"What did you say?" I lifted the guy on the ground, then almost put my face on his face and asked again: "You said the other bottle Where is the liquefied magic crystal steam?"

"Cough...in...cough cough cough..."

"Say it quickly."

"Purple Moon, you will pinch him to death!" Hong Yue said, taking my arm.

Only when Hong Yue reminded me that I was a little too excited, and quickly relaxed the strength of my hand, the guy immediately broke free of my control and knelt on the ground and coughed desperately. Seeing that he was almost coughing, I resisted my temper and asked again: "Quickly, where is the last pot of liquefied magic crystal steam?"

"I didn't lie, that pot of liquefied magic crystal steam It was really shipped to the Himalayas."

"Do you know the specific location?" Hong Yue asked before me.

The guy shook the head and said: "We are only delivering goods. They only want us to deliver to a city called Kula at the foot of the Himalayas, and then the tank of liquefied magic crystal steam will be delivered to them. In the hands of. Even the fact that they transported the liquefied magic crystal steam up the mountain was only known to me after I secretly followed them for a small section of the road."

"Why did you follow them at the time? "

"Isn't I trying to leave a way for myself? Those guys don't know where they came from. If there is an accident, it doesn't hurt to know more things, isn't it?"

Hong Yue and I exchanged glances, and then looked towards the guy again and said: "We will spare you for the time being about this matter, but it is best not to think about going again after you leave here. People who are looking for three talents to inform. From the moment of exposure, you have no use value in their eyes, so you don't expect to get any benefits from them at all. Informing you apart from offending our Frost Rose League. There will be any return."

The guy nodded and said: "I'm not stupid. With this comparison, what can I do? Then I will inform myself and make myself like a mouse on the street. There’s no way to mix in the game. I’m not that stupid."

Seeing this guy understands what we mean, I let go of this guy, and then said to Prince Baima: "You can Go back and return to life with Yanyu, tell him that we already know the approximate whereabouts of the pot of liquefied magic crystal steam. You ask him to seize the time to investigate the traitors in the guild, and we will find clues by ourselves."

White Horse Prince asked wonderingly: "Can't I follow it?"

"Sorry, the other party may have gone for a secret of our guild, so it is not convenient to bring outsiders."


Listening to what we have said so directly, Prince Baima is not good at making any more excuses. He nodded to us and said, "Well, I will go back to life. But if you get the exact whereabouts of the liquid magic crystal vapor, please inform us as soon as possible. Then we can't be at ease if the dangerous things are not controlled!"

"This is certain."

After we finished politely with Baima Prince, Hong Yue and I returned to Isengard directly from Transmission Formation, and then from Isengard's side Transit and teleported to the City of Commandments. Unlike other cities, the City of Discipline is equipped with special protection devices, and the general transmission method cannot cross the space barrier here, so most of the Transmission Formation and transmission skills will be invalid here. Of course, the City of Commandment also has Transmission Formation, but this is not a general Transmission Formation, but a special Transmission Formation. This kind of Transmission Formation has special protection, it can send a connection request to any Transmission Formation and send people there, but other Transmission Formation wants to send people here, they must have corresponding special equipment, if they don’t have this equipment. Unable to connect. At present, there are only two Transmission Formations equipped with this equipment and capable of directly transmitting to the City of Commandments. One is in the Sky City of the Isengard Twin Cities, and the other is in the underground part of the Steel City.

According to the information provided by the guy before, the tank of liquefied magic crystal steam was transported to the Himalayas. The first thing we thought of from this information was that the other party had set the target on the City of Commandments. Of course, this is just our conjecture, and there is no credible evidence. The Himalayan mountain range is not a small mountain bag. In addition to having the world most peak Mount Everest, its area is also quite large. According to our guild's intelligence, the entire Himalayan mountain range region alone has 33 system cities, and the number of cities established by players is unknown. Although the Sancai transported the pot of liquefied magic crystal steam to the Himalayas, it is likely that it came to our city of commandments, but it does not rule out the probability that the other party just built a secret base here. However, even if it is only a little bit possible, we must come over and check it thoroughly before we can rest assured, after all, the meaning of the City of Commandments is extraordinary.

As a safe deposit box for the Ring of Discipline that Divine Race crave, the City of Discipline itself is a huge gunpowder keg, and anything related to it can eventually lead to large-scale Divine Race disputes. For example, some time ago, I used the Divine Race that no longer kept the ring of commandment as a threat to compromise to me. From this, we can see the weight of the ring of commandment. If the idiots of Sancai really blow up the City of Commandments, then we don't know what we will lose. Anyway, their guild will definitely be over. Of course, if the Three Talents are eliminated at the cost of destroying the City of Commandments, I personally feel that there will be more losses, so we must prevent this from happening.

Because of its special inscription and sensibility, the guards of any key part are a group of guards. It’s not that there are so many guards here, but that the Divine Races feel that they cannot trust each other, so there will be several Divine Race forces appearing in each post at the same time, and because these Divine Race forces are too many, so even Each clan sent only one guard at each post, and the result was that there were a large group of guards on each post in the city. This is the result of my forced reduction of the number of guards using the method of retreat, or else estimate the city of commandments. At least two to three hundred people stand at each sentry position in.

As soon as the transmission between Hong Yue and I was activated, the Transmission Formation on the City of Commandment immediately lit up, and then I saw the original Divine Race sitting or standing lazily around Transmission Formation. The guards all jumped up suddenly. Those who threw the dice directly threw the dice, and those who played poker also directly spilled the poker cards. In an instant, all the guards were in a state of combat and stared at the center of the Transmission Formation. Even though these people seem to be lazy, they are actually the elite of the Divine Race. Just like the special forces in the army, they may not be as good as some regular troops in discipline, but they can definitely be a first-class battle skill.

As the Transmission Formation gradually reached a critical point, two silhouettes suddenly appeared in the center of the Transmission Formation and quickly converged. Then all the guards collectively tightened their muscles for a moment, but the next second, After seeing the incoming people clearly, the guards immediately relaxed.

"It turned out to be the president of Purple Moon." Seeing Hong Yue and I appear in the center of Transmission Formation, a guard couldn't help but sighed, then turned around and greeted the humanity who had been playing together: "False alarm One game, everyone will continue.” As they said, I saw this group of people picking up poker, picking up poker and looking for dice, and the whole Divine Race version of the casino party.

Hong Yue whispered whispered: "These guys are too arrogant? Have you used us as an entertainment center?"

I replied in a whisper: "Anyway, it’s not us. Money raises these people, what do you care about them? First, find out where the pot of liquefied magic crystal steam is actually sent."

"That's it." Hong Yue nodded immediately. Followed me and left Transmission Formation. The guards outside are going to relax a lot compared to Transmission Formation. When I see that I am mostly nodded, I just say hello. Only some guards on important road sections will jump out frightened and flustered.

It took ten minutes to run to the Guardian Management Office of the City of Discipline, and then talked to the Guardian Commander who was on duty today. The other party immediately mobilized a large group of Divine Race and climbed to the City of Discipline. The city wall was responsible for the lookout. In addition, he sent a large group of Divine Race guards scattered around the mountain to guard them. As long as anyone dared to approach the nearby area, they would immediately be arrested by these Divine Races.

It is not enough to arrange the defense work here. There are always loopholes in passive defense. Facts have proved that in this world, there is no truly invincible defense, and I have only heard of Thousand Days as a thief, and never heard of Thousand Days as a thief. It's not a problem for us to keep guarding like this, the most important thing is to find the stolen can of liquefied magic crystal steam.

After arranging the things in the city, Hong Yue and I left the City of Commandments, and after teleporting to the city of Kura that the guy said before, we both started investigating the liquefied magic crystal. Where does the steam go. The size of this thing is not small. For such a small border town, if someone uses Transmission Formation to transport such a large thing, it should be very conspicuous, so it should not be difficult to investigate. In addition, we have another purpose of investigating here, that is-beat the grass to scare the snake.

The identities of Hong Yue and I have determined that many people know us. If the people from the three talents are really lurking in the vicinity, they should know that we are in Kula City soon. The three talents who know we have caught up here will certainly react. Whether they hurriedly launched the attack plan, or changed their strategy to transfer the tank of liquefied magic crystal steam, this will give us a signal. The hardest insect to find is the insect hiding in the grass. As long as they run up, we can definitely find some clues to pull them out.

With this idea, we began to search around the city. Hong Yue mainly asks passers-by about the situation, and I specifically look for fixed NPCs in those cities. With my special affinity and deterrent attribute to NPC, generally, as long as it is not an NPC with a definite affiliation, it will basically cooperate with me.

"Excuse me, have you seen this thing recently?" I asked a shop assistant in a restaurant near the city gate.

The other person looked at the magical image in my hand, and then shook the head and said: "I must have never seen it. This thing shines like gold. If I have seen it, I will definitely have an impression."

Seeing Xiaoer shaking his head, I did not give up, but continued to ask: "Then have you seen a transport truck or box that can hold this thing passing by? Or maybe this thing is It was wrapped up."

The little second frowned after hearing what I said, and then he suddenly realized it after a long time and exclaimed: "I remember, there was a group of people three days ago. People drove a large cart with a fully enclosed cargo box passing by. At that time, they used four brute force beasts to pull the cart, and they had to push it behind. They didn’t know what they pulled would be so heavy."

"How big is the car?"

The little Eryi pointed to the magic image in my hand and said, "At least seven or eight things can be installed. I remember that the car went to the city When the gate was too big, I almost got stuck in the city passageway. It was blocked at the city gate for a long time before getting out."

I just tossed the bag of gold coin to the second person, and then turned and left. Got out. According to Xiao Er's statement, the size of the car may already be able to catch up with the size of a small container. A tank of liquefied magic crystal steam obviously does not need such a big car to install, then this car is either not pulling liquefied magic crystal steam, or it is loaded with other things.

I was thinking, and suddenly I saw Hong Yue running over. I looked at her questioningly and asked: "What are you afraid of doing in such a hurry?"

Hong Yue stood in front of me and said: "I'll inform you that Rose has just found out that the Northern Alliance is still lost. Three large trebuchets were used. Now everyone uses cannons, and almost no one uses trebuchets, so they have been kept pressed in the warehouse. When the roses were just counted, they discovered that things were missing."

"The trebuchet? What kind of trebuchet? How big is its volume?"

"The trebuchet is folded when not in use. Excluding the transportation carriage below, the main part is probably equivalent to three. The two-door refrigerator is as big as a bundle."

After hearing this data, my eyes lit up, and then I asked again: "What else did the roses find? Is it the lost liquefied magic crystal steam storage? There are more than this can. There should be five cans, right?"

Hong Yue immediately looked at me in surprise and asked: "Have you been in contact with Rose? How come you have even the quantity? You know?"

"I guessed it."


I nodded pointed to the restaurant behind and said: "Just now there was a small Second, a few days ago, a large carriage pulled a closed carriage the size of a container out of the city from here. Before, I thought that the other party would not use such a big car to sway the market, only to pull a can of liquefied magic crystal steam, but If three trebuchets and five cans of liquefied magic crystal steam are added to the car, it will be just right."

"I said why are you so godly! What should we do now? Go find it. That car?"

"Of course, but you have to do something first."

The so-called first thing is to follow the road of the city gate. Look back. Because I know that the target is the special carriage, when I ask those NPCs, I always ask them exactly once. This kind of border town usually has few people, and the sudden appearance of such a large carriage will certainly attract attention. I kept asking the NPCs on both sides whether they saw the carriage along the road, and then pushed back all the way through this method, and finally found the place where they drove directly.

This is a privately bought house. There are many places like this in other cities. It is a place for players to rest. And some players also like to use this kind of house as a storage box, throwing in the house the equipment items that they can't use but can't dispose of in a short time, so that they don't have to worry about their backs. After all, space equipment this thing is quite rare, so most players can't bring too many things.

Although this kind of private residence is very common, but it is all in some big cities or scenic spots. Buying a house in this small border town is absolutely rare, and it is actually a big house.

Although it is strange, the house that the player bought in the city belongs to the existence of system protection, so even if your attack power is high, don't expect to break in and check in. There are only three ways to see what is in the house. The first is to allow the master to give you access; the second is the theft skills you can thieves; the third is to launch a siege war, during which these houses will be switched from invincible state to destructible state. This setting is mainly to stimulate the big guilds to develop their own cities. After all, the safer your city is, the more secure the houses others will buy here, and the larger your city, the more people will come to buy houses. . For most guilds, this is definitely an important source of income. However, the largest cities in our guild’s cities do not sell houses to the outside world. Otherwise, Isinger might become the world’s most expensive city. After all, Isinger has never been captured by the player’s guild. Existence.

I can’t get into the house. The system protection cannot be bypassed by strength. As for the high-level thieves who can steal skills in the meeting, it doesn’t seem necessary, because this room In my opinion, the house is at best a temporary transfer station, and there is probably no clue. The reason why I am here is to let Bailang confirm the smell of the other party.

The white waves released by me first smelled on the door, and then began to sniff fiercely on the ground. Finally, after successfully confirming that the other party’s scent could be tracked, we began to walk all the way down the street Go out.

At first, the smell became messy and difficult to track because of the crowds in the city, but because there are many witnesses, we don’t need to worry about the smell at all, and after leaving the city, although no one can I gave directions, but because there were no more people, the smell became less. It's really not easy to find the scent you need among tens of thousands of mixed smells, but if you only look for a dozen scents, it's much simpler.

After we got out of the city, our speed not only didn't slow down, but we ran faster and faster. Finally, the white waves took us all the way to catch up with the mountain.

The outer circle area of ​​the Himalayas is actually not very steep. When you first enter the mountain, you don’t feel that you are climbing at all. Only after walking for a while, you look back and find that you are much higher than before. Realize that it has been going uphill.

We moved quickly along the mountain road along the smell, and soon the white waves found a large mess of smell on a relatively flat field, and we actually found the huge transport here. vehicle.

This car is too bulky, and the fully enclosed cargo compartment outside is too heavy. The purpose of using this thing is probably to transport things out of the city. Fortunately, the relatively flat mountain road in Early-Stage is getting steeper and steeper. If you continue to use this kind of car, even if they find a dragon to pull it, they will probably be tired enough, so they decisively gave up the car here. The big car that came to obscure the line of sight.

I released the king after confirming that the other party had changed the way of action. As a hero, the king is made up of the soul fragments and fighting will of countless soldiers on the battlefield. In fact, there are many memory fragments, including the memory of tracking technique. Tracking is basically a practical skill for soldiers, so every Legion on the battlefield will be equipped with at least some soldiers who can track, and when there are more of these people, it is easy for them to leave the memory fragments in this area after death. The king who merged the fragments of their souls, and the king learned how to track them because of these fragments.

As soon as the king came out, he immediately searched on the ground according to my request. After that, he turned his head and said to me: "The opponent’s changed team has three medium-sized carriages with four rounds, but It’s not drawn by horses. It’s a kind of beast with claws. The body length should be between four and five meters. It may be a Great Earth Bear. There are three small two-wheeled carriages behind the team. It’s also a kind of beast, but I can’t see the specific species, but I’m sure it’s not as big as the Great Earth Bear."

"Can you see the staffing in the team?"

"On the personnel side, we can only see that there are quite a few people. The exact number can not be confirmed. This is a mountainous area, and it is also frozen soil. The ground soil hardness is too high, and there is basically no trace of human weight."< /p>

"Six cars plus a group of people, this team should not be small, let's follow their smell first."

There are king's tracking techniques and white waves' smell tracking, Basically, we don’t have to worry about losing, so we are advancing very fast along the way. However, we are fast, and the targets we are tracking do not raise. Even if the Great Earth Bear is used as a traction force, dragging a heavy four-wheeled carriage on the mountain path is by no means easy. Things, this can be confirmed from the increasing smell signal that Bailang said.

As the time the other person walks through a place increases, the smell of that position will only become weaker and weaker. Bailang feels that the smell gets stronger and stronger because we walk a lot faster than the other person, so we walked past The elapsed time from the other side of the road section becomes shorter and shorter, so the smell will become stronger and stronger. At first, Bailang had to occasionally stop to confirm the direction, and then simply ran away. I simply put the king away and ran wildly with Hong Yue on their respective mounts.

White waves are wolf-shaped creatures, and there is no burden at all when they run on mountain roads. The fellow Ye Ying looked at running, but in fact, he was purely flying, so the mountain road is not a mountain road to him is a cloud. As for Hong Yue, she rides the steel claws of guardian beasts in the guild. Everyone knows that Steel Claw’s limbs are extremely strong, and from his name Steel Claw you can see how prominent his claws are. It can be said unceremoniously, not to mention that this mountain road is just a bit rugged, even the steel claws of the 90-degree upward cliff can climb up the rock with the steel claws. Walking this way is really like walking on the ground.

Among the three creatures, Steel Claw has the slowest speed, but in any case, it is also a creature that can be used as a mount. It really spreads its legs and runs wildly, and the speed is definitely not slow. At least compared to the Sancai group of people dragging the three carriage snails at least ten times faster.

As we ran all the way, we soon discovered that the other party was gradually approaching Mount Everest, the highest peak of the world where the city of commandment is located.

Hong Yue asked me anxiously: "Looking at this direction, they are obviously coming to our city of commandments. Should we remind the guards in the city to slightly expand the search range?" Hear Hong I also thought about Yue's words, but after thinking about it for a long time, I still couldn't figure it out. Hong Yue saw that I hadn't reacted for a long time and couldn't help but ask: "Why don't you speak?"

I frowned and said: "Some things I don't understand."

"What's the matter?"

"The situation is obvious now. The opponent stole three trebuchets and six cans of liquefied magic crystal steam from the Northern Alliance. The purpose is probably to strike the City of Commandments, but this is again Some are unreasonable."

"What can't be said?" Hong Yue still didn't understand what I meant.

"You think. The catapult is not a railgun, and the range is definitely not too far. With the weight of the liquefied magic crystal steam tank, they can throw three to five kilometers even if it is sky high. But Mount Everest It’s a unique mountain, and the distance between the nearest mountain and it is far more than this. Besides, Mount Everest itself is the world’s highest peak. If the opponent wants to throw liquefied magic crystal vapor storage tanks from other peaks here, they must Shooting upside down will further shorten the range. I really don’t understand how the opponent can use the trebuchet to throw the liquefied magic crystal vapor storage tank into the City of Commandment, and if they can’t do it, then why do they spend so much money How about bringing these three trebuchets up the mountain?"

Listening to my explanation, Hong Yue also reacted. "Yeah. Their trebuchets can't be thrown that far? Do you think they plan to throw small cans of liquefied magic crystal steam with the trebuchets? Maybe they didn't plan to throw the whole can?"

I shook my head and said: "It's unlikely. First of all, if the other party originally planned to throw the small cans, they can transport the cans at the bottom of the mountain. Isn't it much easier than transporting the big cans? What do they do? Do you bother to transport the large tank of liquefied magic crystal steam? Besides, even if they switch to the small tank of liquefied magic crystal steam, the range should be still not enough. This thing of the catapult has a limit range, if the weight of the projectile is too light , Instead of throwing it far. Even if they find the best weight ratio, it is estimated that they will be able to throw a distance of six or seven kilometers at most, or can they still not reach our City of Commandments?” (To be continued. If you like this work , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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