The neighing of the horses became clearer and clearer, as if they were on the battlefield. I seemed to hear the sound of the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. As the sound became louder and louder, the giant magic lights that originally covered the ceiling of the cave were like electric lights with unstable voltage. Not only did the brightness flicker, but it also exploded several times one after another. It seemed that something was happening. Absorb the energy of the magic lamp. The surrounding Dongbi suddenly started to feel something wrong, with the sound of zi zi, irregular arcs began to flash on the walls at some point!

The flat ground paved by the white foundation stone was suddenly covered by a layer of ash-gray dust, which not only thickened the house, but also continued to expand to the surroundings. Fortunately, their familiars who had been released by summon backed away and did not want to stand on this peculiar dusty ground.

The gray area on the ground soon occupied a large area of ​​land, but it did not continue to expand but stopped. A red light flashing text suddenly appeared on the ground, and the densely packed spell covered the entire ground. A neat voice came from under the curse. It was a voice made by a large group of people: "The hero is advancing, and the coward is retreating. Use blood to sacrifice and defend with life! Growing up in battle, never give up ! The obstacles ahead, they must be smoothed!"

Ling stared at him and said: "It's not them, right?"


"The Seventh Army regiment, which was wiped out in the Dark God Palace last time, has been considered the strongest Legion of all previous temples!"

"Whether the entire army is wiped out, is the strongest Legion?"


"The army was annihilated! But do you know why they were annihilated?"

"I don't know!"

"Because they fell with an army of 100,000 He went to the Sauron Fortress stationed by 200,000 troops, then buried 30,000 prisoners alive, and then was surrounded by 1.5 million troops rushing to the fortress for a month!"

"What about?"

< p>"They withstood the 1.5 million army's offensive within a month, and they persisted until the Dark God Palace pulled out troops from the front battlefield to rescue the city and the city was still in our hands!"

"Since we hold on Why was the whole army annihilated?"

"Because the Seventh Army was annihilated by the time we arrived, and 20,000 seriously wounded people blocked the city gate with their bodies. When the reinforcements arrived, it was. Climbing in from the city wall, there are no living people in the city! The 1.5 million Bright Knight suffered 700,000 casualties in a month, but the city still failed to take down the city! Actually, the troops in the city were already three days before the reinforcements arrived. All were killed, but the warrior who died still stood on the city wall with weapons supporting his corpse and did not fall down. As a result, the Bright Knights didn’t know that there was no one in the city. They rested outside the city for three days and did not dare to attack. City! The reinforcements have arrived by the time they find out!"

"Damn! Isn't this a bunch of lunatics?"

"Don't insult these heroes!" Ling said to me for the first time Get angry. "The Seventh Army is an undefeated myth. They represent a belief. That steel-like will can defeat any enemy, even if they are dead! You know how strong a Legion can be to scare 100,000 corpses. Retire a million soldiers and defend the city for three days?"

"But didn’t they die? How come they came to me?"

"I don’t know! Seventh Army regiment It is the Dark God Palace only one full cavalry, all terrain and full function Legion. Every soldier is an all-rounder. Holding a staff is a dark mage. Picking up a weapon is a black warrior. Riding a horse is a Dark Knight. A bow and arrow is a bow. Cavalry! But they were all warriors of Demon Race back then, but now Summon’s don’t know if it’s the resurrected Seventh Army regiment or has become undying creatures!"

"Attention is coming out!"

The spell on the ground suddenly disappeared, and all the surrounding sounds suddenly disappeared at the same time. After a pause for about two seconds, the neighing sound of the horses suddenly resumed, and this time the sound was loud and crisp as if it was from our side, unlike the deep sound of at first that seemed to come from the ground. The gray sand first sank down, and then suddenly the one by one soil bag appeared. A head stretched out from the soil, followed by arms and body. A war horse covered with black armor carried a similar horse on its back. Knight, wrapped in black steel armor, struggled to stand up from the sand, and the gray sand slipped from them and aroused a cloud of smoke. A few seconds later, a thousand heavy cavalry had lined up in front of us, and all the black cavalry were riding the same horse. These Knights were exactly the same as Ling said. They had a shield on their left arm, a one-handed long sword around their waist, and a strangely shaped long bow slanted on their back. There was also a staff tied to the saddle. There are two quiveres hanging on one side! Sure enough, everything is good! powerful! But what makes me wonder is that there is still a large bundle of rope hanging on the side of the saddles of these cavalry, what they are used for is not quite clear!

A Knight, who looks like a leader, rode up and ran over, and when he came to me, he jumped off his horse to one-knee kneels. "The Seventh Army Skeleton Knight is here to report! What is the Lord’s order?"

All the cavalry are wearing jerseys, and even their horses are as tightly wrapped. Although he calls himself the Skeleton Knight, I can't see how he looks like a skeleton at all! The only thing different from living creatures is that only one red dot can be seen in the eyes of him and his horse, which feels quite scary!

"Master, shouldn't these armies be handed over to us to command?" Skeet stepped up and recommended it from me. "Our demon spirit Knight has commanded several battles anyway, these all are the 7th Army's warrior, must be very powerful, let us command can greatly improve the battle strength!"

"Okay!" I said to the skeleton Knight: "You follow the command of these 10 demon spirit Knights!"

"Yes!" Skeleton Knight immediately got up and followed Skyt's back.

10 demon spirit knights rode their horses to the front row to command, and those heavy armored dragons were put together by them alone as the backbone of the charge. 10 demon spirit knights lined up in front, followed by a neat skeleton cavalry battallion, it really looks like that!

Ling came over and said: "There are too many enemies. It is not important for me to directly participate in the fighting intent. Why should I use all the mana to upgrade these cavalry?"

"Can you give They upgrade?"

"It's only temporary, but it's better than nothing, right?"

"Well! Then come on!"

Ling Zhan Behind the team raised the staff above their heads, "Dark Oath!" A golden Six Pointed Star Array appeared at the same time under the feet of all the skeleton cavalry. This Formation was rotating slowly, but it was obvious that its speed was increasing. The faster the trend! The speed of the Formation's rotation quickly became crazy. The high-speed rotation's Formation suddenly began to rise, and the skeleton cavalry standing on them was filtered by the Formation. When Formation rose to the top of the cavalry and disappeared suddenly, the cavalry in the field seemed to have nothing to move except for the red feathers on the top of their heads!

Now there is a red tassel on the top of the helmets of these cavalry. The whole army looks like the Knights of honor during the carnival parade, and even the horses they crossed on top of the heads. Hongdingzi, it looks like a circus, a handsome horse for performances.

I can now see the attributes of the cavalry (still go to the works related to look for it), and it has risen by more than one level! The most important thing is to have a lot of collective skills. You must know that one plus one is greater than two in a war. A 500-level player and 10 400-level players play a wheel battle, and the probability of victory is 90%, but if these 10 people swarm in, then this 500-level player is deadlocked! So whether the skeleton cavalry will have a great influence on the collective skills, oh yes, now they should be called the dark cavalry.

Ling squatted weakly on the ground. I asked Rose to take care of her temporarily. If Ling's recovery speed is fast enough, I might be able to help with some Great Demon methods later.

Red armor Knight walked out with the agreed 2000 Stoneman. I have been busy with myself just now. Although I asked about the characteristics of Stoneman, he never paid attention to their appearance. Only now I found that these guys look like A pile of moving terracotta warriors. The height of more than two meters makes them almost as tall as my Knights when standing on the ground. These things must not be recklessly, otherwise they will only suffer a loss.

I rode on the night shadow and came to the front of the line to confront the red armor Knight. The night shadow still maintains the shape of a nightmare. The deformation gem has not expired yet, and it will not return to the heavy armor for the time being. Dragon! After the two sides were ready, the non-commissioned personnel began to evacuate the venue. Rose and they all retreated to the edge of the square, and the men of the red armored warrior who did not participate in the war also began to retreat until they left the square.

The area of ​​this huge square is quite large, so many of us standing on it can leave a safe distance of more than a hundred meters in the middle. In fact, this is good for me. The large area has enough distance for my cavalry to start. The group charge will only show its formidable power when it reaches a certain speed. Cavalry without speed is not much better than infantry.

Red Armored Knight asked: "Alright?"


He was nodded, and then the right hand holding the sword was raised above his head , And then his arm slowly lowered forward until the tip of the sword pointed at me. "Everyone! Go!" 2000 Stoneman started to move forward at the same time as the same person, and the ground resonance caused by the neat pace was like an earthquake!

I don't want to collide with them head-on. He drew the sword out and pointed it diagonally forward. "The dark cavalry prepares bows and arrows!" With a neat oh la la sound behind, the Knights quickly replaced the longbows. Although there is a difference in level, at least the training is not inferior to the opponent! "The 400-meter datum point ahead, high-throw lob!" All the dark cavalry opened their bows at the same time and pointed their bows diagonally toward the sky. "Let it go!" There was a shout from behind, and a large rain of arrows flew up.

Shooting a stone man? Don't be jokes, is it moving? Those things have nothing to do with arrows except for the ballista. My target is the red armored Knight. Although his subordinate is Stoneman, he should be some other creature himself, as long as he knocks down the others first! The arrow rain flew over the highest point, and then pierced densely with the red armor Knight as the center. This is also thanks to the relatively high karst caves, otherwise it is really not good to throw high lobes!

The rain of arrows from oh la la instantly covered the red armor Knight, but this guy responded quickly. He turned over and jumped off his horse to hide behind Stoneman, and several Stoneman immediately took the initiative to protect him. The result was unexpected. Although Arrow Rain did not hit Knight, it stabbed his mount into a hedgehog. The few Stoneman who blocked his arrows were actually shot apart by the dense arrow rain. It seems that as long as the attack is concentrated enough, Stoneman will also be smashed by the arrows!

But I am not interested in wasting time now, because the Stoneman ran to us under the command of the guest infantry red armor Knight. Of course, for Stoneman, the so-called running is faster than us walking.

"Snow demon, pay attention, create an ice belt at a distance of 200 to 300 meters in front."

The snow demon immediately began to create a 100-wide ice rink, Stoneman Just as he rushed to the front, the red armored Knight flew directly, but the Stoneman behind him couldn't jump up. A large number of Stoneman walked on the ice, but their center of gravity was well grasped, and none of them fell.

"Attention dark cavalry, up ahead, prepare bow and arrow, elevation angle 20, let go!" A rain of arrows wiped the top of my head and flew past, and the stoneman gate, which was running smoothly, was suddenly hit by an oncoming arrow. middle. This time the scattered shooting, the lack of concentration of power did not cause any damage to Stoneman, but the kinetic energy of the arrow cannot be ignored, and the force of resisting the arrow on the ice surface with almost no adhesion is impossible. Stoneman fell a large part in the bang. Although they were still struggling, how could the slippery ice surface make them so easy to get up.

"Prepare the bridge!" The red-armored Knight who crossed the ice zone gave an order, and the fallen Stoneman simply lay down, and the Stoneman behind ran over on their backs.

Seeing the Stoneman rushing in, the red-clad Knight stopped worrying about the troops behind rushing up by himself. It seems that this is another commander who likes to rush forward like me! I didn’t look back and looked at the front of Skeet and said: "The troops are handed over to you, I will stop the commanding Knight!"

"Yes, master!" Skeet immediately turned around. Order: "All troops should be careful not to approach the enemy. The troops are scattered. A demon spirit Knight will lead a team. Guerrilla tactics!" I have confidence in the army. As long as I don’t lose myself, there will be no problems. Therefore, I want to win and I can’t let my subordinates be dragged down by me!

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