"Damn it, what's the matter?"

There was chaos on the spaceship that caused people to fall back on their backs. Because there was no sign of the impact, many people didn’t respond. Flew out. Fortunately, the speed of the spaceship was not fast. After the impact at the speed of 15 kilometers, it only dropped a little bit, but the people on the ship felt that the impact just now seemed quite serious.

"Who saw the impact point?" The captain who got up from the window stretched out his head anxiously and shouted into the bridge.

The operators who just got up all shook their heads, obviously everyone is not very clear what happened. However, although the personnel inside the bridge did not know what was happening, the observers scattered around the hull found the problem.

Because of the large size of our spaceship, it is impossible to observe nearby objects at the bridge position. After all, the hull is too high. If something approaches the spaceship, it will be covered by the deck. To cope with voyages in narrow areas, Noreen and the others also designed many observation points on the periphery of the spaceship. When we arrive at the steel city, all these observation points will be equipped with magic eyes, so that real-time images of the various positions of the spaceship can be seen in the bridge, but because the new continent floating island does not have a ready-made magic eye system, Therefore, the spaceship has not been installed yet, and you need to wait until the steel city and weapons and ammunition are installed together. However, although these installation positions are not equipped with magic eyes, we have arranged crews in these positions to act as temporary observation posts, so now the situation around the spaceship will definitely be seen by observation posts.

Sure enough, the installation didn't take long, and a report was sent back from the observation post immediately.

"What the hell is going on?" The captain immediately asked when he saw the message from the front observation post.

"Report, spaceship seems to have been hooked to the steel cable just now."

"The steel cable? Where is the steel cable in this canyon?"

" I don’t know, but there are indeed a lot of criss-crossed steel cables that pull like spider web."

"Really...!" The captain thought for a while and still didn’t know what to swear, just The driver can turn his head first and say: "Turn off the main engine and switch to the parking state." The so-called parking state means that the propeller does not produce horizontal traction, and the solar furnace no longer produces upward buoyancy. In this state, the spaceship's levitation posture will be fully responsible for the gravity resistance device invented by the Germans, which can reduce energy consumption to the greatest extent and also have a stabilizing effect. After all, the gravity resistance device invented by the Iron Crusade After starting, it is almost the same as the time-space anchor. Unless you break the machine, you shouldn't expect to make it move when you are working hard.

After turning off the engine, the captain ran to the bow position with a large group of crew members, and he was actually relatively late. When he arrived here, Hong Yue and I were already standing there and the commander was cutting the steel cable, and beside us stood the person the captain wanted the last thing to see-Masaga Matsumoto.

"Chairman, what's going on here?" After the captain ran over, he completely treated Masaka Matsumoto as air, and told me directly, Quandang didn't see him.

Matsumoto also knew that the other party didn’t want to see him, so he didn’t take the initiative to talk to him. Instead, he turned his head and confessed a few words with Augustsuki Kaoru and the latter immediately went to direct his NPC to get busy. .

I saw Masaka Matsumoto and the others didn’t quarrel with the captain, so they didn’t say anything. They explained directly to the captain: “When we came over, we saw these steel cables entangled in the bow of the ship. Eighty percent of the steel cables have been forcibly torn off by the force of the spaceship. The holes on the cliffs on both sides are the cracks caused by the hooks fixed in the rocks being pulled out by brute force. It seems that we have just moved faster. Just click to break all these steel cables."

After listening to this, the captain asked in confusion: "But how come there are steel cables in the canyon in this place? And the number is unexpected. So much?"

Matsumoto, who has not spoken to him just now, suddenly opened the mouth and said: "Look at the traces on the steel cable, this thing should have been installed just these two days. And seeing this arrangement is definitely prepared for intercepting something, but we haven’t found out who installed it and what exactly is to be intercepted."

"In the past two days, it should be It's not specially prepared for us," the captain said.

Chi Fire Dragon Ji who stood aside said unwillingly: "Nonsense, you originally decided to go here temporarily, even if someone leaks the news, there is no time to pretend in such a short time. Let's talk about this thing. At first glance, it was not prepared to intercept our spaceship, otherwise this thin cable would not be used."

"What do you mean by that?" The captain's anger began to rise obviously.

Fire Dragon Ji just wanted to talk, I scolded one step ahead: "Pipe down for me, whoever is picking things up, I will let him guard the way of repaying the sun."

Returning the sun The road is the passage from Isinger to the 11th Yama Palace. Because that place is more important, there are two players and more than a dozen high level NPC guards at the door. However, because Huanyang Road is connected to Netherworld, there will always be Yin Qi leaking out there. Since Yin Qi can give people the illusion of coldness, staying there is almost colder than standing naked in the freezer. And because this cold is a kind of cold in the soul, it is useless to wear any clothes, even if the equipment is equipped with anti-Cold Attribute, it is useless, after all, it is simply not low temperature. It's the same in other places, but people tremble with cold as soon as they pass. For this reason, guarding the Huanyang Road has basically become the most unpopular job in our guild, so later we simply took the guarding of the Huanyang Road as a means of punishment, and we punished the students for cleaning. Like the toilet, it is a more mild punishment.

Chi Fire Dragon Hime and the captain are in Japan, and the other is always at sea. The time to return to Isengard is very small, but even so, they have all heard of the terrifying of Huanyang Road. Therefore, as soon as I heard that I wanted to punish them for keeping the path of repaying the sun, I dared not speak immediately.

Seeing that they are all quiet, I am satisfied nodded, and then said: "Well, the previous contradiction is in the past tense, you must pay attention to unity in the future. Especially you." I ordered. Point the captain and said: "I know that you are anti-yen old, but Masaka Matsumoto is now our own, and your mind can't always stay in the previous state, right? Besides, even if you and Masaka Matsumoto have enemies, Chi Fire Dragon Ji didn’t provoke you. People joined the Frost Rose League earlier than you. We were still fighting with Matsumoto Masaka. She was already a member of our guild. You can’t just follow them just because they’re a Yamato clan. Don’t deal with it? We’re hostile to Japanese aggression, not Japanese. You’d better figure out the priority."

"Sorry, President, I know it’s wrong, but when I think about it, I’m so confused about being bullied by Masaka Matsumoto’s fleet!"

"Okay, well, I also know that there is a reason for your thinking, but you have to control it with reason. My emotions. Now you go back to the bridge and command. Me and Masaka Matsumoto will get down the steel cables, and we will listen to my signal to start."

"Okay."< /p>

After the captain left, I ran to the bow with Akatsuki Kaoru and Masaga Matsumoto to start cleaning the wire rope. Originally, these steel cables were crossed and blocked in the canyon, but because they were pulled off a lot by the spaceship, many of them were entangled and knotted and hung on some protrusions on the spaceship. If you want to get these things safely Only a little bit to get rid of those lumps. However, Masaga Matsumoto and I have relatively powerful weapons, so we both cut the twisted rope with our swords directly. The so-called quick sword cuts through tangled hemp, it is really faster to use the cut than to solve it.

As the steel cables broke, spaceship finally broke away from the shackles. Masaga Matsumoto took the last steel cable and cut it with a sword, then threw it away and said to me: "President, it should be okay now."

I nodded and connected the bridge. Communications over there. "The bow has been cleaned up, try to see if it can move."

"Understood." After receiving the notification, the captain immediately said to the operator: "Switch to sailing mode. Single-engine micro-power forward, Pay attention to the speed control."

"Understand, the sailing mode switch is completed, the single engine is started with micro power, and the speeds 0, 1, 2, 2.1, 2.2 are stable."

After the shock, the stagnant spaceship finally moved again. However, as soon as it started up, I heard a sour rubbing sound. A lot of rocks on the side of the mountain were taken down by the hull, and the other side didn't seem to be very good either. Some places were forcibly scratched out by the hull. A few big ditches came. Obviously, the canyon is not as wide as stated in the data. It should be that the measurement location was not the narrowest place in the canyon, so the error occurred. Fortunately, it was almost the same. Although the hulls on both sides were rubbed with rocks, they could finally be squeezed through.

As the hull moved a little bit forward, the stone dust falling from shua~ shua~ shua~ on both sides of the mountain never stopped, and Matsumoto and I were worried. I'm afraid that spaceship will squeeze the entire mountain down. It’s not that we are afraid that the mountain will fall down and hit people, but that if the mountain is squeezed down, we will be completely exposed to the sight of the people around us. When the time comes, it’s not just a leak. The identity of Masaga Matsumoto will be exposed. However, fortunately, it didn't fall until the widest place on the spaceship squeezed through the narrow gap mountain peak, and as the widest place passed, the speed of the spaceship immediately began to increase significantly. Although the valley in front is not too wide, at least it is not as narrow as here.

At first, we thought it was a surprise pass, but who knew that when I was going to talk to Matsumoto Masakah, Matsumoto Masaka suddenly received the new Black Dragon meeting. Guild news from members.

"What's the matter? Something?" Although I couldn't hear the internal communication of the new Black Dragon club, I could see the expression of Masaka Matsumoto clearly, from his squeezed eyebrows. I can tell that it is definitely not good news.

Sure enough, after I asked, Masaga Matsumoto first confessed a few words to the other person, then turned his head and said to me: "My people just reported that a group of people have to go up the mountain, our people To stop them, the two sides fought. Now someone on the other side has broken through the blockade and is coming up the mountain!"

"I rely on, don't let him come up!" (To be continued. If you like this You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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