For Misty Rain's question, I did not answer directly, but handed him a list. He took a look at the list in doubt, and found that it was an information notice about the storage and use of liquefied magic crystal steam agreed by our two guilds. Because at present, only our guild can produce liquefied magic crystal steam, and liquefied magic crystal steam itself is a high-risk strategic material. Therefore, we require all guilds that use the liquefied magic crystal steam produced by our guild to make a detailed tracking record for each cubic liquefied magic crystal steam purchased from us. And the one I just handed to Yanyu is this kind of record sheet.

I have been observing Misty Rain after seeing the record. After seeing that he did not change his expression after reading the record, my heart was finally relieved. Being able to react after seeing this thing didn't mean that he should be unaware, otherwise he would definitely react with a guilty conscience.

"Isn’t this a track record written by our guild? What are you doing to show me this?"

I snapped my fingers directly and followed our two mobile angels He put down the thing wrapped in cloth that he was carrying. Before, Misty Rain had been wondering why I was carrying two mobile angels, and also carrying a boss's thing. Now that I asked them to put this thing down, it made him even more puzzled. However, after the canvas covering the liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank was uncovered, Misty Rain's expression was completely unsteady.

"Damn it, Purple Moon, why did you move this thing to our guild headquarters?" Suddenly seeing the misty rain of the liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank almost jumped directly behind the table from in front of me. It's not that he is timid, but because he knows the formidable power of the explosion. The liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank is naturally liquefied magic crystal steam. Think about how huge might that pen-sized liquefied magic crystal steam missile is? If this tank of liquefied magic crystal steam with a diameter of more than one meter and a height of two meters exploded, can you imagine what it would be like?

Seeing the big reaction of Misty Rain, I didn’t explain anything to him. Instead, I asked the two mobile angels to turn over the liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank, and then called Misty Rain to the corner of the wall. Beckoned. "Look."

Amidst doubts, Yanyu walked over and looked at where I was pointing, then suddenly he suddenly picked up the record in his hand again and numbered the number on the bottom of the bottle. That's right. After checking it three times and confirming that there is no difference between the two, Yanyu looked towards me in surprise and asked: "What's going on?"

"This is exactly what we want to ask you." Hong Yue opened the mouth and said: "According to the records submitted by your guild, this thing should be kept in your warehouse now, but just this afternoon, we attacked a guild city and robbed the guild secret library. I accidentally found this thing piled up in the corner. Now we are here to find you to explain."

" can ask me to find someone to investigate it first?" Yanyu is not like that. A person who is what others say, but he also knows that we shouldn't make jokes with him about this kind of thing, so he keeps his posture low, so as to prevent him from talking even if it is their problem.

We are here to investigate this matter. Of course, we have to let Yanyu investigate, so after he took the initiative to say, I immediately said: "Of course you can investigate, but I hope you can try to find credibility. And it’s better not to let the warehouse guard know."

Any rain is not stupid. If the thing is really lost in his place, the other party must be in the warehouse or the transportation unit. If they openly investigate , I will definitely beat the grass to scare the snake, so as soon as I reminded him, I immediately nodded it to show that I remembered it. Now that he understood, we didn't stop him anymore, but let Yanyu go to work first, and we were here waiting for him.

As the president of the Northern Alliance, it was really easy for Yanyu to investigate the warehouse of her guild, even if she wanted to covertly investigate. Directly issue an order to let people transfer the things in the warehouse to take advantage of the opportunity to open the guard, and then send a player who is good at stealth in the trade to sneak in quietly. This kind of thing is really not that difficult under the premise that one's own people are playing cover by the side.

Because of the simplicity, the results came out very quickly. We only sat in the room for more than ten minutes and saw Yanyu walk in with a sad face. Before we asked him, he consciously said: "The corresponding storage tank in the warehouse is indeed passed away, and my people also found that only two of the other three empty storage tanks that should be put together are in the warehouse."

"What?" Hong Yue immediately stood up and asked in surprise: "You mean that besides this bottle, there is a liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank missing?"

Misty rain is very painful and nodded. It was their mistake anyway, so now even if we point his nose at him, he has to endure it. The formidable power of the liquefied magic crystal steam is really too terrifying, and to exaggerate this thing is simply a nuclear weapon in the game. You said that their guild lost two nuclear warheads. Is this problem not serious?

Seeing that Misty Rain’s expression was like a cock that was defeated, I quickly pulled Hong Yue away and turned to comfort Misty Rain and said, "It’s not the time to be sad. Things have already happened, and I can’t get things back when I’m sad. . What we have to do now is to mend the situation."

Amidst the rain nodded and said: "I understand that this time we are indeed negligent. If you have anything you need us to do, even if you speak, I will cooperate. "

I nodded turned around and gave Rose a wink to signal her to take over. Rose immediately took the words and said: "Purple Moon is right. Now the important thing is to try to recover the loss. But to reduce the loss. At the lowest point, I think three things should be done first."

"You said. I'll do it right away." Yanyu said seriously.

Rose nodded and said: "The first thing is to immediately send someone to find the missing pot of liquefied magic crystal steam, and it is best to find it before the other party uses it. The second is to take a comprehensive inventory of you. All the warehouse inventory of the guild, just found that the loss is only warehouse No. 3, it is difficult to guarantee that other warehouses will not have similar conditions, so you must check all the warehouse materials of your guild as soon as possible. Focus on the investigation of the warehouses related to the liquefied magic crystal steam, but other Warehouses and materials cannot be ignored. After all, the other party is for all of us. It is not a good thing for us to obtain anything. We must confirm what we have lost as soon as possible. The third thing is that we must find your guild immediately. The inner ghost and control it, no matter how bad he is, he must be killed and expelled from the guild. This kind of person staying in the guild is a great threat to all of us. You can think about if the other party detonates one in your warehouse What is the result of the liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank?"

When Misty Rain thought of the entire tank of liquefied magic crystal steam exploding in the guild headquarters, he immediately trembled, feeling the hairs all over his body stand up. . However, he suddenly realized something and looked towards us and asked in surprise: "Wait, you mean the jar is not empty?"

"Nonsense, the other party took such a great effort to steal it Why go out with the empty jar?" Hong Yue pointed to the jar we brought and said, "This bottle was almost full when we found it." It looks ugly. He said to himself: "If it's just a problem with the warehouse that the empty can is stolen, and now the can is full, and the record says that the can is empty, that means..."

Hong Yue said: "Yes, your guild’s liquefied magic crystal steam filling and transportation department must also have internal ghosts, and there may even be their people in the guards, otherwise the full bottle of liquefied magic crystal steam is impossible. After being stolen, the record sheet of the empty bottle was opened as usual."

Rose followed: "This time, thanks to our accidental discovery of this bottle of liquefied magic crystal steam, otherwise the other party will wait for it to run out. After the bottle liquefies the magic crystal steam, send the empty cans back to your warehouse, and you will give the empty cans to us during the next transportation. We will ship them to you after the guild fills them, and then they will steal them out for use. It turned out that you spent money to ask us to help them produce liquefied magic crystal steam. How much do you think we have to lose in the process?"

We almost burst into tears because of what we said about Misty Rain. He raised his head and desperately held back the tears, and said, "Fortunately, I thought that our Northern Alliance was developing very well and strong. It turned out that we have already had a lot of windows! Is it impossible to expand the scale blindly? "

Sumi suddenly interjected: "Large-scale expansion has the benefits of large-scale expansion. Our Frost Rose League’s elite route is not a perfect route. At least our Early-Stage expansion is very good. Difficult, but to survive the difficulties of Early-Stage, it will be a lot easier when the scale becomes larger. Your large-scale expansion can quickly gather resources to quickly develop and occupy the living space. Early-Stage will be much stronger than us, but at the Later stage, as the guild grows larger, the various internal forces will lack the ability to expand, and the guild power will gradually be consumed in internal fighting. Like this time, it is actually a good thing that the problem is exposed, as long as you can After this painful period, there will inevitably be a rapid development by leaps and bounds. However, the form of your guild has been fixed. Even if it can develop rapidly for a period of time after this time, similar incidents will certainly occur over time. Only by constantly cleaning up the guild can the guild develop steadily, but over-cleaning will in turn hurt your own development potential. You have to control the middle degree."

It would be great if we had a think tank like you!"

Sumi smiled and said: "If the annual salary is more than 5 million crystal coins, I can also consider quitting. I can't do a part-time job. I don't mind to make extra money."

"hahahaha" Su Mi made a smile after the misty rain that was about to cry, but after laughing, his expression became serious. "Don't worry, this time I will definitely clean up the worms in the guild."

I nodded and said: "We are here to help you investigate besides telling you this matter. After all, The stealing of the liquefied magic crystal steam by the other party is also a huge threat to us, so we hope you can temporarily open access to us and let us investigate in your guild. Of course, you can keep the confidential permissions of your guild, we only need to and Some permissions related to this matter."

Any rain nodded and said: "This is what it should be, and I will open it for you."

I got some guilds here. After obtaining the authority, we briefly discussed the division of labor, and finally decided that Hong Yue and I would trace the missing tank of liquefied magic crystal steam. Rose's task is to stay and assist Misty Rain to check the warehouse materials. After all, Rose is in charge of logistics in our guild. She is more familiar with these tasks, and the investigation should be much faster than ordinary people. Moreover, the Northern Alliance is now not sure which people can be trusted. Instead of risking using these people, it is better to let Rose, an absolutely assured outsider, investigate. In the end, Su Mi's job is to assist Misty Rain to investigate who they are in their guild and how they do it. With so-so intelligence and an understanding of human behavior and popular psychology, dealing with this kind of thing should be much better than the amateur investigators of the Northern League. In addition, we have also reserved two special mobile angels for Divine Race to Su Mi, to prevent some of the traitors from suddenly counterattacking and escaping after being discovered. There are two games that use mobile angels for Divine Race in the town next to Somei. As long as you don't run into the top 100 experts in the world battle strength list, you can usually get it done.

After arranging the task, Yanyu arranged two groups of trusted personnel to appraise Sumei and Rose first. After confirming that these people had no problems, Yanyu told them about the matter, and then they were shocked. Amidst her expression, Misty Rain assigned them a task. Most of them were assigned to Rose to assist her in checking the guild inventory. After all, this matter requires a lot of manpower. One of the remaining people was assigned to me and Hong Yue to be in charge of liaison and communication within the guild, and the rest were all to catch the traitor with Su Mei along with Yan Yu.

After the task was arranged, our group immediately parted ways and started to do our own things.

The guy assigned to help Hong Yue and me is a pretty sunny boy. The profession is a very common Paladin, but his level is quite high, and the equipment is also good, as long as you don’t run into me The existence of this Level 1 can basically go sideways.

"Purple Moon, Chairman Hong Yue, I’m Baima Prince, I’m so excited to be able to help you."

"pu chi..." Hong Yue Yi Hearing this guy's name, he smiled directly. "What's your name?"

The guy was sorry, clutching his hair and said: "Hehe, when I first built the number, I thought about pulling the wind a little, and I didn't read the instructions at the time, and thought I could change it at will. It’s a name, so it’s a name, and now it’s a laughingstock!"

I also said with a smile: "You’re not bad, we will have a pervert. The conditions are good, but because of this name, I still don’t have a girlfriend. In contrast, you are lucky, at least White Horse Prince is not inviting people."

That guy was helplessly laughed. Let’s talk about this matter, but turn to the main topic: “The things should have been in Warehouse No. 3, but I’m not sure whether they were lost after being shipped to the warehouse or only the storage records. The things were already shipped away in the previous link. . Do you think we check from Warehouse No. 3 or what to do?"

Since we are talking about business, we are all serious. I thought about it for a moment and said: "In any case, check the warehouse No. 3 first. If it is confirmed that it was not lost in the warehouse, then push forward, otherwise the chance of such aimless search will be slimmer."

Hong Yue also nodded agreed with me, so we went straight to Warehouse No. 3 under the leadership of Prince Baima.

The No. 3 warehouse of the Northern Alliance is actually a transit warehouse. The materials stored here are all materials ready for transshipment. Therefore, the goods are relatively fluid and it is quite troublesome to find out. What’s even more annoying is that the warehouse and the transmission hall are actually in the front and back streets, separated by an alley less than three meters wide and two courtyard walls more than two meters high, which caused abnormal outflow channels for goods. It has changed more. Moreover, since the other party has so many internal responses within the Northern Alliance, the materials may not have been taken from abnormal channels. The advantage of guarding and stealing is that you can just and honorable pull things out without being suspected. Of course, for the sake of insurance, it does not rule out the probability of the other party choosing troublesome transportation. Generally speaking, there is too much feasibility, and I can't find the clue at all.

"Purple Moon, how are we going to check the records of such a large number of evacuated materials?" After arriving at Warehouse No. 3, White Horse Prince asked helplessly, looking at the pile of materials in and out of records.

I did not answer the question of Prince Baima directly, but told him what to do with actions. As the door of the earth opened, groups of Qilin warriors ran out of it, and then I released the Death God guards. Don't think that summon creatures can only be thugs. It is better to break the fixed mind as soon as possible.

With such a large group of subordinates to help with the information, the speed is absolutely amazing. As for myself, I don't need to look at anything, just stand on top of a pile of boxes and give orders.

"Attention everyone, please show me the material entry and exit records three days ago and the manual records of the day."

With my order, the summon creatures I moved immediately, and soon the information I asked for was turned over. Put the other information aside, and then I said: "Compare the records of the day and calculate whether the transportation volume and the material in and out records match."

This time it’s a little longer. After all, the comparison figures are This kind of thing is still very troublesome, even if there are many people, it does not raise. About half an hour later, a Qilin warrior finally reported: "Report, the record is not correct!"

Not only me, but White Horse Prince also reacted. If the records are not correct, someone played tricks in the middle, and this is our clue.

I quickly jumped out of the box and ran to the Qilin warrior and asked: "What's the specific situation?"

"The entry records of the cargo transportation that day showed that there were four liquefied magic crystals. The steam storage tank was brought in, but there were only two records of entering and leaving the vehicle."

Hong Yue immediately said after hearing the report: "It seems that our liquefied magic crystal steam has never entered the warehouse at all!"< /p>

The liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank uses a special transport vehicle. Only one tank of liquefied magic crystal steam can be transported at a time. Only one vehicle participated in the transportation on that day, and it only went in and out twice, which means that there are only two tanks. The liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank was transported to the other two tanks and the new liquefied magic crystal steam storage tanks in the record did not exist at all.

"Check the transportation record immediately. Who was responsible for the transportation that day?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for a recommendation and monthly pass. The support is my biggest motivation.)

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