Preparing the materials does not actually require me to go and notify me personally. There is a military god, so as long as you say hello, someone will prepare the things. My real purpose for returning to Isinger is actually to go to Celestial Court to prepare a case.

In any case, this 11th Yama Palace is also the property of Celestial Court. I am now operating it as an equivalent to contract, and my Hades status is also sealed by Celestial Court. So if Celestial Court wants to take back these things someday, I can't do anything about it. However, in my opinion, Celestial Court has no plans to take back this underworld at all. After all, the management level of our guild is much better than that of Celestial Court’s Divine Immortal. At least our guild has a few formal business management academies. Players, and the early models of Military God are based on administrative management computers, so we have an absolute advantage in management. Of course, Celestial Court's main focus is our warning function. After all, with us here, other Ten Temples Yama will have a certain sense of crisis, so that they will be much better at their work and compliance with Celestial Court.

After arriving at Isinger and telling Hades all the materials they needed, I ran directly to Celestial Court.

"What wind brought you here today?" Jade Emperor's first reaction after seeing me was a little nervous. It's not that he is afraid of me, but because every time I come here, I am not having trouble or blackmailing them something, so he will be conditioned to feel uncomfortable when he sees me now.

Looking at the expression of Jade Emperor, I know that he doesn’t want to see me, but it’s better. As long as it’s not too troublesome, Jade Emperor will not care about me. After all, he expects me to leave earlier. Don't stay to trouble him, so as long as it is not a matter of principle, he will not care too much.

"In fact, it's not a major event, just report it with you."

"Report? What do you want to report?"

"It's like this. I recently dug all the Divine Race of Olympus to my chaos and order. Divine Race is here."

"What?" The Jade Emperor, who looked very leisurely on the chair, jumped up from the seat, and then saw him rushing in front of me like a teleport, grabbing my shoulder and asking: "What did you just say?"

"I said I dug all the Divine Race of Olympus Divine Race to my side." After I said, I reached out and pushed the hand of Jade Emperor away, and then deliberately used a very disdainful tone. Rhetorically asked: "It's just digging a few people. You don't have to react so much, Jade Emperor?"

In fact, it's normal for Jade Emperor to have such a big reaction. Although the distance is relatively long, the Olympus Divine Race is a local Divine Race after all, which means that they and Celestial Court are regarded as peers and are in a competitive relationship. But my chaos and order, Divine Race, is equivalent to the upstream and downstream industries of the local Divine Race, and it has a symbiotic relationship with Celestial Court. I dug up Hades and others from the Olympus Divine Race. For Celestial Court, that is weakening the power of their enemies. Can you say that Jade Emperor is not excited?

According to my understanding, these local Divine Races in the game are equivalent to entertainment companies that survive by popularity, and those Divine Races are the stars of entertainment companies. As for free NPCs in the country, that’s Star chaser. Star chasers are free NPCs who worship their idols, that is, believe in those Divine Races, and Power of Faith will be produced in the process, and this Power of Faith is the driving force for the development of this entertainment company, Divine Race. As for our disorder and order Divine Race, it can be compared to a media company. To a certain extent, the development of entertainment companies needs to rely on the support of media companies, because only media companies provide various platforms to open up the market, those entertainment companies can promote their stars on it and make money from it.

Like I dug Hades into our guild this time, the equivalent to is to give all the stars of Olympus Entertainment, which competes with Celestial Court. I dug over and changed my career to become a reporter and host. For Celestial Court, this not only weakened the opponent's strength, but also increased the expansion capabilities of the media platform on which they depended. Who is not excited about this kind of good thing?

The Jade Emperor who was laughed at by me finally reacted and found that he was a little misbehaving. After he sat back in an awkward position, he coughed and continued, "How did you pick them up? Huh? Hades, the Hades of Olympus Divine Race, is a very famous and ruthless character in God World. I'm curious what advantage you have allowed him to dig him over and do it with you?"

I didn’t answer Jade Emperor’s question positively. I just smiled slightly and said: “In fact, digging a corner does not have to be a huge profit. Profit is just a form of desire. Although most people are interested in profit, Benefits are not equal to desires. As long as you really understand what the other person wants, and you can just give him what he wants, then no matter how powerful the expert is, you will be invested in your command."

"Then what exactly does Hades want?"

I just laughed about the Jade Emperor's question, and then I kept silent and didn't say anything. At the beginning, Jade Emperor didn't know why I just laughed and didn't talk. It wasn't until Taibai Jinxing reminded him that he realized that this kind of thing seemed unsuitable for asking. The Jade Emperor, who had made a fool of himself twice in a row, quickly changed the subject and said: "Since you have recruited Hades, don't you quickly expand your sphere of influence, what are you doing here?"

" Because I just recruited them, I came here to apply for a building permit."

"Building permit?"

"Yes. So why don't I supervise 11th Yama now? Palace?"

Jade Emperor nodded said: "Yes. But what does this have to do with your building permit?"

"That's it. Hades and the others are Pluto, that is, work with Hades. So I want to arrange them in the underworld. But you know, there is a big difference between Eastern and Western cultures! Hades and the guys are very picky , Said it’s the kind of building that I’m not used to living in the underworld. Besides, they ran over together, the room in the underworld was not enough. So I thought, anyway, it’s going to be expanded, it’s better to just build a Hades. Let them live in the European-style netherlands they like, so that they live happily. If I take them to expand the land in the future, they can also put more effort into it, right?"

Jade Emperor The land immediately became excited, and quickly nodded and said: "As long as they like you to build yours, just run me here to report?"

"This is not the building I want to build and the original The style is different, are you afraid that you don’t like it? Since the Jade Emperor doesn’t mind, then I will let them start?"

The Jade Emperor was eager to expand his territory and waved his hand and said, "Go, go! Go, you can help us open up the territory and expand the land earlier than anything else."

I quickly left Celestial Court after getting the Jade Emperor’s permission, but I didn’t return to the underworld, but made a transfer. To the United States. The most needed material for the Hades plan is Divine Soul, and the free Divine Race is the most suitable target. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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