The American mobile armored forces have fought against us before, so when they intercepted the opponent in Skott, the opponent only had a dispute with Skott and the others, not directly. Fight. This situation was strengthened immediately after Xiaochun and the others joined. The Americans were originally sgoths and they used to push and smash, but when they saw Xiaochun and the others joined, they only moved their mouths and did not move their hands. It is estimated that their intelligence department has also explained to them the composition of our side. Compared to Sgoth and the others, my group of demons is the most ruthless.

The external situation was temporarily eased because of Xiaochun and the others, and the internal situation did not bother me too much. Under the threat of bombs, even a few people whose heads are short-circuited and want to put on airs have to scramble outwards. After all, no matter how important face is, life is not important. What do people do if they die?

The last person in the entire assembly point finally rushed out of the building when the five minutes I said was still more than 30 seconds away, and then some of them rushed towards us in a rage I came over and planned to talk to us, but before these people got to the position, I heard a loud explosion sound from the building behind, and then the whole building began to collapse, and finally accompanied by a burst of tumbling smoke and dust, the whole building All became a ruin. After the office building here collapsed, there was another noise on the dormitory building, and then the dormitory building fell along with it. If anyone else hasn't come out now, he will never need to come out.

Originally, some people in the team foul-mouthed that we were scaring people, but now they all shut up. Sometimes you feel that many people are arrogant and don't even want their lives. That's because they know you dare not do anything to him. If you really let him know how you dare to treat him, he promises to be better than anyone else. Just like this group of people here. Before they suspected that we were just giving false news to deceive people, so they wanted to rush over and reason with me. Now that we really dared to ignore their lives and directly explode, this group of people immediately withered.

"Okay, everyone will gather here for me." I turned on the amplifier on the armor helmet and said to the people who were still in a daze over there.

Those people were shocked by the blasting of the building, but now they heard my call, they came over instinctively like zombie. After the group of people arrived, I directly called out the former British Civil Affairs Chief-In-Charge, and then we divided all the personnel here into two parts, one part is military, the other part is from various countries civilian.

Because I only called out the soldiers, the speed of distinction was very fast. After all the soldiers were instructed to leave the crowd, I directly turned towards Ling nodded, followed Ling and turned my head in the direction of the group, and then There was no sound and light effect, nor did he see what Ling did. The crowd standing there seemed to have fainted collectively, and suddenly everyone fainted to the ground at the same time. This sudden change shocked the surrounding soldiers. After all, it was obviously unlikely that so many people fell together by accident. Moreover, before this group of people fell, we also specially let them out of the queue, which is obvious. Pick the target. In other words, the collective fainting of these people was caused by us.

Those soldiers are better, but the officers are very scared. This weapon that can cause hundreds of people to suddenly faint collectively without a sound is really amazing. If such a piece of equipment is placed on the battlefield, then as long as this thing is activated, the battle will not be necessary. The enemy fainted. Your troops only need to bring handcuffs and a stretcher to receive the prisoners. How about a fart? Moreover, judging from the situation just now, this kind of weapon that can make people faint is obviously not big, because we don't carry any large-scale equipment on our body, and it seems that this thing is also very directional. Although the soldiers left the civilian phalanx, they were not far away from these people, and they did not carry any protective equipment. In this case, the civilians were all stunned, but they didn't feel it at all, which shows that the mysterious weapon is very targeted.

In fact, these people don't know. Just now, I just asked Ling to stimulate the brains of these people with pulse currents to make their brains enter a protective dormant state. The reason why the soldiers should come out of the civilian ranks is to make it easy for Ling to confirm who needs to be dizzy and which ones are not. It's not that this kind of pulse needs to separate the crowd to have a targeted effect. In fact, as long as we are willing, even if you let a thousand lovers hug and squeeze in a room, we can make all the males or all the females faint in an instant according to our own wishes, and the remaining half will be completely fine.

Before the group of soldiers watched the fainted crowd questioning me, I directly said, "Don’t worry, they just fainted. As long as they sleep, they will be fine, no Any repercussions will be left. It’s very dangerous now. It’s impossible to let these civilians evacuate with us, so I can only use some special methods. Now I ask the top commanders of the Three Kingdoms to organize their soldiers immediately. I need Your cooperation will transport these civilians to a safe place. We don’t have much time, please implement it as soon as possible."

Although I don’t know what I’m going to do, the British and Germans are just Can listen to our command temporarily. Since they are all troops, the team is very fast, and as they are forming the team, I have already felt an energy reaction outside. It seems that the movement of our blasting building just now made the Americans unbearable, and they finally decided to break through.

With the completion of the three-nation army formation, I quietly nodded to Ling, and then without any accident, the group of British and German peacekeepers, including their officers, fell together. The reason why they are placed in Second Step is mainly to make it easier to distinguish those Chinese special forces who came with us. If at first I just called out these special forces alone, the British and Germans would definitely be suspicious, but I called out the entire army before, so they would not think I had any purpose, and afterwards, letting them whole team is nothing more than Very normal commands, not surprising. It's just that they didn't expect that the team fainted as soon as the team was ready.

Zhao Jie and the others were shocked when they saw the group of people fainted. They all looked at us nervously and thought I was going to faint them and do something unknown. Woolen cloth.

Seeing each of them looking at me with this kind of eyes, I cursed directly, "What are you looking at? If you want to faint you, you just passed out with them. The purpose of fainting them all is to keep secrets. You are the elite of our country, so there are some things you can know, but foreigners must not know."

"What the hell are you doing? mysterious?" Mad Dog asked aloud.

"You'll know right away."

Following my words, in the sky next to me suddenly two huge silhouettes, one black and one silver, appeared, and when mad dogs, they and those When the special forces felt the change in airflow and turned around, they just saw two giant dragons passing them at low altitude.

They didn't have any interest in the two dragons who were completely stunned by the following group of soldiers. They flew directly to the center of the playground and put down the container held under their paws. Since the situation is very urgent now, we have no time to evacuate all these people slowly, and we don't want them to die here in vain, so in desperation, I thought of such a way.

I temporarily notified Lucky and Baiyin to find eight containers. The two of them grabbed four of them in one go, and then flew directly here to land. And to gather people in advance to faint is also a preparation for this step. As for what needs to be done now is nothing more than putting people in. That's right, I just plan to airlift all these people out. Fortunately, with their strength, they can fly with four containers. Although the speed is definitely affected, it should still be much faster than the ground troops. After all, this is not the territory of those big countries, and their air force will not be able to catch up for a while, so as long as they are faster than the ground forces, lucky they can take people out safely. Of course, it must be very crowded to hold so many people in eight containers. People are sure to pile up people, but as long as you don't pile people together, you don't have to be overwhelmed. Anyway, these people have passed out now, and no one will have time to complain to us about human rights.

Looking at the eight containers landing, I directly said to Zhao Jie, who was still stunned, "What are you still doing? Hurry up and move everyone in? The Americans outside have already started, we They must pull everyone away before they rush in."

In fact, luck and the size of silver are almost impossible to be seen by others, so after they arrive, the Americans outside are completely Anxious. If it was just a small friction before, then it is really desperate now. The task that the Americans received was to find the ruin first anyway, and now seeing two dragons flying into the gathering point with eight containers, the fool knew what we were going to do.

They don’t know the location of the ruins themselves, so they have to ask the British to find out the situation, but once we have all the people away, where else would they go to ask the address of the ruins?

Because they thought of the key, all these people were anxious. They didn't care whether we were very strong or not, so they just started to rush in. Skott and the others had been ordered long ago. When they saw that they rushed in, they naturally started to counterattack without holding back, so the two sides quickly entered a state of fighting.

Just when the fighting was hot outside, the inside of the courtyard was in a frenzy state, but we were not fighting a war, but were busy moving people. In a hurry, even Ling and I have joined the transport team. Anyway, for us, the weight of a person is really nothing, so we both simply carry one person in the left and right hands, and one under each arm, and move four people into the container at a time.

After putting these people in the container, let them curl up into a ball to minimize the floor space, and then pile the second person next to the previous one, so that they can’t take up too much after squeezing one by one. Great place. Think of a domestic bus that can pack 60 or 70 people in a single car. This standard container is not smaller than a bus at all. If it is jammed, it can completely exceed the capacity of the bus. Moreover, the number of people here is divided into eight containers, and there is no need to pack so many people.

I quickly packed all foreigners and civilians into the container, and I let the Chinese soldiers enter the last two containers. After these soldiers squeezed in, I closed the door directly, and let Lucky and Baiyin fly with the container. Because it was full of people, the container seemed a lot heavier. Although the two dragons had great strength, it was quite difficult to lift the four containers into the air. Watching them gradually fly off the ground and leave the sky above the gathering point, I turned around with confidence and prepared to get the location information of the ruins from the only British person left. After all, this guy is the Chief-In-Charge of the British company, he knew There must be more than workers. However, when we turned around to wake this guy to ask for the address of the ruins, we were surprised to find that there were only two of us left on the playground.

"en? What's the situation?" I was completely stunned when I saw the empty playground.

Ling was also taken aback after discovering that the Englishman was missing, and then said in a puzzled manner: "I obviously fainted him? How could he escape?"

As soon as Ling finished talking, we both thought of something suddenly, and then looked towards each other at the same time and said in unison: "Could it be...?" As we said, our eyes moved to Lucky and Baiyin's departure. In the direction.

The idea of ​​Ling and I was actually very simple. It was nothing more than a mistake in the rush to rush the crew, and someone threw the British man into the container. This probability is very high. After all, there were more than one hundred people who helped with the move at the time, and Ling and I were also helping with the move at the time, and no one was assigned to guard the British. At that time, we thought that the person had fainted and there were no outsiders around, so we didn't expect him to run, but we missed out that someone would move him into the container by mistake. But think about it, we didn't seem to tell anyone that he didn't need to move. In this case, it is reasonable for someone to make a mistake.

Originally we thought this was just a misunderstanding, but what made us didn't expect was that we just guessed the probability, but the lucky side suddenly contacted us through the virtual network.

"Master, something went wrong with us."

"What's the matter?"

"That, we just flew well, my wife One of the container doors that I was holding suddenly opened, and ten people jumped out."

"Wait, what did you say? Ten people jumped out? Are you sure they jumped out by themselves? Didn’t they fall out because the door was opened?"

Fortunately, he hesitated a little and said, "I’m not sure about this, but they must be sober when they left the door because I heard someone shouting, And the last few people who jumped down obviously jumped on their own. And they may have disputes before they jumped. Some people wanted to jump and some people refused to let them jump, but in the end they went down together."

"Then what happened to them? Did they fall to death?"

"I don't know. But the other party only jumped after looking for a good time. They landed on the tree, and we flew close to the treetops. Yes, so their probability of surviving is very high." After a little pause, fortunately, he said again: "Do you need us to watch them here?"

I thought for a while and asked: "The container Is the door still open?"

Lucky immediately replied: "No, someone inside closed the door after they jumped down."

"Then don't stop, just Send these people to a safe place and come back. As for the group of people who jumped down...Isn't the little bit with you? Let him stare at these people."

"Okay, understand."

"Oh, yes, which nationality did you jump down?"

"All Chinese except for a foreigner."

"What? Who is it? Is it an ordinary soldier?"

"I don't know the foreigner. The Chinese have the old mad dog and the officer who followed him with the five tails around him, as well as the An Min and the camera. Shi Changbin and the woman named Sister Hong."

I was about to end the communication, and Ling suddenly said, "Send the foreigner's appearance you saw to us for a look."


Because our Dragon Clan has an electronic brain, everything we see will actually be recorded, and it can be accessed and transmitted at any time like a computer record. Fortunately, he directly sent the process of jumping down the group of people he saw, and I almost fainted when I saw it.

According to the lucky situation, it should be like this.

First Baiyin found that a container door she was holding had opened, but it was inconvenient for her to see, so she asked Lucky to fly behind her to see the situation. As a result, when I was lucky enough to fly behind the silver, I happened to see An Min, Sister Hong and the Englishman hugged together and fell out of the container. Judging by the words and the actions of the three people, An Min should have taken the initiative to jump. The Englishman was pushed down by her. Sister Hong wanted to hold An Min at the time, but she was taken along to withdraw together.

After the three of them went down, the mad dog also jumped, but I guess he was forced to jump because An Min jumped. His five followers didn't expect the mad dog to jump down suddenly, so he didn't hold him one step late, so they had to jump along. The last jumper was Chang Bin. He seemed to have explained something to the girl who had dressed An Min in the office, and then jumped down with the shooting equipment. After he jumped down, the makeup artist girl closed the door of the container, and then the scene ended.

Add an analysis to the picture we saw, and then synthesize our previous understanding of these people, we can roughly guess the motivation of each person who jumped. The people behind were basically involved except Chang Bin who was willing, especially Sister Hong, who was simply taken along to withdraw. Needless to say, the culprit of all this is that An Min, and I even thought of her motive. It's nothing more than news. It seems that what I said to her before did not frighten her, and she should have gotten into the container deliberately by the Englishman, which was planned long ago. I knew that just now, I shouldn't have stunned An Min and the others because of the face of the mad dog and his family. I should have stunned them together. But now it's too late to say anything, it's true that we should quickly find that group of talents. Even if it's not for those related households, at least the British must be found. We haven't asked the address of the ruins yet!

The current situation was directly passed on to Sgoth and the others who were fighting outside, and then I directly gave Xiaobai back to Summon. Compared with Bai Lang, Xiao Bai is smaller in size and has a lower intelligence. After all, he is a generation of experimental subjects, and defects are inevitable. However, he is not worse than Bailang in speed, so we directly called Xiao Bai back and left Bailang outside to help Scots continue to block the Americans.

The order I gave to Scott and Xiaochun was to keep guarding for one minute, then retreat separately according to the situation, and continue to block while withdrawing, try not to let those Americans move too fast.

After arranging the affairs of Xiaochun and Skye, I and Ling jumped onto Xiaobai who had just jumped in from outside the courtyard wall. After catching us, Xiaobai immediately accelerated towards The other side of the courtyard wall rushed over, and then when Xiaobai was more than four meters away from the courtyard wall, Xiaobai jumped directly and easily jumped over the wall, and then continued to slide forward for five or six meters before landing steadily, following a few ups and downs. Disappeared in the jungle.

There was Xiaobai who led us to move, obviously much faster than we ran by ourselves. Fortunately, they left the direction for less than one minute, and suddenly there was a little noise in our virtual network. When I asked, I realized that he had found the group of people, and the group of people had now merged and were moving in one direction.

After ordering Bidian to continue concealed tracking, we speeded up and ran towards the position where Bidian was. Now that there is a target guide, I don’t have to worry about losing it, so my mood improved a little bit. However, this good mood only lasted for one minute and was completely wiped out by another report.

"Boss, a few guys broke through our line of defense and passed to you. Jingjing and Lingling have already caught up, but I don't know if they can stop them!"

"I see, you also wait for the opportunity to retreat, don't get too far away from Jingjing and Lingling."


The bad news is more than that. The news from Skye’s side had just been reported, and fortunately he followed up with the report: "Master, I saw the carrier rocket of Little Japan, and it just flew past us. We have so many burdens that are inconvenient to intercept, so be careful. Click."

"Okay, I see, you should quickly get rid of those cumbersomes."

"Okay, master, hold on and wait for the cumbersome to be given away. Let's leave and we will come back to help you soon."

Fortunately, just after the communication was over here, we heard a loud explosion not far away, and then a small voice came out again.

"Master Big Brother, it’s not good. Just now, a huge rocket fell beside me. There were many people in black clothed suits running out of the rocket. I remember them like this The person dressing up is called a ninja. What should I do?"

"You continue to follow An Min’s group and don’t get lost. If the group of ninjas don’t trouble you, just leave them alone. If they threaten the safety of you and An Min’s gang, you will attack them, but pay attention to protect An Min and them during the battle, and don’t let them run away. We are already not far away from you. , And has several points of clock to catch up with you, do hold on."

"Okay, I know the master Big Brother."

"Damn it, An Min that How many things are women going to cause me?" I said depressedly and said to Xiaobai below me: "Can you do it faster?"

Xiaobai has no human vocal cords, so He can't talk, but he can communicate with us using the chip in his brain. But this time he passed the message that the speed has reached the limit. After all, he is carrying the two of us now, and in the jungle, he can run to this speed now.

Pat Xiaobai's neck to show her comfort, and then I said to Ling: "You pay attention to the back, the Americans may catch up at any time."

Ling Directly replied: "I just contacted Bailang. He said that they have caught up with the Americans who crossed the defense line and entangled with them again. They are still far away from us. It is estimated that it will be too short in a short time. It’s here."

I nodded and said: "That’s okay, at least we can concentrate our efforts to kill the Japanese monsters first."

Although the little one said the rocket came out They are all ninjas, but I actually know that they are simply not ninjas. These things are not even a human being. If you can tear off the black clothing on them, you will find that these guys have no skin at all. Their body surface is a layer of red flesh, which looks super disgusting, and their spine is also curved, simply cannot be like humans. Straighten up, but judging from the ninja's always curled up posture, they are quite normal. This is why the Japanese put on ninja costumes for these guys.

According to the information I got last time, the Japanese monster manufacturing technology comes from American stolen technology, but because of the incomplete information, not only the physical fitness is much worse than ours. And the appearance is extremely horrible. After all, it is not easy for organisms with imperfect genes to survive, and you can't expect them to have any good looks.

After we continued to run for another two minutes, there was a fierce roar of machine cannons in the woods ahead, followed by two explosions of one after the other in less than two seconds. Voice. Needless to say, this must be a fight between Xiao Budian and the monsters sent by the Japanese. After all, the cannon mounted on the weapon backpack on Xiaobudian's body is specially made. The sound of that thing is very characteristic. When it fires, it is as crisp as a bell, and it can be heard clearly even if it is so far away.

"Hurry up, Xiaobai hurry up, Xiaobai needs help." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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