"Damn, what kind of situation is this? The sleeping Guardian?"

Just after I jumped away, the hidden door in front was blasted out. , And when I lifted the head after the door landed, I happened to see a mechanical leg stepping out of the hidden door


With the appearance of that mechanical leg, accompanied by a sound of mechanical operation, a fairly tall body also walked out of the door. In less than a second, the East inside the door

West appeared in front of me, and at this time I finally saw what it looked like.

First of all, this is a humanoid object. Although it is not sure whether it is a robot, a cyborg, a biochemical human or a human in mechanical armor, he has the basic composition of a human anyway. Upright

torso, well-proportioned limbs, and a head.

The outline of his body is quite sleek. Although he has an obvious mechanical style, it does not appear rigid. On the contrary, it gives people a very gorgeous feeling. Basically, you can’t find any corners or protrusions on the body surface of this thing. Even if there are protruding parts, they usually have a smooth arc. According to my instinct, this thing can probably fly, otherwise it doesn’t need such a sleek shell. This shape is clearly designed to reduce air resistance. In addition, the color of the shell of this thing is also very strange.

Generally speaking robots or something, either from an aesthetic point of view to create the kind of highly reflective black or big red, saphire blue or something. Or, from a practical point of view, you can make non-reflective

light black, brown, green, earth-yellow or even camouflage painting. Of course, some robots will not even be colored because of cost considerations, just the original color of the plastic shell or metal outer shell. However, this one is obviously not considered from these starting points, because his surface is actually mirrored. Its whole shell looks as if it is made of silver-plated glass mirrors, even in such a dark space, it can still reflect quite obvious light.

Except for the strange texture of the shell, the body structure of this thing is quite standard. Stout but not excessive legs, well-proportioned torso, well-proportioned arms, and a

like three cool-looking heads. But what is strange is that there seems to be no eyes on this guy's head. Of course, it may be because the eyes are hidden under the reflective layer on the surface, so they can't be seen.

After seeing this thing coming out, I was stunned for a few tenths of a second, and then I turned over and jumped to near the hole on the other side of the room. Once this thing attacked me, then

Well, I can flash out of the room right away. After all, fighting with the enemy in such a narrow place, even if the strength of the two sides is very different, it is still easy to get injured. Besides, I very much doubt that this thing's fighting ability might be much stronger than me. After all, this thing is an alien’s thing. Looking at their spaceship, you know that the technology of these aliens when they crashed was already ahead of us. It’s been hundreds of years

and they used to guard important positions. How can a robot be weak?

However, just when I was ready to evacuate at any time, the thing suddenly sent me a data signal, and I could communicate with him without any obstacles


to connect. Although quite surprised, I was relieved to think of the weird control system before. Since the aliens’ artillery uses the same coding system as ours, it’s not that strange that their robots use the same thing.

Since this thing sends me a data request, I will naturally not refuse it, because he can request data from me, at least it means that he treats me as a companion. Otherwise, do you think the soldiers who have scattered on the battlefield may ask the enemy about the location of their troops before returning?

After I agreed to this guy's data connection request, we immediately established a data channel between us, and then he immediately looked towards me and sent a lot of requests. Fortunately, I

I am Dragon Clan and not a human being, and I have an electronic brain, so the speed of processing information is not as slow as a computer. I completed the interpretation of a lot of requests from that guy in an instant.

The first data this guy asked me for was to ask me if I was in a state of war. Of course, I told him immediately that the battle was over temporarily, otherwise I would be afraid of him

Suddenly take out a bunch of weapons and start attacking everywhere.

After receiving the news that he was not in battle, he immediately looked towards me requesting an energy supplement. He reported that his energy remaining was only 3.5%, which was already below the minimum safety standard. For this please

please, I originally wanted to refuse it, after all, I don’t know what energy it uses. But when I was just about to answer, I suddenly thought of the cabinet-type air conditioners next to me, so I just pointed to those devices and said directly in the data channel: "Our resources are insufficient, these things It’s useless now. See if you can extract energy to supplement it."

The other party turned his head to the cabinets immediately after I gave this answer, and then he walked directly into them under my gaze. In front of a cabinet machine, I pulled out a wire directly from that thing and plugged it into the port under a pop-up lid on my waist.

After connecting the wire, the guy immediately sent a message from the data channel and said: "The spaceship power pipeline has been closed, and the energy reserve station reserves only 0.6‰, which is full of local energy requirements

It consumes 0.1‰. May I ask if it can be extracted."

I don’t have any doubts about the problem itself. From his words, it can be inferred that this kind of equipment like an air conditioner should Similar to a large backup battery. Usually when the spaceship

the main power is working, it is in a charged state, and once the main power system is paralyzed or the pipe leading to it is broken, then it will replace the main energy and start to provide it to the connected equipment

Energy, until its own reserve energy is exhausted or the main energy is restored. To put it simply, this thing is a UPS uninterruptible power supply, the only difference is that it is larger. For battleship,

this thing can be said to be very necessary, otherwise if there is no this thing, then in case the main power of the spaceship is damaged, or the transmission line is blown, the whole ship will stop working . And

With this thing, the battleship's anti-damage ability will be greatly improved, at least it can keep the remaining parts of the equipment working normally after being shot in multiple places.

I understood what the robot said, but the way he asked me about it was very puzzling. Hearing his tone, he was obviously asking me to allow him to do so. Then there is a question. Why does he want me to agree to add energy? Could it be that he thinks he is under my jurisdiction? Or does he think that I am in charge of this ship?

Anyway, this thing treats me as his own, and his status is higher than him. Recalling that there seemed to be a similar situation in the Fourth Special Zone before, I suddenly felt that this matter was a bit weird.

I always feel that these aliens have any connection with our Longyuan, so that many of their devices default us to their own people, even some who need authentication

Will be open to us. This situation is really weird.

Although I don't know the situation, it is not a bad thing at all, so I am not in a hurry to figure out the reason for the time being. As for the robot's request, of course I directly agreed.

The guy started to absorb energy after getting permission, and he was constantly reporting supplements. The charging speed of this thing is faster than I thought. Its energy ratio is almost rising at a rate of one percent per second, and it only takes more than a minute to fully charge.

"Report, the energy replenishment is complete, please instruct the next step." After the energy replenishment was completed, the guy reported to me again and took the initiative to cut off the connection to the energy reserve station.

I don’t think it’s weird after hearing this guy’s report. He obviously treats me as his own. Then, since he treats me as his own, then make the most of it.< /p>

His knowledge. Even if this guy has no battle strength at all, his value is immeasurable. After all, this thing is a relic of an alien. He at least knows a lot of information that we don't know.

"What are you? I belonged to a special force before and didn’t know much about your situation. Let me know your abilities."

"Please provide your military rank, I We will give you the explanation and assistance in the defect according to your confidentiality level."

Obviously, although this thing has mistaken my identity, it is not an idiot, at least he has his own standards of behavior. As Dragon Clan, of course I’m impossible to know how the ranks of aliens are set, but now I can only cover it for a while.

"My military rank is brigadier general." This is actually my domestic military rank, but I don't know if aliens also have this level setting.

I was quite surprised that after I said the rank, the guy immediately said: "Sorry, please submit your rank code. I can't connect to the parent body to obtain your identity authentication."< /p>

Hearing this answer, I at least know that aliens have the rank of brigadier general, but I really can't do anything about the code. This is not about opening a safe, but you can also try it slowly

, as long as this is wrong, it will be completely finished. However, my brain's reaction is not slow. After the other party finished speaking, I immediately replied: "I don't know my rank code. Our Army System is basically paralyzed. I have lost contact. My military rank was appointed by the highest official in the region after the mother body was disconnected. I have no way to get the military rank code for the time being."

That guy is because at the beginning He treated me as his own, so he had no doubt about what I said. He said directly: "Then, has your DNA been adjusted?"


"Yes, soldiers will receive corresponding DNA enhancements when they are promoted. Have you received the enhancements? I can only detect that you have Dragon Clan bloodline, but I cannot confirm the level."

What the guy said made me stunned again. What did he mean by this sentence? Dragon Clan? There is also Dragon Clan among aliens? They use DNA to distinguish military ranks? Although my heart

is already overwhelming at this time, I still forcefully said calmly: "I have strengthened, do you have to check the equipment?"

" Of course." The guy directly stretched out a hand and said: "Please put your hand up."

I listened to him and took off the glove of my left hand, and then put my left hand on his. On hand. After the guy put my hand on it, he paused for only one second and then suddenly withdrew his hand to

I gave a military salute, then directly changed the data communication mode to the external voice mode, and said at the same time "I’m sorry, patriarch, I don’t know this is you. What can I do for you?"

"patriarch?" I froze for a while, then I realized that saying this might cause suspicion, so I quickly explained: "There seems to be something wrong with my previous memory, can you help me?"

The guy immediately said: "Yes, patriarch, your will is the highest order, what do you need me to do?"

"Tell me first how do you think I am patriarch?" Frankly asked. When I asked this question, I was afraid that this guy would immediately discover the problem and start to question my identity, but because

I don’t know anything for the time being, so I have to ask.

Fortunately, the other party seemed to admire my identity extremely. After I asked, I didn’t even hesitate and immediately said: "Yes, patriarch, I just checked the

Identity information, what you have is ancestor DNA, so I confirmed your patriarch identity."

Since this guy can answer this question, I don’t care about it anymore. NS. But what he said just now surprised me quite a bit. He actually said that my body has ancestor DNA.

What the hell is going on? It is obviously impossible to describe all of this by coincidence, after all, the probability is too low. So, is there any connection among these?

Although I am very confused, I also know that now is not the time to ask this, I can only ask first: "What is your identity?"

"Report, I am a TX83 battleship Using a guard robot, the number is HK8122-1103. It is currently in service with the Star Destroyer Beifeng belonging to the First Experimental Fleet of the Third Academy of Science and Technology. The report is over."

" Are you an escort robot used inside battleship?"

"No, I am a full-featured combat robot, specializing in aerial combat and battleship landing battles in the atmosphere. The escort robot is just my military organization."

"So what are your weapons?"

"The main weapon is two small positron guns mounted on the back, and the auxiliary weapon is two plasmas mounted in the arms. The cannon and the melee weapons are two plasma swords and two TC21 type fighting blades.

In addition, I am also equipped with ESAGA full-band radiation camouflage and a strong magnetic defensive shield."

" What exactly is the ESAGA full-band radiation camouflage device you mentioned?"

"This is it." After the other party finished talking, and didn't see what he did, I suddenly discovered that this guy is actually Disappeared from before my eyes.

"Hey, where have you been?"

"I'm here." With the voice, the silhouette of that guy suddenly appeared in front of him, but it was weird The thing is that he only appeared with a head.

"Are you...?"

"This is the ESAGA full-band radiation disguise. I can achieve full-band stealth by simulating space background radiation, which will help I get closer to the enemy’s battleship more easily, and get the chance of a sneak attack in the suppression battle within the ship."

"Damn, it's so strong!"

I was excited about that, and suddenly I heard Yeyue's voice coming from the data channel. "Master, have you done it over there? We can't stand it anymore!"

"What's the situation? Someone from outside has attacked?"

"Not yet, But after a while, maybe! The Germans are out of ammunition, and they are now engaged in close combat, but if this is the case, it is estimated that they will not be able to do it for a long time!"

< p>I thought for a while and immediately said: "You hold on again, I will come out immediately."

After finishing the communication, I quickly called the guy in front of me and said: "From now on I will call you a mirror. Are you okay?"

"Obey your orders."

"That good mirror, tell me now, can you connect to other systems on this ship? Me It means that there is still a working body hidden like you here


"Please wait." The mirror paused for a few seconds, then Suddenly said: "Report to patriarch, I just sensed a few active signals in the bottom cabin, but their

energy is not much."

"It is possible Any more?"

"Sorry, no usable energy source was found nearby."

"Are there other sources of energy on board besides here?"

"Stern There is another energy generator that can work, but it takes time to start it."

I started the data link directly after thinking about it, and got the signal from Eminis: "Eminis."

"Well, master, just talk about it."

"How long can your phantom system last? I mean to cover it all?"

< p>"It's all covered?" Emenes asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's all covered."

"It's probably a bit difficult." Emenes said with great uncertainty: "You should know that my phantom system is based on electromagnetics. Interfering, there is so much metal here, which has a great impact on me

, and there are too many people here. At the same time, it requires a lot of energy to interfere with the thinking nerves of so many people. I am afraid I can't hold on for long?"

"You don't need to hold on for long, as long as you can hold it for ten minutes."

Emiennes hesitated a little bit: "At most ten minutes, one more second will not work!"

"Ten minutes is ten minutes, you start immediately."


As soon as I contacted Emiennes here, I immediately said to the mirror next to me: "Okay, now there is my person against me outside, you will immediately take me to start the energy generator, and then put

< p>Those who are active are called to the transmitter, we will charge them as soon as possible. I need your power."

"Yes, patriarch, follow your orders." The mirror said it directly. Turning around, he slammed a punch against the wall behind, and then directly smashed a hole in the wall and drilled it through. As soon as I

see him running out, I followed him together.

The process of getting to the power generator is very simple, but just as we just found the damn generator, an accident happened. A missile that flew from no idea

is an impartial center generator, and the mirror and I were directly stupid there. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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