Under my firm request, the gang of technical madmen were finally willing to let me meet Poseidon first. But the price I paid for this was to give them another technical information, which of course is not very important. I'm not being taken advantage of, how can I be so bullied?

Although I have been discussing endlessly before, these guys from the Iron Empire are still very efficient. They promised to take me to Poseidon and immediately someone took us to detention. Or it is the place where Poseidon is kept.

"Is this the place where Poseidon is imprisoned?" Looking at the small villa standing next to a lake, it is difficult for me to equate it with the prison. From my point of view, this place is very clear. It is the vacation and leisure villa of rich people yearn for something even in dreams.

Probably the guards also knew why I was so surprised, so they directly explained Poseidon’s special identity here. Because he was neither a prisoner nor a guest, he didn't know how to get out, so in the end, he had no choice but to use this place for the time being. The reason why I chose such a good place instead of just a house is mainly because the other party’s identity is special. The senior officials of the Iron Empire do not want Poseidon to have too much contact with the residents of the country, and this place happens to be a relatively empty area, so it is temporarily Detained here.

Although I was not treated as a prisoner, there were guards outside Poseidon’s cottage, but the guards themselves did not attract my attention. At that time, the stuff around them scared me. Big jump.

There were only four guards guarding the villa or Poseidon. They looked ordinary and wore similar uniforms to the military uniforms I saw before, but they wore slightly different badges. However, beside these four guys, a steel Armor-Plated Insect stopped unexpectedly.

This thing is about six meters long, two meters wide, and more than two meters high. The bright white metal shell and the obvious rivet structure on it indicate that this thing is definitely not a creature, at least not a carbon-based creature.

In addition to the overall volume and the color of the shell, the huge metal object looks like a unicorn. This is very similar to a tank, except that the volume of the tank is much larger than this thing. NS. Although it is not as big as a tank, this thing makes me feel like I am dreaming now, because this thing is being overhauled at this time.

At this time, the side of the head of the steel Armor-Plated Insect actually has a door open. It looks like the shape of a car door, and because the beetle is facing us on the side, I can still Seeing the cab inside from the open door, the shape and structure look like the cab of a heavy truck. In addition, behind this thing, the elytra above the huge belly was also turned forward at this time. Two of the four guards are standing under the opened elytra. With the help of the two below, they pull up something like a missile. Under the beetle’s elytra, the place where the two are standing looks like a honeycomb. General mesh structure. As a descendant of an arms dealer, I recognized the thing simply as a rocket nest at a glance.

"This, this...Is this thing a self-propelled rocket launcher?"

To lead me to someone who didn’t expect me to react so much, but he was also with the Iron Empire’s Several leaders are almost the same. They have no sense of confidentiality at all, so just explain them to me. "You mean this? This thing is the military beetle of our steel empire. It is a large-scale magic machine. Usually two people are required to control it, one is responsible for controlling its actions, and the other is responsible for weapon manipulation."

"This thing walks on legs?"

The guy who led me was stunned by my question and thought, "Are you blind? You don't need to walk on your legs. Let's put six legs on it." Is it good-looking?" Of course, this is what he thought in his heart, and he couldn't say that. After froze for a while, he recovered. Nodded and said: "Yes, the beetle uses six mechanical legs to move. If necessary, it can also make short jumps. However, it is a heavy burden on the machine, so generally it will not be used except when evading attacks. ."

"Then that...how is the speed of this thing?"

"Run faster than people."

"Run faster than people How fast is that?" If someone tells me in reality that something moves faster than a person runs, I know how fast it is, but the problem is that it is in the game. Because of the problem of usage habits, the “person” some people refer to is not necessarily a person, and there are obviously more races in the game than in reality. Therefore, the running speed of a person cannot be simply used as a standard. Otherwise, this range would be too big!

Although that person doesn’t know why I’m asking such details, but he doesn’t have the sense of secrecy, and he has been ordered to receive him seriously. The load, and the speed of the specific models are not exactly the same. For example, there are two extreme models in the artillery. One is the assault reconnaissance type that provides artillery guidance. The speed can reach about 70 kilometers each hour, but in the artillery The heavy-duty self-propelled gun model is only a speed of less than 30 kilometers. The one you see now is the standard type, with a speed of 40 kilometers each hour, but in fact it can run up to forty-five. Some good drivers even It can drive up to fifty."

The speed of forty kilometers is not too slow. Although in the real world, even electric motorcycles are more than this speed, the movement of forty kilometers is actually quite high. Especially in long-range maneuvers. Although military weapons also pay attention to speed, they are not road racing after all. Compared with speed, off-road performance is the key. However, looking at the six mechanical legs of this thing, I know that it compares with the off-road ability of those crawler tanks in reality. Simply weak burst. Of course, I mean purely hard ground speed. When it comes to super soft ground such as quicksand terrain and mud ground, mechanical legs are sometimes not as good as wheels. After all, the ground surface is too small, the unit pressure is too large, and the ground is a little softer and it will be completely finished. No matter how good the cross-country performance of the mechanical leg is, it can only lie down without a leg that can find a hard ground.

After asking about the speed of this thing, I originally planned to continue to observe this thing in the past. After all, this thing can basically be regarded as a practical tank. You must know the current mechanical type in the game. Except for the vehicles that run slightly more advanced at sea, the ground and sky are almost blank. Our guild is relatively advanced. In the part of the sky, only the big guy Isinger and the Insect fortresses that can fly are more reliable. The aircraft we built are basically either this problem or that problem. Anyway, we occasionally use it to scare. It's scary, you don't have to think about it if you want to popularize, there is no value without that strength.

Compared to the sky, the ground is worse. In addition to carriage, the only mechanized vehicle that can run on the ground is our guild’s magical suspension train. But this thing is just a model project so far. It was originally planned to build a national railway network, but now it has also built a line from Isengard to Yunxiao City, and it has been at a loss since the day it was built. The reason is not that the train itself is bad, but the world in the game is not as harmonious as the real world. In reality, at most, iron mice steal something on the railway, but the large areas of no-man’s land in the game are all monsters rampant. You can restrain people from destroying the magical suspension railway. Monsters don’t eat yours. Some people can’t do anything when they look at them. As soon as people walk away, they will destroy them immediately, so we have to regularly arrange guards on both sides of the road, and the train itself. Armed carriages should also be hung up in order to cope with monsters along the way. However, such a monster can not destroy the train, but the operating cost is really... Although it was not enough after the maintenance cost, it was not much worse, so we never gave up this railway. But apart from this railway, ground transportation in the whole world is still the primordial way of devil beast + carriage or N devil beast + a string of carriage.

Because the traffic problems in various places are so backward, that's why I value this thing in front of me so much. This thing is for military use. After the armor and weapon system are added to the outside, there is still a speed of 40-50 kilometers. If all are replaced with freight vehicles, without armor and weapons, how much can this speed be? As a solo or team player, you may not care about ground transportation. After all, players can use Transmission Formation, but as a guild, all materials impossible use Transmission Formation, right? Who can stand the price? Therefore, the attractiveness of a reasonable price, large volume, safe and fast transportation to me is absolutely huge.

However, when I was going to continue to study this thing, the one who led me reminded me: "Are you going to meet your friend first? Let’s talk about this later? Besides, we’re just small soldiers. We don’t know the technology of these things very well. If you want to understand, it’s better to ask the senior management to approve you to talk to the experts at the Academy. They know better than me. That's a lot."

I thought about it, what can the little soldier know? If you just ask a user of a weapon or car like a military hobbyist or a car hobbyist, you can only learn some furs, and you can use it to brag, but let you rely on this knowledge to make your own weapons. Or a car, that is dreaming. If you want to get real technology to ensure that our guild can imitate or even improve this thing, you must find professionals to figure out the specific research data, otherwise you can't replicate a complex machine just by using the report.

& The guard spoke for a while and showed the approval document. Then, under the guidance of the four people, he opened the door of the villa. However, according to the regulations, they were not allowed to enter, and I could only go in and pick up Poseidon.

Since they could not enter, I had no choice but to go in by myself. Fortunately, the villa was not big. I quickly found what they called a prisoner who was not a prisoner, that is, Poseidon’s body, but, When I saw Poseidon, I was completely stupid.

"Are you...Are you Poseidon?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation, monthly pass, your support, Is my biggest motivation.)

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