"Shenlin, are you busy now?" Because of the sudden appearance of luck and silver, the American troops were beaten up and fleeing desperately, so I was free now. Come down. Originally thought that An Min and the others had to die at least a few to pass this section of the road, but it turned into a tourist-like journey. Along the way, all enemy units that can be seen are all deformed and out of shape, and some are even a pile of debris. How can you be busy with such a journey?

"What's the matter, dad? I'm very busy now. Just now, the old beauty hit the little one with a missile, and he happened to be seen by his mother. The two giant dragons are looking for it in the world. The Americans settle the bill, I can’t even see an enemy!"

"It’s okay." Father paused for a while and said: "We just had a meeting with those other countries. ."

"Oh? Did you decide to divide the spoils so soon?"

"What is the division of spoils?" The father became popular as soon as he heard it. "We are jointly developing alien relics. Don't you say it so ugly, okay?"

"It works, it's that way anyway. You just tell me the result."


Father did not quarrel with me anymore, but directly said: "The results of the meeting are expected. The development of the relics will be distributed according to the contribution based on the principle of equal benefits. Our country can be allocated up to 18%. And we have the priority to choose biological technology."

18% is close to one-fifth. The number of countries present is far from five, so we are definitely the big ones. Besides, the value of the things I asked Ling to take out before absolutely exceeded this 18%, so we are making a lot of money this time. Of course, this is mainly because we currently occupy the absolute initiative. After all, everyone's focus in this meeting is here, and Lucky and Baiyin must have been seen by the other party. After measuring this, other countries feel that our martial power will be the strongest here, so we take the bulk of it for granted.

Father waited for me to digest the news for a while, and then said: "Also, no Americans are attending this meeting."

"What?" To be honest, I was the result. It was very unexpected. Although the Americans did not follow the rules this time, it is said that they have offended all the first- and second-rate powers in the whole world, but they are the United States after all, and it is not too much to say that he is the number one power in the world. This time these countries dared to join forces to exclude the Americans. This is indeed a bit of a surprise. I thought that they would jointly suppress the United States in the end, with only a little leftover from them. didn't expect to stop playing with them altogether.

Probably knowing why I was surprised, Father said directly: "This time it is mainly Americans who are arrogant. Originally, we planned to bring Americans together when we had a meeting, but they talked about the relics. They discovered it first. At least half of the resources must be allocated, and they require that the development work be contracted by them. Other countries only need to provide equipment and funds, and the research results will be distributed proportionally."

"What? America? People actually say this? What does he think of others as idiots? What do they do after studying things? Doesn't he need to divide anything if he didn't research any results? It's true that the whole world is just because they are smart? "

"So. Countries are considered True Fire this time. After being defeated, they are so arrogant. Originally, taking them to share is already in the face of his world's No. 1 power. But They actually want to ride everyone on their heads. Who will suffer? So in the end, everyone thinks that the United States is a hungry wolf who can’t feed enough. Take a little bit, they will continue to quarrel with you reluctantly. Therefore, we either completely give up the resources we have, or we don’t share them at all. The result is the same anyway."

"So you decide Do not play with the Americans?"

"Of course. And this time we collectively decided to take a tough stance against the United States, letting them understand that although they are the number one in the world, they are not strong enough to be invincible. "

"Oh, what do you mean by contacting me now...?"

"Our mission in China is to destroy all American fleets here."

"Damn, don't you? Get rid of it all? You treat us as battleship killers? The firepower on that thing can threaten us."

We Dragon Clan It does have a powerful life force. As long as the brain is not damaged, it will not really die. Moreover, our mechanical skeleton defensive power is also amazing. The most important thing is that we also have an electromagnetic shield. This thing is definitely better than any weapon. All armors are bullish. However, battleship is after all battleship. Let alone the planes on the aircraft carriers, these things are basically no threat to us, but the large-caliber naval guns and anti-ship missiles on the battleship are a huge threat. Since the extensive use of EMP weapons in the third world war, modern battleship has restored many large-caliber artillery as backup weapons. After all, no one can guarantee that their own electronic system will not be a problem in a high-intensity EMP attack, so it is equipped A cannon that can be used even if it is out of power is necessary. In addition, because missiles are also very afraid of EMP attacks, and now many battleships have EMP barriers, any missiles that pass through this barrier will fail, so many of the current missiles have begun to switch to terminal inertial guidance, which is Early-Stage tracking. The target, once the electronic system is paralyzed, the mechanical gyroscope is used to turn the missile into a rocket. This is better than the electronic system crashing everywhere. At least there is a certain probability of hitting the target.

Because modern battleships have such modifications, we are also very afraid of attacking battleships. We are not afraid of the anti-tank missiles and artillery on the tank because they have insufficient formidable power. Our Dragon Clan defensive power is strong, but it is not yet impervious to sword and spear. If it was hit directly by an anti-ship missile or a large-caliber naval gun, it was damned or damned. Of course, with our flexibility, it is generally not easy to be hit directly. It’s just that there is no accuracy on the battlefield and there is no guarantee that we will be all right. We can only say that we are no longer invincible in front of the battleship, at least they can be truly effective. Of threats to our lives.

In addition, there are not only missiles and cannons in modern battleships. Many battleships have laser cannons, proton weapons, or electromagnetic cannons. Although these gadgets have not yet been widely popularized, battleships generally carry one or two of these weapons. The formidable power of these advanced weapons is often quite amazing and poses a great threat to us.

"Of course you can't rely on you alone." Father said after hearing my worry that he understood, but what he said next made me completely relieved. "I also know that the battleship has weapons that are enough to threaten you, but I am not planning to let you attack and kill the entire fleet. I have just issued you the license to use the satellite killer system. You can assist the satellite killer in the attack. There should be no problem, right?"

"No problem, absolutely no problem." The satellite killers are all out, so what's the problem? What is the satellite killer? That's a city-level weapon, a real map gun. Didn't the base that Japan and the Americans set up last time were completely destroyed by a single shot? Think about it, what is the concept of a weapon that can land a small island the size of a big county with a single shot? Except for nuclear weapons, this thing basically represents the strongest martial power on Earth. It even surpasses nuclear weapons in directional formidable power. After all, nuclear weapons are proliferation, and its formidable power is centralized.

Although it is very happy to get the satellite killer, I can't help but consider the group. "Um. Attacking the American fleet with satellite killers, will the old beauty not even get our killer satellites down, right?"

"No." Father said excitedly: "Polar bears answer them. The space junk trucks help us to escort our killer satellites. The old American anti-satellite missile killer satellites can intercept them by themselves. Space fighter launch costs are too high, and it is too late to launch temporarily. The only thing they can use is anti-satellite satellites. Can’t do a polar bear’s space garbage truck."

"It turned out that the Russians intervened. They have always been keen to make Americans deflate. This time the space garbage truck is also as it should be by rights. Well, in this case, I can rest assured that all of the old American aircraft carrier battle groups will be seabed down."

"Then you just let go and do it. I guess the Americans will probably not have time for a while. I miss you."

"What do you mean?"

"This time the countries plan to engage in joint operations. Our task is to destroy the aircraft carrier battle group near the ruins. Other countries It will also deter Americans’ overseas troops and create friction. If the old Americans can bear it, then it’s okay. If they resist, countries will make things worse and eat their overseas troops."

"You guys are really ruthless. But it's okay to save them from being too arrogant. I'll go busy first and let me know if I have something."

I told the news after cutting off the communication. Jingjing, Lingling, Xiaobudian and Bailang around me, of course I didn't say anything about the mad dog. They don't even need to know this kind of thing.

Tell them to stay here and not run around. After I left Bailang to protect them, I took Jingjing, Lingling and Xiao Budian and left them and rushed to the front port.

After the American deserters got into the city, they started running around. Lucky and Baiyin were busy hunting down one by one at this time. Their noses are much easier to use than police dogs, and this group of people wanting to run away is basically a dream. However, the local residents will suffer. Even if the giant dragon's size is deliberately controlled, it definitely destroys the King's Level 1 in the city. What's more, Bai Yin is now on the fire, and has no intention of caring about these unrelated buildings, so he doesn't know how many cars have been trampled on and how many buildings have been knocked down on the road. In contrast, fortunately, he has been with me for a long time, knowing that he can’t hurt the innocent, so he is still careful, but he is too big after all. It’s really true that he stepped on a few cars and knocked down some telephone poles. There is no other way. However, it did not cause many casualties.

When Lucky and Baiyin were busy chasing and killing deserters, I took Jingjing, Lingling and Xiao Budian and flew directly over the city. However, I told Xiao Budian to join his parents in the middle of the way. He couldn't help him anyway when attacking the battleship.

After crossing the city, we soon saw the fleet parked on the sea in the distance.

Compared with the general battleship, the biggest feature of the aircraft carrier is its large size. Since this thing is known as a sea airport, you can imagine how huge it is. Such a big thing can be seen from a long distance even with the eyes of an ordinary person, not to mention our eyesight. However, although we found the fleet, the fleet over there obviously also discovered us.

I’m not quite clear on how the Americans found us, but they must have found us, because I saw that the battleships over there are all starting, and there are several battleship missiles. The launcher and the artillery are turning here, and the aircraft on the carrier is also moving, seeming to be about to take off.

"Damn it, I found us." After I looked around, I simply said to Jingjing and Lingling: "Help me guard for a while. I will kill the battleship first."


Because the large-caliber heavy artillery has once again become one of the main battle weapons, the battleship model, which has been obsolete, has been used again. Of course, modern battleships are far from comparable to the old battleships of the past. They are the backbone of the aircraft carrier battle group, an air defense position on the sea, and a mobile arsenal. Their combat capabilities are second only to aircraft carriers among all ships.

However, because of our special ability, aircraft poses no threat to us at all. The anti-ship missiles carried on the plane cannot hit our small and fast target. Their machine guns and air-to-air missiles do not have enough formidable power, and bombs are useless for those of us who can fly. Besides, the defense of airplanes is too low. No matter whether it is EMP or direct physical attack, these airplanes can't handle them at all, so the most feared thing is airplanes. An aircraft carrier is a battleship that relies on aircraft to fight, and an aircraft carrier without aircraft is a pile of scrap iron. Since we are not afraid of airplanes, aircraft carriers have no meaning to us, so my first goal is battleships, not aircraft carriers. After all, the formidable power of the naval guns and multi-function missiles of that thing is too big, which is quite dangerous for us.

As my main consciousness enters the network operation mode, the killer satellite in the sky immediately establishes a data connection with me. After a short period of data calibration, my eyes directly become the aim of the satellite. At this moment, the image of that large battleship is clearly printed on my retina.

"Satellite killer system has been loaded into the target. The restraint ring is unlocked... the meteorite shield is deployed... the nuclear fusion system starts... the neutron stabilizer is drawn... the energy is rising... 20%... 50%……85%……100%……The positron cannon starts to power up, and the proton generator has completed its energy accumulation……The atmospheric refraction error is corrected, the satellite killer system is ready, the proton weapon is in place, and dozens of them are launched. , Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, launch.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. The support is my biggest motivation.)

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