"Ten times the speed is really cool to use." Looking at the crowd who was completely scared on the opposite side, I said with a smile proudly: "Are you ready to die? "

"hmph, don't be too arrogant." A player stood up and said: "Even if we are all dead, as long as those few do not die, you are doomed to fail."

"Those few?" I looked at the guy indifferently and asked, "What kind of people are those who you call? I really want to know that only a few people can deal with me. , Are they two, three, and four on the world battle strength list?"

"Although we are not the two, three and four on the battle strength list, it’s okay to join forces to kill you." A player suddenly walked out of the crowd.

Looking at the few people who came out, I immediately understood that these are the "those" that the person just said. But, to be honest, after seeing these people, I became more curious about what the previous guy said.

There are a total of six people who came out. The profession seems to be a branch of a certain mage profession. Although they don't know the specific profession type, their clothing doesn't look like a type suitable for melee combat. In addition, according to the convention of "Zero", the better the equipment, the more beautiful its appearance, but the equipment in front of them looks very ordinary, without any high level equipment at all. It's hard to imagine that if the opponent really has a strong battle strength, they will only use such low-level equipment. Of course, it does not rule out that the opponent's bad luck is at the extreme. It is clearly high-level and strong, but it is impossible to get equipment. However, these are all small-probability events and are basically unlikely to happen.

"Since you think you can kill me, let's try it." At this time, I don't bother to argue with each other. The so-called "wen has no first and no military has no second". Fighters want to know who is better and just fight a game. They will know everything if they have the time to debate and estimate that the results have already been hit.

The other party saw that I was ready to fight, so they stopped talking nonsense with me, and immediately launched an attack. speaking of which these guys' attack methods are really special. They actually didn't use all kinds of attack or curse magic at me, but at the same time they pulled out the dagger they carried and stabbed them in the throat.

The behavior of these guys completely stunned me. A second ago, these people solemnly vowed that they could kill me and were ready to fight with me, but the next second they suddenly committed suicide in front of me. What kind of situation is this?

Most of the audience at the scene were just like me. They were so confident at first, and those audiences were also ready to watch a good show. Who knew this guy suddenly committed suicide in a group like this? The audience seemed to have eaten flies one by one.

Just when the players on and off the field were not knowing what to do because of the strange behavior of these guys, the six corpses on the ground suddenly moved strangely. At first this tremor, which seemed to be cramping, did not attract everyone's attention, but as the body's movements became larger and larger, everyone finally noticed the weird change.

The first thing I noticed was the first of the six corpses. He was the guy who spoke to me before. The guy's body twitched on the ground for a while, and then suddenly, one of his hands lifted from the ground, and then slowly supported the ground, and the other hand following him also stood up and supported it on the ground. When both hands supported the ground, his arms began to exert obvious force, and then his head and body slowly lifted off the ground. However, the action of getting up is completely different from that of a normal person. This guy first raised his head facing the ground up at a ninety degree angle, and looked at me from a very strange angle, and then his body seemed to be dragged from the ground by his head. The whole process looked unusually mechanical and sluggish, as if his body was not moving with the power of muscles, but was being controlled by an invisible person with a rope.

Yes, this guy’s movements look like a puppet. His body does not stand up with the support of his shoulders. Instead, it looks like his head is lifted up and passed The neck drive pulled the body up from the ground. This kind of reverse drive feels strange and strange. If it weren't for standing in a brightly lit arena where people are everywhere, it is estimated that the timid can be frightened and fainted.

"Damn, Sadako is resurrected?" Seeing that guy crawling towards me in a weird posture with his hands and feet, I went up and kicked him out, and said with disdain. "Don’t you know I’m from Dark Element? Do you think that becoming a zombie with a hemiplegia can scare me?" I realized that it was another corpse who crawled to my feet and grabbed my ankle. When I looked down towards him, this guy also rolled his eyes and looked up again. Seeing that deformed dead face, I stepped on his head without the slightest hesitation, then cut off his head with a sword and kicked it out with one kick.

I thought it was over. The headless corpse on the ground didn’t mean to let go. What’s more, the headless corpse actually grabbed my leg and started. Climbing up, seems to want to stand up through me.

"Huh? Immortal Body? This is interesting."

As I was talking, the one who was kicked by me has climbed back again, and is on the ground The remaining corpses also crawled towards me. These guys are all virtues, their speed is extremely slow, their bodies are distorted as if they have been stepped on by an elephant, and their faces look like evil spirits crawling out of hell. Generally speaking, these guys are basically not much like the legendary Ghost Messenger. The only difference is that they have entities, and they can't be hacked at all. However, despite having the Immortal Body, the deterrence of these guys on me is infinitely close to zero, because these guys’ bodies are stiff like puppets, and even toddlers can easily escape this action. Normal people can't even touch them, hoping that such an existence can kill me. Isn't this the same as a joke?

"Hey, you guys are almost all right? After the performance, hurry up and get out of here, don’t be disgusting people here."

For my words, the people present are basically holding Those who agree with the attitude, after all, these guys don't have the slightest battle strength at all, just crawling on the ring is of no use except getting rid of the disgusting people. Not to mention my supporters, even many people who wish me bad luck feel that these people are simply wasting everyone's time. However, just when everyone thought these guys were the same, these guys suddenly did something unexpected again.

I saw the corpse that I just kicked to the head and suddenly hugged my left leg, and then it hung on my leg like a koala. Before I had time to get this headless corpse down from my body, another corpse climbed up and hugged my right leg. Following the third corpse, it began to climb up to my waist, as did the corpse behind. Wrapped around me together, as if wanting to crawl all over me.

After seeing their behavior, someone in the audience finally understood, and as this guy explained to the person next to him, most of the people on the venue soon understood their intentions. In fact, these guys themselves simply didn't expect to kill me, they are not the type that is good at fighting. The real role of these guys is to restrain the opponent's actions. The corpses they turned into are slow, but they have Immortal Body, so they can climb to the enemy and hug the enemy, and then no matter how the opponent cuts, they just don't let go. The only purpose of their existence is to add some weight to the enemy, causing the opponent to be unable to fight normally.

The six guys in front of me are obviously planning to wrap them all around me. With their six weights, if they all hang on me, even if I can move, I guess my athletic ability will have to drop to It's freezing, and when the time comes, as long as other people who are hostile to me rush up to make up for a few times, they can kill me. Wearing a living restraint, I am basically impossible to fight with the rest of the people. In fact, when the time comes, I am afraid it will be quite difficult to even walk.

After the audience reacted off the field, the crowd opposite me also reacted. Those guys rushed towards me excitedly. The reason why they were all stopped by me before was because my speed was too fast for them to respond, but now I am entangled by these guys unable to move even a little bit, their most fearful speed problem does not exist. NS. How can you say those people are not excited?

I didn’t panic at the slightest when I saw the crowd rushing over. On the contrary, the players who wanted to help me rushed over to help me nervously, but I didn’t wait for them to get close. Suddenly a raging fire arose. This purple flame not only didn't emit any temperature, but instead caused the surrounding temperature to drop by several degrees in an instant. However, although there is no temperature, this does not prevent this flame from burning formidable power.

The corpses that originally attached to me didn’t react at all even when their heads were chopped off. However, when the flames touched their bodies, these guys all came from me. He jumped up. No longer caring about controlling my body, these guys made all kinds of strange noises while rolling desperately on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the flames on their bodies.

Seeing this group of guys rolling all over the floor, those who were going to help immediately slowed down, and the group of people on the other side who tried to rush up to attack me was immediately frightened. However, if they stop, it doesn't mean I have to stop. As soon as they stopped, I once again played the limit state of ten times the speed and disappeared instantly. Then a continuous fountain of blood began to erupt from the crowd on the opposite side, and the screams were also instantly flooded. The whole ring.

In this attack, I did not hit one minute continuously like the last time, but moved back after only tens of seconds, but when I returned to the original position, I was able to stand on the opposite side. The number of people is less than two hundred.

"haha, the president of Purple Moon is really amazing. It seems that you can handle it without us. Then we will withdraw first." The group of people who wanted to help me before stopped me again. Said to me after next.

After I turned around and was polite with them, I let them withdraw from the game first. Only a hundred people were left on the field. As for the six guys who became dead, Their bodies have been burned into dregs by the hellfire, let alone interfere with my actions, I can't even think of nausea.

The remaining more than one hundred people on the opposite side had lost even the last support. Seeing that I turned my gaze to them again, this group of people actually stepped back involuntarily. A younger looking guy yelled to let everyone not be afraid of trying to give themselves and give everyone courage, but the result was that a piece of while light was immediately lit up in the team after he yelled.

Because it is obvious that the overall situation is set now, players with a little brain don't want to deepen their hatred with me, so these people didn't say anything, just gave up the game and let the system send them out.

There are two. As the first player quits, more players disappear into the team one after another. In the end, there are only less than sixty people left in the entire team. , At least 2/3/2021 or more personnel chose to give up the task. Only the stubborn ones who did not reach one third insisted on finishing the ring with me, but now I am afraid that even they themselves know that they are doing this just to fight for their breath. If you really want to talk about the impact on me, it can basically be summarized in five words, that is-no impact at all.

Before hundreds of them failed to do anything to me, and I chopped melons and vegetables and turned a large piece of it. Now there are only more than 60 people left. I hope they can kill me. Count on the greater probability of the sun rising from the west.

Although knowing that there is no chance of winning, these players finally decided to fight for themselves. As for my side, anyway, I can’t complete the gambling battle without killing the opponent, so I don’t see the opponent rushing up. The unrelenting greeted him immediately.

Under my ten times the speed, all these sixty people died before half a minute, and as the last player fell to the ring, the system consciousness finally sounded. stand up.

"Congratulations to the player Purple Moon for completing the challenge, and now we begin to send all personnel back to where they were before." With the end of the system hint, the players on and off the field instantly disappeared in place.

"Mother of the Earth, Mother of the Earth, you almost crippled me this time!" As soon as I was teleported out of the ring, I rushed directly to the Mother Earth, if not She gave me bad ideas and I was almost robbed of equipment. But having said that, it is also a good thing to be able to use this opportunity to turn out a hidden hostile element. Of course, this matter cannot be brought up on the initiative. Now is the time for the mother of the earth to take responsibility. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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