My guess that Poseidon referred to before was actually my guess about why he refused to defect, and in fact I did not tell Poseidon about this guess Yes, even I haven't told anyone at all. However, although I have not said it, Aphrodite, who was the representative of our Frost Rose League to meet the Guardian God of the Seven Seas Pillar, said this to the Guardian Gods, but according to the situation at the time, they and Aphrodite Frodite's contact should actually be done with Poseidon on his back. However, now that Poseidon actually said such a sentence, what does it mean? This shows that these small actions made by his opponents have always understood clearly in the mind.

Those guardian gods thought they met Aphrodite secretly without Poseidon, but in fact their meeting was not secret at all, at least the two they wanted to hide Poseidon, one of the individuals, knew about this. As for why Poseidon knew I had such a speculation, this is relatively easier to explain. As the president of the Frost Rose League, I should know everything in the meeting. Besides, I am now mainly focusing on the work of the Olympus Divine Race, so for all the information here, I must be immediately know. So, since Aphrodite can talk about these speculations about Poseidon at the conference, it is not surprising that I have the same idea.

From this passage of Poseidon, I found two characteristics of Poseidon that are different from rumors.

The rumored Poseidon is an insatiable and somewhat stupid character, because he always loses more things in order to get something, which means that his greed is not Let him get any practical benefits. Generally speaking, this kind of situation is possible for everyone, but if the frequency is too many, it can only show that the person is stupid and hopelessly stupid. This is how I viewed Poseidon before, because he really did it. However, as can be seen from the sentence just now, not only is Poseidon not stupid at all, but on the contrary he is very clever. Being able to know the content of the meetings that his subordinates deliberately avoided him shows that Poseidon has his own, perfect and secret intelligence system. Regardless of whether he established this system himself or not, he can think of establishing such a system itself, which can be done by a fool. Besides, even if the intelligence system does not exist, this news was only obtained by accident. He could guess what I was thinking based on this news alone. This is not something ordinary people can do. This shows that Poseidon is not as greedy and stupid as the rumors outside.

The second feature of Poseidon that is different from the rumors, I think there is a character problem about Poseidon.

It is rumored that Poseidon is a lecherous guy. This is not surprising in the Olympus Divine Race. Anyway, there are basically not many men and women in the Olympus Divine Race. The relationship is normal, as long as you can think of the relationship between men and women that challenge the ethical limit, you can basically find living examples in the Olympus Divine Race, especially Zeus, an old cock, which is simply an animal in estrus. My old mother, aunt, and Aunt, down to my own sisters, daughters, and the wives and daughters of their subordinates and brothers, plus some mortal women, and various female inhumans. Anyway, as long as he can give birth to a child, he There is no one who dare not go. In contrast, Poseidon’s little problem is simply not a problem. However, although this matter of Poseidon is not a problem at all, there are still many rumors about him that are all kinds of bad things caused by his lecherous behavior, among which is included a lot of him cheating others and taking advantage. The incident of one's position to bully people, anyway, Poseidon's notoriety in the world is basically caused by women, and it is rumored that he is extremely small belly chicken porridge, and he especially likes to hold grudges.

However, it seems that there should be a big discrepancy between the actual and the rumors, because Poseidon obviously knew that his subordinates meant to betray, but he didn't care at all. If Poseidon is really as small as the rumors, he will be impossible to tolerate the mutiny of his subordinates, but not only has he tolerated it, but also various signs indicate that this matter is likely to be promoted by himself. He was clearly sacrificing himself to protect his subordinates. The most exaggerated thing is that he did this and would not even be grateful, because he appeared in the cognition of his subordinates as a wicked person, if it weren't for Aphrodite. This matter was pointed out in the previous secret meeting. Maybe the guys from the Poseidon system would continue to scold Poseidon until they defected to us. This kind of self-sacrificing, not only does not leave a name and does not take profit, but the behavior of being willing to be a scapegoat is no longer just a human being can explain it, this is almost a Saint. Of course, I don’t think this matter can mean that Poseidon is a Saint. There should be other reasons for him to do this. It may also be purely due to the psychological changes of death and kindness that prompted him to make such a decision, but Regardless of the reason, he did this anyway, which determined that he must not be classified as a villain.

Looking at the unusual Poseidon apparently in front of me, I hesitated for a long time before confirming: "Are you sure you know my guess?"

Poseidon directly nodded and said: "Yes, just like you guessed it. I arranged for them to leave on purpose. I knew the little actions of those guys a long time ago. They fools were too careless, if it wasn't for my people to cover them up. , They have been spotted by Zeus' eyeliner three times."

Poseidon can say such things, it seems that my guess is correct. So I also asked frankly: "Then since you have decided to let them go, why didn't you leave? You are willing to sacrifice yourself and let them go, which shows that you care about this group of people. Let's change the boss together and continue. Isn’t it good? You don’t always suspect that I like to cheat myself like Zeus, do you?"

"Purple Moon, the president, is really joking, don’t you know the answer long ago? Why bother Come to ask me again?"

"Since you know I know, then you should know what I am asking."

Although if there is a third person between us, Being there, I must be listening, but as the parties involved, we all understood the other party's meaning very well. Poseidon said directly after I finished saying: "You don't need to ask, it's useless for you to know this. The reason why I see you on this side is to beg you to take away all my disappointing subordinates, and take good care of them in the future. They."

"Hey hey hey, don’t make it so lonely as a dying caregiver? As far as I know, you can’t die. Besides, your team’s wings are stiff, and they will do the same if they are away. Can get moisturizing."

"I may not be able to die, but it is almost the same as death. As for those little bastard, without you, they do not live without you."

"Why Unwilling to tell your concerns? Even if I really can't solve them, you can let me figure out a solution for you anyway? Besides, how can you know that I can't solve them if you don't tell them?"

" This..." Poseidon was obviously hesitant. It was obvious that he still wanted to leave, but for some reason he was restricted.

"Why do you have so many worries? You have said it yourself, and staying is almost the same as dying. If you are willing to stay, it means that you are ready for death. Now that you are even dying Don’t be afraid, what else are you afraid of?"

Poseidon shook the head and said: "No, you don’t understand. Some things are really more terrifying than death."

"You Don’t I understand if I say it?"

"I really..."

"Stop telling me what I can’t say, I just want to know why you don’t Let’s go?"

Poseidon looked at me in a very dangerous manner, and then seemed to be caught in a battle between heaven and man. I knew he was thinking about trade-offs, so I didn’t bother him, just let him be so quiet. think.

Actually, I thought this thing should be very simple, because at first I guessed that Poseidon’s body might have been equipped with an energy collapse array just like Persephone. This thing is for them, Olin It may be unsolvable for Divine Race, but it is not a problem for me. What Zeus is great is his personal strength, not his knowledge. We have never been afraid of anyone playing technology. However, it now seems that things are definitely not as fake as we thought, because if Zeus really restrained Poseidon by some means, then in his current state of fear of death, he should not reserve it. It’s right to tell me, but he really wanted to talk about it, but he didn’t dare to talk about it. This is quite strange. Although life threatened is also helpless, but it is not to the point that it can't be said, so there should be other hidden things in this matter.

Since Poseidon was thinking about it, I didn't have any intention to disturb him, so the emptied hall was quiet as haunted at this time. After waiting in this quiet for more than ten minutes, Poseidon on the opposite side suddenly sighed, and I was overjoyed. Sighing shows helplessness. If Poseidon does not intend to tell me his troubles, he should tell me quietly instead of sighing, because making this choice means that his heart is ashamed, so he simply won't sigh. Well, since he sighed, it shows that he is helpless, but at least there is hope. It can be judged from this that he intends to speak.

Sure enough, Poseidon quickly revealed the answer as I expected, but the answer is a bit scary, and it is far beyond my expectations!

"You, you, are..." Looking at Poseidon in front of me, I have no idea what to say about God, although I have discovered that Poseidon is inconsistent with the rumors. But I didn't expect it to be so much worse. Because, just now, Poseidon suddenly took off all the clothes on his body one by one, and after knowing that he was completely naked, he was still taking off, but this time it was not taking off his clothes, but... peeling off his skin.

Yes, Poseidon found an opening from behind him, and then just like the painted skin in "Liao Zhai", he directly took off a layer of human skin from his body, and in this layer of human skin It turned out to be sea water. There was nothing in Poseidon's body, only a mass of sea water, a mass of sea water that could change its shape at will, and it looked no different from ordinary sea water outside.

"Are you Water Element?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest Motivation.)

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