Volume 20, Chapter 40, Attacking the Shield with His Spear

"Angels? What are we fighting against?"

The astonishment of the U.S. sailors when they saw us was far greater than the elites of the countries who saw us before. After all, those elites themselves have many untold secrets, and they have secrets about other countries. They also know some inside stories about the composition of the troops. However, these sailors are just regular troops. For us, they should even be classified as ordinary persons. For those of them who only know the world promoted in the news, we creatures simply don't exist. However, now when a group of things that should only exist in fantasy appear in front of them, the mood of this group of people can be imagined.

"Jingjing and Lingling, let's move separately, one person and one boat, so that the speed can be faster."

After Jingjing and Lingling approached me, they separated to find the nearest The target swooped down, and as for me, I passed the two nearest battleships and flew towards a guided missile ship behind.

Compared with the two destroyers that Zhi Jingjing and Lingling found, this guided missile ship is much smaller. At least in terms of length, it is at least one third shorter than the destroyer next to it. Of course, the battle strength of battleship cannot be measured by volume. The missile ship is a new type of ship, and its functions are more extreme. It can even surpass the strike capability of aircraft carriers and battleships in a short period of time. However, there are a lot of shortcomings of this thing. In short, this thing belongs to firepower. It is a product of extremes, but it is an active target when pulled out, but it is a very powerful damage output unit in the fleet.

Seeing me dive down, the personnel on the guided missile ship would naturally not watch. Before I got close, a launch port was opened on the fore deck of the guided missile ship, and a ball of flames spurted out. A small missile quickly lifted off with a long tail flame moved towards me straight. Flew over.

For us, as long as the number of missiles is not too large, it will basically not pose a threat. After all, the characteristics of missiles determine that it needs a large number of sophisticated electronic devices to control, and all electronic devices The equipment belongs to the existence that is restrained by us, so under normal circumstances, the missile is not enough for us to be any threat.

Just less than two seconds after the missile lifted into the air, its rear wing suddenly moved, and the whole missile was in the air with a tail flick to adjust the direction of the warhead and the tail. After all, the missile flew back towards the launch port in the horrified gaze of the crew below, and the worse thing was that the second missile was just loaded in the launch port at this time.

Boom...The second missile was launched before the battleship was hit, but it just emerged one third from the launch port, and the first missile launched before has already jumped back just to coincide with it. When they collided, a Fireball accompanied by scattered fragments baptism the front deck of the real missile ship. But luckily for those people, these two are anti-aircraft missiles. As a missile used to destroy aircraft, the warhead of an air defense missile does not carry many explosives, and there is no energy-gathering structure to increase the frontal penetration force. Instead, it is equipped with a large number of metal rods to expand the strike surface. These metal rods can fly out to all directions after the missile explodes, and the lethality of this thing is quite good for an aircraft with an extremely weak shell. And because the propellers or intake ducts on the aircraft are extremely fragile components, once these things are involved in the engine, the consequences will be devastating. It’s just that the battleship is not afraid of these small metal rods at all. Their range of strikes is indeed very large, but the deck of a guided missile ship is a few centimeters thick. Compared with the thin cardboard-like aircraft shell, the battleship deck has a brick wall. Thick, these metal rods have no killing effect at all except that they can scrape a lot of white marks on the deck. Therefore, apart from the damage of the processing launch port when the warhead exploded, the entire search of the guided missile ship was almost equivalent to little injury.

Although the two air defense missiles failed to cause any serious damage to the guided missile ship, I remotely controlled it to fly back just to buy myself time. I didn't even plan to sink a battleship with it.

I landed on the deck of the guided missile ship as soon as the two missiles exploded. Compared with a general battleship, the deck of a guided missile ship can be said to be the most concise. Except for a six-diamond control tower slightly higher than the deck in the center of the ship, the top deck of the entire ship is almost flat. Of course, the deck of a missile ship is not completely flat like the take-off deck of an aircraft carrier. Its deck actually has a certain curvature. With the ship’s central axis as the highest line, the deck is inclined to both sides in stages. This structure is mainly used to counter the enemy’s radar system, which can make the guided missile ship have a strong radar stealth effect. However, although this structure is conducive to stealth, it is not conducive to defense. To put it bluntly, this ship has not been hit.

As soon as I landed on the deck, I pointed directly at the side wall of the command tower in front of me. With a buzzing sound, a light blue ball of light flew directly out, and then hit it with a bang. A large hole with a diameter of more than five meters was opened in the side wall of the control tower. Since the entire command tower of the guided missile ship is five or six higher than the deck, this large hole almost covers the entire side of the command tower.

Looking at the breach that was blasted out, I just lifted my foot and walked in. At this time, the people inside were almost dead because of the explosion just now. Those who are still alive can't afford to be seriously injured, and no one can stop me from entering.

After entering the control tower, I first bombarded the stairs leading to the lower floor with a small plasma ball, so that the people below would not be able to get up for a while. Then I walked to the operation table and briefly looked at the operation table, then directly raised my hand to eject a claw to cut the cover on the operation table, and then retracted the claw and reached in and lifted the entire panel directly.

Without the protection of the plastic panel above, the circuit system below is completely present in front of my eyes. I found the connection line of the control key, and then I pulled out my data port from the back of my neck and pressed it to the line. The universal connector at the front end of the data interface unfolded instantly, and countless golden silk threads were all inserted into the wire in an instant, and an operation interface appeared in my sight. This is the control system interface of this missile ship. Relying on the transfer of the electronic brain and the powerful computing power of my own brain, the computer system on the battleship was completely compromised in less than a second. Now the entire battleship is in my place. Under the control.

As a new type of battleship, the command and control system of the guided missile ship is quite advanced. In theory, it only needs a dozen people to operate it to achieve the maximum battle strength. After I take over the central control computer, it is equivalent to a single person operating it. The whole ship.

In front of my eyes, on a virtual operating screen, the three-dimensional frame diagram of the entire ship is displayed there. As my mind moved, the three-dimensional image moved quickly. The stern engine was selected by red, and the operation color list popped up next to it, the cursor moved quickly, and the maximum power output on the menu was selected, and then I felt the hull shudder and started to jump forward. After that, I quickly selected the rudder in the three-dimensional image and displayed it as a fan-shaped dial similar to a car speedometer in the lower left corner of my sight area. By adjusting this dial at any time, I can control the battleship. Press me The need to move.

After operating the missile ship to move, I quickly selected the hull weapon menu, then adjusted the target classification to the anti-ship state, and then used the cursor to select all the missile numbers that popped up. In an instant, the deck on the top of the guided missile ship closed like an automatic sunroof to the middle, exposing rows of vertical launchers below, followed by all the green lights representing the storage mode in the entire launch bay jumped to the red representing the launch state. light.

After completing this operation, I quickly used my own data link to request to connect to the satellite of Longyuan, and downloaded all the coordinates of other nearby US military battleships through the satellite and entered them into the database of all missiles. If this process were originally carried out manually, generally only one missile can be operated at a time, and it takes about ten seconds to complete a missile. However, because my biological electronic brain is actually more similar to a computer, I completed this process in less than a second, and I entered all the information for all missiles.

After getting the data information, I directly chose to confirm the launch, and then quickly unplugged the data interface and ran out of the big hole in the wall. At this time, there was already a flame rising outside, and most of the area on the entire missile ship was breathing fire, which was the result of many missiles being launched together. But now I don't have air control of these missiles. Instead, I quickly spread my wings and activated the propellers behind them and flew with the group of missiles.

Just after I flew five or six meters with the group of missiles, those missiles no longer followed me to fly vertically upwards, but suddenly turned towards their own targets and flew over.

There are hundreds of missiles in this large group of missiles. If all of them are hit, it is estimated that there will be no more than a few ships left in the American aircraft carrier formation. Of course, these missiles are impossible to hit. American battleships have automatic interception systems. Although it cannot be said that the interception rate is 100%, it is certainly not a problem to block most of them. But I’m not stupid. I wouldn’t give each ship a missile. In that case, it would be nice if this pile of missiles can hit one or two shots at most.

The method I use is the saturation attack method where multiple missiles are aimed at one ship. There are generally only five to six interception points on American battleships. If the missiles all come from one direction, then only three to four interception points can play a role in the end. If two missiles correspond to one interception point, just launch When eight missiles attack a ship, it can basically guarantee a 90% or more probability of hitting one. With the formidable power of modern anti-ship missiles, as long as one hits, other ships at least except battleships and aircraft carriers It must be a paralyzed life.

"Intercept, intercept."

As the gang of missiles began to rush around, the surrounding commanders on the US military battleship all screamed madly. Although they are now commanding failures, they know about passive defense. After all, seeing the missile flying towards him, the fool knew he had to intercept it as soon as possible.

Although the group of commanders yelled loudly, the operators on the battleship also responded in time, but...the effect was simply beyond everyone's expectations. I am included in this crowd.

Previous positron gun strikes caused an electromagnetic strike on the American fleet. I know this, but I don’t know that their damage is as high as the entire fleet’s electronic system. Are paralyzed. I thought that their radar and radio were broken, and I didn't know that they even burned the circuit inside the ship. This is why we will perform saturation attacks on those battleships, because I thought their automatic interception weapons could still be used, but the fact is...they have been abandoned!

Short-range interceptor guns are computer-controlled automatic weapons. After all, the entire process from the discovery of the missile to the missile hit will generally not exceed ten seconds. In such a short period of time, you have to count on a person to operate it by hand. The machine gun knocked down the missile, which is really a bit difficult. Therefore, these automatic weapons are all electronically controlled, and the effect is really good. After all, computers are obviously much faster than humans in processing data. However, the problem now is that the control circuits on these battleships are all burned out, so that all these automatic weapons have become immovable weapons, not to mention the interception rate, they can't even be activated at all.

I originally thought that at least half of these missiles would be intercepted, but I found out that none of the close defense weapons on the battleship were activated. Then I saw continuous bombardments on the nearest destroyer. Four big Fireballs burst out. One of the four missiles assigned to it missed all of them.

Compared with this destroyer, the cruiser behind is even worse. This guy was divided into eight missiles by me. Originally, I expected to get one or two of them. But the result was good. There was no interference from near defense weapons, and none of the eight missiles were pulled. All of them hit the cruiser. , The result was that the entire ship was blown into a pile of fragments in an instant, and disappeared completely on the sea within one minute.

Similar to this cruiser and the previous destroyer, all the battleships I listed as targets were basically not spared. Except for one of the missiles that was intercepted by the frigate's near defense system when passing through a frigate that was not hit by a positron cannon, the other missiles actually hit all of them. Of course, because the target I aimed at was too concentrated, more than 100 missiles only killed almost 20 ships.

There are more than 20 medium and large battleships missing. The Americans are also distressed. However, when they wanted to intercept the guided missile ship, they found that the guided missile ship was actually heading directly at the nearest one. A frigate rammed past.

This frigate is a frigate that has not been affected by the positron gun, so its various systems can still be used. Seeing this guided missile ship rushing over, the frigate naturally attacked with all its strength in an attempt to intercept it, but such a short distance actually restricted its firepower.

Modern warfare is mostly beyond visual range warfare, that is, fighting outside the line of sight. Various missiles could not lock the target at such a short distance, and because the guided missile ship itself was relatively low, the cannons on the frigate could not be aimed at it, and could only be intercepted by some small guns on the side. However, no matter how thin the armor of a guided missile ship is, it is also a battleship. It is impossible to sink it in a short period of time by relying on a few small artillery.

Two minutes later, accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the guided missile ship that had no missiles directly hit the side and rear of the frigate. The thinly-armored guided missile ship disintegrated immediately, and the frigate was no good. The entire rear deck was distorted and the side armor was pierced. The hull was instantly skewed by five or six degrees, and it was obvious that the water had begun to enter.

Looking at this effect in the sky, I am nodded satisfied, but this can only be done occasionally, and the remaining battleship seems to have to be solved manually! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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