Although our plan is to make Banshee Frozen fight with these three fifth-generation mobile angels to promote the powerful battle strength of the fifth-generation mobile angels, the Frozen Banshee himself does not Knowing this, and even if she knows it, it is impossible to give up resistance, because even if she knows the plan, she still needs information, so she has to fight, at most, she will keep it secret.

Three attacks tried three mobile angels' defense methods, but the ice-bound Banshee was obviously not satisfied with this, so she started the Imperial court and threw a two-headed metal seal with the head of the heavy mobile angel. Cover, but in the middle is a cylindrical object with a transparent crystal tube. Almost everyone in our guild knows this thing, because this is the Russian liquefied magic crystal steam bomb, a small size, easy to use, safe storage, and formidable power huge super liquefied magic crystal steam bomb. In addition to the low output caused by its high manufacturing costs, this thing is almost a perfect weapon. The reason why it is perfect is that the energy released when the liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb explodes is the impact of magic energy, rather than the shock wave released by ordinary explosives. If it is an ordinary shock wave, it is completely ineffective for some Spirit Physique type creatures. The physical immunity of those guys determines that the bomb is a threat to them, but the liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb is different. The moment this thing explodes, it will generate a large number of magic shock waves. Its characteristics are similar to electromagnetic pulses. It has a strong deterrent to all Spirit Physiques, entities and constructs, so this thing is almost a perfect level weapon.

As the mobile angels produced by our guild, the liquefied magic crystal steam bomb will of course be entered into their memory, so it almost threw the liquefied magic crystal steam bomb in the ice-bound Banshee At the same time, the three mobile angels have confirmed that it is a liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb, and have already made a judgment.

The super-heavy mobile angel standing at the front of the triangle suddenly took a step forward, and then reached out and caught the liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb, and because the force control was perfect, there was no Detonate that bomb. Of course, this thing has a timing function besides collision detonation. After being thrown out, it usually explodes ten seconds later, so even if it catches it, it is useless. However, in the next second, the mobile angel did something that caused Banshee to almost dislocate his jaw. I saw that he actually opened his big metal mouth and swallowed the liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb in one mouthful, and then...then there was no more. The bomb that was swallowed neither exploded nor had any other reaction. Anyway, nothing happened. It felt as if the mobile angel had only swallowed a small cookie.

After staring at the super-heavy mobile angel dumbfounded for half a minute, the ice-bound Banshee finally recovered his thinking ability. It's not that she has poor acceptance, but that the result is too scary. She knows the formidable power of the liquefied magic crystal steam bomb. If this thing explodes, even if the mobile angel is made of solid steel, it will definitely be blown up all split up and in pieces, and now It's so calm and I didn't even listen to the sound, which is obviously the result of the bomb not exploding. But the liquefied magic crystal steam bomb is not a hand grenade. The design principle of this thing determines that there is no dud bomb. Then, if the case of duds is ruled out, then there is only one explanation-the other party has a device to suppress the explosion of the liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb.

The liquefied magic crystal steam suppressor is actually nothing new. In fact, before the Russians’ liquefied magic crystal steam technology was not fully mature, the liquefied magic crystal steam reaction suppressor had a theory. Supported. It's just that the actual manufacturing of this thing began to appear after the large-scale appearance of the liquefied magic crystal steam weapon. Basically, this suppressor uses the magic crystal resonance principle to make the liquefied magic crystal steam use its own energy to restrain its own energy and stabilize it.

Originally, this technology was originally developed to ensure safety during production and transportation. The final product did meet the design requirements, but it was a little unexpected that the effect of this thing was very good. , Can actually affect the reaction of the liquefied magic crystal steam on a large scale, thus becoming a device for invalidating the liquefied magic crystal steam weapon. If it weren’t for the production difficulty of this neutralization device is several levels higher than the preparation of liquefied magic crystal steam, plus the high cost and narrow use, this thing will definitely make the liquefied magic crystal steam weapon withdraw directly before it starts to become popular. Historical stage.

However, now the frozen Banshee actually saw this thing on a mobile angel in our guild. What is this concept? Does this mean that our Frost Rose Alliance has the ability to mass-produce liquefied magic crystal steam neutralization devices? And looking at the size of this super-heavy mobile angel, this neutralization device is definitely the smallest one ever, because the smallest device made by the Russians before is the size of two train skins.

Seeing this result that made her unable to think, Frozen Banshee was completely shocked now. Before, I only heard that our guild’s technical force is very strong, but she has never taken it seriously because their guild’s technology is not weak, but now she is a little bit scared, because our technology has clearly surpassed them. The level of technology is improved, and they threw away a lot.

Frozen Banshee's worries are of course not superfluous, but it is not as exaggerated as she thought. This is actually a means of intimidation by us, not what she thought. Our guild's technology is indeed better than her Banshee House, but it is not insurmountable. The reason why she is afraid is that she is scaring herself.

The super-heavy mobile angel has no liquefied magic crystal vapor suppressor in its body. We do have that thing, and it is indeed much smaller than the Banshee House, but its volume is by no means small. The point where it is stuffed into the body of the mobile angel. Besides, even if we can shrink it to the size of a sesame, we can put it into the body of the mobile angel. Don’t forget, our guild’s mobile day uses liquefied magic crystal steam as its power. You install a liquefied magic crystal steam reaction suppressor in the mobile angel. What about the energy of the mobile angel? If the enemy uses a suppressor, we can also use a jamming resistance device to fight, but if there is this thing in the mobile angel, then we are completely lost. Therefore, the mobile angel impossible is equipped with a liquefied magic crystal vapor suppressor, even if it is reduced in size, it is impossible, unless the thing has a directional model in the future that will not interfere with its operation.

Actually, Banshee thought it was a device for liquefying the magic crystal vapor suppressor. Its real name should be called an active battlefield energy supplement. This is a multifunctional energy absorption device. Its main working principle is to directly suck out any liquefied magic crystal steam weapons on the battlefield or the liquefied magic crystal steam storage tanks of other mobile angels that have been damaged. Then add it to your own liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank. To put it simply, this thing is a pump, of course, it also comes with a fully automatic can opener and explosion-proof stability equipment. The reason that the liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb did not explode was not because it was suppressed, but because the liquefied magic crystal vapor inside was drained before the detonator detonated. The explosive power of the detonator itself is very small. Of course, the detonation without the liquefied magic crystal steam will not have any effect on the mobile angel.

Although Frozen Banshee obviously misunderstood something, this is exactly what we need.

The ice-bound Banshee who just threw a liquefied magic crystal steam bomb has now known that the liquefied magic crystal steam bomb has no effect on the mobile angel in front of her, so she started to use other brains again. What made her didn't expect was that the mobile angel in front of her did not keep still like it, but suddenly moved.

The first thing that moved was the super-heavy maneuver angel. Because of his height, this guy’s legs were actually very long, but because it was thicker, it didn’t look like it seemed. However, although naked eye doesn’t feel long, the length is there after all, so this guy runs fast and can span more than two meters in one step. If calculated by his stride frequency, this guy’s running speed is estimated. No less than two hundred kilometers each hour, so it is impossible to get rid of this guy in speed.

If you know you can't get rid of it, you can only fight melee. The crystal sword in Banshee's good hand was going to experiment with some close-fitting methods. According to inertial thinking, the flexibility of this type of heavy unit is usually not very good, coupled with its height and arm length, the attack range is quite large, so keeping a distance does not really guarantee that it will not be attacked, on the contrary it will be safer to paste it. However, although I think so, it is not so easy to actually do it.

Seeing that the overweight mobile angel rushed up, the ice-bound Banshee also rushed towards him. When the distance between the two is more than three meters, the super-heavy mobile angel slams a punch. Although the distance is quite far, but with the relative speed of the two and the arm length of this guy, this fist division It's totally possible to hit.

I tried this guy’s defense before, and seeing such a big head, the ice-bound Banshee naturally knew that he couldn’t hold the opponent’s fist, so she suddenly ran to the ground and took a look at her. He slid under the opponent's fist all the way to the opponent's crotch, and then jumped up with a quick turn to attack the crotch of the super-heavy mobile angel. Although there is no male weakness this thing for construct creatures, the current angle is really only suitable for attacking this position. However, before the ice-bound Banshee's attack began, the super-heavy mobile angel stomped on the ground and stopped the forward momentum, followed by a sudden lift with the other leg and hit the ice with its knee joint. Seal Banshee.

Seeing the sudden enlargement of the legs, the frozen female demon spirit shrank alive, and then kicked her legs on the opponent’s thigh, and the whole person immediately ejected from the opponent’s body like a mermaid. Out, then landed with both hands to support the body with two consecutive backhands and stretched a distance.

The first contact surprised Banshee Frozen. Although it was only a brief contact just now, the reaction speed and flexibility of this super-heavy mobile angel exceeded her expectations, whether it was sudden The power to stop forward, or the reaction speed of raising the leg afterwards, was not like the reaction that this super-heavy mobile angel could make, but they did it.

"It seems that you are more difficult to deal with than you think." The ice-bound Banshee said to the super-heavy mobile angel in front of him. Of course, the other party would not answer her, or could not answer in words. Because he has started again and rushed up.

Different from the previous charge, this time the super-heavy maneuvering angel directly bent over and made a preparation for the start of a sprinter, and then I heard a sudden message from behind him. Gradually increasing rumbling sound.

Frozen Banshee is very sure that he has definitely heard this kind of sound. This special rumbling sound with sharp noise is very similar to the sound of an airplane engine, and in the game, only our guild has mastered this This kind of jet thruster technology, so the ice-bound Banshee almost immediately thought that it was a mobile angel's thruster. However, while she was still there, surprised that such a big guy actually had a jet thruster installed, the super-heavy mobile angel in front of her had already started to activate.

With a sudden increase in jet sound, the mobile angel suddenly started, and then dragged a long tail flame in a special way that the body and the ground are only at an angle of more than 30 degrees. When she rushed, the speed was almost like a phantom, and she rushed in front of her almost in the blink of an eye, crossing the distance of more than ten meters between the two.

Frozen Banshee, who had no time to react, could only use his crystal sword to block in front of him and try to avoid it to ensure that the damage was minimized. After all, it is an expert who can fight against me in a special environment. The basic attributes of the ice-bound Banshee are still good, especially the response. At the moment of the first shot of the Qianjun, she still avoided the slap that the super-heavy mobile angel slapped, but what made her didn't expect is that even if the slap was already out of the way, she was still stunned. The powerful whirlwind blew out, and the whole person turned a few times in the air before falling to the ground, and because she kept spinning while in the air, she almost fell to the ground without grasping the balance after landing.

Here, before the ice-bound Banshee can fully stabilize his body, the super-heavy mobile angel rushed to her again and slapped her head. Look at that guy's big slap, if it gets hit, it's not just a slap in the face, maybe the whole head will fly out. So Frozen Banshee made an emergency dodge, that is, fell backward, lying on the ground. The slap swept across in front of her with a violent wind, and the strong air flow made her face hurt, but fortunately, she didn't blow her whole body away this time. However, just as her back touched the ground, the super-heavy mobile angel had adjusted the inertia generated by the over-swing and suddenly raised her fist and bent over and slammed it down at her.

Seeing the sudden drop of fists, Frozen Banshee hurriedly rolled out to the side, but she had only just rolled out two laps when she heard a muffled noise coming from the side, her whole body It was also bounced up off the ground violently, and after that, a pile of splashing sand and dirt smashed the whole body with a crackling noise.

Frozen Banshee has long known that the power of this super-heavy mobile angel must be incredible. Frozen Banshee has seen many mobile angels in our guild before, and has fought against some of them, so she knows that mobile angels are powerful. However, even if she knew that the power of the mobile angel was great, she had made a little estimate of the power of this super-heavy mobile angel, but she still found that she too underestimated the power of the guy in front of her. When the punch hit the ground just now, she had already rolled out for a certain distance, but she was actually bounced off by the ground's counter-shock force. How much power can this be done?

Although he was surprised, Banshee Frozen knew that this was not the time to hesitate. Enduring the pain of being hit by the debris on his body, Bingfeng Banshee turned over and jumped up from the ground. She had no intention of attacking the super-heavy mobile angel in front of her now. She already knows the situation very well. The super-heavy mobile angel in front of him is simply not an existence that players can deal with independently. This thing is completely a small bunker. What he needs to deal with is a siege weapon rather than a weapon against the player in the hands of the player. The weapons in the players' hands are designed to deal with the flesh and armor, not used to chop the city wall, so using the crystal sword in her hand to deal with the super-heavy mobile angel in front of her is simply doing useless work. What she needs now is to dodge and induce the opponent to constantly attack, in order to calculate the opponent's reaction speed, power output and even endurance. Of course, the last item is basically just an idea. Judging from the performance of the previous models of mobile angels, the ice-bound Banshee does not feel that it consumes energy to the point that it is exhausted, because in the previous battlefield, usually all Mobile angels can fight from the beginning to the end of the war. I have never heard that anyone can use up the energy of these guys, unless the energy is already used by the bits and pieces when the mobile angel goes into battle.

Enduring the pain and avoiding the splashing gravel, the ice-bound Banshee took advantage of the poor impact of the gravel and jumped directly over her head. Then, when she wanted to stretch away and adjust her physical condition, she topped her head. A mechanical roar suddenly sounded. This sound was not a normal engine sound, it sounded like the engine sound of an illegally modified motorcycle, and just now this sound seemed to be a malicious slamming of the accelerator pedal to provoke others.

Although the mobile angel is a construct creature, the construct creature is a magical mobile device. It does not use an internal combustion engine, so there will be no such loud noise. Even though the power system used by this super-heavy mobile angel is quite special, the sound before it is very normal, obviously this kind of sound should not appear. After Frozen Banshee suddenly eliminated the noise of the mobile angel itself, immediately thought of the two giant swords behind that guy.

She has already turned forward a few times after turning out from the feet of this super-heavy mobile angel, so the distance has actually been extended a lot, although it may not be the length of the opponent’s arms. Range, but it should not be far away. However, the mobile angel certainly cannot guarantee a hit at this distance, so the most likely thing he can do is to find a way to extend the attack range or move forward to make her re-enter his attack range. If it is moving, with the weight of this super-heavy mobile angel, his steps are impossible and light. In fact, the ice-bound Banshee had discovered before. Although this guy is fast and has a flexible footwork, this The guy's weight is there after all, so every step of this super-heavy mobile angel is like an earthquake after moving, and it is very easy to be spotted. However, the ice-bound Banshee just didn't hear the sound of the opponent's steps, so this super-heavy mobile angel has not moved, but has tried to extend the attack range.

The easiest way to extend the attack range is to find a long weapon, and this guy is carrying two super ultimate weapons that are definitely long weapons. In fact, what Frozen Banshee doesn't know is that the two weapons on the back of this super-heavy mobile angel are simply not weapons against people, which means that the thing is not used to hack people. This thing is actually called the Ship Sword, and most of you can guess its purpose when you hear this name. Although it is not necessarily used to hack a battleship, this thing does have the ability to destroy a battleship or city wall. To put it bluntly, this thing is basically the same as a siege hammer, regardless of speed, the damage is absolutely scary, and the city wall can cut a gap for you.

Banshee's face turned white when he thought of the weapon frozen. Although she was quite white at first, she was now completely pale, and a fine cold sweat came out of her forehead, because she had already thought of what the sound that seemed to be made by a motorcycle engine was just now. That is simply the sound made by the engine of the giant sword. Don't forget that the thing is not an ordinary real sword, but a chain saw sword, it is a sword-shaped chainsaw in plain terms. Of course, this thing is powered, and if this thing is not equipped with the same driving equipment as the mobile angel, but uses an internal combustion engine, then it is not surprising that it made the sound just now.

I want to understand what kind of weapon is attacking me, Banshee Frozen did not dare to hesitate anymore, hurriedly moved to the side of a side roll, and when she turned out, she saw a door panel. The black shadow of slammed into the position where she had just stayed, and covered a few meters in a straight line in front of it. If she had just reacted a little bit more slowly, or if she hadn't moved to the side but moved forward, this time she had already become two symmetrical pieces...No, it should have become a pile of fleshy. The width of that kind of weapon hits a person, there is no problem that it cannot be cut, and it is directly broken.

Frozen Banshee, who turned over to avoid successfully, did not dare to continue to be in a daze. The continuous violent blows made Banshee realize that the fighting rhythm of this super-heavy mobile angel is very fast, starting from the opponent's hands. There was almost no pause in the middle. This guy was completely oppressive, and he didn't give his opponent any time to counterattack at all. Not to mention being weaker than him, even if it is stronger than him, as long as it is not too strong, it will be rushed because of this oppressive blow and completely unable to exert its normal strength.

Because of Banshee’s foresight, she finally managed to escape from the attack range of this super-heavy mobile angel, but the other thing to her is the super-heavy mobile angel after she left. But suddenly gave up the attack on her, turned and returned to the position where she was standing before, and then turned back and stood there still. Had it not been for there were many battle traces left on the field, Frozen Banshee would almost think that the previous battles were all his own illusions. However, when Frozen Banshee was in a daze, she suddenly discovered a problem, that is, there were only two mobile angels standing opposite.

A total of three mobile angels fought with her before, except for the super-heavy mobile angel and the remote support type who is standing behind him at this time, the high-mobility mobile angel But it's gone.

Just as Frozen Banshee was surprised to find the location of the highly mobile mobile angel, she suddenly felt a thrust from neither too big nor too small behind her, and followed her. He leaped forward involuntarily, if he didn't react enough to stagger two steps quickly, I guess he would kiss the ground directly. However, even if he stopped in time, the ice-bound Banshee was still scared. Imagine that if the other party didn't stretch out his hand to push her, but used a sharp weapon to poke at any position behind her, then the result would definitely be another situation.

Frozen Banshee, who was frightened into a cold sweat, turned around immediately after stabilizing his figure, only to see a clearing and dust still in the air. This dust means that something has just ran past here, because the dust is not dust, and it falls fast, if it weren't for what had just happened, it was still floating in the sky. However, seeing the dust did not find anything else, especially the high-mobility mobile angel, which made Banshee Frozen even more terrified.

I don’t know who said it first. The thing that humans fear the most is the unknown. Therefore, compared to the super-heavy mobile angel that can actually see and attack just now, this shape The ghost-like high-mobility mobile angels are the ones that are truly terrifying. Even though her appearance is not only not ugly at all, but rather pretty, but when she enters a fighting state, the speed that is so terrifying that she can't capture with naked eye is really scary.

In fact, players do not have this kind of speed, but it is done by magical abilities such as teleportation, but mobile angels obviously do not have this ability, and the dust on the ground and The traces also show that the opponent just ran over with his legs. In other words, the speed of this guy is fast enough that human naked eye can't catch it. This short-term explosive force is really scary. If she wants to attack a target, the opponent may be killed before even drawing the sword.

When the frozen Banshee was looking for the highly mobile mobile angel in horror, a gust of wind blew around, and then the frozen Banshee, who was turning around, suddenly felt that he was being once again behind his back. Pushed, and because this time was more sudden than last time, and the opponent used more force, so this time the ice-bound Banshee directly planted forward, and finally he stabilized his figure by supporting the ground with his hands. . However, even if she didn't fall, she was frightened this time.

Banshee had originally thought that this was the scariest result, but the highly mobile maneuvering angel soon let her know that her fear was far from reaching the limit, because, just in After she was pushed down for the second time, she was pushed again.

Frozen Banshee hurriedly turned his head after being pushed for the third time, only to see a cloud of smoke going away. Banshee was originally very happy because she thought she had captured the silhouette of the place, but in the next second she felt a chill spreading from the bottom of her feet, because the smoke suddenly stopped running. Come down and then completely disappeared.

The smoke and dust suddenly disappeared while moving forward. What does this mean? The first situation is that the target suddenly stops, so the smoke is no longer raised, so it seems that the moving dust phenomenon suddenly stops. However, if the other party stopped, then she should have seen the high-mobility mobile angel now. However, there is nothing in that area now.

Dust can only be caused by the passing of physical objects. That is to say, the position that Banshee saw before the ice-bound Banshee should be where the opponent appeared, but now that the dust disappears, then the opponent should be there. , But Frozen Banshee didn't see anything. There are only two explanations for this phenomenon. First, the other party is still in place, but she has invisibility, so even if she stops, she still can't see. But this couldn't explain why the opponent didn't use the invisibility ability to approach him before pushing, but used that unimaginable speed to go around in circles.

Second explanation, that is, the other party actually has the ability to teleport, and it suddenly teleports away while running, and then the dust naturally stops, and the target can’t be seen, because they are not there anymore. . However, this explanation does not seem to make sense. Let’s not mention how rare the instant teleportation skills can be activated suddenly without preparation time. Even if we master such a skill and apply it to mobile angels that are not ordinary creatures, what is the situation of teleportation while moving? What about it?

So far, all teleportation skills in "Zero" require the target to be still at the moment of teleportation. This should be stipulated. Although this moment of stillness may be short, it will never completely exist. And the only thing that can be transmitted on the move is the Transmission Formation equipped on the battleship and our mobile fortress Isengard. However, the reason why Transmission Formation can complete the transmission when the large vehicle installed on it moves is because Transmission Formation itself corresponds to one after another. Throughout the transmission process, the sender and receiver of Transmission Formation have been in a magical connection state, which is like pulling a rope between two points. Although there may still be transmission errors due to someone unable to grasp the "rope" on the way, as long as you can always follow the rope, you will not lose your way, so for Transmission Formation, transmission on the move is possible. However, the player's teleportation skills cannot complete this teleportation.

If the high-mobility mobile angel just stopped to complete the teleportation, even if the time is short, it should not even be able to catch the silhouette of the opponent with the eyes, so if the opponent uses the teleport ability Disappeared, then she must have not stopped. What does this show? This shows that the other party has mastered the ability to enter the transmission state instantaneously, and does not need to pause at all. Of course, the ability of the Transmission Gate class can indeed accomplish the effect of moving transmission, because the gate needs to be crossed. However, although Transmission Gate allows you to pass through in motion, the problem is that you need to stop to release the Transmission Gate. In other words, pause time is still needed. Moreover, there should be some phenomena in the Transmission Gate itself, such as a crack or a door frame, which will never appear and disappear silently.

No matter what the situation is, the ice-bound Banshee feels that he is not the opponent of the high-mobility mobile angel at all. Compared with the first super-heavy mobile angel, this high-mobility mobile angel is completely A perverted existence. In front of the super-heavy mobile angel, Banshee was unable to defeat him, but at least he was able to dodge and deal with it, but the high-mobility mobile angel in front of her was completely playing with her. The way the other party only pushed her on her back every time was simply an insult and trampled on her dignity unscrupulously.

Frozen Banshee, who is about to erupt with fear and anger at the same time, is trying to accumulate his anger, didn’t expect abruptly, but suddenly heard a somewhat cold but not unpleasant female voice behind him He said: "Why won't it move?"

This sound directly defeated the anger that Banshee had accumulated with great difficulty, and now she was left with this feeling of fear. The other party's voice indicated that she was only less than 20 centimeters away from the ice-bound Banshee's back, and that this distance was enough to do a lot of things. Of course, the other party only said a word in the end, but the result was that Bingfeng Banshee instantly felt cold in his hands and feet. As a Russian player from Extreme-Cold Land, Banshee Frozen has never known what cold is, but now she knows, and she is sure that she does not like the feeling of cold.

"Ah..." People usually have two extreme reactions after being scared to the extreme. One is to pass out. This is an ancient instinctive reaction, which should be understood as an act of pretending to be dead to deceive predators. The other kind of reaction is to explode. It will suddenly become brave and crazy, which will burst out terrifying battle strength. as the saying goes The rabbit bites when it is pressed, that is to say, the rabbit will also break out.

The ice-bound Banshee obviously belonged to the latter kind of reaction. After she screamed suddenly, she turned around and slashed past with a sword, but... there was nothing. There was nothing behind her, no one, no smoke and dust, as if nothing had ever existed there. But in Banshee's cognition, this is obviously impossible, because the sound just now appears out of thin air.

In fact, the frozen Banshee has fallen into a cognitive misunderstanding again, because although the sound is impossible to appear out of thin air, it does not necessarily need to be emitted by the excited angel. What just made the sound was actually a small flying device. This thing is a kind of auxiliary detection equipment for that high-mobility mobile angel, which can act alone for a period of time without the main body. Like the main body, this kind of small thing can also fly, and the speed is extremely fast, and because of its small size, it is difficult to find. In addition, this thing has its own speakers, so it is also very good to scare people. In fact, installing speakers for this thing is specifi

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