Volume 20, Chapter 214, Olympus Flame

After Apollo shouted here, Athena over there revealed Some embarrassed look, but she probably understood the current situation, so in the end she clenched the teeth and pushed back the Star Gods who were close to her, and then thrust the golden sword in her hand into the ground, flipping her hand and hung it from her left arm. A short stick about a foot long was pulled out from the inside of his shield.

Before we can figure out what this stick is, we saw Athena directly holding the two ends of the stick with both hands and twisting it, and the two ends of the thing popped out with a chuckle. Things, but the things sticking out on both sides are different. One end of the stick protruded, about six to seven inches long, and the front end was relatively thin, but it did not look like a weapon because it was not sharp. What popped out at the other end was a spherical object, about the size of an ice cream ball. After the thing popped out, it stretched out and turned into a blooming Golden Lotus flower, which looked very beautiful.

After this thing appeared, the Star God here immediately all backed out nervously, and then the situation that was changed by me would return to the state before the war. Now the seven Star Gods here, including Golden Ox, retreated to my side, and Apollo and Athena also stood together over there.

"What's the situation now?" I asked when looking at the Star God who was facing the enemy: "What is in her hand? Why does it look like a torch?"

"It's the torch!" Scorpio Scorpio said: "That is the Olympus torch, which can be used to ignite the Olympus flame."

Although I really want to say , I see people lighting the torch every time in the Olympic Games, but after thinking about it, I still didn’t say that the Olympus torch in the game will definitely not have the same meaning as the torch in reality. The Olympus torch in reality represents peace. But even if it does not represent war or punishment, it is definitely not a good thing.

Sure enough, Sgur Beyonce finished talking, and Golden Ox Thors next to him added: "Be careful, the Olympus flame is a fire that never goes out. Just touch it The last point has to be burned out."

"How is it similar to the Hell Flame?"

"no no no." Cancer's Kansel immediately shook her head and said:" Hellfire is only a great threat to the soul, and its impact on matter is not so exaggerated, but the Olympus flame burns everything, and it can never be extinguished except when it is naturally extinguished."

"I can never put it out? Wouldn't it be so perverted?" I asked with some worry.

"Anyway, it has not been extinguished so far." Kansel affirmed.

When our Star Gods explained the characteristics of the Olympus flame to me, Athena had already held the torch in her hand, but no flames appeared at this time. After I looked towards the Scorpio next to me in doubt, the other party immediately understood what I meant and explained: "The Olympus torch will not ignite all the time. You need to blow against the torch when it is activated, but it is blowing. There will be a long jet of flames on the other side, so it’s best not to get too close."

"Is this a long-range attack?"

"It’s not far, either. It's only seven or eight meters at most."

"That's a mid-range attack."

"It's better than Long Yan, right?"

"That's what I said." I nodded helplessly. According to the formidable power of the Olympus flame described by these few, if the thing can really spray tens of meters like Long Yan, it will be invincible. Anyway, I am definitely afraid to rely on it.

The Libra Star God who has not spoken, Lebrador suddenly asked: "What shall we do now? Can't we keep watching like this?"

"Otherwise, what do you want? Do? Charge up? Or you charge first, we follow you." Scorpio's Scorpio said.

Seeing that they have a tendency to quarrel, I quickly interrupted them and asked: "Do you think Phoenix is ​​afraid of the sacred flame?"

"no no no, don't Send your Phoenix out.” Sgur Beyonce quickly grabbed me and said, “The Olympus Divine Race flame is the fire of law. Its attribute is not burning, but nothingness, so even Phoenix can’t do it. Immune, you will be burned out if you go in!"

"Isn't that there is no solution?"

"So it cannot be extinguished!"

"Hey, over there." At this moment, the opposite Athena suddenly shouted at us. "Science is here. Now that you already know the formidable power of the Olympus flame, just go ahead. This time we confirm that impossible defeats you, but you can't defeat us, so everyone takes a step back. We Each of you gathered your own personnel, then removed the barrier, and everyone left. Although we will definitely report to Zeus when we go back, you don’t have to worry about being blocked if you have time to run away, right?"

" I suggest you give up this idea." I said directly before the Star Gods responded: "If we remove the barrier, you only need to send someone to report immediately, and then continue to fight with us, even if we open the domain again. I can’t stop you from reporting the letter. When the time comes, you have the Olympus flame, but we don’t have any bargaining chips. Do you think we will believe you so foolishly?"

Just prepared The few Star Gods on the responding party blushed when they heard what I said, thinking that fortunately, they didn't say it, otherwise they would be really idiots.

The Athena over there heard me and asked immediately: "If my plan doesn't work, then you say a plan and I will listen, otherwise we will be so stalemate or everyone will fight either the fish dies or the net splits?"

"I didn't think of the plan or something." I deliberately dragged the long tone to buy time, and then suddenly said, "But I have one for special equipment." I said. Suddenly he took out a mushroom bomb.

As soon as I saw this thing, Athena immediately laughed, and then said: "Do you think we will be fooled by this thing once?"

I laughed amidst the laughter, and then I stopped laughing until the other person stopped laughing and said, "Yes, you are really going to be fooled again." I just said that. Throwing the mushroom bomb towards the opposite side, and at the same time activated the loudspeaker array and shouted: "All Star God forces pay attention to closing the magic sensor!"

While I shouted, the opposite Athena I also activated a similar skill and gave the same command to my own people. As for how many people can follow the prompts to close the induction, this can only depend on luck. However, just after Athena and the others closed their magical senses, the mushroom bomb flew to the top of their heads before it suddenly exploded. However, the imaginary energy shock wave did not appear, instead a large amount of black liquid was sprayed from the mushroom bomb.

Because they had a trick last time, both Athena and Apollo knew how powerful this thing was. Of course, they were killed this time and didn't dare to touch it with magical induction. For this reason, they have no idea that this is not a mushroom bomb at all. Of course, the outer shell is that shell, but the inside is empty. This is a decoy bomb that I used to make Fenglong urgently transform in the Fenglong space when I was talking.

The outside of this thing is a shell removed from the mushroom bomb, which contains a small time bomb and a small bottle of water. Yes, it is the kind of black liquid from the sea of ​​silence, known as the source of negative energy. This thing can react with all the positive energies we use such as magic, divine force, immortal strength, thought power, life force, and if the reaction effect of water and positive energy is the same as the annihilation effect of antimatter and positive matter, it is definitely startling. The formidable power of heaven and earth, ghosts and gods weeping. Of course, because this is energy, it is an energy shock wave instead of an air shock wave, so the damage to the entity is still acceptable, but the formidable power is still not to be underestimated.

Athena on the opposite side, they didn’t expect Ruoshui. If they had activated the magic sensor before, they would know that it was fake by just a little bit of induction, but unfortunately because of the mushroom bomb. It’s formidable power, so they didn’t dare to sense what was inside this thing. After all, the feeling of riding a roller coaster for three days and three nights really made people want to die, so Athena and Apollo didn’t detect it. The other Saints around are fighting, and they don't even have time to care about what we are doing here. After all, strictly speaking here is the high level Divine Race to the War Zone, which is not what they should care about.

Because it was completely unprepared, when the black water spurted out, Athena and Apollo didn’t react, they were thrown over by Ruo Shui, and then...Boom...world A piece of snow, the entire battlefield, or the whole of Greece, suddenly entered a state of overexposure, it felt like a super flash bomb exploded over the whole of Greece.

The white light didn't just flash once, but it didn't go out after it turned on, and I also moved when the white light turned on.

Although my helmet has eye protection crystals with the function of sunglasses, it is the same with and without under this intensity of light. The surroundings are completely white and I can’t see anything, so I just exploded. He closed his eyes in an instant, and then rushed out with the last memory engraved in his head.

At this time, all the surroundings are in a state of energy overload, so we simply can’t use any magical induction or other abilities, otherwise you will have a feeling of reaching into the fire to ensure that it is hot. You can withdraw your hand. So, at this moment, no matter what sensory ability you have, you will become a complete blind. Nothing except touch can take effect here. Even hearing and smell will change due to some special interactions. Anyway, you are impossible. With sound wave positioning, it is impossible to call out to inform others.

In order not to reveal my intentions, I did not notify other people at all before acting. The Star Gods standing next to me are of course in the white light. Of course, they have not been attacked, so they are only temporarily out of sight. But I must use this time to complete some things, so that the bomb can play its due role.

Ruoshui is very difficult to deal with, but I still don’t think that Ruoshui can get two high level Divine Races. If they are thrown into the sea of ​​silence, of course they can drown. These two bastards, but just relying on that small bottle of water is definitely not enough.

Just after everyone was completely blinded by the senses, I suddenly leaned over and passed between the two Star Gods in front, and then rushed to the location where Athena was just now at an unimaginable speed. It was nearby, and threw out a large number of ghost worms that had been caught in his hands a long time ago. As the ghost worms flew away, I immediately felt that several of them had lost contact with me, which meant that they were dead. According to the last information of those ghost worms, I suddenly reached out and grabbed a stick with extreme accuracy, and then released a mobile angel to stuff it into his hand, and then continued forward. Something seemed to be stepped on under my feet, so I immediately pressed down with one hand, and the result seemed to be a very hot thing, and there was huge resistance coming from it at the same time.

Regardless of the resistance, I suddenly increased my strength to press the resistance to the ground, and then I lowered my head and hit something with a hammer. Because I was wearing a helmet, it didn’t feel obvious, but I was certain that I didn’t hit the ground, but someone hit someone. Then I took the opportunity of the other party’s pain and let go and moved my left hand and fumbled and grabbed the other’s neck. Then the claw on the other right hand popped out, covering the claw on the claw for an eternal moment, and then swiped a claw at the guy's neck.

Just before my claws swept the target, the surrounding white light suddenly went out, so the scene in the field immediately remained in everyone's sight. Because three to five seconds have passed by this time, many people have recovered from blindness caused by the initial glare. After all, they are all Divine Races, impossible to be blinded for a long time after being flashed, so everyone closed their eyes after the initial flash, and when the rays of light disappeared, everyone opened their eyes when they felt that the outer eyelids were no longer bright. As a result, everyone immediately regained their eyesight, but the position of the previous personnel has changed.

When I was with the Star Gods, I actually rushed to the opposite side, and I was riding on Apollo, with my left hand pinching the opponent’s neck, the right hand claw was swinging down, and Athena It is less than two meters away in front of our left. In addition, behind us, a mobile angel was standing there with a torch in his hand, and everyone recognized that it was the torch of the Olympus flame.

The scene has changed a lot, and everyone was a little stunned. Only Apollo reacted the fastest. After all, my claws had already been swung down, and it would be dead if I slowed down. Besides, he knew he had been attacked when he was hit by a head mallet before, so he knew he had been attacked, so he was somewhat more psychologically prepared than others.

Because of these psychological preparations, this guy reacted much faster than others. Seeing that my claws were about to hit his neck, and the ground was behind him, I couldn't hide back anymore. In desperation, Apollo jerked upwards, arching me up with his belly. Because the body was raised, the original swing route was wrong. My blade claw swept across Apollo’s throat with a millimetre difference, and even the longest blade claw brought out a thin line of blood in his throat, but it was a pity that it cut open the epidermis. There is no danger. Of course, even this scared Apollo to death. Except for the previous punishment by the Mother of the Earth, this is the most feared time in Apollo's life. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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