In this nightmare zone, countless players have come in back and forth, among them there are NPCs like Small Fox. However, none of them were expelled by the fog, only I was asked to leave.

Why are you driving me away? Or why should we treat us differently? The answer is only from the difference between me and others.

I was expelled, others will not, which means that I have some characteristics that are different from ordinary people, and this characteristic is the reason for my expulsion. So, what is the difference between me and ordinary people?

I am stronger than the average player. Yes, this is a major difference. But what is the powerful use? It was nothing more than that it could kill even more foggy souls. It seemed that this was because the death of the Mist Soul was definitely a bad thing for Mist, so I was asked to leave. However, if this is the case, it doesn't make sense, because if I kill Mist Soul will make Mist feel uncomfortable, then others will not kill it? The self-destruct of the mages can also cause the death of the fog soul. I kill a bunch of them, and they kill one or two. Could it be that you can’t accept when someone shoots you, and you don’t care if someone stabs you with a knife? Does this obviously make no sense. Therefore, if I was expelled just because I killed the Mist Soul, then the Mage player should also be on the expelled list. But the results showed that no such situation happened, and I was the only one who was expelled. This shows that it is not the cause of the death of Mist Soul.

So, if it wasn't because of my strength and killing too many mist souls, what could be the reason? It still has to make a difference. The difference between me and ordinary players. It can be said that there are many differences between me and ordinary players. I have a high level, I have many familiars, I am well equipped, I have a fast reaction speed, etc. However, these are attributed together, it seems to be the difference in battle strength. So what we are looking for should be a feature that has nothing to do with battle strength or is not directly related to it, a difference that has been overlooked.

According to these circumstances, I suddenly thought of two differences and derived a key point.

The two differences are: First, I can use magic in the nightmare zone; Second, my armor will absorb the Soul Power of the Death Mist Soul.

The first point doesn't seem right at first, because besides me, Small Fox can also use magic. However, if you think about it, you can find that although Small Fox can use magic here, it has never been used. Except for the fight with me this time, Small Fox has never used magic here. Those mist souls simply never attacked it. In other words, I am the only person who uses magic on a large scale here. In other words, it is only me who has really released the standard spell.

The wizards also use magic here, just like self-destruct. However, self-destruct consumes magic power in the body, not in space. And what I consume is the magic in the space, just like the wizards use magic in the normal environment outside. So, I have consumed the magic power here, this is the key point I think, and this key point is magic power or simply energy.

Mages use their own magic power in the nightmare zone self-destruct. After the explosion, the magic power in their body does not disappear, but spreads to the surrounding space, which means the total amount of magic power in the nightmare zone increased. However, the magic power I use is a standard magic release method that consumes external magic power, which means that the total amount of magic power in the nightmare zone has decreased during the battle. I guess this is the key factor in my expulsion.

There is also the second point. My armor will absorb the Soul Power of the Mist Soul. I guess this may also be one of the reasons. Fog souls are intangible, they are like energy creatures. Because the warriors cannot use their skills here, they can't kill the fog soul at all. The shredded mist soul changed devil beast will re-condense into mist soul, this is simply not death, so mist soul is not lost in the process, and the player does not get EXP. The self-destruct of the mages can indeed kill the fog soul, it is a real kill. But the self-destruct of the wizards only destroyed the energy structure of the Mist Soul. Energy itself will not be destroyed, they will only transform form. The destroyed mist soul was indeed dead, but the energy in its body did not disappear. If my previous guess is correct, it means that the fog needs energy, so she hopes that everyone will leave energy here instead of taking away or consuming energy.

My armor will absorb Soul Power, that is, completely absorb and store the soul energy in my armor. This part of the energy will no longer belong to the nightmare zone. In addition, my magic consumes magic power, so to the nightmare zone, I am almost like a black hole, constantly devouring its energy. More importantly, I not only found the source of magic power, but also collected colorful magic crystals and crystal mothers everywhere. You must know that these gems are energy storage devices, and the energy they absorb is all in the nightmare zone. I took them away like this, and naturally took away more energy.

Based on the above analysis, I finally confirmed the biggest difference between myself and others, that is, I took energy away from the nightmare zone, and not only would others not take away energy, every time someone entered Can contribute some to come in. This is the biggest difference between me and others. As for those lucky ones who occasionally leave with a colorful magic crystal or crystal mother, they are really just lucky ones. It's like buying a lottery ticket and winning a lottery. No matter how much you win, the unit that sells the lottery ticket will not lose money. Everyone always pays more money to buy lottery tickets than bonuses, and the purpose of winners is to attract more people to buy lottery tickets. Those in the nightmare zone who left with the treasure did take away the energy, but their deeds will attract more advertisers, and then the nightmare zone can earn more magic power from them, and then pick one of them. Two lucky guys, so people will start rushing in desperately again.

Based on these factors, the nightmare zone is a place to absorb magic. The average person's magic formidable power drops here, in fact, because the magic is absorbed, the magic formidable power drops drastically. And I happened to break this situation, so I was unwelcome.

However, although I thought about why I was unpopular, I didn't want to leave even more. Because I think of more and more important things. And this thing is-the fog is not my opponent at all, or it simply has no combat capability.

Assuming that my first inference is true, that is, the nightmare zone is where the mist absorbs magic power, then if someone steals her magic power, she should immediately launch a counterattack. What's more, I took away the source of magic power, and also scoured so many colorful magic crystals and crystal mothers, which can be said to have caused heavy losses to the fog. If she really cares about these magic powers, why doesn't she stop me?

Also, after being discovered by us at the beginning, I was desperately chasing after me, why did she run? If it was to not expose her own existence, then we were overtaken by us, and when she was attacked by me, why didn't she fight back? At that time, there was no hidden probability anymore, and I had definitely found her. But she chose to escape. If her strength is really strong, then why does she run? I took the initiative to attack her, and she didn't fight back. This is very good, right? Moreover, even if she is really well-trained, why is she suddenly acting so vicious now? Doesn't this make sense.

So, based on the above, I speculate that the female-looking creature called mist in front of me should actually have very weak battle strength, or even no offensive power at all. She ran away because she had no attack power, so she wanted to avoid us. Later, after being overtaken, she didn't fight back if she was beaten. It's not that she didn't want to fight back, but because she didn't have the power to fight back, she couldn't fight back. Finally, after I was completely stripped from the mist, she became vicious. This was a bluff. It was because she couldn't run away, so she wanted to pretend to be ferocious and wanted to see if she could scare me away. There is no other way.

Because I have probably guessed the intention of this guy, I have no intention of giving in. She has already started playing empty city strategy with me. If I don’t know, I’ve guessed it. If I am still soft, wouldn’t I be an idiot?

"Hey, don’t you want to take the necessary action? Hurry up, I can’t wait."

Hearing what I said, the whole body of the mist over there is She began to roll violently. Although her appearance did not change in any way, she could see that the white mist that formed her was constantly surging and rolling in her body, as if it would burst out at any time. However, even though the reaction in the body was so violent, the mist stood there without saying a word. She didn't show any intention to attack, and she just stood there without answering my words.

Seeing that the fog hadn’t responded for a long time, I was even more sure that the other party was only playing an empty city strategy, so I boldly walked over and gave her a violent push while shouting: "Hey , Are you going to reply soon? Don’t you want to take the necessary measures? Did you let me see what your necessary measures look like?"

"Do you really want to see?" "After a long pause, the fog finally spoke. However, the sound was very cold, which made me a little confused.

Actually, I am also playing drums in my heart. Although I can be sure of the previous part, I am not completely sure about whether Mist has battle strength. I just think that the probability that she has no attack power is higher. After all, Small Fox has stayed here for so long before, even if he didn't do anything harmful, if the opponent really has battle strength, he is unlikely to let it go. However, although I infer from this that the fog has no battle strength, there is still a probability that makes me very worried.

The probability is that mist may have battle strength and is very strong. However, if she wants to use battle strength, she must pay a price, and the price is high. If this probability is true, it can also explain why the fog has not been fighting with me, but has taken the initiative to run away. After all, the cost of fighting is too high, so she naturally can tolerate it.

But, if that's the case, don't I mean to poke a hornet's nest now? I hope this probability is wrong! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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