Thanks to the powerful body of luck, we forcibly knocked down the stone pillar above the sea, but I don’t want to do it again, so I let luck slow down the flight Speed ​​and focus on the road. Because there was a traffic accident just now, I would be lucky and dare not say anything faster and so on.

Facts have proved that my decision is very correct, because just after we got away from the stone pillar and flew forward a short distance, we discovered two stone pillars at the same time. This time, the two stone pillars are much stronger than the one we knocked down before, and the two stone pillars are located just on both sides of our channel, and the gap between them is only seven or eight meters wide. This width is indeed quite wide for ordinary people, but fortunately the volume is too narrow, even if you are sideways, don't expect to be able to squeeze through. Fortunately, luck has slowed down in advance according to my requirements. Otherwise, if it hits head-on, luck may not happen, I will definitely fly out!

"Damn it, why are these things all over here?" Lucky took the initiative to slow down after approaching the stone pillar and crawled along the stone pillar with four claws, but we just turned over here. The two stone pillars immediately saw a few long and narrow shadows looming in the thick fog ahead. This is clearly a sea stone forest. The huge stalagmites standing in great numbers in the thick fog are simply natural air defense barriers. The space dislocation zone forms a complete underwater defense line, except for the sky directly above and the rock formations below the seabed, this area is simply completely enclosed. No, we just didn't test the sky directly above and the rock formations below the seabed, which doesn't necessarily mean that there are no restrictions. But for the time being, I don’t plan to try those two roads. Anyway, the stone forest is just hard to get through, not at all.

"Be careful, I don't think we are the only creatures here." While reminding lucky to pay attention to flying, I tried my best to observe the surrounding environment. Because I think Sea Territory is so tightly guarded that it is impossible to just rely on a few immovable stone pillars to block the entry of outsiders.

It turns out that my speculation is very reliable, because just after we bypassed the two stone pillars and jumped on the third stone pillar in front of us, we were on top of the stone pillar behind us. Suddenly a smart black silhouette appeared. At first, we didn't notice this thing, until we were lucky enough to fly forward and found a new stone pillar, and after temporarily landing, I suddenly found a black silhouette behind us was quickly approaching us.


"I saw it." Lucky, who was reminded, turned quickly and turned into facing the rapidly approaching black shadow, and followed just before the opponent was about to hit him. Suddenly opened his big mouth, a bright white dragon flame spurted out, and instantly a piece of white snow was illuminated in the front. The black shadow of the colleague was also ignited in the flames, and the whole body was violently twisted and bumped. On top of the stone pillar under our feet, it was bounced a distance and fell into the dark water below and was immediately shattered by the dislocation of space.

"Damn it, what the hell is that?"

The thing that was lucky enough to be burned into a roast pigeon has a black messy short hair just flashed in front of us, The black skin and the short hair of ash-gray look quite dirty. The ugly head is close to the shape of a human, but the ears are very huge and there is no nose. Instead, there are two drop-shaped black holes. The mouth is large, without lips, and the mouthful of fangs are directly exposed outside the mouth. Its limbs look very thin, but that's because of the wrong proportions. The excessive length makes the originally thick limbs look like corpses, but in fact they should be very strong. The limbs of these things are similar to bats, and like bats, the limbs of this thing have wings composed of fleshy membranes. Looking at its moving route before, this pair of wings should really be able to fly, at least they are extremely strong. Gliding ability. Of course, all of the above just made it look disgusting and terrifying, and could not increase its battle strength, at least it was still fragile like a ball of firewood in front of Long Yan.

Although I managed a monster easily, I don’t know if the light produced by the dragon flame attracted the attention of other monsters. In short, after killing the monster, it immediately appeared in the surrounding fog. Many such shadows. Those guys clung to the surface of the rock pillar like predators approaching their prey and carefully climbed to the top of the pillar. After staring at us for a while, they seemed to decide to treat us as prey. Those monsters began to move from the pillar. The top jumped down, and then opened the huge wing membrane and leaped towards us.

As I guessed before, the wings of these things seem to only have the function of gliding, so when they fly in front of us, they tend to be much lower than where we are, but these guys have longer forelimbs. With extremely sharp claws, it can easily climb on the surface of the rock pillar and quickly climb towards us. Of course, even if it is crawling over, it is useless. These things are only a little more than five meters in length. Compared to humans, they are considered to be full of giant creatures, but compared with giant dragons, they are only a group of fleas.

Wow... an angry lucky looking up to the sky angry roar, the huge sound directly stunned the heads of a few monsters that were close by, and as a result, they did not control the landing position and hit the stone pillar with one head and then went straight Sliding into the sea, although the monster behind was not stunned because of the distance, the lucky opening after clearing his throat was a dragon flame thrown from left to right. All monsters approaching were lit to torch and burned to death on the way. , All the scorched corpses that hit the rock pillars last.

The luck of spraying the dragon flame did not end there. Instead, it flapped its wings horizontally and vertically to beat the approaching monsters everywhere. With the power of luck, these monsters in front of me are like little beetles in front of human beings. However, the lucky side is playing cool, but I patted his neck and said: "I think we should be quicker."

Fortunately playing, the lucky one paused when I said. He looked up and looked at the surrounding environment. Because the high temperature generated by his dragon flames temporarily dissipated the surrounding white mist, our sight range was temporarily expanded, but at this time, what we can see when we look around is a group of black and crushed monsters that are constantly moving from the surroundings. Flying out of the mist, with those towering stone pillars jumping one by one towards us.

Fortunately, he didn't expect monsters to have so many. After looking at the surroundings, he also knew that he couldn't fall in love. Although these things are like little reptiles relative to luck, he still understands the reason why ants often kill elephants.

The lucky reaction came quickly nodded and said: "I think so too." As he said, he kicked the rock pillar under his feet and jumped up into the sky, and then began to flash his wings twice to accelerate forward. go. Although those monsters have wings, they can only glide. Their pectoral muscles are not enough to support the power of flight, so even if they see us flying over their heads, these guys can only watch us run away. As for pursuing things, unless luck deliberately releases the water, it is a joke. Giant dragons are the overlords of the sky. This title is not only because they are strong enough, but speed is also one of the most important factors. Except for the flying birds so far, giant dragons are almost invincible in terms of flying ability. With super long time in the air, super high flight speed and flexibility that is completely disproportionate to the size, giant dragons can proudly say that in the sky, no one is our opponent, even angels and demons.

The monsters who were still chasing vigorously can only look and sigh from behind after the lucky takeoff. Fortunately, the speed is far beyond those of those who can't fly. As soon as we flew up, the monsters were immediately left behind. Although the surrounding monsters were continuously gathering towards us, because they couldn’t form an encirclement and the strength gap between the two sides was too large, even occasionally some monsters could barely manage. Flying in front of us is completely useless.

"There are really enough monsters here!" Looking at the monsters below us, even luck couldn't help but sigh. Of course he was not afraid, but rather surprised. In terms of the strength of luck, even if you are surrounded by monsters, it is at best a little strenuous thing. Anyway, relying on this thing to keep luck is basically impossible.

After flying all the way for about half an hour, the fog around us began to fade significantly, and the most important change is that the stalagmites in the sea began to become shorter and shorter, and the number of monsters around us It's also obviously descending. A few minutes ago, I couldn't see the side like a tsunami. It was almost invisible after a while. Except for the occasional cats running by three or two, it seemed that they had never appeared at all. . However, speaking of which is strange, that is, although the number of monsters is declining, the closer to the inside of the pirate, the size of these monsters is getting bigger and bigger, and their strength is gradually rising. Of course, even if it rises tenfold or eightfold, it is lucky to slap the past with a paw. It's all ants anyway. How strong is it? Just crush it to death!

Because of the decline in the number of monsters and the increase in visibility, fortunately, the flying speed has begun to increase significantly, while our flying altitude is constantly decreasing. It’s not because we’re lucky to not want to fly high, but because the high airflow seems to be abnormal. When we flew close to the top of the column, we felt that the wind was so strong. Later, after we raised the height in order to avoid the monster, it became more obvious. There is turbulence everywhere. As I guessed before, this island should be protected from top to bottom in all directions. Even the area above the head is impossible to be unobstructed. Therefore, we feel that it is actually relatively The low-altitude area close to the sea is safer. At least the monsters and stalagmites here cannot do anything to us.

"Uh...I think I have seen the coastline!" Suddenly, lucky to fly well and say aloud.

I immediately ran along his neck all the way up to his head, holding on to his huge dragon horn, and looked forward. As expected, a winding line appeared in my sight, and behind the line was A large black shadow looks like it should be a coastline. However, before we set foot on the island, the warm welcome team came out first.

"Fuck me, flash!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my greatest Power.)

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