"This, this...Is this...Energy Shield?"

Looking at the flower of energy spreading out on the arm of the mobile angel, I was already excited I don't know what to say. According to Norin’s previous introduction, due to its own characteristics, the fully deployed solar furnace not only does not require extra protection like a heart like a general power unit, but it has become the most feared position on the mobile angel. The temperature of the small sun formed by high energy is not much lower than that of the real sun, so in theory it can completely ignore the physical attack, because no matter what object hits, it will be immediately vaporized. As for the energy attack, it is even more useless. As long as it does not reach half of the little sun’s own energy, it will be reverse devouring. Therefore, as long as we fill the mobile angel with more energy, then this solar furnace will become a complete Energy. Shield, as long as the enemy dares to launch an attack, just use it to block it. As long as it can be blocked, the opponent's attack will definitely not take effect. Of course, there is also a possibility that the opponent’s attack exceeds the energy limit of the solar furnace, and then the entire mobile angel and the enemy themselves will be blasted with a bang. After all, the solar furnace itself is also a huge energy body, plus the enemy’s energy. The total energy generated by the attack is too scary. Once it explodes, the formidable power can definitely entrap the enemy himself.

Seeing that I guessed the purpose of this design, Noreen explained directly: "The solar furnace itself can carry attacks, but because we did not intend to carry too high energy to the solar furnace on the mobile angel, it is mobile Angels don’t often use this to block offensives. Generally speaking, this type of shield is mainly used to counter long-range attacks and ground artillery fires from wizard troops. It is generally not used in close combat. Of course, it can be deployed at any time if needed."

I thought for a while and wanted to ask: "Then what if the arm of the mobile angel is cut off?"

"We also thought about this. You see this is just an experiment Model, but the test proves that this design is unreasonable. The energy required by the mobile angel needs to be transmitted to the whole body of the mobile angel through the shoulder, and the shoulder of the mobile angel is a place with many moving parts, so the energy transmission pipeline can only be made Active connection, this design is very troublesome, the cost is a bit high, and the failure rate is not low, so we comprehensively calculated that the best way is to design two solar furnaces."


Norraine nodded and said: "Yes, we plan to install two solar furnaces on the future mobile angels, but only fill the chest with one-tenth of the energy, and fill the energy with the arm More, so that the defensive power of the solar furnace on the arm will be stronger after unfolding, and if the shoulder is damaged or severed, then the mobile angel can grab the broken arm as soon as possible and use the energy in the solar furnace inside. Filled into the solar furnace in the chest, and according to our statistics, it is rare that the mobile angel's shoulder is cut off at one time, so in general, the energy of the arm solar furnace can be transferred back after being damaged. Yes."

"This is a good design."

After understanding the internal structure of spaceship, I began to ask Noreen about the artificial soul developed by Ryan. The artificial soul developed by Ryan is the equivalent to magic device. Although the volume is a bit larger, it is relatively human. Originally, I didn't expect that the spaceship of our guild could be so big, so at first I was worried that it would not be able to install it, but now it seems that the problem is not big. It is not too much trouble to make room for such a big search for spaceship.

Sure enough, after passing through the ditch with Norin, Norin told me directly that in terms of lift, the spaceship still has a margin of nearly twice its own weight, which means that even if it is loaded with more than 400,000 tons , Spaceship can still fly. As for space, this is not a problem. The space previously used as an emergency warehouse is very large, and a part of it can be partitioned out as an installation area for artificial souls. In addition, one or two motorized angel launch ports under the hull can also be eliminated. Anyway, the first dozen ports are enough. , Do not need so many launch ports.

After finalizing the design arrangement, I rushed to Ryan to discuss with him how to install it. After asking, I realized that Ryan went to the steel city to customize the equipment. I had no choice but to Let Jingjing go to Steel City to inquire about Ryan's progress on my behalf, and I first went to the guild database to update the information. Recently I got a lot of messy information on the Olympus Divine Race, and there are also many new information on the guild side. I have to synchronize the personal database and the guild data center information so that I can understand the guild in time. Operating conditions. Although our guild has a complete management mechanism, as the president, I can't really let go of everything. Usually there is an excuse when there is something to do. If there is nothing to do, then it’s not justified.

While looking through the information in the guild database, I checked the various information recently obtained by the guild’s intelligence network. Some time ago, there were reports that there seemed to be a lot of trouble in Russia, but recently there has been no movement, which made me very confused. This time I checked the data and showed that the recent consumption of materials in Russia is quite alarming, especially steel, magic crystal and various magic array materials. According to reality, these are all strategic materials. Once the consumption of such materials in a certain area rises sharply, it means that there is either a war going on in this area or it is about to start a war.

According to our intelligence, everything is peaceful in Russia now, and there is no war, so it only shows that Russia is preparing for a war, and this target of attack... Except for us, I just can’t think of it anyway. Someone else.

The Russians are preparing to invade our country again, and we are now busy to get the Olympus Divine Race first, but this defense cannot be ignored, so it is natural to let other guilds in the country go to the top for a while. Became the only solution. But before I give the order, I have to ask Rose for their opinions. After all, I have been busy with things in Greece recently. The news from Russia has been sent for so long. According to the administrative efficiency of the bank, this kind of information There should have been relevant instructions long ago.

When I found Rose again on spaceship, the other managements of the guild were almost gone. As a large transnational guild, our guild can be said to have a lot of things. Even if there is the existence of a management computer like a cheater, the military god, there is absolutely nothing left to do. I heard that Spaceship was created before, and everyone came to see the excitement. If they all stay here and don’t leave, wouldn’t the guild affairs be left unattended?

Although people are almost gone, the rest are heavyweights, because only Hong Yue and Eagle are left beside Rose. When I arrived, the guild's one director, two deputy and three presidents, plus Rose, the head of the house and the director of finance, were all there.

"Huh? Purple Moon, why are you back again?" I was obviously surprised to see my eagle appear.

"Is it so weird when I come back?"

"No." Ying explained quickly: "You don’t spend much time in the guild and you don’t have much time to go out. I feel Every time you come back, you just pop your head and disappear. Didn't expect to see you twice in a row in such a short time, so it feels really unexpected."

"Isn't there a lot of things for me." "

When Hong Yue saw me and Ying there, he couldn't help but pull the topic back and said: "You came back to chat with us, right? What's the matter?"

"By the way, I just saw the new intelligence of our guild in the database on the military god's side. Do you know that Russia is hoarding intelligence on strategic materials?"

The three together nodded, rose opened the mouth and said: "I know, so a few days ago, I used the cost price to deal with the first, second, third, and fourth generation mobile angels that our guild eliminated, as well as some battleships and ground artillery. With the Northern Alliance and some small guilds."

"Huh? You also sold the fourth generation of mobile angels?" I asked in surprise.

Rose looked at me calmly and said, "Don’t you keep the exhibition? Anyway, we already have a new solar furnace, and we have made great progress in many technical aspects. The fourth generation of mobile angels has been There is no value in refitting. Rather than spending so much effort on refitting, it is better to eliminate it for use by other guilds. Anyway, I count all the money we spent on mobile angels into the cost price."

"Really, you are also called the cost price?"

"It is the money we spent to make the mobile angel, why not count as the cost?"

"Well, it's a pitfall anyway It’s not my money.” Discussing money issues with Rose is basically the same as discussing meat issues with a hungry tiger. It belongs to courting death, so I wisely chose to change the issue. "But even if you take care of all these things, our guild’s new mobile angels are impossible to produce in a short time. We will start with the Olympus Divine Race soon. It would be very difficult without the mobile angels to participate. "

"I'm not stupid, how could I not think of this?" Rose explained: "Because of the spaceship problem, our mobility has been greatly improved, so in the same battle strength situation You don’t need to maintain so many mobile angels to achieve similar combat effects. With the increase in battle strength of the new generation of mobile angels, my calculation result is that as long as you maintain 80% of the previous mobile angels, you can reach the previous level. 200% of the battle strength. In local battles, we can even get 500% of the battle strength output."

"But the original mobile angel of our guild is at least good with a piece. Tens of thousands of units, when will 80% be built?"

The eagle suddenly explained: "Oh, I forgot to tell you this. Some time ago, Atlantis Sea Clan was contacted and lost. The multi-legged fish clan of the ocean race, they are also a race that is known for science and technology. Unfortunately, most of the technology is the technology we already have, but the multi-legged fish production line they provide is really not a good thing. It's like an automated robot production line in a car factory. The speed is really fast. As soon as the conveyor belt starts, you can see those robotic arms with a bunch of afterimages assembling parts there. You can't react to the fast speed. The assembly is complete with a mobile angel. If it were not for the production speed of parts, we can almost produce 1,000 mobile angels per day."

"I rely on it, this speed is too fast, right? Can the speed of parts production be accelerated?"

Hong Yue said: "In fact, it is not a question of production speed, but a question of money. The mobile angel itself is a high-end product, and other guilds can equip it. It’s a lot of face to put on the battlefield with thirty or fifty units. The appearance of hundreds of thousands like our guild is definitely an alternative, so the difference between Nissan 1000 and Nissan 100 million is not that big, we can make all of them. I can afford more than 10,000 units."

"Why do you do this?" I turned my head in surprise and asked Rose: "Didn't you deal with all the mobile angels of our guild? How did you make such a point? "

Rose asked me angrily: "Where do you think the spaceship under your feet came from? The fleet in the guild has just completed a full facelift some time ago. Do you know how much money was spent in total? Fortunately, they are all self-produced and sold, otherwise we will also go bankrupt. It is true that I dispose of the eliminated weapons and mobile angels, but the money returned is only enough to make Eight thousand new mobile angels. New Although technology represents stronger battle strength, it also represents a higher price. Therefore, even if the cost price calculated by my method is used, it is impossible to exchange the old and new models one-to-one, and the old ones can be exchanged for eight. Thousands of new machines are not bad. As for the spaceship money, this is paid for with the normal profits of the guild. Thanks to our guild's ability to make money, if the general guild absolutely cannot withstand such an exaggerated rate of burning money. However, our spaceship plans to build this ship as impossible, and there will definitely be successor models such as SS-2, SS-3 and even SS-100, so this is also a bottomless pit that throws money, you'd better be prepared . "

"Aiya, Rose, you can cry too much, right?" "Hong Yue said: "Purple Moon, don't worry. The financial situation of our guild is not as bad as your wife said. It's just that we can't expand the mobile angel force too exaggeratedly. Normal operations can still be guaranteed." "

When I heard Hong Yue's words, I also reacted. Rose is obviously crying poor. Although I don't care about the funds of our guild, I have seen the income statement. Our bank The various inputs that will be made all over the world are hundreds of millions and billions of dollars. How can it be so poor? It is clear that Rose deliberately said that it was very miserable and forced me to make more money.

"Okay Okay, Rose, I know you want me to make more money, but this thing can't come in a hurry. "

After hearing this, Rose just sighed: "In fact, I can't say that I am crying poor. Our guild really has no remaining funds. In fact, most of the overwhelming strength advantages that our guilds have shown by other guilds are piled up with money. Generally, guilds do not have such exaggerated scientific research investment, so they will lag behind us in terms of weapons on the battlefield. Therefore, our player casualties are lower than others. As time goes by, our guild’s personnel level and equipment situation Naturally, we will surpass other guilds more and more, so we will always be much stronger than other guilds. However, the maintenance and expansion of this advantage requires financial support, so Purple Moon you must remember that the more financial resources you can get, the greater the advantage of our guild. Of course, funding is only one of the important components of power. Technology, talent, resources, and even some special tasks or special relationships can all become advantages. "

"When have I let you down." But recently I have to concentrate on the work on the Olympus Divine Race, so please show me the developments on the Russian side. Don’t let me just start a fight with the Olympus Divine Race. There was a fire in the backyard. "

Hong Yue helplessly said: "This is not something we can decide!" But there is nothing at worst. Anyway, there is the first line of defense of the Northern Alliance, and it can't stand it. There are also the support of the Hot Blood League and other guilds across the country. Besides, even if we fight with the Olympus Divine Race, we should be able to support the Northern Alliance. After all, the battle with the Olympus Divine Race is a divine battle. All that is needed is high-end martial power. Those unused powers can just support the Northern Alliance. "

"That's true. "

After I learned about the current operation of the guild, both Eagle and Rose left because they still had things to do. Hong Yue was in charge of fighting, so there was nothing wrong for the time being. Join me here to watch Noreen and they play the spaceship.

Actually, the main body of the spaceship was completed when I boarded the ship. The welding teams I saw were actually in the final stage. Assembling work, because there are no complicated large objects to be installed carefully, the construction speed of this last part is quite amazing.

Hong Yue and I stayed on the spaceship until the night, Jingjing was in I came back in the afternoon, and at the same time Ryan came back, but what surprised me was that he actually came back with more than a dozen finished products of human souls.

"Damn, I thought you were It will take a few days to complete. "

Ryan himself was also surprised to replied: "Actually, I thought it would take several days. Didn't expect that the efficiency of the steel city is so exaggerated after all the multi-leg fish production lines have been replaced." In the past, we researched something and sent it to us and waited for them to try it out for us when they were free. Now they are ready and they are all turned into machines waiting for work. As long as there is a production task, prepare the required parts or basic materials and put them in here. , The finished product will be out there soon. I thought it would take a long time for a few artificial souls. Who knows that when I started two production lines together, it took me more than three hours to get it all done, and two of them were completely communicating with the production technicians about the size and special requirements of the parts. The actual production didn't even use an hour. "

"Have you run into that polypod production line too?" It seems that I really need to check it out. When I heard about it in the afternoon, I thought it was an exaggeration. "

Ryan nodded agreed, and then cut to the main topic: "You said before that you want to install my artificial soul on the spaceship. Did you ask Zhuang? "

"You wait, I will find someone to take you to the installation point. "

After I found Norin, Norin didn’t arrange the location for us to install as we said before, but directly measured the size of the artificial soul generator and asked After understanding the working characteristics of the artificial soul of Ryan, what kind of energy it needs, and other features, after synthesizing the data, she took out the spaceship design drawing and made some changes, and finally directly changed the design of Ryan. All the seventeen artificial soul generators that En brought back were taken away and installed in multiple locations on the spaceship.

According to Noreen’s words, the biggest role of artificial souls is to deceive the senses of Divine Race. At the same time, his intelligence is also an important attribute, so it would be too wasteful to use it as a weapon. The installation location that Norin chose for us in the end is actually the control node on the spaceship. She actually uses The artificial soul is used as an auxiliary computer, so it does give full play to the maximum effect of the artificial soul.

After another night of intense and busy construction, in the early morning of the second day, when the genius was slightly bright, we The first real spaceship of the guild, number SS-1 is finally completed.

The surface of the newly completed spaceship presents a very brilliant blue, which looks like a jewel. There are red ditch edges at various fold lines. Some important areas are mainly colored with golden, and the surface is set off with various color signs. Overall, this thing still inherits the usual style of the guild’s weapon system-more like crafts than Weapons. However, you have to admit that as long as this thing appears in the enemy’s line of sight, it can have a great deterrent effect on the opponent’s heart. The ship has been messed up as a whole as I saw yesterday. The effect is definitely discounted.

Actually, regular combat weapons shouldn’t be so gorgeous. After all, the most undesirable thing on the battlefield is that the enemy discovers itself in advance. That’s why the modern army has developed it. What kind of equipment such as digital camouflage, laser camouflage, and military weapons are mostly dark-toned non-reflective matte surfaces, in order to prevent the enemy from discovering themselves as much as possible. However, in the game, this setting is not That’s important. In the game, both sides are usually not professional troops. This thing is that both sides will not pay too much attention to it. On the contrary, the gorgeous equipment can improve the morale of the party and fight the enemy's arrogance. Moreover, our guild also has the mirage system. The camouflage equipment of Heaven Defying Level, so the color and appearance of the spaceship itself are relatively less important.

Since the spaceship has been assembled, and the closed design is used below expressively, So it seems that the underside of the spaceship is like an upside-down stealth destroyer deck, because the outside is a streamlined design, no weapons or protrusions can be seen at all, basically all parts are smooth, and there is a kind of simplicity. Of beauty.

Maybe for the consideration of reducing resistance when navigating in the water, the bottom of the spaceship is not only the weapon built-in, but the outer hull is also very beautiful and streamlined. You don’t need to test it, just look at it. Underwater resistance is absolutely not great.

"OK, even if the final assembly is completed now, how about calling everyone to do a maiden voyage ceremony or something?" The two engineers who led the project looked at me and asked.

I thought about it and rejected this proposal. "Fine In a lot of time, we might as well drive the ship to the steel city to receive the carrier-based mobile angel formation and fill in all kinds of weapons and ammunition. My opinion, the two Jiahas are not good at opposing anymore, so everyone decided to start low-key.

Although it is a low-key departure, such a big thing is really low-key does not raise. The weight of more than 400,000 tons is still empty, plus personnel, weapons and ammunition, supplies, and the largest weight. After the ship-borne mobile angel formation is finally fully filled, the ship can at least reach more than 500,000 tons. Such a large self-importance relies on the anti-gravity system to fly. It is conceivable that this energy field and the gravitational field of the spaceship itself will affect the surrounding objects. So this morning, the new continent floating island felt like an earthquake for the first time.

Although the Transmission Formation of the new continent floating island is directly connected to Isengard, the Transmission Formation of our guild cannot transmit a huge spaceship of 450,000 tons, so we can only Fly over by yourself. The actual geographical location of the new continent floating island should be mobile, but it generally does not leave the South Pacific region. The reason for moving in this area is mainly because there are few people here, which can reduce the probability of the floating island being discovered. After all, the floating island is the scientific research institution of our guild, and the armed forces of this kind of place cannot be compared with the fortress of Isengard armed to the teeth. Besides, because there are important units everywhere on the island, even if a shell is dropped casually, it can cause heavy losses. Therefore, for the floating island, our principle is to try to prevent outsiders from knowing that such a place exists. Of course, there is no way in case it is discovered naively, but for us that kind of place is the same type of area as tiger buttocks. Whoever dares to move the new continent floating island, we are absolutely willing to move Isinger. The fortress jumped over and gave them a heavenly punishment.

Today is quite lucky. After Spaceship left the new continent floating island, it opened the positioning function attached to the crystal communication device. By triangulating the nearby fixed crystal communication buoy, we can confirm that we are currently Of course, if the location is beyond the communication range of the communication buoy, it will be fine. Our guild also set up two communication buoy connection channels in the Pacific Ocean. The two channels can form a cross interconnection. As long as the two groups of buoys in the same area are not killed together, the communication will not be interrupted, but these buoys are relative to the Pacific Ocean. The area is still too small, so the area where no signal can be received at sea still accounts for the majority. But we will not be so stupid that we drive to a location where there is no signal, so although the floating island is in the South Pacific, it generally does not leave the communication range, and it really happened today that the floating island is just the closest to Isengard. A touring point. As soon as you pass this shop, the floating island will begin to move northeast and gradually move away from Isengard.

Because this side is at sea, the Shanghai Mirage system consumes energy, so Spaceship did not activate the Mirage system to camouflage, but just swaggered at a low altitude less than 200 meters from the sea. The area is sailing.

Although the buoyancy of the solar furnace is huge, it is also the same as the general floating method. The higher the flying, the faster the energy consumption, so flying lower will be more energy-saving.

Because we are flying against the direction of Earth’s rotation, although the sky is already bright when we leave the new continent floating island, the sun does not really rise until we have been flying for more than three hours. , After all, the sun is chasing us behind our buttocks, and our flying speed is quite fast, so the sun feels old does not raise.

As the sun rises, the surrounding area Visibility gradually improved, but we had just watched the slowest sunrise in history for a while when we suddenly heard the harsh sirens sounded on the spaceship.

"What's the matter?" When the alarm sounded, I was on the deck watching the sunrise like most people do. I rushed back after hearing the alarm.

In the pilot seat of the spaceship is a high level naval player from the guild, but he has recently been upgraded to become the captain of the spaceship. He replied after hearing my inquiry: "The mobile angel we sent out for reconnaissance just now reported that a large fleet of fleets were found ahead."

"The fleet? Which country is it from? How far away is it? Speed, direction, and ship. Do you know what to configure?"

The captain shook the head said: "It’s not clear for the time being. The one just sent out is an ordinary flying mobile angel, not a special reconnaissance type. For fear of exposing the target, I didn’t Dare to get him too close. President, you also know that there is no good telescope equipment on the mobile angel."

Here, the captain has just finished talking, Hong Yue and Norin are one after another. Rushed in, and the captain had to repeat what he had just said to me. Hong Yue immediately said after hearing: "Even if you can't see the details, the number can always be counted? If there are not many ships, we will go over and destroy them."

The captain said with a bitter expression. : "My deputy Sir President, would you spare the little one? This ship has just been completed, and each gun has only one or two corrective rounds for testing. There is also the carrier-based mobile angel formation as the main battle strength. Without equipment, there are only eighteen conventional guard-type mobile angels and three air combat types on board. This is the personal guard of several high-level researchers here, except for these, we don’t have any weapons!"

"Damn, is it so clean?" Hong Yue was also shocked when he heard this answer. But I reacted when Hong Yue was frightened.

"No! Ordinary artillery has no ammunition. I understand that the new continent floating island is not a weapon production base after all. It is impossible to stock attack ammunition, but don’t there still have energy weapons on this ship? Can’t it be used? Isn’t that stuff capable of launching with energy? There is also an electromagnetic railgun on the bow, which seems to be able to use any physical substance as ammunition? If it doesn’t work, just get some sea water from below. Chong freezes the water into ice, and with the ammunition speed of the electromagnetic railgun, even if it is a block of ice, it should be no problem to open a hole in a boat?"

After I finished the question, Before the captain could speak, Noreen took the initiative to admit her mistake and said: "This is my mistake. Because I had to test and collect data before, I used bits and pieces of energy on the ship. I originally thought that I could get to Isengard halfway. Replenishment once, didn’t expect a battle problem halfway through, so...the energy is really not enough for firing!" Hong Yue helplessly covered his forehead and said: "That means we basically It’s just a super big cake that is completely unarmed?"

Norraine immediately said: "It’s not as bad as you think. We are also a spaceship anyway. The speed is much faster than those battleships in the water. , As long as they are not directly encountering the route, they will not be able to catch up even if they are seen."

As soon as Norin finished talking here, Captain Li Ke shouted; "Further reports come out. According to the mobile angel report, according to the current course and speed, the opponent's fleet will encounter us head-on, and we will fly over the opponent's head."

When the captain said this, everyone immediately looked at Turned to Noreen. "That..." Norin said hesitatingly: "In fact, that energy...even raising altitude or changing course is very reluctant!" Seeing that we still have questions, Norin quickly added: "We originally wanted to guarantee spaceship. Therefore, the plan is to allow spaceship to bypass the Japanese island chain and enter the territorial waters of China. Now if we raise the altitude or turn to avoid the front fleet, then our energy is probably not enough for us to bypass the Japanese island chain. Flying directly over Japan, I think it’s better to be safer than encountering the fleet head-on."

"hahahaha, it turned out to be like this." After hearing Noreen’s explanation, I was still nervous. But suddenly relieved. Noreen and Hong Yue were in a hurry, and suddenly they were confused when they heard my laughter, but after I laughed, I said to Hong Yue: "Did you forget our Japanese strategy?"

"Hey, yes! Why did I forget this?" Hong Yue immediately relaxed when he heard my reminder, but the others were even more confused.

In fact, the so-called strategy in Japan I was talking about refers to the Japanese manipulation plan. Before, our guild spent huge sums of money and did not hesitate to lose the reputation of me and the Frost Rose Alliance to push Matsumoto Masaga, who is the leader of the Japanese players, to the throne of the Japanese players. Therefore, in the hearts of Japanese players, Japan was successfully recovered by them and will be evil. The Chinese drove out of Japanese territory. However, the actual situation is that Japan is actually our remote control toy. Although sometimes we can't play too directly, but in most cases, he has to bite whoever we want him to bite. Who told them that their boss Matsumoto Masaka is my subordinate. This is called indirect manipulation.

So, because of the existence of Matsumoto Masaga's dark move, we can completely let Matsumoto Masaka clear the area we are going to pass. As long as we make sure that when we pass through this area, there are no players in the nearby area, so don't worry about being discovered.

Because of the above reasons, we don’t have to worry about our spaceship being discovered by the Japanese, but because this plan is too secret, so even if the group of people present is only me and Hong Yue only knew about it, not even Norin. After all, this matter has nothing to do with them.

"Okay, it’s so decided. Let’s turn. Let’s go straight over Japan. Walking in a strai

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