call out this person, he can definitely kill any country’s people easily. Any special soldier who has not really been on the battlefield. Even if the training of special forces is more scientific and the methods are more reasonable, it will not change the fact that they have never killed people on the battlefield. Compared with this person who crawled out of the dead pile, the two are not at the same level.

The king is a hero. His body is the souls of the warriors who died on the battlefield. It can be said that these souls exist for battle, and their aggregates are naturally good at various types. Fighting. It can be said that for the king, fighting is his instinct, just like breathing. It is an innate ability and a will engraved in the deepest part of the soul. As such an existence, the king's fighting ability can be said to stabilize all fighting units. It can be said that as long as there is not much difference in the basic attributes, the king in close combat is basically invincible.

Apollo’s left and right side blocked the king’s continuous attacks. On the other side, I was receiving Xiaochun’s treatment. I was fighting with Apollo just now, although I succeeded in limiting Apollo’s Attack output, but the opponent is Divine Race after all. Even if I force the opponent to play all the battle strength with this kind of close scuffle, the damage output will not be really low.

Although I was beaten very badly, Xiaochun helped to treat me, and soon I recovered the peak state, but I did not rejoin the battle against Apollo, but left Ling and Xiaochun. Let the two of them assist the king and Ye Yue to deal with Apollo together. With the four of them, even if Apollo can't be dealt with, it will definitely be fine to hold him.

Don't worry about Apollo, of course I went directly to Athena.

Athena, who was just blocked by the Star Gods, did not expect me to come from behind. Now it is not she who is chasing the torch, but she is surrounded by us.

The Star God over there realized that the situation had changed as soon as I rushed to the scene, and quickly dispersed and formed a circle with me, trapping Athena in it. Athena knew that being surrounded was no good result, so she wanted to start running while the encirclement was not fully formed, but it was a pity that she saw a black leopard the size of a small calf in front of her when she was a little moved. This black leopard looks very sturdy, and you may even think it is a Saber-Toothed Tiger if you don't pay attention. Of course, he is actually neither a tiger nor a leopard, but an Imperial Family Legion beast.

When the big cat first appeared, Athena didn't take it seriously. After all, it was just a black leopard with saber teeth. No matter how strong it is, it cannot cause any actual damage to a Divine Race. Of course, these all are what Athena thinks, and the fact is that the big cat can not only hurt her, but also threaten her very much, because the big cat is not a creature of the lower realm at all, but a kind of high level devil beast in the High God realm.

It can be classified as a certain dangerous species in the High God realm. When it comes to the lower realm, it is basically the existence of Disaster Grade, and the characteristics of the Legion beast determine that the big cat is almost impossible to kill. According to the attribute introduction, the avatar of the big cat has the ability to become the body at any time. As long as you have an Avatar that has not been killed, then when the other Avatars are all dead, the Avatar will immediately become the body, which means that the characteristics of the big cat are It seems to be a large group of bacteria. As long as one bacteria is not dead, it is useless to kill the others, because it will multiply so much later and simply can't kill it.

Athena initially regarded the big cat as an ordinary creature, but as she approached there, the big cat suddenly leaned over and made a warning posture. At the same time, a cloud of black light around him shone. There are a large group of identical saber-toothed panthers, but in fact these all are Avatars of big cats.

"humph." Seeing that the road here is blocked by a big cat, Athena can only be coldly snorted. Although she doesn't care about the Avatar of the big cat, she knows that she will never rush out until the encirclement is completed, so She simply gave up her plan to break through here and wanted to wait and see the changes. After all, it is not a good idea to directly engage in the current situation.

"Master Goddess, did we meet again? Speaking of which is this the first time? Are you sure you are the god of war, wisdom, and cities, not the god of cockroaches? How do I feel about your fate Harder than a cockroach?"

So many times in confrontation, Athena has realized that arguing with me is usually more humiliated, so even if I hate gnash the teeth, she still said a word Did not say, just stared at me with murderous eyes. Of course I didn't take her seriously.

"Hey hey hey, what are you doing while staring at me like this? You won't learn the pupil technique like my demon pet, have you?"

I'm so angry The smoking Athena couldn't hold back in the end, she suddenly roared and pointed at me and shouted: "I'm fighting with you!" Then she really rushed over.

"It's now." As I shouted, Athena immediately realized that she might have been caught, but it was obviously too late to react at this time. The running Athena suddenly felt something stepped on under her feet. The texture was obviously different from the surrounding ground, but before she could make any response, the surrounding ground was suddenly lifted up, with a thin layer. The soil cracked, and the huge metal magic array with complex and beautiful mysterious patterns hidden beneath it suddenly rose from the ground. The color of these metal magic arrays is similar to the aesthetics of the Olympus Divine Race, which is exactly the basic color of golden. It looks like a shiny gold mirror with shiny wax, while the lines on the magic array are It is continuously changing between various colors, but all of this is not the point. The point is that the magic array is instantly decomposed after it rises, and then re-folded and spliced ​​in the air like a deformed Vajra and finally formed a Something with a very weird shape.

The golden magic array rising from the ground finally formed into a rather huge object. At its bottom is a circular base with a diameter of more than three meters and a thickness of half a foot. On this pedestal stood a rather thick ring. The diameter of the ring is at least more than five meters, and it is equipped with four robotic arms extending into the ring. The tips of the four robotic arms are four fixing devices. This kind of fixing device does not look like a fixator, but more like the armor of the forearm and the calf part, but now these four devices are stuck on Athena’s arms and legs, and use four The combined force of the device suspended Athena from the center of the ring.

Of course, Athena will not cooperate with the fixation of the holder, so she has been struggling, but the problem is that the four robotic arms are not fixed connections, but movable robotic arms. They will follow Athena. They keep moving to ensure that they will not really be stronger than Athena. However, although they are not stronger than Athena, they always move within a certain range. The result is that Athena does not care. No matter how struggling, the body is always fixed in the center of the ring, it can be said that there is no point of borrowing at all. Although her limbs are connected to the fixtures on the front of the robotic arms, it looks like they can borrow force, but in fact, those robotic arms will actively let in force according to Athena's movement, always ensuring that Athena can't exert strength.

Now Athena feels like she has fallen into the swamp. No matter how strong you are, it will not be useful at all, because there is no place to borrow.

Looking at Athena who was struggling endlessly there, I couldn't help but walk up to her and watch her said with a smile: "How is it? Are you convinced now? Goddess is the prisoner?"< /p>

"hmph, you despicable guy, you used this thing to trick me. If you have the ability, let me down and let us fight the real thing again."

"Please, everyone is old It’s not too small. Don’t make such naive jokes, okay? People will think that my IQ has dropped!" I deliberately said with a rather distressed look: "How can this thing be mean? This is my devil. The ability of pets, and I am a trainer, is there any problem with fighting with pets?"

"This is the ability of your pets?" Athena obviously didn't expect this thing. It will be the ability of my familiar, because the information she knows does not contain any information about this ability. In addition, this thing looks like a mechanical body. Because of the mobile angels in our guild before, Athens Na thought this was also a trap created by our guild for Divine Race.

In fact, the idea of ​​this thing was really thought of by the technical department of our guild, but the problem is that there is no supercomputer in the game, and there is no pressure sensor, so this thing cannot be made. This thing looks simple, but it is actually very complicated. If you want the person in it to be unable to break free, you cannot let him have the opportunity to take advantage of it. Therefore, the four mechanical arms must ensure super high reaction speed, how does the other party move, and those mechanical arms. The arms must move immediately, and the joint force of the four mechanical arms must always be maintained at the value that lifts Athena's weight upwards. All of this requires high-speed computers to process, and high-speed machinery to cooperate, but unfortunately we don't have these, so this thing can't be made at all.

"What kind of magic familiar is your ability? Do you still have a mechanical familiar?" (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote Recommended tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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