"In fact, this kind of material is..." Hades suddenly got stuck in the middle of speaking, so I could only look at him dumbly and wait for him to continue. Probably because I feel that my appetite is almost over, Hades finally said at this time: "In fact, this material is Divine Soul."

"Divine Soul?"

"Yes, it is The soul left behind after the death of Divine Race. It does not matter whether it is conscious or unconscious, as long as it is Divine Soul."

I frowned and said, "The material of Divine Soul is really good for me. It's easy to find, but it takes a bit of trouble to get it. But this is not a problem. As long as we can provide us with Power of Faith, a few Divine Souls are fine."

Hades When I heard this, I quickly explained: "It's not a matter of a few."

"Not a few? Do you need a lot?"

"It depends on the Divine you provided. How is the quality of the Soul?” Hades explained: “Divine Soul is also divided into levels. For example, the Divine Soul of Ladamantis and my Divine Soul will definitely have the quantity of Power of Faith. The difference. The stronger the Divine Race, the more Divine Soul left behind after death can carry more Power of Faith. If you get some ordinary Divine Soul, then you have to have a little more, if it is like I have such a high level of existence, so only a few are enough."

"Does the quantity you say is quantified? Or I don't know how much is needed?"


"If it can be quantified, I will tell you directly. And even if it is quantified, I can't tell you how much it will cost, because we are not yet sure how much Power of Faith can be produced by the underworld in China. In addition, , Your scheduling arrangements will also affect the demand. If you are not afraid of trouble, you can prepare two Divine Souls, one for transportation and the other for storage, as long as the transportation is brought back and replaced before the other Divine Soul is full. , So that only two can guarantee the transportation. Of course, this will become very troublesome, and if something happens, the absorption of Power of Faith will be interrupted. And if the transportation is too frequent, it is easy to be found by outsiders, and it is also It will increase the accident risk during the transportation of Power of Faith."

"Then how often do you think it is reasonable to transport?"

"If you can get a lot of Divine Soul, Naturally, the longer the interval, the better, preferably once a year or half a year, but in that case the number of Divine Souls required The amount is a bit scary. So I think the more economical way is once a week, or once every three days. Of course, it is best to be able to once a week. "

I thought for a while and said: "That's OK, we will plan first according to the once-a-week transportation volume. If we can get enough Divine Soul, we will do it according to this method. Depending on the situation, shorten the cycle and change it to once every five days or once every three days. Anyway, let's talk about how many Divine Soul I can get in the end. "

"At present, this can only be done. "

After Hades finished speaking, Pandora next to him suddenly said: "Didn't you say that the underworld on your side don't collect Power of Faith?" Does that mean we can go to the other ten Yama Palaces to collect these Power of Faith? "

When I heard Pandora's question, I wanted to reject it immediately, but after thinking about it, it might work, so I asked: "How on earth do you collect Power of Faith?" If the method is more concealed, I can find an excuse to send you over for a try. If a larger battle is needed, it will be difficult to handle. "

Hades replied: "The method of collecting Power of Faith is not troublesome. You only need to build a faith aggregator. "

"What is a faith aggregator?" "

" is a device that has many special magic arrays carved inside, which can collect Power of Faith. "

"Is it complicated? "

Hades nodded said: "It's complicated. "

I thought for a while and said: "How long will it take for you to make it? I want to see the real thing." "

"There are several in my Divine Kingdom, but here...! "

When I heard Hades's words, I remembered to patronize and ask questions, but I still stood at the intersection and didn’t move. I quickly apologized to Hades and took them with me. Run to the Yama Palace.

I took Hades and the others to the Yama Palace while introducing them. "Now we are walking along the Yellow Springs Road. These dead souls on the road are the dead who are assigned to our Yama Palace every day. They walked on the right and in the middle of the road, and the road on the left was specially vacated for the Ghost Messenger of the Yin Division and the souls who need to return the Yang. "

Pandora looked at the forests on both sides and asked: "Where is the forest next to here?" "

"It's the forest. "

"All of them? "Pandora asked in surprise.

I nodded and said: "The introduction from Celestial Court said that there are endless forests around this area. Later, I also sent people to explore, and I ran forward more than 20,000 at the farthest time. Kilometers, the result is still an endless sea of ​​forests, there is no open space at all. "

"So big? Didn’t you find out where the edge is? "

I shrugged helplessly: "I also want to know where the edge is, but unfortunately it is too big, and it is not absolutely safe in this forest. Many of them have never been discovered. The monster exists. When I sent people to explore before, I found tens of thousands of monsters that I had never seen before. Some of these creatures appeared in groups, and some of them acted individually, with varying levels. The most powerful creature discovered so far killed one of my exploration squads in just five seconds. "

"Then what is the strength of your exploration squad?" "Radamantis asked.

I glanced at him and said: "As long as three people can kill you, and you won't have the chance to run. There are twelve people in an exploration squad. You can calculate what their strength is. "

I originally wanted to say that my team’s battle strength was not good enough. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know what to say. In the end, Pandora turned the subject away and asked: "Yama Is Palace at the end of this road? "

"That's right. "I explained: "The road will end just a short while further forward and a bend in the forest. The location where we came out before is actually the edge of the forest, and behind us is the core zone of the forest. Going further out of the forest area is a river, and the river is connected to the quiet sea, so the forest cannot extend. There is a bridge on the river called Bridge of Helplessness, and there is one for each of the eleven Yama Palaces, all of which are exactly the same in style. There is a large sea of ​​flowers on the other side of the river. Speaking of this, it is very similar to the underworld in Europe. "

Persephone frowned asked: "Could it be all Resurrection Lily?" "

I nodded and helplessly said: "It seems that the underworld of the whole world only grows this flower, and this thing seems to be particularly adapted to the environment of the underworld, and the next one will be in any way, soon It can grow into a large area, if no one cares, my Yama Palace can be full of this stuff for three months. But speaking of which is also strange, there is no one in the forest here, even if one is transplanted deliberately, it will die quickly. "

After hearing what I said, Hades suddenly walked to the side of the road and pressed a hand on the tree next to him, and within five seconds, he saw a sudden under the tree As soon as it turned on, a green light circle instantly gathered from the roots of the tree to the trunk and quickly concentrated to the place where Hades's hand was pressing. Hearing the sound of an electric shock, Hades actually waved his hands and moved backwards two times. Step, and his face has become very ugly.

"What's the matter? Are you OK? "I held on to Hades and asked: "I have never heard of this tree attacking people before?" What did you do just now? "

Hades looked at his palm first, and found that the palm of his hand was actually burnt, and then he replied with lingering fears: "I suggest you better not touch these trees in the future, especially These trees cannot be felled. "

I nodded and said: "If you don't tell me about this, I won't cut it." I sent someone to test it a long time ago, and these trees are all made up of negative energy. Even if they are cut down, they cannot be used as wood. They will decay quickly when they reach the world, and any positive energy materials will corrode each other when they come into contact with them. I won't transport such dangerous things to the world. As for the underworld, the houses have been repaired a long time ago, and I didn’t need to cut down trees to build a house myself. But why did you tell me not to touch these trees? "

Hades thought for a while and suddenly pulled me to his side, then whispered to me the reason against my ear.

"What? Are you serious? "After hearing what Hades said, I almost jumped up.

Hades nodded said: "You know, don't spread it so as not to cause panic. It's okay to directly impose a ban on not cutting trees. Anyway, this is all yours, and no one will violate the rules. "

I nodded to express my understanding, and then I took everyone to the Yama Palace again.

The reason Hades just said was quite scary. He actually told me that these seem to be Things that look like trees are actually not trees, but—hairs. Yes, they are hairs. Just like the hairs on kittens and puppies, these things that we have always regarded as trees are actually certain ones. The hair on the back of the super creature is...tip. Yes. Only the tip. Just now Hades used his divine sense to explore all the way down the trunk, and found that these trees have no roots. After going down the trunk into the ground, they are and The trunks on the ground are exactly the same trunks, and they extend to the ground for several kilometers. According to Hades, these things that look like trees are actually changed to adapt to the environment here. The form is similar to the Transformation Technique, except that the Transformation Technique changes the whole body, but this guy only turns his hairy tip into a tree. Moreover, the leaves and crowns of these trees are not real crowns. From a functional understanding, they are actually It should be regarded as a tree root, because these leaves and trunks are constantly absorbing the positive energy around and transmitting it to his body deep underground.

While the team is still advancing, I will follow Ha Diss asked quietly next to him: "You said these trees are absorbing positive energy? "

Hades looked around and made sure that his men were far away from hearing our conversation before whispered: "Just now my divine sense followed those trees all the way down as if touching To the body of that creature. The opponent is clearly sleeping now, and it can be seen from the breath that the creature should be very weak. But..."

"But what? Don't always say half of your words, okay? Are you dying of me? "

"But that organism is full of positive energy. "

"Positive energy? Are you saying that a creature based on positive energy is buried under the land of the underworld composed entirely of negative energy? "

Hades shook his head and said: "I suspect that it was not that the thing was buried under the underworld, but the underworld was originally built on him. "

"I rely on, what you mean is that our Chinese underworld is built on a giant beast, not on a Great Island in the sea of ​​silence like yours. ? "

"I'm afraid it is. "

After listening to Hades’s speculation, I was silent for a while to restore my heartbeat speed to a normal level, and then said: "This guy has positive energy all over his body, but he was soaked. In the sea of ​​silence, a continent was still pressed on his body. This is not dead, indicating that his strength has definitely reached the level of defying the sky. At least in my opinion, his strength may have been only one step away from High God. "

Hades also nodded and said: "I think this guy can at least use one or several rules, otherwise he is impossible to survive in this extreme environment. Inferring from this point, his strength should be a quasi High God, weaker than the real High God, but much stronger than our Low God. "

I followed: "But he was obviously injured or sealed. He turned his hair into a tree in order to absorb positive energy to restore himself, but here is the netherworld, even if there is positive energy, it is very small, and he will continue to fight against the erosion of the negative energy of the sea of ​​silence, and the positive energy absorbed may not only Unable to accumulate, it is still declining. "

Hades immediately took over and said: "That's why he couldn't wake up for such a long time, and he was so weak. "

"Then you still scared me not to cut down the tree?" Cut off his energy supply, wouldn't he die faster? "

Hades immediately shook his head and said: "Do you know what a frog is boiled in warm water?" "

I immediately understood it. "You mean that the person who sealed this guy wanted to let him die slowly in this state. If we cut off his energy supply, he Will be awakened because of the loss of energy balance. Even if he is going to die in the end, his dying struggle will definitely become a world-level disaster, right? "

"I'm afraid it's more than that simple. "Hades said: "This guy is full of positive energy in his body, and you also know what the result of contact between positive energy and negative energy is. Maintaining this state slowly consumes his positive energy, then he will eventually die quietly. But once the supply of positive energy disappears and he suddenly dies, the positive energy remaining in his body will come into contact with the negative energy of the Sea of ​​Silence. Then there will be a bang, and then the whole world is clean. "

"Eh...it seems like this is indeed possible, so let's not provoke him and keep the status quo! "

As we discussed this issue, the team unconsciously walked out of the forest. In front of the woodland, a small bridge with Chinese characteristics appeared over a small river that was not very wide. There are a few Ghost Messengers standing at each end of the bridge, and there are a few tables on the other end of the bridge. The ghosts who lined up across the bridge will be taken to the front of the table. The Ghost Messenger sitting behind the table stamped their foreheads. The stamped ghosts will be taken back to drink the legendary Meng Po soup, but after drinking, a small flame will appear on their heads. The Ghost Messenger standing aside saw the flame and used a special tool to pick it off and throw it into a giant cauldron next to it. At this time, the cauldron was burning with a raging fire. Obviously, it could not be collected. There is less Soul Fire.

Seeing this scene, Hades’s subordinates are there constantly discussing this strange way of working. After all, they will not take the dead They extract Soul Fire, so they have never seen such a strange process. Of course, if the Chinese Hades visit Hades, they will be as curious as Hades and others now, because Hades does not extract Soul Fire. Instead, it’s collecting Power of Faith.

When I saw me coming over, the Ghost Messenger by the river immediately put down his work and gave me Eli Lilly. I quickly introduced Hades to them. Let them go back to work in a moment. After all, unlike other places, Ghost Messengers are very busy. Delaying their time will not only affect my own interests, but also create a backlog of ghosts.

There is a large sea of ​​flowers behind and in front of the checkpoint-like place on the Helplessness side. The delicate Resurrection Lily blossoms are extremely brilliant and beautiful, and the red filamentous petals seem to be bleeding. , Some flowers can even see the glittering glitter, it is a mess of beauty. Of course, the more beautiful things in the underworld, the more dangerous it is, so except for us professional underworld workers, it is better for ordinary people not to get close to them. . Based on the beauty of these Resurrection Lily, if it were not too dangerous, I would have planted Isengard full of this stuff. But then again, it seems that the Demon Palace roses that are the most planted in Isengard’s flower beds are nothing. Safe plants, if they sense danger, they will emit poisonous hypnotic gas to the surroundings, which can make people sleep forever in beautiful dreams. But planting such dangerous plants in the city is not that absolutely doe s not have a good thing, at least I never have to do any propaganda about caring for flowers and trees in Isengard, because anyone who dares to be in Isengard will go to the Temple of Resurrection to report.

Pandora looked at the surrounding sea of ​​flowers and took a deep breath, and then he held his breath for a long time before exhaling that breath and said, "Ah, the smell of death! Giant poison. Is this the feeling that the underworld should have!"

While Pandora felt the life-threatening fragrance of flowers, Hades gently hugged Shiver coldly Persephone. "If you don’t like it, the two of us can live in Isengard’s temple. The distance is not far here anyway. How about I come back for a few hours every day and finish my official duties?"

Earplug Fogne looked at Hades, and finally it was nodded. Unlike Hades and others, Persephone is the Goddess of Spring, and she is very uncomfortable with the environment of the underworld. The underworld on the Olympus Divine Race thinks that her magic power is broken for a long time and Hades’s deliberate suppression is closer to the Human World. The underworld on our side is completely Ghost Domain, if Persephone can live. It's hell to go down. Eh... No, it should be strange. This is the underground palace, you can see ghosts every day, and you can see a large area when you open your eyes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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