"Okay, please be quiet, I have two very important things to tell you now."

"Please tell me, let's listen." August Xun said aloud.

When the other side was quiet, I said, "First of all, the first thing is to trouble you to clear out a no-man’s land for us in Japan."

" No man’s land?" Masaga Matsumoto, who stood aside, asked doubtfully: "Does the no man’s land need to be battle or mission? How long will it take?"

"Neither. It’s us. The spaceship just created by the guild."

"spaceship?" I obviously heard the four people on the other side calling together. I guess they all understood the flying ship as a cosmic spaceship. But they also knew that that kind of thing was impossible in the game, so they quickly reacted. Masaga Matsumoto squeezed directly to the screen and asked: "You are talking about the kind of ship that can fly in the sky?"

I nodded and said: "Yes, just like an airship, but without airbags, yes. It’s really a spaceship that relies entirely on the power plant to fly."

Shen Yu Shen Hina asked on the side: "This thing should be hidden when it’s made. You must not let people see it when it’s not in use. Why are you running to us if it’s okay? If it’s discovered, confidentiality won’t exist."

"That’s why you are required to clean up the no-man’s land!" Hong Yue couldn't help but said, " You only need to help us build an unmanned passage in Japan. If we don’t stay, we just borrow the way."

Masaga Matsumoto asked me a little puzzled: "Since it’s a spaceship, the speed shouldn’t be slow, right? Isn’t it better to bypass the Japanese archipelago? Why do you have to cross it?"

"Do you think I want to? Not that bunch of technicians. I don’t care about everything except technical research. I just want to fly out. I ran out of energy during the performance test two days before I got up. Now our energy is only direct enough. If you don’t get to Isinger, you will have to fall into the sea halfway."

"Isn’t it? It's really accurate enough." Chi Fire Dragon Ji said on the side: "Otherwise, we will send someone to send you some magic crystal. It's easier than going directly across Japan, right?"

< p>"It’s useless. This thing consumes a lot of energy, and it can’t be done with just one or two magic crystals. Otherwise, I’ll fly back to Isengard to get it. In fact, you don’t need to worry too much. Our guild’s battleship is also equipped with a mirage system. You only need to make sure that you can see the spaceship as little as possible. If you can’t handle it, we will use the mirage system to pretend. The power consumption of spaceship is much less than that."

Think about it, Masaka Matsumoto immediately agreed to our plan with the fleet of the Black Dragon Club. After all, he has personally experienced the power of the Mirage system. Although that thing is quite crude compared with Invisibility Technique, as long as it is not too close, or carefully observed, it is really difficult for ordinary people to notice. It's like if a large piece of sky blue drawing board flies from the sky, even if the thing is only a dozen meters above the ground, it is estimated that under normal circumstances, few people will notice the thing, after all, the colors are too close. Our mirage system is also in the same situation. Although you will find such and other weak spots when you look closely, you can easily confuse the past without paying attention.

"If this is the case, then I will help you clear up a route. Where are you now? I will find you a route with fewer people."

I directly posted the map of our location, and then marked our location, and at the same time indicated the range of energy allowed for maneuvering.

Masaga Matsumoto looked at the map for a while and studied it, and then he found a few helpers whom I would give to him as a rough school to turn over their power distribution map, and finally said: "I I’ve seen, you can land from Longjiu Mountain. We have a squadron in the vicinity. I immediately let people from China take over this fleet and blockade the nearby Sea Territory in the name of a special mission to prevent other Japanese ships from approaching. Longjiu Mountain is an abandoned mine with no resources or devil beasts. Basically, there will be no players approaching. I will send someone to clean it up."

"How do I go the next route?"

"You will follow this route for the rest." Masaka Matsumoto sent me a map directly, on which a red line has been drawn, which is obviously the route marked. Masaka Matsumoto sent the picture and waited for a while before continuing: "Most of the area on this line is no man's land. It is not a super high level leveling area that players dare not approach, or an area that has no value at all. , I believe that even if there are few people, and the vegetation in these areas is very lush, people on the ground are blocked by the tree canopy, and basically can't see the complete sky, so you should be safe from the sky. The remaining human areas , I will send credible personnel to block the rationale in advance. Anyway, you are a spaceship, and the passage speed should be very fast. I think the problem is not big."

"That's good."

I just felt more relieved here, but Masaga Matsumoto suddenly continued over there, "But it’s a bit troublesome to guard Heshan."

"Why? Isn't this a mountainous area?" Hong Yue scrolled through. The map asked.

Matsumoto Masaga explained to us with the communicator’s sync icon: "This area is the range of Mt. Moriwa, but the area near Mt. Moriwa is rich in resources, and it is close to two places. Very popular leveling area, so the number of personnel is a bit large. The worst is that there is a medium-sized city on each side of the mountain."

"Damn, then how do we get there?"

Matsumoto Masaka said: "I suggest you go straight through this line." Matsumoto Masaka said that he drew a line on the enlarged map and pointed to the terrain on both sides and explained: "This place It's a valley. As long as you lower your flying altitude a little, you can pass through here. The mountain summits on both sides block your boat. As long as no one sees you within the valley, it’s okay."

" But here is the leveling area, how can there be no one within the valley?"

Matsumoto Masaga said: "I will find an excuse to clear the field to minimize possible personnel staying, and this area is primitive. In the forest, people can’t see the sky at all. As long as no one is bored and climbs to the top of the tree to enjoy the sun, they should not be able to see you."

I am going to be nodded here, Hong Yue But suddenly he asked: "Have you ever measured the width of this gorge?"

"en?" Masaka Matsumoto was stunned for a while, and then he reacted and asked in surprise: "Hey , How big is the spaceship you built?"

"1228 meters long, 378 meters wide, about 308 meters high, and an empty weight of 458,000 tons. How is it? How about it?"< /p>

After we finished reporting the data here, Masaka Matsumoto and the others left only the inhalation sound. They had been holding back for a long time before they heard Masaka Matsumoto yelling: "Damn, why are you not early? Say this thing is so big? I thought it was a small boat of ten meters long and two to three thousand tons!"

"Can't make it?" I asked with some worry.

Matsumoto thought for a while and wanted me to wait first, then ran out and turned over something and then ran back and said, "It's a passing time, but is your driver's skill reliable? "

"What are you doing?"

"Most areas of the valley are very expensive, enough for your two boats to go side by side, but there is a place in the middle called Wanyao Gorge. The narrowest place seems to be more than three hundred meters, which is close to four hundred meters wide. As long as your spaceship sways a little, it will definitely hit the mountain, so..."

I thought about it and said: "You Are you sure it’s wider than our ship?"

Matsumoto Masaga nodded and said: "It’s very famous to get the canyon. I have accurate data here. It’s only 20 meters wider than your ship, but because The front and back of the canyon is slightly curved, so you may not be able to walk in a straight line when you pass, so the width is not enough."

"So you can't make it?"

"Also Not necessarily. The degree of curvature there is very small. In theory, it should be passable, but your helmsman must have good skills. If the angle caused by the turn is included in the narrowest place, you will only have a gap of one or two meters at most to buffer."

"I can't guarantee this, you'd better wait." I thought about it or got the captain over. After all, he is a professional, so I can't make it through. I don't count it, he said OK.

Be responsible for commanding the first spaceship built by our guild secretly, this player as the captain is naturally a senior member of our guild, and the level of reliability is not low, let him know about Matsumoto Masaga It's not too dangerous. Under my repeated emphasis, the other party promised that he would never tell what I saw in a while, so I dared to take him into the room temporarily requisitioned by me. However, even if I had told him for a while before, don't be surprised to see anything, but when he saw Masaka Matsumoto opposite the communicator, he was still shocked. After all, the opponent was the number one enemy of our guild before, and the captain in front of him seemed to have been with King Chuang before the Anti-Japanese Federation turned around. That is to say, Masaka Matsumoto was still the boss of the Black Dragon Club, he was already the captain, and he personally directed the battleship to fight the battleship real thing of Masaka Matsumoto's Black Dragon Club at sea. You can imagine how you would react when the enemy who fought and killed suddenly became your comrade one day.

"Matsumoto Masaka?" After seeing Masaka Matsumoto in the picture, the captain almost didn't jump up. If it weren't for my quick response, he almost smashed the communicator.

"Do you know me?" Masaka Matsumoto, who was opposite, was very curious to see this reaction.

I was going to persuade me, but who knew our captain suddenly said to Matsumoto Masaga: "Do you remember the small gunboat that sank the Wintersun?"


Matsumoto Masaka was originally wondering what this man was doing. Seeing that he was so excited, he screamed as soon as he heard it. "Are you the captain of the lunatic?"

Yes, not only do these two know each other, they seem to be quite familiar, but it’s right to think about it. After all, the two are not ordinary people. The intersection is also normal.

"Okay, okay, the past things have passed, and now everyone is our own. Unity. Should we pay attention to unity." I was afraid that the two would turn around and I hurried out to stabilize the emotions of both parties , I hope these two don’t both admit death! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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