The sudden sound made me alert, but before I had time to make any adjustments, I suddenly felt that the surrounding fog seemed to come to life.

This is a very strange feeling, not that you have seen any changes, but a feeling. It felt as if I was standing on the stage being watched by a lot of line of sight. This feeling is very strange and uncomfortable, but there is nothing I can do about it, because my frost skill fails after the fog blows up for the first time. As for the other skills, I really don’t know what to do before I figure out the situation. What skills to use to face this situation.

There is no obvious change on my side, but at a place ten meters away from me, the change has been significant. I saw that the fog in the entire nightmare zone actually began to accumulate and shrink towards the central area, as if the smoke inhaled by a vacuum cleaner quickly gathered towards the center, and as the smoke gathered, the fog souls were also drawn around us. In the area of, it's just that they are different from the fog. The mist drawn near us all rushed into the body of the mist like a flock of returning birds and was absorbed by her, but the gathered mist souls did not hit the body of the mist, but caught each other on the spot. stand up. Those defeated mist souls will quickly dissipate into a cloud of slightly gray mist that is different from the surrounding mist, and then be accommodated in the body of the mist soul that defeated it. And this mist soul that only absorbed the companion will immediately become larger, and then look for other mist souls to start fighting, and then absorb the combat-ready mist soul or be absorbed by the mist soul that defeats it. In short, the entire nightmare zone was completely emptied within a few minutes except for a thick layer of invisible fog within a ten-meter radius around me. All the mist was sucked into the body by the mist, and all the mist souls were torn each other and swallowed, and finally formed a snow-white whole body, which seemed to have completely turned into a spherical object in a physical state.

When the mist absorbed all the mist, the white mist surrounding me obscured the line of sight finally broke away from my body that contained the mist, and then I saw the unobstructed clear space around me And the mist and the snow-white sphere floating around her.

When I saw the fog again, I was a little stunned, because the fog now looks no different from human beings. The previous fog seemed to have only the contours of a female body, but in terms of texture, it still seemed to be composed of masses of fog, and there was no distinction of various colors at all. But the situation is different now. The fog in front of me now looks like a human female, wearing a rather exaggerated floor-length tuxedo, just like a bride at a wedding. Of course, I don't think she did this to marry someone.

In addition to the fog itself, the ball next to her also made me feel very unsafe. Although it looks white, in my perception of danger it is scarlet, a scarlet full of evil, madness and resentment. This thing is a Demonic Artifact. I finally remembered where I encountered this feeling. This thing is simply not a general weapon, but a Demonic Artifact, a weapon that is transformed into a living creature rather than a simple hard material.

After observing the new image of fog, I looked at the clear space around me again, and then tentatively asked: "This is your true form, right?"

The fog does not mean to hide, but directly nodded and said: "Yes. This is my body form. The fog in the nightmare zone is actually my body, but I was in a dispersed state before. Now I am united together. The transformation of these two forms requires a lot of magic power, and it will take a long time to disperse next time. I paid a huge price for this, and you have to take responsibility for it."

"Take responsibility?" I deliberately mocked said with a smile: "You have to have the ability to beat me to make me take responsibility, otherwise I turn around and leave. What can you do to me? And..." I paused here on purpose. I said with a smile until Mist’s expression became tense: "Don’t think I don’t know your secret. Although I have never seen a creature like you before, it’s an energy-aggregating creature. I have seen them. The creatures like you are actually the same. When the energy is dispersed, the battle strength is very weak, but it is almost an Immortal Body. Once the cohesion is completed, the battle strength will skyrocket, but the same, at this time You will also change from Immortal Body to being able to be completely killed."

"hmph, do you really think I can be killed? Tell you, I am different from those guys, even though I It is condensed and will not be killed. No matter how many times you destroy my body, I can regroup."

I nodded and said: "You are right, but I mean The killing is not to destroy your body, but to destroy you as a whole. Before, your size covered the entire nightmare zone. Even in my current state, it is impossible to destroy such a large area in an instant. But now it’s simple. You Now that it has been condensed into such a large area, I am much easier to handle. If I only destroy such a small area, I can even completely destroy the nearby space, so... Instead of thinking about how to punish me, you should think about how to do it. Stay alive."

"hmph, you also have a great mouth. I can kill you in a few blows."

"Then you can try it."

"hmph, go to hell, idiot." Suddenly, the mist shrugged her shoulders back and took off her wedding dress, and then the whole person rushed towards me like lightning. I was completely stunned to see her movements, not because she was moving so fast that she couldn't see clearly, but because of her clothes. The fog that originally wore a large tail wedding dress looked like an angelic innocence, but when she got rid of the wedding dress, I found out that she was wearing a tight white leather jacket under the wedding dress, and this set Leather clothing is not the type from top to bottom, and it is similar to the type of queen outfit. Of course, this queen costume does not refer to the gorgeous robe of the female king, but the queen costume in the sex game. Six-inch high-rooted tight over-knee boots, conjoined swimsuits generally expose the groin and half of the shoulders completely, tight clothes, with a rather exaggerated patent leather waistband, elbow-length leather gloves, and leather belts. Buckle the general collar, of course, there is the most iconic-long whip.

This is Mist’s full set of equipment, not a metal armor, nor a wedding dress before, let alone a mage’s robe. If it weren't for these things are all milky white, they don't look too evil, it is estimated that not many women would dare to wear them like this even in front of their husbands.

Looking at the conversation and demeanor before, I always felt that the fog was like a nun. Even if she got angry, it sounded more solemn. Afterwards, her wedding dress made me feel that it fits her image. It's just that this wedding dress is taken off, didn't expect the whole style is completely changed.

In fact, it is not only the appearance characteristics that have changed. After taking off the wedding dress, Wulian's entire personality seems to have changed. The temperament that used to be neither rush nor slow has now completely become a fierce personality, with amazingly fast movements. She rushed in front of me as soon as I was stunned, and waved the whip in her hand at me from a long distance away.

Slap. The moment before the whip was about to hit, I suddenly lifted my right hand, and the whip hit my wrist and entangled it. Fog found that the whip was entangled on my wrist and immediately whipped his hand to pull me down, but the claws on my wrist bounced out first and just cut off the whip. After that, I saw that my whole person was like a big Generator, countless. Densely packed arcs connected from the upper and lower parts of my body, like octopus tentacles sweeping back and forth on the surrounding ground, and at the same time, my whole person gradually floated away from the ground.

I didn’t mean anything to be afraid of my changes. She still rushed to me without hesitation, and the arc on my body immediately swept over her like life. On her body, her body burned instantly, but she herself seemed to be completely unaffected and continued to charge at me. Immediately after rushing in front of me, he jumped up and hit me directly.

Normally, even close combat refers to the way of attacking each other at intervals of about half a meter, but Fog’s behavior is obviously not like trying to fight a bayonet with me. She obviously wants to post Come up. There is no need to be so close in close combat, right? Is this a fight or something?

Anyway, the enemy’s intentions cannot be succeeded on the battlefield, so you'd better do everything the enemy wants to do against him. Fog’s current behavior clearly meant that she wanted to stick it up, so I couldn’t let her stick it to me, so after seeing her jump up suddenly, my whole person disappeared in place, and then suddenly Behind the fog flashed out.

Mist itself also understands some spatial abilities, but she didn't expect me to be so fast, I was behind her in the blink of an eye. Before she could react, I directly pressed a black ball of light into her body, and then disappeared in place for a flash before she turned around. When the fog reacted, I was already ten meters away from her. Standing away.

"What did you put on me?" Mist screamed as he touched his back in a panic, trying to get the thing out.

Of course I did not answer her question. At this time, the more nervous and flustered she is, the better it is for me, so I am absolutely impossible to tell her what it is. Only the unknown is the most scary, I just want to make her scared.

Of course, the thing I put in just now is nothing ordinary. In fact, it was a magic equipment, a bauble obtained from Celestial Court before. This thing can be used three times in total, so it is not valued. But the function of this thing is really good. It is divided into two parts, one is the main body, which is placed on the user's body, and the other is the black ball, which needs to be in contact with the enemy's body to take effect. But that thing can penetrate into the opponent's body by itself, and nothing can stop it, so it's easy to put it on the enemy. As long as the enemy is invaded by this black ball, no matter what magic he uses, its magic formidable power will drop by one percent, and the effective time of spell will also slow down by one or two seconds. At the same time, this thing will be at the moment when the opponent uses spell. Tell the user what kind of spell the other party wants to use through teleportation.

At first glance, this thing seems useless, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that this thing is actually quite powerful. The magic formidable power has dropped by 1% to negligible. Anyway, the rate of decrease is very small, so it has little effect if there is any. The key problem is that the latter two effects are relatively abnormal. First of all, it will notify the owner what skills the enemy wants to use, which allows the owner to make preparations in advance. If you just notify the owner in advance when the enemy starts to prepare the skills, this is nothing at worst. After all, the common skills in the game can generally complete the preparation process within one to two seconds. Individual spells can even be instantaneous, if the opponent prepares The host is notified after the spell. This communication process will take more than a second, until you know that the opponent's spell may already be at the critical point of launch. Therefore, if the opponent is not using a large skill, then basically this feature is of no practical use. However, because this thing will also extend the effective time of the enemy's spell by two seconds at the same time, this is terrible. Having these two seconds means that the enemy's spell will only take effect two seconds after you understand that the enemy is about to use spell, and these two seconds can be provided for you to dodge or block. If you react fast enough, you will have some instant long-range strike skills, and you can even interrupt the opponent's spell before it takes effect.

After this move was in the fog, she was quite nervous, she knew that I was very difficult to deal with, so she also guessed that what I put on her was not ordinary, but she knew what I put When it came to her, she herself was completely unable to figure out what that thing was. Due to its own characteristics, the fog can actually get out any foreign objects that enter the body. After all, she was originally formed by a lot of fog, so she could be turned into nothing. Even if something enters the body, she makes herself nihilistic, and the thing should fall out by herself. . However, the actual result was that not only was she unable to get the thing out, she couldn't even find it. The thing disappeared as soon as it entered her body like a grain of salt falling into the water.

"What the hell did you put?" Seeing that I didn't answer, Mist asked again.

"Do you think I will tell you?"

My words made Wu extremely angry. Although she didn't know what she was angry with, she decided to give up and continue in the end The plan to inquire, after all, she also saw it, I was impossible to tell her. So since the thing didn't produce any special conditions, she didn't care about it, just kept two points of strength during the battle to prevent the thing from suddenly producing any special effects that would make her suffer.

Originally, the overall strength of the fog is not as good as mine. Now that it is left with two points, it is even more of an opponent. Seeing me running away, she rushed up immediately, but because she didn’t make a full shot, she rushed in front of me with an eight-point punch, but in the end she missed nothing, because I could see it. She is looking for a chance to approach me.

From the very beginning, the fog jumped up and tried to hug me. This was her biggest mistake. She shouldn't be so eager. Physical contact with the enemy in battle is actually quite normal, and this kind of thing happens very frequently. If Fog really has any special ability that must be contacted to be effective, she can definitely contact me in battle. But she was so anxious that she tried to hug me as soon as she came up, which made me suspicious, so in the following time I began to avoid all contact with her. If the punch just now was placed before the start of the battle, I promised that I would not go to flash, but would take the opportunity to fight her close, but now I am impossible to pick up her fist.

Turning around on the spot, my whole person disappeared instantly again. With a punch, the mist looked around angrily to find my position, but what made her didn't expect was that when she looked around, a black hole suddenly opened up on the top of her head.

Feeling the fog of energy change, she suddenly felt the threat above her head. Unfortunately, before she looked up, she saw a sudden flash in the black hole, a solid granite that was exactly the same size as the black hole and reached fifty meters in diameter. The giant pillar suddenly pierced out of the black hole, and then slammed onto the ground with the force of Thunder's marvellous force. When the giant pillar hit the ground, only a bang was heard, and people in the entire nightmare zone and surrounding areas felt a violent shock.

After the vibration and smoke disappeared completely, the place where the fog had just stood was now a huge stone pillar with a diameter of 30 meters. The lower end of the stone pillar has obviously been inserted into the ground, but it is not clear how deep it is for the time being. The upper part of the huge pillar is a pillar that is more than a hundred meters tall. What's more frightening is that the top of the pillar is still It is not fully extended in the black hole, and I don't know how long this thing is, but even if it is only one hundred meters long, the volume of this column is scary enough.

Looking at the huge pillar straight into the ground, I retracted the Black Tortoise Armor piece with a smile. In fact, this one I just used is not my skill, but Black Tortoise's skill, named Dingkun Zhu. When the original version is used, it should first blast out twelve pillars like the one just now. If the enemy is not dead, it will. Then lower a more terrifying pillar that is two or three times thicker and more than ten times longer. This kind of pillars are billions of tons. When they smashed down from the sky with huge gravitational acceleration, even Black Tortoise could not catch it purely by physical force. Moreover, don't look at the pillars as if they are very rough. In fact, this thing also has a demon attribute, so even if there is a protective cover or something, this thing can usually be smashed together with the protective cover.

The fox, who had been hiding in the distance since the beginning of our battle, ran back at this time and looked at the giant pillar that looked like Propping Up The Heavens Pillar-like and couldn't help but stick his tongue out. "I said, President Purple Moon, what is your skill? This formidable power isn't this too ridiculous?"

"Is it an exaggeration? This is just a paragraph, is it good?"

"One paragraph? This spell is still divided into sections?"

I nodded and said: "There are two levels in total, the former First Rank is divided into twelve stages, if it doesn’t work, there is a Second Rank section, but it’s here. Second Rank is basically a devastating spell. As long as that kind of thing is used, the country map will have to be changed!"

"I think this paragraph is scary enough anyway. But Purple Moon is the president I suggest you prepare some other spells as soon as possible, and if you don’t have one, flash them."

"Do you know that she is not dead?" I asked in surprise.

Small Fox was more surprised than me and asked: "Did you know that?"

I nodded and said: "She is made of fog, which means that the body has no shape. Yes. Do you think it is useful to smash the fog with something?"

"Then you smash it?"

"It's just scaring her. I just think she is a good combat partner, so I want to take her in. So let her look at our strengths before we bring it up, otherwise you will be poor and have no abilities. Why do you want others to mix with you?"

"Your logic is really good! "Small Fox just finished sighing, and suddenly heard a click, a crack about one meter high suddenly appeared on the granite pillar in front of him. "It seems that I have to flash first, and I will come back after you hit it." Small Fox immediately turned around and ran when he saw the crack, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Small Fox just left here, and suddenly there was a click on the stone pillar on the other side. The one-meter-long crack suddenly came alive and started to go upstream along the pillar. In the end, when half of the pillars were torn apart, countless fragments suddenly burst out from the bottom of the pillar near the ground, and then I saw the mist popping out of it with an angry expression.

pa pa pa pa...With a round of applause, I deliberately said jokingly: "Congratulations on your successful escape, and so far you are the first existence to escape from under the Dingkun Pillar."< /p>

I'm telling the truth. Although Black Tortoise has also used this trick, and there are indeed many creatures that are more powerful than the fog, but as long as the Black Tortoise is activated, it will see if the enemy is dead, and then if one cannot be killed, The second and third rods will be smashed down one after another, and so far no one can support the last pillar to smash down. So Wu is indeed the first creature to survive under Ding Kun Zhu, but she survived because I didn't have a killing intent, not because she was strong enough to carry this thing.

Although the mist that was smashed looks intact, but in fact, I can feel her situation from her induction. The fog is actually much weaker than before. I can even be sure that she has lost at least one-sixth of her strength. According to this situation, if I smash a few pillars with a cruel heart, she can support two more at most. Three will be over. After all, one Dingkun Zhu is stronger than one. The weakest one will knock out more than one-sixth of her power, and another one will estimate that she will not have much left behind, and the third one can directly. Killed her. You must know that this Dingkun Pillar is not just a pillar. This thing is also one of the spells that Black Tortoise has survived from Great Desolate Era all the way to the present. Its original target is those super monsters such as Great Desolate ominous beasts. , So apart from physical attacks, the killing effect of this thing on magic and Spirit Physique-type creatures is not weak at all, otherwise, it would not be so bad for the fog, which is almost not afraid of physical damage.

At this time, the very angry fog obviously still has the mind to kill me, so she rushed towards me immediately after she crawled out, but just after she just took a step, I suddenly A small light spot popped at her. The spot of light was about the size of a fingernail, but it was extremely bright.

Because of its small size, this thing is very fast, almost flying to the front of the fog in the blink of an eye. The mist that had suffered a loss before is now on the alert for 120,000 points. As soon as she saw a light spot popped up from me, she no matter what it was, whether it was powerful or not, she immediately flew to the side.

Facts have proved that her choice is very correct. When the magic power is unlimited, I don't have to worry about any mana consumption, so I use all super magic that can drain my whole body magic with one or two strokes. Imagine, based on my basic attribute points and the various bonuses that I got later, what a huge amount of my magic power would be? And even with my magic power, these magics can only support one or two shots, so you can judge the formidable power of these spells.

Although the formidable power of spell is not necessarily equal to the consumption of magic power, in any case, the basic law that spell formidable power is higher still exists. A spell that can drain my magic power once or twice, how can the formidable power be so small?

In fact, don't look at the light spot I just popped up but the size of my fingernail, but it is actually from Vermilion Bird's skill-the sun fragment.

When I hear this name, I guess many people can directly guess the characteristics of this skill. That’s right, its attribute is the same as its name. The small pop-up thing carries the same high temperature inside the sun, but the temperature is restricted before it hits the object, and it will be released only after it hits something. . If the fog didn't hide just now, once it was hit, I guess it would be impossible for her to burn out the sun shard, but it would definitely be no problem to evaporate most of her. You must know that this thing has the same high temperature as the sun. If it is not because of its small size, it is estimated that it will be formidable power like a map gun.

Finally, the mist was lucky enough to get out of the blow, and as a result, the light spot without tracking ability flew directly into the Dingkun pillar behind her, and then...then the huge Dingkun pillar. Kun Zhu looked like an ice cream erected in the middle of the road in summer noon in her stunned eyes and melted into a pool of orange red in the blink of an eye, like cow dung-like hot lava.

The fog that has just been smashed by the Dingkun pillar certainly knows how powerful the Dingkun pillar is. What a terrible temperature can be achieved?

Fog, who was scared to death, finally realized for the first time how wrong his previous thoughts were. She at first just thought I was very difficult to deal with, but didn't think I was invincible. She has always thought that as long as she regains her cohesion, she can crush me at will, but the fact is that even if she gathers her own strength, she can still only be crushed in front of me.

In fact, if she understood these attributes of mine, she wouldn't be so surprised. You know that the two skills just now are all four Sacred Beast skills, I just borrowed the skills activated by the Sacred Beast signature. If it is normal, my magic power is probably only enough to release incomplete skills once, but now because of the infinite magic power, I can not only release complete skills, but also throw them one by one. I am afraid that even the four Sacred Beasts can't do it themselves. After all, their magical powers are also limited. Even if they can contact and use skills because the total amount is too much to respond, they are impossible to throw away. So I am now even more powerful than the four Sacred Beasts in terms of damage output alone. Of course, if I were to go head-to-head with them now, I would definitely hang it first. After all, they just had to fight for the consequences of a move to force their skills to release their skills and exchange injuries with me. In the end, it was me who died. After all, there is a long string of zeros behind people's HP. Even if my attack and defense are not lower than others, I am not an opponent in fighting HP.

Anyway, my current damage output has reached the level of four Sacred Beast anyway. But who is the four Sacred Beast? They are regional guards, and they are also regional guards of superpowers like China. This strength can be imagined. Fog is also a fairly good creature, but it's not enough to compare with the area guards. You know, in "Zero", even the leaders of the Divine Race of various countries, such as Zeus, Hongjun Sect Lord, are the categories that can be killed by default, which means that they are actually in the system setting. It's a very powerful NPCmonster. Compared with the monsters outside who are leveling for everyone, their difference is only that they are special and super powerful. In essence, they are still monsters for players to kill, just for the current players. We can't handle them for the time being.

However, according to the system setting, the area guard does not belong to the monster category. The area guards are part of the equivalent to system in "Zero". They can be killed, but the system will not guide or encourage players to kill the area guards, and the area guards of various countries generally don't participate in secular disputes, even Except for China's Celestial Court, which is relatively strong and can command the four Sacred Beasts to a certain extent, most of the Divine Races of other countries cannot command their own country's regional guards, because they are not monsters in the system setting. These area guards are more often maintaining the operation of some settings of the system, such as restricting players' access to the area. And most of the area guards are part-time task NPCs, and they tend to have more tasks than Divine Race released.

Through this, we can see how powerful the regional guards are. They are an integral part of the system, and the medium for the system to achieve some functions in the game. If the system is regarded as the ultimate creator of the game system, the area guard is the god of creation. How could such a powerful creature be comparable to an ordinary powerful creature like Mist?

Looking at Dingkun Zhu who was melted into a Semi-solidified lava group, Mist began to plan whether it would be better to run quickly. The two attacks just now were not the attacks she could bear. Although Ding Kun Zhu was able to take it down, she actually relieved a lot of the impact with the help of the ground. She drilled deep into the ground, and didn't start to resist the impact until she was overtaken by the pillar. If she was standing on the ground to pick her up, she would have been beaten to a half-handicapped.

"Why didn't you charge? Are you scared?" I asked aloud deliberately, looking at the fog that was parked there.

It can be seen that fog is a kind of self-respecting creature. If you completely knock her self-esteem down, she will not obey you anyway. So you can't be too polite to deal with her type of creatures. Of course, you're just saying that you should be fierce, not that you can insult her, so the language can be provocative, but it is definitely not as good as insulting.

Mist naturally didn't want to rush forward anymore, but it seemed that he couldn't make it through his face. Before, she said she wanted to show me some colors, but she just started her hands, and she was frightened into this virtue without even touching my side. This made her self-esteem unacceptable anyway, so she knew it in the end. She still gritted her teeth and rushed up.

I have tried the skills of Black Tortoise and Vermilion Bird before when the fog rushed over, and the skills of Azure Dragon were used at first, and now the remaining four Sacred Beasts are White Tiger NS. Looking at the fog coming up again, I directly took out the White Tiger fur and quickly scanned White Tiger's skills, and then directly selected a better control, less lethal skill.

I can see now that the fog is wavering, and her strength is obviously inferior to the state of at first after being smashed a bit before. However, the offensive skills formidable power of the four Sacred Beasts are quite scary. I am afraid that I will be defeated by accident and kill the fog, so I didn't dare to use powerful attack skills. Instead, I chose a control skill.

As I ran towards the fog that was charging me, I suddenly heard a thump, and the whole person stopped there in a very funny posture. Almost her entire face was squeezed out of shape, and the whole person was fixed there with a weird way, as if hitting a glass wall.

In fact, the fog did hit something, but it was not the glass that she hit, but the air.

The so-called cloud from the dragon, the wind from the tiger, White Tiger's skill is wind, and in fact, to control the wind is to control the gas. The skill I just used is called air mastery, and its function is a bit like mind power, except that mind power can be used even in water or in a vacuum environment, and this ability can only be used in air. However, although the scope of application is narrower, the formidable power is not small. Right after I activated the skill, I just imagined erecting a solid air wall in front of the fog. As a result, she immediately slammed into it and smashed herself into a pancake. If it weren’t for my air wall to stand too close, she She hasn't mentioned her speed yet, and it is estimated that this will be enough for her.

Coming down from the air wall, the fog kept groping for the air in front of him with some surprise. Although there was nothing to see there, it was indeed possible to touch a flat wall. After confirming that there is a wall here, the first thing the fog thinks of is not to go around, because since I can erect an invisible wall here, it shouldn’t be difficult to move it. Besides, who can guarantee that I can only erect it. Where is a wall? So the first thing she did after discovering the wall was to smash it.

Boom. The fog directly hit the wall with a punch, and the result was that my magic power dropped by a small amount, and then because the magic power was unlimited, it was full again in the blink of an eye. After a long time, this air mastering skill also needs to consume magic power to generate resistance. When it generates pressure or resists pressure, it consumes magic power. When it does not produce these interaction forces, it almost consumes no magic. I said that as soon as other skills activate, my mana will go down a lot. This skill hasn't seen a drop in mana for a long time after it is activated. This is where it consumes for a long time.

"Damn Purple Moon, you have the ability. Don't hide behind the wall." After the fog hits once, I kicked it a few times, and then

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