Looking at the twelve Star Gods standing in a circle in front of them, Aphrodite suddenly felt like a lamb in a tiger's den, but think about what she is now I came here to invite them by the order of Zeus. This process is recorded, so they shouldn't dare to embarrass themselves.

After thinking about it, Aphrodite was no longer timid, but went straight to the last Level 1 step and followed the saint who led the way to the front of the Twelve Star Gods.

"Master gods, Aphrodite Goddess is here." The saint who led the way first reported to the Twelve Star Gods.

Aries of Aries came out to let the Saint Seiya leave first, and then he greeted Aphrodite and invited her into the Aries Palace.

The Aries Palace is the most advanced palace among the Twelve Star Gods, but this does not mean that it has the lowest level. Rightly thinking, Aries of Aries among the twelve Star Gods is actually the highest leader, equivalent to the representative of the twelve Star Gods. However, even though Iris is the strongest among the twelve Star Gods, his battle strength is not the strongest. In the Twelve Star Gods, who has the strongest battle strength has always been undecided. Some people say it is Virgo Vogel, others think it’s Jiminal Gemini, and some say it’s Lebrador Libra. , Some people even think it is Saori Tirells of Sagittarius. However, because the twelve Star Gods have never officially played against each other, most of them did not try their best even if they competed, so this guess has never been determined. However, these four guys considered to be the strongest Star God are indeed the four strongest among the twelve Star Gods. This is true. However, being great is great, this is just a manifestation of battle strength, and has nothing to do with leadership and status.

The leadership ability of the twelve Star Gods is the strongest. The highest position is Aries Aries in the first house, and Ranked 2nd is the eighth Star God, Scorpio Scorpio. Although neither of them ranks in the top four in terms of strength among the twelve Star Gods, their status is the highest among the twelve Star Gods.

Because of Iris' transcendent position, he invited Aphrodite to enter the Aries Palace. The other Star Gods didn't say anything, and they entered Inside the palace one after another.

Although they are not a faction, the Heavenly God system and the Hades system are both members of the Olympus Divine Race after all, and their architectural styles are quite similar. The internal structure of the Star God Hall is very similar to the soul judges of the three giants of hell who tried special dead souls. On the front of the great hall is a row of tall columns from the ground to the top, each of which requires seven or eight adults to hold hands to hug it. And its height is as high as twenty to thirty meters.

Behind this row of columns is a corridor with a width of more than ten meters, but it does not extend forward, but expand horizontally. In the middle of the corridor, there is a seven-eight-meter-high gate. Pushing open the nearly one-meter-thick Gold Gate board, there is a huge hall inside. On the opposite side of the hall is a partition wall that is not connected to the walls on both sides. In front of the wall is a high platform on which is placed a set of gorgeous desks and chairs. Going around the partition wall, there is an exit behind, leading to the outside of Aries Palace. There are more than a dozen small doors on both sides of the great hall, leading to the rest area and some other functional areas. Saints who belong to each Star God also live in those gates.

Iris did not intend to talk to Aphrodite in the great hall, but led Aphrodite to open a small door on the left side of the hall and enter the interior.

After passing through that door, there is a small restaurant. In addition to the entrance door, there are two doors inside the restaurant, which are located on the other two walls except for the opposite side. Iris took Aphrodite and the other Star Gods out of a small door next to the right hand, then passed through a corridor with many doors in the middle, and finally went up to the second floor at a turn in the corridor. The second floor is also a corridor like the first floor, but after a few steps up and down the stairs, Iris opened a door and let Aphrodite in, and the Star Gods at the back also filed in.

After entering the room, Aphrodite took a look at the interior of the room. This is obviously not a study room, but a room similar to a small bar at home. In the room, apart from a row of counters full of beverages against the wall, there are only two sets of sofas surrounded by two circles, and a large, floor-to-ceiling pipe organ.

Since there are many sofas, the Twelve Star Gods and Aphrodite are not too crowded here. After Iris arranged everyone to be seated, he walked to the organ again, and then pressed one of the keys of the organ before going back to the seat reserved for him on the sofa. When he pressed the key, Aphrodite could clearly feel that his sensing range was limited to the inside of the room, which meant that the outside and inside of the room should have been completely isolated at this time. Even if someone outside wants to eavesdrop on the conversations of insiders, it is impossible.

Although Aphrodite thinks the behavior of Iris and the other Star Gods is quite strange, since the other party hasn't started to explain, she didn't ask. She knows that being too positive often means losing the initiative to talk.

Sure enough, waiting is the right decision. Iris, who was finally seated, spoke first after everyone calmed down, and he cut directly into the subject with a mouth without any bends.

"Aphrodite, are you working for the Frost Rose League?"

Aphrodite, who was ready to talk to each other, suddenly ran into Such a straightforward and semi-affirmative question made me stunned that the person being asked didn't know what to say. What's worse is that although the other party's words are asked in interrogative sentences, the tone is obviously a declarative sentence. The other party is not asking if she has already taken refuge in us, but the other party directly told her about her refuge in us. This is an affirmative answer, not the meaning of asking.

Seeing that Aphrodite didn't speak, Iris also knew that he might have entered the subject too quickly. So he paused for a while and then continued: "Zeus and the others have not been to Isengard, they don't understand the horror there. You and I have been to Isengard before, and we all know what Isengard is like. That place simply cannot be called the city of Human World. It is simply a Divine City built in Human World, and it is also a Divine City of the armed fortress type. Compared with her, our Mount Olympus is like It’s a farmhouse in general."

Aphrodite frowned looked at Iris and asked tentatively: "I don’t quite understand what you mean."

"My The meaning is very simple." Iris looked at Aphrodite’s eyes and said in a very sincere tone: "We have all been to Isinger, so we understand his powerful defenses. A city like Isinger, once You are imprisoned, unless they deliberately release you, anyone is impossible to escape. Therefore, you definitely did not escape from Isengard. You have reached an agreement with them to be released." See Ah Frodite was anxious to explain, Iris quickly reached out and stopped her, and said first: "Don't be too busy to argue, we have been to Isinger, so we won't believe you. In addition, you don't need to explain. Because we will not tell Zeus. We just want a channel that can help us establish contact with Purple Moon."

Aphrodite frowned, and then began to think about the content of their words. In the end has several points of credibility. However, after a short period of thought, Aphrodite reluctantly admitted that what the other party said was right. She was caught by Isinger and walked out of Isinger gracefully. During this period, she knew even more about Isinger than Aries and the others. The facts are just like what Iris said, Isinger is a Divine City built in Human World, and it is also Fortress City. Compared with the Olympus Divine Race of Olympus, which is similar to a natural village, Isinger is a war machine. To be able to run out of such a place, you must have the kind of luck that you buy the lottery ticket ten times and win the first prize every time, otherwise you can only hope to escape from there in your dreams.

Since the matter is irrefutable, Aphrodite is also very bachelor. She directly nodded and admitted: "Well, I admit that I accepted the terms of the Frost Rose League and work for them temporarily. But what are your plans for this? I want you to get me here, and then so mysterious Contacting me is not just to get my information out and then run to find Zeus to inform you?"

"no no no." After hearing Aphrodite's confession, Iris Obviously very excited, he said with a little excitement: "Why did we report you? You are the bridge we finally found."

Aphrodite frowned: "What do you mean? "

At this time, Scorpio's Sgur Beyonce suddenly explained: "Iris means that we want to establish contact with Purple Moon through you."

Ah After listening to this, Frodite asked more suspiciously: "Did you not take a few sets of communication equipment and leave when you went to join the Frost Rose League?"

As soon as I heard this, those Stars God immediately smiled bitterly. In the end, Sgur Beyonce explained: "The last time we went to the Frost Rose League was not our own will."

"Not your own will? Then you..." Afu Roddite asked about halfway through the question, and then she understood, and then suddenly exclaimed: "Then you were a fake surrender last time?"

"No, no." Iris took the topic and continued. Said: "At first, we just thought that Zeus’s management method was very problematic. Everyone had complaints and didn’t want to stay at the Olympus Divine Race anymore. However, at that time, everyone just felt that there was no future for them, and there was no real reason. He wanted to take action. However, Zeus suddenly found us some time ago and gave us a secret mission."

"He asked you to surrender?" Aphrodite The reaction is not slow.

Iris nodded said: "Zeus means to bring Purple Moon into the sphere of influence of our Olympus Divine Race. As for what to do later, he didn't tell us. And, for fear We didn’t do things well, he also forcibly entered the magic array on us, which allowed him to monitor our actions and conversations at any time. We had to contact the Frost Rose League according to his requirements, and did not dare to exceed the scope of the mission at all. Outside action."

Iris said this, and Sgur Beyonce next to him continued: "You just asked us if we don’t have a communicator. Here we are. Zeus also knows about the communicator we got in the Frost Rose League, so after returning, he immediately took all three sets of communicators. At first he wanted to figure out how this thing works, and then through this Something went to eavesdrop on the internal communication of the Frost Rose League. But this communicator and our divine force structure are completely two unrelated technical systems. Zeus studied for a long time, and finally broke the two communicators and failed to understand this. The key technology of things. In the end, he didn’t dare to mess around with a communicator, but he didn’t give it to us. Instead, he stayed with him so that he could monitor the instructions sent to us by the Frost Rose League at any time."

Aphrodite nodded and said: "So you now have to find me to help you contact the Frost Rose Alliance?"

Arys nodded and said: "In fact, we are receiving At the time of this mission, we had already planned to take refuge in the Frost Rose League, but because we were constantly monitored by the magic array, we did not dare to show any intention of betrayal at all, and could only act according to the arrangements of Zeus."

"Then how dare you tell me this now?" Of course, Aphrodite knew that they must have thought of a way to remove the surveillance, but just wanted to know the specific method and reason.

Iris generously replied: "After we came back, Zeus's supervision of us became much more relaxed, and we still have such a shielded room, so Zeus can't monitor us all the way. After this room, our behavior must be controlled."

Aphrodite once again nodded and said: "I understand your situation now, but what do you want me to bring back now? What? The communicator seems to be blocked here too."

"In fact, we just want the Frost Rose Alliance to help us find a way to build a device that is the same as the thing on Persephone. "

"Persephone..." Aphrodite was still habitually repeating what the other party said, but suddenly she was stunned, and then looked towards Iri in surprise Si, Sgur Beyonce and the others, they finally scanned the expressions of the twelve Star Gods and found that they all had a gloomy expression, they finally said in surprise: "You will not all be marked by Zeus. Energy collapse array, right?"

Sgur Beyoncé smiled bitterly: "If you don’t have an energy collapse array that can be activated remotely, what do you think we need to listen to Zeus? We have a surveillance array on our bodies, we betrayed him and he knew it, but we couldn’t do anything about it. At worst, we would come back after Frost Rose put Zeus on the ground. But with this thing on top, we As long as there is a little betrayal, Zeus can completely kill us with only a period of incantion."

"It's strange...!" Aphrodite thought for a while and said: "I haven't had this yet. Fa replies to you, but Zeus’ order for me to come is to take you to see him, so I can’t stay here for too long. I don’t think so, you will follow me first. I will take a detour to Hephaestus on the way. Take my equipment there. Zeus also knows that my equipment was damaged in the last battle with Purple Moon. It is a valid reason to get the equipment. He shouldn’t be concerned. In the process, I will try to contact Purple Moon. , See what he says."

Iris discussed with a few other Star Gods, and finally nodded and said helplessly: "Well, I can only do that for the time being."


After removing the magic barrier, the Twelve Star Gods left the zodiac with Aphrodite, but they did not return directly to Mount Olympus, but took a detour to Hephaestus. Lava Crypt.

Although the twelve Star Gods have surveillance arrays on them, Aphrodite does not have them. Deliberately separated from the twelve Star Gods, then she walked alone at the front of the team and activated the communicator to contact me who was rushing to the Holy See.

"What? Twelve Star Gods also have energy collapse arrays?"

"Yes, I have seen it with my own eyes. It is indeed a remote-activated energy collapse array." Aphrodite Di Te replied very positively.

When I heard Aphrodite’s words, I immediately said, “I’m not skeptical of what you said, I’m just surprised that Zeus actually installed a large number of energy collapse arrays on his men to control them. Didn’t he know this? Will it break all people's hearts?"

Aphrodite said disapprovingly this time: "Olympus Divine Race has always been managed like this. The big fist is the boss, this is The order of the Olympus Divine Race. In the past, Zeus relied on his personal strength to suppress everyone. Now adding an energy collapse array is nothing more than strengthening the control, which is not an exaggeration."

I shook my head straight after listening to Aphrodite's words. I have to say that the logic of Olympus Divine Race is really strange. Although the high-pressure policy has been tried in many countries in history, it is based on the absolute control of civil freedom and the inability to resist. Divine Race generally won't have too many members, and for them the geographical restrictions are actually not that big. Once one party adopts a high-pressure policy, fleeing to another Divine Race becomes the first solution that the little gods think of.

Before I thought it was a miracle that Hades split from the Olympus Divine Race. Now it seems that the split of the Olympus Divine Race is a matter of time. If they continue to fight downwind and the area of ​​faith continues to expand, it is better to say that as long as they encounter obstacles and cannot break through in a short period of time, various internal contradictions will immediately emerge. Therefore, the split of the Olympus Divine Race is simply a matter of system. My arrival only brought the last straw over the camel.


"I'm listening."

"Where are you now?"

"I just left the zodiac, and I am walking towards Hephaestus. I want to use the excuse of getting equipment to find Hephaestus to find a way."

"Your judgment is correct. , Now you can take them there according to your own plan. Hephaestus I will inform him. Before, we helped Persephone make a collapsed array suppression system, using Hephaestus technology , As long as we pass the production data, he should be able to make the same thing. However, the number of twelve Star Gods is really large, and I am afraid he may not come and complete so many sets when the time comes."

"I will try my best to buy time."

"I know this. Anyway, you try to find an excuse to go slower. I will contact Hephaestus now."

< p>As soon as Hephaestus received my communication, he was surprised and said: "What? Zeus installed the energy collapse array for the twelve Star Gods?"

I nodded very sure. In his tone: "Yes, and what they are carrying is not a normal energy collapse array, but a remote-controlled energy collapse array. No matter when Zeus is happy, a single password can turn twelve Star Gods into twelve. A useless person is even a dead person."

Hephaestus was a little embarrassed after hearing this: "But if you tell me this, I can't help it. The energy circulation loop of the energy collapse array determines that it is almost It cannot be destroyed safely. Demolition of the magic array itself will cause the magic to be absorbed at a faster speed, and eventually hurt the person who has been branded with the magic array. Although I am good at forging and making the magic array, it is not mine to destroy the magic array Expertise."

"You don’t need to destroy, just help us build something. You can use the large communicator I gave you now, and check out a kind of energy collapse array suppressor. Equipment, I will give you permission. You can build twelve sets for me according to blueprint."

"Okay, I will do it now."

"Wait Click."

"What's the matter?"

"I think the twelve sets are still not at ease."

Hephaestus immediately heard it He said fiercely: "When did my Hephaestus play scrapped equipment? How complicated can your small energy collapse array suppressor be? I can play it even with my eyes closed."

"no no no, I am not doubting your yield rate, but I think that since Zeus can brand the twelve Star God energy to disperse the array, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not give it to other Divi Ne Race also branded this stuff. This time I came to the Olympus Divine Race to dig a wall. I want every Divine Race. In case I run into someone who has been branded again, I can’t let you do it temporarily, right? "

"This is true too. But you can wait a while, I'll finish the twelve sets first. "

Hephaestus’s forging technology is nothing to say, and the energy collapse array we designed for Persephone is not difficult to design, so Hephaestus wants to take photos It couldn’t be easier to beat it with blueprint.

Although Hephaestus is very simple to build this kind of suppressor, after all, it takes twelve sets and there is not much time, so wait Hephaestus just finished the last set of suppressors when Aphrodite and the others arrived.

Because I reminded Hephaestus about the other party’s situation before, Hephaestus Si did not run up to greet Aphrodite stupidly, but first showed abnormal obedience to Aphrodite. Of course, this was for Zeus to see, in fact, Aphrodite. The relationship with Hephaestus is far less intimate. In addition, in order to prevent Zeus from seeing the problem, Hephaestus has shown a very bad attitude towards the Twelve Star Gods.

In any case, the Twelve Star God is still a member of the Heavenly God family of the Olympus Divine Race, and the relationship between Hephaestus and Heavenly Gods has always been extremely unharmonious, so at this time his attitude is worse. On the contrary, Zeus would have no doubts.

Aphrodite also contacted Hephaestus through the communicator for precautions, so as soon as she came in, she began to ask Hephaesi according to the script. Toss and her equipment can be completed. Because I took back the golden thread flower, this equipment is naturally completed. However, in order to find a chance to equip the 12 Star God with a limiter, Hephaestus did not say When it was finished, I told them that it was a little bit short, so I told them to wait first.

After that, when Hephaestus told them to wait, Aphrodite immediately dressed up. Anxiously, he asked to go to the smelting room. Hephaestus immediately agreed, and then took Aphrodite and all of them to the smelting room.

"This is your smelting room. ? Isn't it great? "Iris deliberately pretended to be very disdainful and asked.

In fact, they are in the training room with the Lava River that I visited before, and they are not really forging rooms. Hehuai Storrs didn’t want Zeus to know what his forging workshop looked like, so he only brought them here. Anyway, it’s just to lie to Zeus. It doesn’t matter which smelting room is used.

After arriving at Iris, Hephaestus pretended to be very angry and quarreled a few words with Iris. In the end, of course, Aphrodite came out to make a round. After being calmed down, Hephaestus went He took out something similar to sunglasses and handed it to Aphrodite. Aphrodite took this thing suspiciously and asked, "What are you doing for me? "

Hephaestus immediately explained: "I have to open the stove in a while, it will become very dazzling, so you must bring the mountain to see things. After a while, the sound will be loud after the stove is turned on. You'd better plug your ears, and write on the chalkboard on the table if you have something to do. "

After hearing this, Aphrodite asked immediately: "But what do they do?" "

Hephaestus pretended to be reluctant and said that they could see or not see, but after Aphrodite's persuasion, he finally took out twelve sets of sunglasses. Give it to the twelve Star Gods. After they all put on their sunglasses, his assistant immediately opened the smelting furnace with Hephaestus' order, and the whole cave was immediately overwhelmed by a dazzling glare. If you don’t wear sunglasses, don’t expect to see anything here.

At the same time as the bright light, when the furnace door was opened, there was a rumbling sound in the room immediately, and it was mixed with forge. The jingle when the metal is loud, anyway, the noise is so loud that you can barely hear even standing together and yelling at each other. In this environment, Zeus's surveillance array is completely scrapped, because the thing can only collect sounds like eyes and ears. Light information, what it can send back to Zeus now is a piece of orange red world plus a bunch of noise. Anyway, it’s not useful to see or hear.

With the cover of this noise and strong light, Hephaestus quickly pulled out the previously placed energy collapse array suppressor from under a workbench and used a written chalk board to remind the twelve Star God to quickly take off the armor.

The Twelve Star Gods didn’t know that they had prepared the suppressor before, because they were afraid of being heard by Zeus. Before, Aphrodite only used inductive language to tell them that they would come here to hold a secret meeting with Hephaestus. Some things, but they couldn’t tell them exactly what they were going to do. Now the Twelve Star Gods suddenly realized that they had prepared the energy disintegration array suppressor, and immediately wanted to shout with excitement, but they were all high-level master gods. This is a little self-control. There is still strength. Excitement returns to excitement, but there is nothing excessive.

At the request of Hephaestus, the Twelve Star God took off the armor on his body and imprinted the energy on the back. The collapsed array is exposed.

The energy collapsed array on the Twelve Star Gods is obviously different from the one on Persephone. This is mainly due to the previous lesson of Persephone’s failure. Zeus improved his energy collapse array again. Of course, Zeus was fundamentally wrong about the research direction. He thought we had thought of a way to crack the array and made it invalid, but in fact we did not crack the array. It just made it unable to work normally. Because Zeus got the wrong research direction, he strengthened the structure of the energy collapse array after returning, and also added a set of protection arrays to prevent it from being cracked. It's just that these changes are our suppressor. Simply useless, because the suppressor is not going to crack the array at all.

I checked the energy collapse array on the Twelve Star Gods and confirmed the design method we provided. After the case was effective, Hephaestus immediately began to make small-scale adjustments to their suppressors one by one. This is just to make the suppressor more suitable for personal energy characteristics. After all, the suppressor achieves the purpose of suppressing the energy collapse array by increasing the energy pressure, but because everyone’s magic power type and strength are different, so the same energy collapse array printed on different people, the suppression method will be slightly different . It can be used if it doesn't change, but Hephaestus is a person who strives for perfection. He can't allow the things he has out of his hands to be "usable". What he wants is absolute perfection. So he finally made fine-tuning for each Star God, and re-adjusted the size of the suppressor to suit the different body of the Star Gods.

After the last energy collapse array was completed, Hephaestus picked up a powder board and wrote on it: "Now the energy collapse array in your body can no longer threaten you, but It can still be started, but it can’t cause actual harm. In addition, there is a red button on the belt I just installed for you. As long as you press it, the monitoring array will be invalid, and it will automatically recover when you press it again. However, it is usually best. Don’t press it to prevent Zeus from discovering that he can’t monitor you and cause doubts.”

After reading this passage, Iris took another pink board and wrote some words of thanks on it. Other Star Gods They all came up to hug him and thank them. But when Thors of the Golden Ox was about to embrace, Hephaestus was scared away.

Just kidding! The guy from Thors is almost three meters tall, and his arms are thicker than his waist. If he doesn't control his strength and uses a little bit more force, then Hephaestus can only spend the second half of his life in bed. He just has a lame leg now, and there is no problem with his actions. He doesn't want to become a polio patient, and he has a hemiplegia!

After they hugged, Hephaestus closed the furnace, and pretended to take out the equipment that had been prepared for Aphrodite from the furnace. In fact, with the anti-Fire Attribute of this equipment, it simply won't melt in this lava furnace, and will not even soften. Hephaestus just put it in it and pretends.

Aphrodite threw on excitedly when he saw the equipment coming out of the stove. This is not fake, she is really excited. After all, I'm used to wearing good equipment, and suddenly I don't have any equipment and it feels like my whole body is not right. This will be completed with the new equipment, and of course she is extremely excited.

Because of being afraid of delaying time, Aphrodite put on the equipment and bid farewell to Hephaestus, and then happily took the twelve Star God to Austria. Mount Linpisi checked the attributes of his new equipment. Although she didn't tell others what attributes are on it, but looking at her smiling flower-like expression, she knows that the attributes of this outfit will only be much better than her original outfit, otherwise if it's just the same or slightly different Beyond that, she would just smile at best, and would never disregard the virtue of being successful in her image.

As Aphrodite took the twelve Star Gods to Mount Olympus, I finally got outside the Holy See of Jehovah.

The Holy See at this time is very different from the way I left last time. The last time I left, because I collapsed the Temple Mount, the Temple Mount eventually fell over and fell outside the space compression Formation range. As a result, half of the Roman city was smashed under the Temple Mount. Of course, all the innocent deaths and injuries caused by this will be counted on me. But I’m not worried about this. Firstly, I am not a Roman, so I only add experience and honor for killing enemies to the death of NPCs and players here. The evil value of is not harmful to me. This is the reason why there are too many debts, and there are too many lice. Anyway, my evil value broke the table a long time ago, and more is fine.

Although I hacked the Temple Mount, the Holy See of Jehovah was not over. They just lost some fixed assets such as soldiers and buildings, and there was not much actual loss. Therefore, they are definitely going to carry out post-disaster reconstruction.

Although there are no construction machinery in the game, there are magic and various devil beasts that can be used. Therefore, the actual construction speed is not only not slower than in reality, but it is dozens of times faster.

Although most of the collapsed mountains in Rome are still buried underneath, the steep slopes of the mountains have been blasted so that they can be relatively soft with the surrounding horizon. Slopes, so that you can build ladders or sloping roads to climb the mountain. In addition, the top of the collapsed mountain seems to have been artificially leveled, and it seems that the ground is basically level. It is estimated that the Holy See is considering that it is impractical to remove the entire mountain, so it simply rests the mountain into a structure that can live in, and makes it a part of the city, but the originally flat Roman city will become half a mountain in the future. , Half of it is in the state of plains.

Of course I didn’t come here to see the Holy See doing civil engineering. I wanted to find out if Hera’s foreign aid was actually them, so I had to find Jehovah first. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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