"His grandfather, isn't this bullying?"

The president of Sancai and a group of guild leaders were caught after running out of the conference hall The sight before him was completely shocked. Before they rushed out of the conference hall, they were still wondering what the member told them to watch. After all, the range of the artillery is very long. Even if the enemy has a cannon, it is impossible to push them into the city, but the city wall is blocking them. They are in the city. How is it possible to see the artillery positions outside the city? However, when they stood outside the hall, they immediately understood where the shells mentioned by the previous member came from, because - in the high altitude far outside the city, there were three big mountains suspended. That's right, there are three big mountains, three big mountains that can float in the air and move slowly.

In fact, the speed of floating mountain is not very slow. Although the speed of this giant aerial mobile fortress is not outstanding, it is a flying unit after all. The reason why it looks slow is mainly because This guy is too big. Secondly, it is because the floating mountain is flying higher. If you lower the floating mountain to an altitude of seven or eight meters above the ground at the bottom, you will find that the flying speed of this thing has actually exceeded most road animals. Most ground mounts commonly used by players are basically not as fast as this guy. Of course, it’s much easier for flying units to catch up with the floating mountain, because the speed of the floating mountain happens to be between the two.

Looking at this huge thing slowly moving towards the city in the air, the senior management of Sanjiao immediately understood where the shells came from. That's right, there are indeed large swamps outside their city that prevent heavy weapons from approaching, but if the opponent comes from the sky, it will be different. The huge size of the floating mountain determines that he can not only be used to transport troops, but he is also a huge mobile fort, and it is a kind of all-round.

"Damn it, how could there be this thing?" The senior management of Sanjiao looked at the three huge objects flying in the air, and his whole heart felt as if there were three big rocks suddenly added. Angry.

"Although I don’t know the battle strength of that thing, I think it’s best for everyone to prepare for evacuation." After a short period of surprise, the president of Sancai immediately turned to face The people behind said, and those who followed immediately reacted to them and began to command their men to actively deploy defenses.

As the leadership reacted, the defense work of the Three Talents was also activated. A large number of defense personnel opened the city wall, but they were emotional after seeing the three huge floating mountains above their heads. It became low. Although these people have received support from unknown funds, the equipment is very good, but the problem is that no matter how well equipped infantry is, they are still infantry. Although their skills can hit the air, their launch distances are very short. Besides, even if they can When you hit a floating mountain floating high above several hundred meters, how much damage can individual skills do to such a big thing? Is it to lay a rock or to drop a layer of soil?

Anyway, after seeing this thing, the members and NPCs of Sancai will completely dissolve their resistance in an instant.

"President, don't our guild still have that kind of stuff? Or we...?" A senior member of the three talents suddenly remembered something and asked about holding their guild leader's arm.

As soon as this guy said, the senior leaders of the three talents present immediately remembered, and one after another suggested using that kind of weapon to deal with the three mountains in the sky. One of the executives said: "President, don’t hesitate anymore. I also know that this thing exists as a hole card, but if we can’t lay down a floating mountain right away, the problem with us losing the city is small, the morale loss of the personnel in the club. Is it big? Once everyone has formed the idea that the Frost Rose League is invincible, even if we save our strength, we will definitely lose in the future, because when the time comes simply, no one will dare to fight the Frost Rose League! "

This guy's words eventually became the last straw that crushed the camel, and the president of the three talents finally said helplessly: "Well, then, take out the weapons stored in the meeting immediately. In any case, I have to fight the floating mountain down. This battle is related to our future survival."

"The president is wise."

"You have to be wise and not wise. See if we can lay down that damn floating mountain, but don’t use our chassis but not even a mountain, it’s not wise but blind!"

"Understand, we must do our best "After speaking, several high-level executives left the guild leader and began to devote themselves to the front line to prepare for the battle, but what they didn’t expect was that the floating mountain did not fly all the way to the top of their heads as they expected. Stopped more than a dozen kilometers away from the city and stopped moving. This distance looks very far, but in fact, for the three huge floating mountains, it can actually be regarded as close to the city, but for the infantry, this distance still needs to be run for a while. Moreover, this distance makes the people of the three talents feel very depressed, because they find that their weapons have a range of just ten kilometers, which is only a short distance from hitting the three floating mountains. However, even if it is only a little too close, it is completely impossible to touch, because the floating mountain is not located on the ground. Normal weapons can continue to fly for a certain distance even after reaching range, but the accuracy of the head cannot be guaranteed. However, the floating mountain is in the air. Once the weapon power such as the fired cannonball is exhausted, it will start to fall, even if you rely on it. Inertia sliding to the position of floating mountain will also go under it because the height is too low, so the current situation is that the entire city of Sancai is within the fire coverage of floating mountain, while the floating mountain is completely on the other side. Out of range.

After stabilizing the position, the top of the floating mountain suddenly flew out like a swarm of densely packed black spots. These black spots gathered in the air into a huge wyvern and quickly left the floating mountain. , And then gradually dispersed and swooped toward the city below.

A member who responded more quickly called out first. "Damn it, give up the city wall and gather in the city to set up a battlefield. The opponent has to fight a melee!"

Melee is a tactic that exists relative to formation warfare. To use this tactic usually requires comparison. Strong individual battle strength, because under this tactic is personal skill. However, our guild is most proud of its individual battle strength, so we are the guild least afraid of melee.

Looking at the large number of air units rushing down from hiding the sky and covering the earth, the people from Sancai immediately became confused. Many people started to run into the city, while others stood Not knowing what to do on the city wall.

It is said that in the defensive battle, the team should be arranged on the city wall and rely on the city wall to defend, but our people are from the sky. As long as we are not stupid, we will definitely not directly land on the heavy soldiers. On the assembled city wall, it will first attack the weak defenses of important locations in the city. When the time comes, even if their people guard the city wall, the battle will still be our victory. Therefore, the quick-reaction guards took the initiative to jump off the city wall and started rushing into the city, just because the defense command was to guard the city wall, so some people didn’t know whether they should continue to guard the city wall or follow others. People go to the city together to form a battle. However, no matter how they choose, it is a bit late to react.

A distance of more than ten kilometers may be a short run for the infantry, but for the air force diving down from a high altitude, it is a matter of two minutes. Before the soldiers on the city wall left the city wall, the first air force of our guild had already reached the sky above the city.

"Quickly, the wizard team shoots in the air and knocks down those things." A player, Small Captain, stood in front of a team of NPC wizards and directed them to shoot into the air, but he hadn't waited for the wizards to start. Preparing for the magic, I saw an individual from the flying unit in the sky suddenly slammed into the wizard group with a bang, and directly smashed several nearby wizards to the ground.

The surrounding mages found that someone was close up and quickly spreading all around, and the smoke and dust on the ground gradually dispersed as the people dispersed. The player who commanded the NPCsquad saw what was dropped and didn’t respond for a long time. He thought that the opponent failed to land and killed himself. However, when he was about to lean on to see the situation, he suddenly heard a sound of mechanical operation, and followed A huge silhouette stood up from the smoke and dust.

"Damn it, it's a mobile angel! Run everyone!" The guy's shout was obviously late. After standing upright, the eyes of the mobile angel suddenly red light flashed, and then he raised his arms and pointed at the escaping wizards. Then he saw his arms and wrists were like the muzzle of a machine gun. The red light was connected. flash. With every rays of light shining from the launch port, a red light with a section length of about one foot will be shot out, and as long as those red lights hit someone, that person will immediately scream and fall to the ground. Even if he didn't die at that time, there was absolutely no way to fight back in a short time.

"What the hell is this damn thing?" Seeing mobile angels sweeping around as if holding a machine gun, while the mage he was chasing fell down like a piece of wheat. The command player couldn't help it anymore, knowing that he couldn't beat it, he still raised the big knife in his hand and rushed up.

Seeing the player rushing over, this mobile angel didn’t mean to dodge at all. He turned his head and glanced at him, then aimed a hand at the guy’s head, on his wrist. It’s difficult for the launcher to eject the beam quickly, but stopped for more than a second before suddenly ejecting a beam that was at least three or four times thicker than before. The player was instantly blown away by the beam before he could react. , The whole person burned up and turned into a ball of Fireball before landing.

After dropping this guy in an instant, the mobile angel immediately resumed its previous speed of dozens of rounds per second, spraying light beams around to slaughter the division, and the people around who were preparing to come over for reinforcements also knew this situation. Stopped. This division is completely useless. If you rush upwards, not only will it have no effect, but you will get yourself in for nothing. It is better to go to the city to assemble and then unite to fight against the metal monsters.

Although these people have good ideas, they obviously underestimated our battle strength too much. Just as these people ran to the city, at the gate of the teleportation hall in the city, a group of three talented players who had just gathered were facing attacks from four high level players from the guild and a dozen NPCs. Although these people are not mobile angels, their battle strength is stronger than mobile angels.

The members of the three talents on the opposite side just finished their formation, and saw a mage player on our side suddenly waved their staff forward, and then saw countless pale arms suddenly stretched out under the ground. Grasping the feet of those people, and then desperately pulling down, and the ground also turned into a muddy existence at this moment.

In fact, this is just a compound spell that our guild’s library publicly teaches players in our guild, and the system determines that the level of this spell is very low, because the basic spell that composes this spell is only a general skill. The lower-level spell "Mud Technique" and the undead lower-level spell "Hand of Bone" are an evolutionary version of "Hand of Binding". These two spells can be said to be quite low-level. The quagmire technique can be learned as long as the player learns spell and the level is more than 100, and it is unburdened to use it. Although Hand of Binding is an advanced skill, as long as it is a player of the Undead law system, it is basically possible. After all, the advanced condition of this skill is only the use of the hand of bones to reach a thousand times. Such a low requirement is really necessary to advance. so easy. However, when these two spells are combined, their combined effect is amazing.

The mire technique can only slow down the player's actions. Although it can also drown people, the premise is that the opponent must stand there stupidly and not run away. As for the Binding Hand, it is simply an auxiliary spell with no offensive power. It has little meaning other than fixing people for a period of time. However, when these two spells are combined, the formidable power can be greater. It takes about one minute to completely submerge a person in the quagmire technique, and the binding hand can make the opponent basically unable to move within 30 seconds after restraining a person. It seems that the other party has thirty seconds to leave the mud, but don't forget that the binding hands extend from under the ground. The way they fix the target is to pull down desperately so that you can't lift your legs to move. If it's okay on a solid ground, this pulling force will make you unable to move for a short time at most, but in the quagmire that is hardly stressed, the effect can be abnormal. A person standing in the mud and then being pulled down by these hands can completely submerge a person in 30 seconds of mud water, and the more he struggles during this period, the faster he sinks.

Of course, the three players on the opposite side didn’t know the characteristics of this spell, so after being caught by those pale rotten arms, they immediately began to struggle desperately. The result was a group of dozens of them in less than twenty seconds. Human players and NPCs all disappeared on the ground. After the group of people disappeared completely, the wizard-type player immediately turned the quagmire back into the rocky ground with an auxiliary spell "hardening technique", which is now impossible for the group of people below to figure it out.

It only took 30 seconds to get so many people. The player was not very proud, but happily said with a smile to the people around him: "haha, after the guild library is upgraded The newly released skill is really good, the mana consumption of this skill is not as high as that of the Fireball Technique, and the effect is so good, and the system even defines this spell as a low-level spell, which can be cast instantly, which is really awesome."

< p>A player next to him walked to the teleportation hall and said, "What's so exciting about having a public skill? Yesterday I just bought an enhanced skill with the guild contribution point. That formidable power...tsk tsk, we used to play Comparing those skills with this, it’s scum."

"Really? Let me see it soon."

"Wait for me to find a target first, The enemy made you bury you in the ground. I can’t hit the air, right?" Powerful assault. Just as real wars often prioritize the occupation of railway stations, airports and other transportation hubs around the city, as well as important public facilities such as hospitals and government buildings, the battles in the game should prioritize the occupation of the teleportation hall, the resurrection hall, and the guild headquarters. Something like that. Only by completely controlling these positions can you control the entire city. Otherwise, even if you occupy all other places but do not occupy these places, it is tantamount to not occupying the city.

Similar to the battle in the Teleportation Hall, the battle on the Resurrection Temple didn’t last long. Due to an early strategy error, most of the personnel of the Three Talents were concentrated on the city wall, and the importance of the city On the contrary, there were no people near the building. What our troops encountered were just some high level players and some reserve teams who came back temporarily. Although these people's battle strengths are pretty good, it's a pity that the number of these people is so small that they can't resist the attack of our guild's superior forces.

Compared with the Teleportation Hall and the Resurrection Temple, the most difficult thing to fight in the entire city should actually be the guild headquarters building.

The construction of the guild headquarters building is nothing special. The key is that the personnel in this place are basically high level players, and this place also stores city tokens, as long as this thing is robbed or destroyed , Then the city’s ownership will change. When the time comes, even if the three talents have the ability to drive us out, they will have to rebuild the city and complete the monster siege mission.

Because of the importance of the guild headquarters, the guards here are usually the strongest. In addition, the leadership of the guild is basically here, and these high-level personnel usually battle in the guild. The wave of people with the strongest strength, so the high-end battle strength in this place can be said to be the densest in the city. However, even if their high-end battle strength is more intensive, the result is actually the same. Because...I am personally responsible for this.

"Purple Moon?" Seeing me with a large group of people appearing at the head of the guild, the face of the president of Sanjiao immediately became extremely difficult to look at.

"Since you know me, it would be best." After seeing the other party, I didn't have any special reaction. The equipment and profession of this guy are something I haven't seen before, but his appearance is so familiar to me, but for a moment I can't remember where I saw him. "I heard that you planned to use the fruits of wish to harm me before. As a victim, should I ask for compensation from you?"

"hmph, what is the use of talking nonsense, you We know the species best. If you want to fight, we will fight. Even if the guild is destroyed, we can rebuild. Even if the personnel are killed back to level zero, we can practice again. You can’t destroy our physical bodies anyway. , As long as we don’t give up, you will never kill us."

"no no no, you got me wrong." I smiled and said: "The role of insecticide is not to destroy insect, but In order to ensure the harvest of the crops, so I don’t have to destroy you, as long as you are powerless to threaten me. You say yes? Insect."


"I don't need you anymore. Are you in a hurry to die? Let's start." I said, raising my right hand, snapping my fingers, and then pointing forward, I saw rumbling coming out from behind my back. A giant ground-type mobile angel with a height of nearly three meters. Then after bypassing me, the four mobile angels lined up in front of me immediately, following them neatly and pulling out the door-like giant slashing sword from behind, and holding the shield on the shoulders and holding them in their hands. Here, with the last finger grip, the sharp canine teeth on the sword in his hand turned at a high speed in an instant, forming a sharp blade with a circle and a faint shadow.

Seeing the appearance of the mobile angels of the land warfare type, the crowd on the opposite side was first in a commotion, and then was suppressed by the president of the three talents, and then eight stronger blood bull type warriors rushed first. come out.

For mobile angels, which are defaulted by the system as siege equipment rather than NPC units, our enemies have never had a good way to deal with them. Because the mobile angel is recognized by the system as a siege weapon, he does not have defensive power and health. His defensive power is displayed by defense level, and his health is displayed by durability. Although it sounds like a change of name, it's actually not the case at all.

Defensive power is a defensive power calculation standard applied to lifeform. The minimum value can be calculated from zero. The so-called high defense generally refers to more than one hundred thousand defensive power, and millions of The above is an extremely rare defense. For example, my basic defensive power is almost more than two million. Of course, it is a variety of additional attributes. My actual defensive power is actually far more than this number, but the basic defense is indeed only more than two hundred. ten thousand. As for super individuals like those in Divine Race, the initial defensive power is usually this number, but because they have the divine force cheating attribute, they have a tenfold bonus to the attack and defense of the ordinary person. That is to say, when an ordinary person attacks a Divine Race, if the Divine Race defensive power is 10,000, when you chop it up, it will be like cutting a guy with a defensive power of 100,000, because he gets ten times the divine force. addition. As for the bosses of the Divine Race, their defensive power may be slightly higher, but generally it will not exceed 5 million. The real defensive power is more exaggerated than those super BOSS in the wild, especially the animal-shaped classification, which generally defends tens of millions. A few super blood bull type BOSS defensive power prepared specifically for players who like to challenge the limit can even be hundreds of millions. Of course, this thing is not for a certain player, but specifically for other people. The size of this kind of abnormal monster is generally very abnormal, and the life value is extremely high. It usually takes a guild with thousands of people to fight in three shifts for a week or two to kill one head.

This kind of perverted monster, which is used to challenge the limits of individual players with special hobby, is basically the limit of the single defensive power, but this is not the limit of defense, because there are A defense and other level existence.

The defense degree of mobile angels is defined according to the siege equipment, so their defense is displayed by the defense level. The classification of defense levels is also represented by numbers. The starting value is not zero, but one. That is to say, the defense level is not zero, and the lowest is Level 1. Of course, going up is to increase the number from small to large, Level 1. Like a wooden fence in an ordinary village, its defense level is generally from 1 to Level 3. The general defense level of the rammed earth walls around the villages and towns can reach Level 3 or higher, and the highest level is Level 6. This data sounds very general, because the defense level is more scary as you go to the back, because the defense level of the masonry city wall of the primary level city starts from Level 10, and as the city level increases, this kind of normalized city wall defense The level can be continuously strengthened with factors such as thickness, building materials and structural design. As for the upper limit, because no one has reached it so far, it is temporarily uncertain, but it is certain that the city wall with the highest level of defense at present is the Twin Cities of Isengard Of the city wall.

Currently, the city wall defense level of Isengard Twin Cities is 5 million. It sounds similar to defensive power, but if you compare it with the real thing, you will find that the defense level can't be calculated like that.

The defense level of the wooden fence in the village is one to three. A 600-level player needs to cut three or five knives to cut a gap, while a 1,000-level player can kick a hole out with one kick. But if you think about it, if a player's defensive power is one to three points, can he block the three-pointer of a level 600 player? Not to mention six hundred levels, six Level 10 players can kill players with only three defensive power with three knives, because there is only one player with only three defensive power, and that is-newly registered characters. The new character in the game has two pieces of defensive equipment, namely commoner and trousers. These two things add a little defense, and then count the initial defense. After the new character is born, just wear the gifted novice equipment, and directly add three points. defensive power. Does this kind of person need six Level 10 players to chop? A Level 20 person can hack him to death with three swords, right?

Look at the rammed earth walls of villages and towns. This kind of wall is generally between two to four meters in height, with a thickness ranging from one to three meters, and the defense level is from four to Level 6. We calculate according to the lowest standard. A two-meter-thick rammed earth wall is surrounded by a layer of stones a few inches thick. How much does this defensive ability have? At least one thousand level players have to use the huge might skill once or twice, right? If the player is less than 800, then you don't need to bomb it more than three times, simply don't expect to blow up this kind of wall. We also changed the attack target from the city wall to the player. A level one thousand players who use the huge might skill can't lose every second, why should the players exceed level six hundred, right? Even if I was hit by the huge might skills of these 1,000-level players when I was at level 600, I would definitely die once at a time. I don’t expect exceptions at all. After all, the level is four hundred and the strength gap is real. too big. However, how much defensive power should a level 600 player have? There is more than five-six thousand, right?

From this we can conclude that the defense level from four to Level 6 is actually approximately equal to the defensive power of five-six thousand. Combined with the data from the previous level 3 defensive power, we can see that the defensive effect produced by the defensive level actually grows faster than the effect produced by the defensive power. In other words, if the value is also doubled, the actual defense effect produced by the defense level is much higher than the effect produced by defensive power.

The defense level of the mobile angel is calculated according to the defense level, and what is his specific defense level?

This depends on what model it is and what armor is attached to it. The air combat type only has basic armor, and the defense level is generally within 5 Level 10. Don't underestimate these five Level 10 players, at least one thousand level players don't want to cut a dozen knives hard and don't expect to destroy the defense. As for the land-based mobile angels now appearing, unfortunately, because they don’t need to consider the power of the air, these guys not only have very thick armor, but also wear a layer of external armor that looks like heavy plate armor. This makes The defense level of these guys is generally as high as 500 or more.

What is the concept of level five hundred defense? To give a more intuitive concept is that a land-based mobile angel with a defense level of 500 can hardly hit the direct fire strikes of a medium-caliber magic crystal cannon without any damage. If a special shield is used, then even a large magic crystal cannon can resist. Close shots can also be shot once or twice. Of course, if you are struck twice in a row, you will probably still have problems. After all, a good posture for defense and another shot when the center of gravity is unstable are completely two concepts.

Faced with the terrifying battle strength of the land-based mobile angel, how can the members of the three talents on the opposite side not be nervous? It would be better if they didn't understand the land-based mobile angels, but they were very familiar with the performance of these steel monsters, which made them even more afraid to step forward. Although the eight blood ox warriors who were sent out were forced to walk out because of the president's request, they were still a little timid to see these big men who were nearly half their height.

No matter how high level humans evolve, they always evolved from animals. Due to the survival instinct inherited from ancestors, human beings instinctively fear those things that are larger than themselves. Although high level intelligence allows us to restrain this fear to a certain extent after knowing the degree of harm to the other party, instinct is instinct. Sometimes even if we know that the other party is not dangerous, we will still be afraid in our heart, not to mention that these people really know what is in front of us. Not only are things big, they are indeed dangerous.

Although they were afraid and unwilling, the eight people still reluctantly approached the mobile angel, but although they came first, they were not the ones who launched the attack.

The height of the land combat mobile angel is 2.8 meters, and the arm length is about half of the body and slightly shorter, which is about 1.3 to 1.4 meters. With such a long arm, plus a lightsaber blade to make a giant sword two meters long, the land-type mobile angel can actually launch an attack more than three meters away. For normal players, unless holding a long weapon such as lance at such a long distance, they can only use long-range attacks. However, the eight dispatched were obviously melee personnel. They had either swords or swords in their hands. The only one holding an axe was a hatchet. There were no longer weapons at all, plus the height of these people. There is no one that exceeds two meters, and the attack range is naturally shorter than half, so that the ground-type mobile angels have already entered the attack range, but they are more than one meter away from each other.

I found that the mobile angels did not hesitate after entering the attack range. They raised their swords, slashed, raised upwards, flipped, slashed again, and then swept. There are three left.

The three living guys are not because they are skilled, but because they just stepped back. Those five clumsy guys also tried to come up and fight with the mobile angels. As a result, most of them were cut into two sections by the first one, and the rest were not able to escape the subsequent hacks. In the end, Except for the three equivalent to escape guys, the other five people were cut into pieces. However, these three guys didn't say that they had no influence at all. At this time, all three of them had become blood people. Of course the blood is not theirs, it's all those on the ground.

The sword of the mobile angel is not so much a sword as it is a sword-shaped chainsaw. Although these chainsaw-like weapons do look like swords after they are activated, chainsaws are chainsaws. It is the opposite of the legendary swords that will only bleed after a person is cut. Every position is the result of flying flesh and blood. Although the three of them backed away and avoided being dismembered, they were immediately sprayed with flesh and blood because they were standing too close. The three people were frightened on the spot, and as a result, a mobile angel stepped forward and swept with one sword, and the remaining three were also cut across the board very smoothly.

After discovering that he could not stop the mobile angels at all, the president of the three clubs on the opposite side immediately ordered the wizards to attack freely, but the mobile angels are not fixed targets. The mobile angels are just when the wizards gather their magic power. We suddenly bent over

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