Ling is my favorite, so I can sense her location. After asking Xiaochun to no avail, I sensed Ling’s location, and found that Ling’s sense was unexpected In the lake in front, we were obviously thrown in a completely different direction because of the different standing positions during the explosion. As for Poseidon... She is not my demonic familiar, I can only find her with my eyes if I want to find her.

Anyway, it’s more important than Poseidon or Ling. Xiaochun and I quickly ran to the lake to catch Ling, but we didn’t expect to see it as soon as we arrived at the lake. Ling Zheng thumped in the center of the lake.

I really don’t know whether Ling can swim or not, but one thing is certain. If there is no interference, Ling will never drown. As far as I know, Ling has at least three or more spells for self-rescue in the water, so even if Ling doesn’t know the water at all, it’s absolutely impossible to choke on water, but now that Ling is struggling on the water, it feels like it is no matter how you look at it. The kind of instinctive struggle when people are about to drown.

"" I can sense Ling, and of course Ling can sense me, so as soon as I got to the waterside, Ling immediately noticed my existence and called for help. , She suddenly sank just as soon as she yelled out two words. It looked like it was simply not the appearance of a person who couldn't swim in the water, but was dragged down by someone forcibly.

"Damn, someone is pulling her down!" Even Xiaochun could see that something was wrong, but she just called out to remind me to help when she heard a plop next to me and I was already in the water.

As soon as I entered the water, I quickly spread my wings and flashed twice, and my body immediately jumped forward for a large amount, but I felt that the speed was still too slow, and I regretted that I cared and I was messed up. Jump into the water. Shouldn't I come down personally at this time!

"Small dragon girl!"

Just listen to the bang, the small lake suddenly drops a lot, and the disappearing water is not where it goes , But all turned into a column of water from the center of the lake and soared into the sky, and the column of water did not mean to fall back, but rose up into the clouds like wyvern ascended into the sky.

As the water column continues to rise, the water in the lake is continuously sucked away, so that the entire lake surface can see the bottom. Many small fishes and various aquatic animals on the dry lake bed are constantly beating and jumping in the wet mud, hoping to find enough water for their survival, but unfortunately all the lake water has flown into the sky, and it seems that it will not be able to get down for the time being. Of course, what I care about is not the fish and shrimps in the lake, but the two...mud monkeys in the middle of the lake?

A small lake area does not have the pressure of the sea to completely press the seabed into a hard seabed, so the bottom of the lake is completely a world of mud and aquatic plants. It was okay when there was water originally, but this time the water is all up to the sky, and the rest is all mud. And in the central area of ​​this mud pool, two humanoid objects with mud all over were squabbling and tumbling, mud and water splashing around, even the small dragon girl who was trying to help froze by the side and wondered if it was time to approach them. NS!

"hahahaha... you know how good I am?" We are entangled here whether to go down to find people, and there we saw a silhouette in the mud turned over and rode on to the other one, and then He pinched the other person's neck while laughing proudly and said the above sentence. Hearing this sound is relatively unfamiliar. It is not the male voice made by Poseidon before touching the water, and of course it is not Ling's voice. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to make me feel unfamiliar. This is a female voice, and it has a multi-person harmony-like overlap, which is obviously the voice of a mermaid. It is not difficult to tell from this sound that Poseidon is riding on it, and the one who is pressed down is naturally Ling.

If Poseidon is crushed and beaten, I may be able to wait again, but since it is our own people who suffer, we can’t wait.

"Small dragon girl, drag her down." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is me. The greatest motivation.)

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