"Hey, don't listen to his nonsense!" The Americans yelled as they stepped back nervously.

Looking at the Americans who were retreating in panic, the German heavy machines suddenly raised their right arms neatly and aimed at the Americans in front of them, and then they saw the outside of the right arms of these steel machines. The double-mounted six-barrel cannon began to roar at the same time. The dense metal jet even drew a clear and recognizable orange red line in the air, while the American mecha warriors on the opposite side hurriedly raised the armor. The thick left arm with a partial shield function blocked the vital points in front of him and hurriedly backed away.

Since the Germans here have opened fire, we naturally can't watch. Bailang and Xiaobai lowered their bodies at the same time, followed the weapon backpack on their backs and bounced automatically. With the sound of coughing and coughing, a large row of missiles flew to the front of the American mecha warrior camp and exploded. Several giant Fireballs were played.

Seeing that the situation is unfavorable, Captain in the American mecha warrior retreats while shouting: "Retreat, retreat, disengage!"

For Americans’ retreat behavior, we He didn't even intend to let them go. The special formation is different from the regular army. It is very easy for the two to bite each other and attack each other. Therefore, if we let them go now, they will probably follow us again when we look for the ruins. Rather than when the time comes to deal with continuous reinforcements, it is better to deal with this squad now in a spurt of energy.

"Hey, Chinese." A German steel soldier standing beside me opened fire and said: "You are more mobile, how about going around and blocking the road?"


I looked at the American camp over there, then nodded and directly issued the order from the Internet to other people around. Ling and Skye quickly dispersed and ran through the woods on both sides and ran towards the rear of the Americans, while the Germans' steel squadrons quickly squeezed them and hit them with heavy fire. The Americans dared not raise their heads.

There are so many people on our side moving together. Of course the Americans over there can see it, but even though they have guessed what we are going to do, they are simply unable to organize. The German firepower is too strong. These three-meter-high steel fighters are the largest among the elites of the Three Kingdoms. Although the size does not necessarily mean that they are strong, you have to admit that the firepower of the size is often stronger. Moreover, people are big and naturally carry a lot of ammunition. Therefore, others dare not shoot randomly, but they can use machine guns to suppress firepower. After all, they are so big and carry ten-twenty thousand bullets. not a problem.

Just when the Americans were anxiously thinking about what to do, we had successfully moved to the back of the Americans. Probably knowing that if you don’t run, there will be no chance. The American Captain suddenly shouted at the players on the team channel: "Break backwards, don't be blocked by the Chinese, or we will all die here." /p>

As soon as he heard Captain's order, the mecha warrior rushed out of the hiding place and started running backwards. As for the firepower of the Germans behind them... they couldn't control that much for the time being.

The German steel soldiers are equipped with a battlefield form judgment program. With the addition of manned command, this efficiency is still very good. As soon as the Americans here showed their backs out, the group of robots stopped the cannon neatly without saying a word and pulled out an old launcher from behind. This thing, which looks a bit like an electronic thermometer, is obviously big, and it seems that it is not a regular weapon.

Sure enough, just a few seconds after the weapon appeared, while the Americans were wondering at such a good opportunity, why the Germans ceased the fire, suddenly they saw the launchers on the shoulders of the steel soldiers light up at the same time. I got up, and then one after another blue and white dazzling group of light ejected from these muzzles.

These blue and white light blobs that are emitted are obviously not as simple as simple rays, because this thing is like a ball of hot molten steel during the flight, and it is constantly dripping down. The liquid flashing blue and white electric light, and as soon as those liquids touch the ground, they will immediately burst into a flurry of electric arcs and smoke from the area near the explosion point.

Of course, compared to the droplets that fall to the ground, the real horror is the light group that shoots away directly. This group can leave a blue air column visible by naked eye on its flight trajectory. The spindle-shaped beam of light accurately hit the vest position of a mecha warrior at lightning speed. Almost immediately when the light ball hits, the material corresponding to the mecha warrior's front chest will immediately explode a huge hole, and in the hole, apart from the flames and electric arcs, there is only blue. Smoke. Whether it is flesh and blood or mechanical parts, all of this has been vaporized into gas at the moment of being hit.

In almost an instant, the American Captain realized that his team member had been killed nearly one third, and the loss was very considerable. American troops rarely have such a casualty ratio, and this casualty rate is too fast.

Although the player who was close to one third was killed by a single blow, the American Captain also keenly discovered some problems. There is a small picture on the side of Tai's helmet visor showing the situation behind the back. This is the signal sent back from the camera mounted on the back of the mecha warrior, allowing mecha warrior to see what is behind. At this time, the mecha warrior Captain saw in the picture that the side of the weird launcher on the German shoulder suddenly opened an opening together, and then a piece of white smoke was ejected from the opening half a meter high before it fell to the ground. , And the launcher automatically folds back behind the steel soldier after ejecting this thing.

Obviously, the formidable power of the German weapon is indeed very large, but it seems that it cannot be fired continuously. At least for a short time it cannot fire a second shot. However, although only one shot can be fired, as long as they are given enough preparation time in a one-to-one situation, this weapon is really unsolvable. After all, judging from the formidable power just now, it is even more than a dozen mecha warrior stations. In a row, this thing can still be shot through. The only way to deal with this weapon is to not let it fire, as long as it locks and fires, it will be completely useless.

Because he noticed this detail in time, the American mecha warrior Captain did not change the order, but urged the players to accelerate forward. Sacrificing one third player in exchange for the only chance of liberation, if you give up at this time, then they will leave alive without even thinking about one of them.

Compared with the picture that the Americans saw, the Germans obviously knew more about the condition of their weapons, so after folding up the weapon, the group of steel fighters drove and chased them together. At the same time, the machine guns on their arms started to show off again. The fire star behind the mecha warrior that hit the Americans flew around, and from time to time someone’s armor was penetrated to the ground. Of course, there was no second way to go except death. .

Because we are all secret troops, theoretically speaking, we are actually non-existent troops. Because we "do not exist," those international laws, international relations norms, and humanitarianism have nothing to do with us. Our behavior is only determined by ourselves, and no one in the world will take what we do as an example. After all, we are a secret force and cannot be mentioned in public. Even hostile countries will never reveal the secret forces of other countries. This is basically an international practice. No country dares to break the rules first, because that country will eventually become the public enemy of all countries with secret forces.

"Hey, where are you planning to go in such a hurry?"

When the American mecha warrior lost nearly half of the team members from the German pursuit, the jungle in front A row of silhouettes suddenly flashed in the middle, and when these Americans saw us, their hearts were immediately clouded. Needless to say, when we are blocked by us at this time, their hope of survival is infinitely close to zero. After all, we are not only stronger in battle strength, but also half of the Germans are chasing and killing them. It's useless anymore.

We have a word in China called mountain road twists around each new peak. Although Americans don’t know its meaning, they have encountered it by accident. Just when we were about to do it, the other people around me and I were suddenly frowned, and immediately turned around and drew out the weapon to block. I saw a large group of ninjas rushing out as if it was raining in the woods ahead. There were hundreds of these guys. When I looked at it, I only felt a large area of ​​black pressure and rushed towards us.

"Damn, why is this time!" I only came and complained and collided with the ninja in front. Although the opponent can help, the total weight of the mechanical skeleton system in our body and the outer armor is more than half a ton. Of course, the small bodies of these ninjas cannot be shaken. At the moment we were hit, we only stepped back half a step to cancel out the impact, and didn't mean to lose balance at all, and the three of them, like Shang Xiaobai and Xiaobudian, directly knocked the opposing ninja back.

Although I couldn’t make a collision, the ninja who fell on me jumped directly onto my shoulder like a monkey, then hooked my head with one hand, and took out the short with the other hand. The blade pierced the connection point of the helmet on the back of my neck.

Of course I was impossible to be killed by a ninja. As soon as the opponent swung the knife, I immediately grabbed one of his ankles and dragged it off my body. Then I didn’t let go. He swung it around from behind and slammed it on the head of the second ninja who rushed in front of me. Accompanied by the loud peng sound and the clacking skeleton crackling sound, the two ninjas immediately collapsed together and there was no more movement.

After solving the two ninjas with one blow, I didn't stop at all. Pulling out the small-caliber pistol and raising my hand was a series of continuous bursts of shots, and the ninja in front fell down a large swath in an instant. However, I'm playing well here, and suddenly I heard the footsteps of dong dong dong coming from behind. He turned around and saw that American mecha warrior Captain jumped up and rushed down at me. I just turned around and was knocked out by him.

Compared with the biochemical ninja made by the Japanese, the American mecha warrior is much heavier. Almost all of these mecha warriors are brawny men with a height of 1.8 meters or more. After wearing mobile armor, they are generally more than two meters in height, and their weight has reached more than 800 kg, which is two or three hundred kg heavier than us. This weight plus the kinetic energy generated by the speed suddenly hit us, even if we are strong, the body is absolutely unstoppable.

As soon as I was thrown down by the mecha warrior Captain, he immediately raised his fist and slammed it down on my head. Accompanied by a clicking sound, I only felt my head tremble, but the guy keenly discovered that our armour couldn't be smashed by arm alone. So the guy directly raised his arm again, and two metal elbows were quickly turned out from his wrist, and then he heard a squeaky sound of a dazzling light band between the two metal heads.

I was stunned when I saw this thing, because we also have equipment for this thing, but it's not for war. This is actually an auxiliary tool, its principle is to use the characteristics of metal discharge to create a plasma arc, and then use the high temperature of the plasma to cut objects. Generally, the internal temperature of this kind of plasma can reach several million degrees, not to mention our armor, there is nothing on Earth to withstand this temperature.

Seeing that thing appeared, I directly grabbed a hand and squeezed his wrist. The guy desperately wanted to press down, but I pushed him up. However, even though we both resisted each other hard, it was only less than a second that the guy found his arm was being pushed quickly towards his own head. Although their power armor can provide mechanical power assistance, our internal mechanical skeletons also have mechanical assistance. Although the two cannot be said to be equally powerful in output, our output is not much lower than theirs. However, contrary to the mechanical part, I am Dragon Clan, whose physical strength is tens of thousands of times stronger than humans do not know. Although that guy is a muscular man and has been assisted by biochemical technology to some extent, he is still human after all. Even if he uses medicine stimulation and other methods to strengthen his strength, it is only several times that of ordinary people, which is incomparable to us. Therefore, in terms of total power output, these mecha warriors are still inferior to our large section, especially in terms of short-term explosive power. After all, their mechanical joints use a mechanical pressure system, while our mechanical skeleton uses electromagnetic joints. In terms of explosive output, there is a huge difference between the two in terms of principle. In addition, our muscle tissue can achieve zero-start burst. This kind of short Power of Time output has no comparability at all.

Seeing the high-temperature arc being pushed towards him, of course, that guy would not wait stupidly for his head to be cut open by his own arc. Although he can't fight me, he can turn off the arc. As the arc extinguished, his arm suddenly hit his head, but because the arc was turned off in time, only a black mark was baked on the surface of the helmet.

Just when he thought he was temporarily out of danger, I suddenly dragged my right arm out, and then with a movement of my wrist, the claws on my arm bounced out with a click. Before that guy could react, I suddenly punched him on the waist, and of course the blade claws were all inserted into his waist before my fists. Although his outer armor is quite thick, my claws are not short, and this insertion definitely pierced his internal organs. And... my claws are fed poison.

Our Dragon Fate also engages in biochemical technology, so getting some poison out is really with no difficulty. And our claws are retractable, so we don’t worry about hurting ourselves, so it’s safe to apply poison. In fact, our blade claws are not simply smeared with poison on the surface, but there is a small passage similar to a syringe inside it, followed by a toxin reservoir. We will choose to inject venom only when it is necessary. When we don’t want it, there will be no venom outflow. And we can even choose to change the venom bottle at any time to replace different types of toxins. In addition, since we have three blades on each side of the claw, we can install three kinds of poison bottles at a time, of course, it is also possible to install all of them.

I just injected one of the toxins when I stabbed this guy into the body. This is an auxiliary drug that is often used in DNA experiments. It is not strictly speaking a toxin, but it is correct. All carbon-based organisms with cell structure have a strong harmful effect, because once it comes into contact with the cell, it will exchange atoms with the cell wall to change the nature of the cell wall and cause the cell to rupture. At the same time, this exchange reaction is two-way, which means that when the cell wall is broken, the exchanged atoms will be exchanged back into the substance again, and the toxin itself will be restored.

The simple point is that the toxin does not consume itself when it destroys cells, so no matter how many cells there are, as long as there is enough time, even a few molecules of this toxin are enough to destroy them all. In theory, as long as there is only one milligram of this thing, it is not a problem to decompose all the creatures in the world into Corpse Water. Of course, the above is only a theoretical statement. In fact, the substance itself is not a problem. Although destroying the cell itself will not cause it to be lost, it will be naturally decomposed in the human body, and some secretions in the body can also make it. The nature has changed, so its actual lethality is not as exaggerated as the theoretical value. However, even if it is not so scary in theory, it is still a powerful toxin, and it takes effect extremely fast. Its effect is similar to the corpse powder described in wuxia novel under naked eye observation.

I stabbed the claws into this guy's body and quickly injected the venom, and then took the claws back with a chuckle, and then took advantage of the opportunity of him to temporarily lose his strength because of the pain. Pulling him off his chest a little, and then using the gap between us to lift his leg against his stomach and kick him, the guy flew out directly.

The guy I kicked into the air struggled to stand up after landing, but soon he fell down again. The toxins are decomposing various organs in his body at a terrifying speed. Although he looks no problem from the outside, he probably only has a pile of yellow liquid left in his stomach, and it is estimated that he will completely transform into it in a few minutes. A puddle of yellow water.

"Quickly get out of the way."

I was watching the guy over there fall down again, and suddenly I heard a call from Skye using the Internet because I didn’t know the danger. From where I came from, I just jumped, and then felt my feet tremble, and with a bang, a Fireball turned directly under me and wrapped me in it. Fortunately, this is just a rising Fireball. I'm already not in the explosion range, so it's basically nothing except getting blacked out a lot.

I turned my head and looked at the direction of the explosive flying, and my eyes immediately showed a look of surprise.

To be honest, when the Englishman said that someone posted the news about the excavation of alien relics on the Internet, I already knew that people from all over the world would be coming. However, what I imagined should be the powerful secret forces of various countries, but what is the object that launches explosives in front of me? Is the airplane model in the space museum?

What I just saw was not an advanced combat unit, but an aircraft. In addition to this aircraft, there are several similar types of aircraft nearby. But... without exception, these aircraft are old-fashioned aircraft that have been retired by mainstream powers for more than 20 years. Not to mention that this thing has long been discontinued. I even doubt that their accessories can be found.

In my opinion, these things don't need to be grown by others. Let them fly in the sky for more than 20 hours and naturally they will all be planted because of one kind of applause.

"This, this...Is this a local government plane?"

After a long period of consternation, I finally realized what it was. It is absolutely impossible to have this kind of aircraft. It is a first-class country. Even if you want to store the aircraft, it is impossible to store such an old thing, right? I feel that the vintage car that Father collected is much newer than this plane. How did this thing fly into the sky? Having said that, the pilots of African countries are really awesome! Do they dare to sit in this thing? It’s not dangerous to ride on a missile, right? At least the missile will not explode without flying over the target, and this thing has been a firecracker with a fuse from the beginning of take-off!

The plane was obviously not just here to help someone, because after it launched missiles at me, it dropped a bunch of bombs. The mecha warrior of the Americans and the Germans who had just arrived were both The bomb was covered. Of course, as a secret force, our armor is a product at no cost, so what should be done after the bombing. Except for a few unlucky guys who were blown away by the blast because they were hit directly, there were almost no casualties in our four quarters. The ninjas of Little Japan are too fast and bombs can't blow them. The personnel of the other three countries are protected by armor, so they are not afraid of bombing. This group of planes is like a cheerleader, and they have no effect except for the noise.

Of course, if they did not pose a threat to us does not mean that I will let them go. Looking at the plane that had flown over our heads over there, I pointed directly at one of the planes far away, and the plane immediately turned and moved towards the nearby wingman and crashed into it. With a bang, the two planes exploded into a big Fireball. Following me, I pointed to the next plane, and remotely controlled it to explode its companions in the air with the airborne cannon, and then it moved towards the ground and dived and hit the ground and turned into a big Fireball.

In the end, there were two planes left behind me. I was about to turn around to deal with them. Didn’t expect one of them to turn around and suddenly black smoke began to be emitted from behind its buttocks, and it was also emitting A group of orange red flames fell directly like a rock following the plane. The other plane was even more powerful. The cockpit suddenly burst into flames while flying, and then I saw that the pilot pierced the glass overhead with a pistol and climbed out of the cabin manually and jumped off the plane. In the air, he continued to pull the parachute rope in an attempt to open it, but I didn't see the parachute until he disappeared in the canopy. As for the unmanned aircraft... "Huh?" Just patronizing the pilot. After not paying attention, I noticed that the plane was swaying and flying away.

"Damn, this thing is really damn advanced enough, and unmanned is okay?" Although most civil aviation planes have unmanned systems, they are civil aviation after all, and fighter jets are also unmanned. , I heard it for the first time. Of course, dedicated drones are not counted.

Seeing that all six noisy planes were finished, I spread my wings and glide to the ground. The battlefield ahead is basically ignored. There are only a dozen Americans left who are still struggling on whilst at death's door. Since the Germans have already arrived, it is estimated that those Americans will not last long. This time the incident is over, I guess the Americans will definitely find a way to trouble our country. After all, the Americans’ character is not willing to suffer. This time they have lost so many secret elites here, they will definitely be unhappy in their hearts, and if they are unhappy, they will inevitably find our troubles. Of course, as long as the ruins are available, they love to find and find them, and we are not afraid of them anyway.

I was thinking about it. Suddenly, I felt a call reminder in the wireless signal. I saw a large red dot on the map. Ling and Skye also immediately connected to the information network. Ling asked aloud on the Internet: "What's the matter? Where are these enemies?"

The voice of the military god suddenly appeared on the Internet. "Hello everyone, I will be responsible for your battlefield guidance from now on. These all are troops from all countries in the world. They are basically all the elite troops that can be assembled in a short period of time. "

Xiaochun's voice said: "I can understand how attractive the ruins are, especially for those countries that have no ruins. But with such a big movement, are they not afraid to attract attention?"< /p>

Ling said: "Almost all countries in the world with a little bit of strength have come. If you suppress the news in a unified way, as long as you don't be afraid that the entire Africa is going down, civilians in other countries will probably not know any news. Huh?"

"But what do you do now?" Skott asked. "So many people come together, are we...?"

I turned my head and glanced at the Germans over there, and then directly shouted at them with an external speaker: "Hey, give me a communication port. There is something for you to take a look."

I finished shouting here, and the communication check immediately found an open data port, and then we quickly added it to our internal network, and then The pictures of helping the Germans are also projected into our virtual chat room, but because they use different equipment from ours, they can only see facial expressions and hear sounds, and cannot be reflected in the chat room like us. Transformed into a body, after all, they do not have our brains that take into account both the network and the actual computing, and the brains of ordinary persons cannot bear this amount of data.

"What is this?" The Germans cried out in surprise after seeing the map we passed.

The voice of the military god directly explained to them: "The red is the army of various countries, and the dashed line is to predict their movement route and arrival time."

"So many?"


After the other party was surprised, I said: "We are only the first batch to arrive. These countries are already a lot slower than our few countries, but slowness also has its advantages. There must be more troops than ours."

Another German voice appeared in the communication and said: "Our country is not only a few of us, we are just the advance force, and the reinforcements are still being assembled. "

"Then let them hurry up and tell them that if they don't come, they don't have to assemble." Ye Yue said directly.

"Don't just talk about us, what about your reinforcements?" the German said unconvinced.

I directly moved the map to a location overseas, and then zoomed in and showed it to them. "I've already arrived here. It must come before your reinforcements. Let me tell you first. If your reinforcements come late, you will get less points in the end."

The Germans Although people wanted to refute, they couldn't find an excuse, so they had to temporarily unmute the communication channel and quickly contact the country to speed up the assembly to send reinforcements as soon as possible. After all, now is the time to grab the cake. You may be too late to leave the cake residue.

"Speaking of, let’s put out the Americans and the Japanese monkeys first. Let’s find the ruins quickly. Maybe there are not many things in the ruins, so we will run away if we grab them. No matter how many people are doing things for nothing."

As soon as the German finished talking, I poured cold water on him. "Don't dream anymore. We have briefly communicated with those British people before. According to them, the ruins are huge. I don't know how big they are, but we will definitely not be able to move anyway."

"By the way, the British." The German suddenly asked: "When I first arrived, I obviously saw that you brought an Englishman by your side, how about you?"

"I rely on , I forgot to fight that guy in the war!" Before we patronized and fought with the Americans, we completely forgot the Englishman to Java. Now when I think about it, we realize that we have lost people.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I put a tracker on that person." Ling deserves to be a Goddess, and he does things more reliably. Although she had forgotten the Englishman, she still remembered to install a tracker for them.

"Military god, where is the tracker?"

"Here." The military god directly moved the map a little bit away, and immediately appeared on the map representing the tracker Mark, and it doesn’t look too far away. After all, that guy is an ordinary person, how fast can he run with his speed? But... "the few next...?"

"Damn, that damn woman!"

After seeing the sign of the tracker, we actually found the tracker There is also a signal next to the device, and this signal is clearly the map pointer I gave them to the mad dogs. Following the normal route, the group of people holding the director had already moved a long distance towards the sea. However, now they actually appeared next to the Englishman, and this place had an angle of nearly one hundred and forty degrees with the escape route I pointed out to them, which was almost in the opposite direction. These guys are absolutely impossible, even if they are crazy. They are so wrong. Then, the only explanation for their presence there was that the mad woman An Min was.

"This crazy woman who wants news and kills!" This time even Ling couldn't help but scolded.

"What shall we do now?" Xiaochun asked.

I looked at the battlefield and said: "Resolve this group of Americans as soon as possible. We will immediately find the relics, and go first to see what is more important. Let’s take it away first. Even if the remaining things have to be flattened. Points, at least the most important thing has been taken away."

Because of the communication channel, the Germans also heard what we said, and they immediately agreed. Everyone is here for the relics. Since it is impossible to monopolize them, then prepare for the worst and get rid of the most technical things first, so that even if they share the rest with other countries, they won’t suffer. Of course, the premise of all this is that we have to be fast enough.

Under the appeal of the ruins, we and the Germans broke out completely. With a burst of firepower and violence, it took almost five minutes to solve the remaining Americans and Japanese ninjas, confirm After there were no more people living on the scene, we turned around and drove over to the ruins.

According to the coordinates given by the Englishman and the location of the tracker on the map, the Englishman is clearly on his way to the ruins. This is obviously not in line with his original intention, so I let the military god display the movement of the tracker in the last half an hour, and at the same time display the changes in the map information near him within half an hour, and the screen I saw made me startled.

According to the map records, the Englishman should have sneaked away after we started the fight, and then he has been running towards the port. After living here for a long time, this guy can confirm the correct direction even without a map and a guide. He was heading towards the port almost unbiased, indicating that he intends to leave here. However, after a few minutes he left, he merged with An Min and the others, and An Min and the others were clearly running back, so they met the Englishman. After the two paused together for more than a minute, they began to move to their current position. This was obviously because An Min and the others were forcing the British to take them to the direction of the ruins in some way.

"Next time I see her, I must kill her." I said bitterly after reading the map record.

Xiaochun persuaded: "She is the girlfriend of the Zhang Family guy after all. We have saved them so many times. This favor has been sold big enough. If the favor is lost, is it a bit more than the gain?"

I also think it makes sense when I hear Xiaochun's words, but I feel a little panicked if I don't breathe. How could this damn crazy woman do so much? But then again, if it weren’t for her presence, we would be impossible to be pulled over to save people, and when our country got the information about the ruins, we would be sent. It is estimated that at that time we could only rush to this side. Those countries like this are picking up some scum!

"Oh...Forget it, this is really a success, Xiao He, and Xiao He! Because she has given us the opportunity to pick up the bargain, let's spare her life. But one I must slap them again! This woman

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