"Don't move." The guy with the command knife behind the guy with the weapon yelled at me again. Of course I was impossible to raise my hand to surrender, but I didn't either. It’s just moving, just standing there

and staring at them.

The guys on the opposite side are obviously humans, at least they are also humanoid races, because I didn't find any characteristics that distinguish them from humans. However, I don’t know if it’s my illusion, or their clothes

The feeling of pretending to be too self-cultivation, I always feel that these guys are particularly thin and thin. They are tall and thin like the beauty in the comics. Men are generally handsome, of course, this image only refers to their figure, as for their looks... this is really invisible.

Those guys are all wearing uniforms with blue background and gold rims. They look a bit like tunic suits, but the obvious military style shows that they are actually military uniforms. Those guys wear helmets on their heads, but they are not the arc-shaped helmets commonly seen in modern military forces, but an extremely funny helmet. The shape of this helmet looks like a frying pan upside down on the head, and there is a downwardly extending protective surface on the front of the helmet, which can just block the length of the tip of the nose. The eyes also leave a horizontal gap to facilitate observation, and this gap is not directly exposed, but covered with a dark brown glass-like thing.

Apart from this outfit, the most attractive thing about these guys is the rifle-like things they hold in their hands.

Like I said, this thing looks like a rifle, but it is only partially similar. In fact, the shape of this thing is closer to the ancient fusion of front-loaded powder guns and modern shotguns. This

The shape of this thing is like a shotgun, which is obviously much thicker than ordinary guns, but a regular shotgun will not be so long. The gun body, which is the same thickness as the forearm of a normal adult man, has a length of nearly one meter six

, and this length is almost equal to the average height of a human being. There is an aiming assist structure similar to the quasi-center in the front section of the sturdy gun body. There is also a trigger structure under the gun body. As for the buttstock and everything, it is the same. Not a lot of ammunition.

The material of the gun body itself should be made of a mixture of wood and metal. The shell of the gun is obviously wood, and there are many metal rivets and reinforcing metal bars. But this thing is not as rudimentary and broken as imagined. On the contrary, this thing will not appear broken in the slightest, on the contrary it is quite exquisite. Although the gun body is made of wood, the dark red wood itself looks very high-grade, and some places are painted with blue anti-

paint. The color difference of the jump makes this thing look quite bright. As for the exposed metal parts, they are all painted golden, and the whole gun is decorated with complicated French-style patterns. The whole feel is that these guns are more like handicrafts. Over weapons.

"Don't move." Seeing that I hadn't responded for a long time, the commander on the opposite side yelled again.

I scanned a circle of people casually, and then replied: "Didn’t I just stand still?"

The commander on the opposite side obviously paused, then I reacted and continued to shout: "I mean to raise your hands, don't you know that raising your hands is an international standard action of surrender?"

"Ah? Surrender? Who said I want to surrender? Now?"

"You are now surrounded. If you don’t surrender, we can sift you right away. I believe you don’t want that, right?"

"Of course I I don’t want to be a sieve, but the question is, do you have that strength?"

After all, "Zero" is still a game dominated by cold weapons. This thing about guns has never been the strongest weapon here, especially When its number becomes a lot. For the sake of balance in the game, the attributes of the weapons and equipment set in the game are all regular. The more powerful weapons and equipment, the fewer the number. There are hundreds of weapons when they appear like this. It is absolutely impossible and the kind of gun god that only has one in the whole world.

Super musket mention on equal terms. Because of this, I judge that this weapon is actually not formidable power.

Probably because I was irritated, or because I thought I didn’t recognize their weapons, the commander suddenly inserted his command knife and squeezed through the crowd, grabbing a gun from a soldier in the front row and pointing it at me Just a shot. This gun

not only looks like a shotgun, but it also has the same way of loading it. The commander used his right hand to squeeze the trigger, and his left hand supported a section of the sliding grip at the bottom of the gun body and pulled it back. He only heard a click and finished playing.

After that, he right hand With the movement of my fingers, along with the strong back seat, the muzzle burst out a big flame, and then in my ultra-high-speed dynamic vision, I saw a small translucent crystal from the muzzle

I flew out and hit me at a very fast speed.

If it is a normal person, it is basically dead. After all, the muzzle velocity of this weapon is not lower than in reality, but the reaction speed of human beings is too late to react after the bullet pops out of the chamber. But I am not a human being.

If human beings can’t respond, it doesn’t mean I can’t respond either. As the bullet came, I directly moved the sword-shaped eternity forward and picked up the crystal that came in the center. Because I don’t know that Dao Child can play the formidable power, so

I didn’t use my body to pick it up, but used eternity to cut it. This way, the formidable power of the bullet can be judged based on the feedback power from the sword, and this decision is to let I was relieved of embarrassment, because as soon as my sword hit the crystal

and my dynamic vision caught the water crystal interior, there seemed to be a blue arc flashing past, tightly With a bang, my whole person was directly lifted off by a strong wave of flame engulfed in flames.

I went out. If it weren’t for there was a wall behind to block it, I guess I’d Go back to the outside of the cliff.

To be honest, the formidable power of that gun is not amazing. What really surprised me was the bullet. As soon as the tip of the sword blocked the bullet, I had already determined through the strength of my hand that the kinetic energy of the bullet was not very large.

Although the bullet's speed is quite high, the mass of the crystal bullet itself is not great, so even if the speed is very fast, the final kinetic energy is not very exaggerated. What really makes me feel scared is that the bullet will explode, and this

formidable power is still quite large. I lost blood just now after being hit by that shot, and it was seven o'clock.

Seven points of blood is really not blood to me. If the total blood volume of a natural person is converted into my total blood volume, then seven points of blood is not as good as the blood sucked by a mosquito. many. However, although seven points of blood are not much

, it has a different significance to me.

The combat rules in "Zero" stipulate that as long as you hit an enemy, no matter how high the opponent's defensive power is, or your attack power is low, you will be forced to deduct a little blood. This is the basic rule. The phenomenon where ants kill elephants to death

It is also applicable in the game because of the existence of this rule. Otherwise, if the ants bite the elephant without breaking and preventing blood loss, then it will be counted as more ants. Don't expect to kill the elephant.

My defensive power is definitely second to none among the players, so in most cases, I can only force a little bit of blood to be deducted for general biological attacks, and simply cannot break the defense. This gun gave me seven points of blood at one time. Although it doesn’t look like much

, it contains an important message, that is-the explosive formidable power of this bullet is high enough to break my defense. To the point.

Although a shot blasted me into the air, the commander on the opposite side was shocked that his jaw was about to fall, because just after the explosion, he actually found me I stood up by the wall, and

I didn't seem to be hurt at all by my actions. In fact, I did not get injured. Up to now, even the average players who are known for their thin skin and low blood have a common blood volume

It's over five thousand, and seven points of blood is really nothing that anyone cares about.

"You, you...Why didn't you die?"

"I wanted to die, but unfortunately your gun formidable power is too small. I just died halfway through it. Come alive."

The commander opposite is not an idiot. Hearing what I said, he knew I was laughing at him, and he immediately put the gun in his hand into the soldier next to him. I fell, and then pointed at me and shouted: "Shoot,

Kill me to death."

The soldiers don’t care how strong I am, anyway they only Follow the order form, and since the commander gave the order, they opened fire. Following the commander’s roar, the soldiers raised their guns at the same time oh la la.

To be honest, the formidable power of these guns is not big, that is, the bullets are very explosive, but even if I don’t make any reaction and stand here and let them blast, I really want to kill them. After playing for a long time, I even doubted whether the ammunition they carried with them was enough. Of course, even if I can’t kill, I don’t want to stand here and get shot. What's more, a bullet loses seven points of blood, and it’s quite impressive. After all, there are more than 200 guns on the opposite side!

Seeing a dense barrage blast, I rolled forward and drilled under the barrage. During the period, a few bullets hit, but the effect was minimal. After holding the explosion and turning out the barrage, I jumped into the crowd one after another. Eternal directly turned into a long stick in my hand and I waved it up. When I swept, I swept a circle of people. The soldiers around me were so scared to retreat when they found me close. Their martial arts

Although the device is powerful but not good at close combat, once the enemy gets close, the first thing that comes to mind is to get the distance away as soon as possible, but this trick is useless to me. Seeing the crowds scattered and separated, I simply ignored them, just waved the officer and ran over.

The commander is not stupid. As soon as I rushed out, he immediately turned and fled, because he knew I was definitely the first to attack him, but unfortunately his skill and his gang are also It's almost on par,

I caught up and slapped me to the ground within two steps. When the guy turned over from the ground, I just lifted my foot and stepped on his chest, then stared at his face and smiled and asked: "What? You are not going to kill me

? Why am I? Come here instead, you want to run? Didn’t you look awe-inspiring when you commanded the soldiers?"

"hmph, you barbaric creature, the soldiers of the Iron Empire will not succumb. You have the ability to do so. Just kill me, the brothers will avenge me."

Originally I thought this guy would beg me for forgiveness, didn't expect him to be so hard-hearted, but he was so hard on me for his personal integrity. I didn't care much, but the steel empire mentioned in his words aroused my interest.

"Iron Empire? Are you not the people of Olympus God?"

"Olympus Divine Race? What is it?" The one on the ground is just more disciplined , It's not that the brain is really eager to die. Hearing my suspicious question, he obviously discovered the problem. If

I'm here to trouble them, then I should know what kind of talent they are, but I said they were from Olympus Divine Race. This is obviously a wrong goal. As for saying that I deliberately lied to him, this

probability was directly discharged by the commander. After all, I clearly have the upper hand. In this case, I have no need to lie to him.

"You really are not from the Olympus Divine Race?"

"What Olympus Divine Race? This is the Iron Empire, we are the Iron Corps of the Iron Empire !"

"Huh? Is it really wrong?" I dubiously recalled the chart information in my head, and compared it with the chart I saw the last time when I reached the road before. After a while, I finally came to the conclusion that the map of the sea is exactly the same.

"This powerhouse, are you looking for some trouble with the Olympus Divine Race this time? If so, can you let me go first? Obviously there is some misunderstanding between us. We don’t Not a Olympus god

People of the race! We haven’t even heard of this Olympus Divine Race!"

I thought about what this guy on the ground said. I still want to take the foot off, anyway, with their strength, even if they cheat, I can easily deal with it. Besides, I really feel that something might be wrong now. Olympian

Divine Race is a strong race. They admire personal martial power and are most used to the barbaric battle method. This is already quite famous among Divine Races all over the world. It can be said that the reason why the Olympus Divine Race is able to achieve its international status is that a large part of the reason is because these guys have fought hard enough, so other Divine Races dare not touch it. They, this has achieved the prestigious name of the Olympus Divine Race. However, looking back at this

helping people. Their bodies look quite fragile, their bodies are like forest elves, tall and thin without any sense of strength. When I fought with them just now, I swept people around with a stick with a stick.

I felt that there was no resistance in my hands. From this, it can be concluded that these guys really have no power to bind chickens. . This is contrary to the habitual characteristics of the Olympus Divine Race, let alone the impossible existence of such people in the Olympus Divine Race, even if they want to join the Olympus Divine Race becomes a vassal, it is estimated that Olympus Divine Race will not want them.

In addition to physical characteristics, the two ethnic groups are also very different in terms of culture. The Olympus Divine Race are all for barbarians. Except for Hephaestus who is good at smelting, the other Olympus Divine Races are almost semi-literate and only one. Hephaestus, who knows more about science and technology, is still a marginalized existence in the Olympus Divine Race. This shows that the Olympus Divine Race is not at all technical in matters.

Pay attention to. But this steel empire feels like a technology empire. The monsters outside the island are not counted. The circle of automatic guns on the edge of the cliff is quite amazing. And their

rifle. This thing is obviously several generations more advanced than the muskets used by professional musketeers in the United States. This gun can fire bursts.

Obviously, the Olympus Divine Race, which has no interest in technology at all, even if it has a group of overseas vassals, it is absolutely impossible to get into this state. If all these people are holding stone weapons, Painted with oil

color, I can believe that they are vassals of Olympus Divine Race, but as it is now, I don’t think they will be Olympus Divine Race. People.

"You really are not from Olympus Divine Race?"

"Really not!" Although I let go of the guy on the ground, he didn't dare to have any big Action, I'm afraid of irritating me. He stood up carefully from the ground, then waved his hand so that the taxi was still holding his gun in the distance

The soldiers put down their guns, and then turned around and asked if I could send someone to notify me. A high-level person from below met with me. After I was nodded, he dared to let people report it. I have to say that this guy’s character is still pretty good.

Dare to sacrifice but don’t rush to death. He thinks of himself but doesn’t forget the national interest. Compared with those who only know to die for the country The heroes of China are much smarter, and are much more noble than those traitors who only sell their national interests in exchange for their personal interests. This is no longer a character issue, but an education issue. Obviously, this steel empire should be a civilized country with a very high level of national education. This is definitely an alternative existence in the game, because the free NPCs in all parts of the world I see are basically Mostly illiterate. Of course, it does not rule out that this guy is an alternative probability, but this probability is very low.

After he sent someone to notify the boss, I put Eternal away directly to show my attitude, and he was relaxed after seeing me withdraw the weapon. In fact, compared to my side, they are the ones who don't want to fight.

After all, I am alone, and my strength is much higher than them, so the initiative is on my side. I will fight if I fight, but if I want to run them, I can't do anything. But they are different.

Once the fight really starts, the dead are inevitable, so compared to me, they are more reluctant to fight. They knew that I was very difficult to deal with when I took the monster to breakthrough over their heads before, but at the time they just thought I was very mobile and could dodge the cannonballs, otherwise they would also I won't use a gun to stop me later. However, since this guy shot me and it didn't work, they knew that the gun was useless for me, so they didn't want to hit me even more than I did.

"Since you don’t know the Olympus Divine Race, do you know Poseidon?" Although the opponent may not be from the Olympus Divine Race, Poseidon relies on the Avatar and the body To determine the position

, so this place should not be wrong. Therefore, I still plan to try to see if Poseidon's body can be found on the island.

Unfortunately, after I said the name, the guy in front of me still shook his head blankly and asked: "What is Poseidon?"

"Poseidon It’s not something, it’s a personal name."

The commander shook the head and said: "I have never heard of this name anyway, and this person is definitely not with us."

"How do you know?" I frowned and asked.

The other party replied calmly: "Because our name is very different from the style of this name, this name is obviously not the name that people here would use. If someone uses this name here, Ken

Ding was discovered a long time ago. After all, we have had no outsiders here for a long time."

"Then it will be troublesome!" (To be continued. If you like this Works, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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